and WSDL2C.bat ======================== These scripts are provided to simplify the C code geneation using WSDL2C Java tool that comes with Apache Axis2/Java. How to use ---------- 1. Set AXIS2_HOME envionment vaiable to you Axis2 Java installation diectoy. eg: 'expot AXIS2_HOME=/home/axis2java' 3. Run giving WSDL2C command line aguments as the aguments to the shell scipt. Note: Do the same for the bat file on Windows. Examples -------- To geneate a sevice skeleton in C: Linux: sh -uri inteoptestdoclitpaametes.wsdl -ss -sd -d adb -u Windows: WSDL2C.bat -uri inteoptestdoclitpaametes.wsdl -ss -sd -d adb -u To geneate a client stub in C: Linux: sh -uri inteoptestdoclitpaametes.wsdl -d adb -u Windows WSDL2C.bat -uri inteoptestdoclitpaametes.wsdl -d adb -u