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Apache Muse

Apache Muse - WS-DistributedManagement - State Capability

Spec name and port type: WS-DistributedManagement v1.1 (no port type)

Capability URI: http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsdm/muws/capabilities/State

Description: This capability defines the muws2:State property, which provides a detailed evaluation of what a resource is currently capable of doing. It also defines a muws2:StateTransition property, so that clients can always find out what the last state change was even if WSN NotificationProducer is not supported by the manageable resource.

Java interface: org.apache.muse.ws.dm.muws.State

JAR file: muse-wsdm-muws-api.jar

Default Java implementation: org.apache.muse.ws.dm.muws.impl.SimpleState

JAR file: muse-wsdm-muws-impl.jar

Action on initialize(): None.

Action on initializeCompleted(): None.

Action on prepareShutdown(): None.

Action on shutdown(): None.

Non-Core Dependencies:

Behavior and Limitations: The user is responsible for defining the valid values for muws2:State - this can be done with WSRMD or through some other validation scheme. Muse cannot help the user determine what the proper state values are, how they should be interpreted, etc.; like WSDM OperationalStatus, it is only present to help the resource communicate its state value in a standards-compliant way, not to model the state changes.

The default implementation of this capability handles updates to the muws2:StateTransition property and sends state change notifications to consumers when WSN NotificationProducer is exposed by the same manageable resource.

Initialization parameters: None.