Quick Guide to Maven for Axis 2.0


Maven is used as the build tool of Axis 2.0. This document will provide a quick guide on how to use Maven with your developments.


Downloads relevant jars if not available, and compiles and runs the tests in the system.
maven clean Cleans all the content built so far in the target folder. This will not clean the jar repository.
maven test
Runs only the tests. Performs automatic compilation of the changed sources as well. This will not run SOAP interop tests
maven clean all-tests
Cleans up and runs all offline and online tests
maven itest
To run the online-mode tests for say the modules/integration, run "maven itest" from modules/integration
maven test itest
To run all the tests for say the modules/integration, run "maven test itest" from modules/integration
maven -g
Lists down all the commands available with Maven.
maven multiproject
Generates the site.
maven idea:multiproject
Generates IDEA .ipr, .iml and .iws project files.
maven -Dmaven.test.skip=true
Builds Axis2 and skips all the tests.

Maven FAQ

1. I have problems with Maven 1.1

It seems that Maven 1.1 doesn't come bundled with the required itest plug-in and artifact plug-in. Run the following to get it updated.

  1. maven plugin:download -DgroupId=maven-itest-plugin -DartifactId=maven-itest-plugin -Dversion=1.0 -Dmaven.repo.remote=http://www.openejb.org/maven,http://www.ibiblio.org/maven
  2. maven plugin:Download -DgroupId=maven -DartifactId=maven-artifact-plugin -Dversion=1.6