The release comes in two forms, source and binary. To get both the binary and source distribution, you need libxml2 from (NOTE: most Linux systems has libxml2 by default. On Windows you need to download and install libxml2) Getting Axis2C working with the binary release on Linux. ======================================================== 1. Extract the binary tar package to a folder. Set AXIS2C_HOME environment variable pointing to the location where you have extracted Axis2C AXIS2C_HOME='/your_path_to_axis2c' export AXIS2C_HOME 2. Run the simple axis server: cd /your_path_to_axis2c/bin ./axis2_http_server This will start the simple axis server on port 9090. To see the possible command line options run ./axis2_http_server -h NOTE: If you run into shared lib problems, set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/your_path_to_axis2c/lib 3. Run the sample clients in a new shell cd /your_path_to_axis2c/bin/samples ./echo This will invoke the echo service. ./math This will invoke the math service. To see the possible command line options for sample clients run them with '-h' option NOTE: If you run into shared lib problems, set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/your_path_to_axis2c/lib Getting Axis2C working with the source release on Linux. ======================================================== 1. Extract the source tar package to a folder. 2. Set AXIS2C_HOME environment variable pointing to the location where you want to install Axis2C. AXIS2C_HOME='/your_desired_path_to_axis2c_installation' export AXIS2C_HOME 3. Then go to the folder where you extracted the source cd /your_path_to_axis2c_source 4. Set parser location You need to set the following two environment variables to point to libxml2. LIBXML2_INCLUDE LIBXML2_LIB If you are using the default installation of libxml2, usually those are LIBXML2_LIB=/usr/lib LIBXML2_INCLUDE=/usr/include/libxml2 5. Build the source This can be done using the following command sequence: ./configure make make install use './configure --help' for options. NOTE: you may wish to use './configure --prefix=$AXIS2C_HOME' to ensure AXIS2C_HOME and intall forlder are the same If you need to get the samples working, you also need to give the configure option --enable-samples=yes 6. go to AXIS2C_HOME cd $AXIS2C_HOME 7. Start simple axis server cd $AXIS2C_HOME/bin ./axis2_http_server This will start the simple axis server on port 9090. To see the posible command line options run: ./axis2_http_server -h 8. Run the sample clients in a new shell cd $AXIS2C_HOME/bin/samples ./echo This will invoke the echo service. ./math This will invoke the math service. To see the possible command line options for sample clients run them with '-h' option Getting Axis2C working with the binary release on Windows. ======================================================== Getting Axis2C working with the source release on Windows. ======================================================== Hope you would enjoy this first working version of Axis2C soap engine :)