PHP binding on Linux ==================== To get the PHP binding working on Linux, please follow the steps given below. BTW this was tested with php-5.1.1 and php-5.0.4; they both worked. AXIS2C_HOME=where/your/axis2c/code/is/located PHP_HOME=where/your/php/code/is/located 1. Set AXIS2C_HOME env variable to point to where the Axis2C source is 2. Build Axis2C source by running $AXIS2C_HOME/ NOTE: you need versions later than autoconf 2.59 and automake 1.9.5 on your PATH to build Axis2C source 3. Copy the AXIS2C_HOME/bindings/php/axis2 to PHP_HOME/ext 4. cd to PHP_HOME and execute the following sequence of commands NOTE: you need autoconf 2.13 and automake 1.5 on your PATH to build PHP source ./buildconf --force ./configure --with-axis2 make 5. cd to PHP_HOME/ext/axis2/tests and run the following commands to see how PHP works with AXIOM ../../../sapi/cli/php build_programatically.php ../../../sapi/cli/php build_from_file.php You can have a look into the PHP scripts to see how the OM API is used in PHP. PHP binding on Windows ====================== TODO