The release comes in two forms, source and binary. Both works only on Linux platforms as of now. We are striving hard to make the next release work on Windows platform. To get both the binary and source distribution, you need libxml2 from (NOTE: most systems has libxml2 by default) Getting Axis2C working with the binary release on Linux. 1. Extract the binary tar package to a folder. 2. Run the simple axis server: cd /your_path_to_axis2c/deploy/bin ./axis2_http_server This will start the simple axis server on port 9090. To see the possible command line options run ./axis2_http_server -h 3. Run the sample clients in a new shell cd /your_path_to_axis2c/deploy/bin ./echo This will invoke the echo service. ./math This will invoke the math service. To see the possible command line options for sample clients run them with '-h' option Getting Axis2C working with the source release on Linux. 1. Extract the binary tar package to a folder. 2. Set AXIS2C_HOME environment variable pointing to the location where you want to install Axis2C. AXIS2C_HOME='/your_desired_path_to_axis2c_installation' export AXIS2C_HOME 3. Then go to the folder where you extracted the source cd /your_path_to_axis2c_source 4. Set parser location You need to set the following two environment variables to point to libxml2. LIBXML2_INCLUDE LIBXML2_LIB If you are using the default installation of libxml2, usually those are LIBXML2_LIB=/usr/lib LIBXML2_INCLUDE=/usr/include/libxml2 5. Build the source This can be done using the following command sequence: ./configure make make install use './configure --help' for options. To get the samples working, you also need to make and make install the samples. cd /your_path_to_axis2c_source/samples make make install make -C test/server/echo install 6. go to AXIS2C_HOME cd $AXIS2C_HOME 7. Set up sample service libs cp deploy/lib/ deploy/services/echo/ cp deploy/lib/ deploy/services/math/ 8. Start simple axis server cd deploy/bin ./axis2_http_server This will start the simple axis server on port 9090. To see the posible command line options run: ./axis2_http_server -h 9. Run the sample clients in a new shell cd $AXIS2C_HOME/deploy/bin ./echo This will invoke the echo service. ./math This will invoke the math service. To see the possible command line options for sample clients run them with '-h' option Hope you would enjoy this first working version of Axis2C soap engine :)