Apache Axis2/C Installation Guide

This document guides you on how to install Axis2/C, and run the server and client samples on Linux and Microsoft Windows operating systems.

This release comes in two forms, source and binary. This document covers both forms.

Please send your feedback to the developer mailing list: axis-c-dev@ws.apache.org (Subscription details are available on the Axis2 site.) Please remember to prefix the subject with [Axis2].


1. Installing and Running on Linux

This can be done using binary or source distributions. (Download the two distributions)

To get both the binary and source distributions working, you need Libxml2.

Note: Most Linux systems have Libxml2 installed by default. On MS Windows, you need to download and install Libxml2.

1.1. Installing the Binary Distribution

The following steps have to be followed to install and run the Axis2/C binary distribution on Linux :

  1. Extract the binary tar package to a folder.
  2. Set the AXIS2C_HOME environment variable pointing to the location where you have extracted Axis2/C
  3. Run the simple axis server:
  4. Run the sample clients in a new shell

1.2. Installing the Source Distribution

The following steps have to be followed to install and run Axis2/C using the source distribution on Linux :

  1. Extract the source tar package to a folder.
  2. Set the AXIS2C_HOME environment variable pointing to the location where you want to install Axis2/C
  3. Then go to the folder where you extracted the source.
  4. Build the source
  5. Go to where you installed Axis2/C.
  6. Start the simple axis server.
  7. Run the sample clients in a new shell using the following command lines.

2. Installing and Running on Microsoft Windows

This too can be done using binary or source distributions. (Download the two distributions.)

For both binary and source distributions, you have to download Libxml2, if you are not using Guththila parser which comes with the distribution.

2. 1. Installing the Binary Distribution

2.1.1. Requirements

2.1.2. Binaries in the Release

2.1.3. Running the Binaries

2. 2. Installing Source Distribution

2.2.1. Requirements

2.2.3. Editing the configure.in File

Please edit the <source_distribution>\build\win32\configure.in file to include the following information.

The paths for the following required external libraries are specified in configure.in. Please note that you need to specify the path to the extracted folder.

The default paths for these external libraries are already specified in configure.in file.
Example: If libxml2 is installed into C:\libxml2, edit the configure.in file accordingly.

You can either extract libxml2 to this folder, in which case the folder structure for C:\libxml2 should look like the following:

Figure: C:\libxml2 Folder Structure
Else, extract it to a location of your choice and edit the configure.in file accordingly.

If you need the parser to use Guththila XML parser, set the ENABLE_GUTHTHILA option to 1 in configure.in file.

Other options available:
If you want to enable SSL client support, set ENABLE_SSL to 1 and set the path where OpenSSL is installed to OPENSSL_BIN_DIR.

If you want to enable libcurl based client transport, set ENABLE_LIBCURL to 1 and set the path where libcurl is installed to LIBCURL_BIN_DIR.

2.2.4. Compiling the Source

The following steps will take you through the source compilation.

Please note that "nmake install" does not build the apache or the IIS module. Refer to Axis2/C manual to see how to install these modules.

2.2.5. Running the Binaries