
The following properties are available for configuring the Maven JaxMe Plugin:

bindingsSpecifies a set of external binding files, which
are being applied. Multiple bindings may be
specified, each of which containing wildcards.
dependsSpecifies additional dependencies. Typically,
these are files, which are imported from within
some schema, but aren't compiled themselves.
The plugin uses these files within the uptodate
check: Generated sources aren't considered
uptodate, if an additional dependency has a more
recent modification date. Multiple dependencies
may be, each of which may contain wildcards.
extensionA boolean property, which may be used to enable
JaxMe's vendor extensions. By default, JaxMe
is strictly compliant to the JAXB specification.
forceA boolean property, which disables the uptodate
check: The value "true" will force invocation of
the binding compiler. This property is mainly
useful when developing the generator itself.
packageNameSpecifies the package name, in which the
generated sources are being placed. The
preferred way of specifying a package name is
within the jaxb:schemaBindings tag in the
schema itself.
producesSpecifies a set of files, which are being
produces. Using these property enables the
uptodate check: The generator will compare the
modification dates of the input files (given by
the "schema" and "depends" properties) with the
output files, given by "produces". This property
is also used, if "removeOldOutput" is set to
true, in which case it specifies the set of
files, which are being deleted. Multiple
"produces" elements may be specified, each of
which may contain wildcards.
propertiesSpecifies properties, which are being set on the
generator object.
readOnlySpecifies, whether the generated files are being
made read-only.
removingOldOutputSpecifies, whether generated files are being
removed before invoking the generator. This is
useful, if you have elder sources floating
around, which are no longer compilable. On the
other hand, a simple "mvn clean" will do the
same trick, so you probably can do very well
without "removingOldOutput".
resourceTargetSets the target directory, in which generated
Java sources are being created. Defaults to
schemaReaderBy default, the generator will use an instance
for processing its input files. If the
"extension" property is set, then the default
changes to
But the "schemaReader" option allows you to have
a completely different schema reader class.
schemasSpecifies the set of input schemata, which are
being processed by the generator. You may have
multiple "schema" elements, each of which
containing wildcard characters. The default
"src/jaxme/*.xsd" is used, if you do not specify
any "schemas" element.
sgFactoryChainAn instance of SGFactoryChain is an object,
which modifies the source generators behaviour.
Multiple "sgFactoryChain" elements may be used,
each containing the fully qualified class name
of another chain.
targetSets the target directory, in which generated
Java sources are being created. Defaults to
validatingBy default, the XML schema files are being read
with a non-validating parser. Setting this
property to "true" turns on validation.