apache > ws.apache
Apache Muse

Apache Muse - Create a Resource (Persistence)

You can create new instances of a resource type at design time by adding pre-determined endpoint references to the router's data store. This section describes the steps you must take to provide the EPRs for the resources you want to create at application startup.

It is also possible to create new resources programmatically using the Muse APIs.

The deployment descriptor overview covers the nature of the router and its persistence mechanism; Muse has a default implementation of router persistence based on the file system, and we will use that to explore design-time resource creation. In order to create resources at startup, we must first design their EPRs, then store them in files, and then modify muse.xml to notify the router of their existence. When the Muse application is started, it will create a new resource for each EPR we have specified before any SOAP requests are processed.