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Apache Muse

Apache Muse - WS-ResourceProperties - SetResourceProperties Capability

Spec name and port type: WS-ResourceProperties v1.2, SetResourceProperties and PutResourcePropertyDocument (WSDL)

Capability URI: http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsrf/rpw-2/Set

Description: This capability exposes to remote clients the SetResourceProperties and PutResourcePropertyDocument operations of the resource's ResourcePropertyCollection; these operations are already available to internal (service-side) code, but they cannot be invoked by remote clients unless this capability is included.

Java interface: org.apache.muse.ws.resource.properties.set.SetCapability

JAR file: muse-wsrf-api.jar

Default Java implementation: org.apache.muse.ws.resource.properties.set.impl.SimpleSetCapability

JAR file: muse-wsrf-impl.jar

Action on initialize(): None.

Action on initializeCompleted(): None.

Action on prepareShutdown(): None.

Action on shutdown(): None.

Non-Core Dependencies:

Behavior and Limitations: The implementations of the operations are simple pass-throughs to the equivalent methods in ResourcePropertyCollection. For more information on the actual process of writing property values, see the Abstract WSRF Capability.

The interface and implementation of this capability does not address the optional InsertResourceProperties, UpdateResourceProperties, and DeleteResourceProperties operations defined by WSRP. Each of these is a convenience operation that restricts the SetResourceProperties operation, providing no additional value.

Initialization parameters: None.