# enables https support ENABLE_SSL = 0 # build libcurl transport ENABLE_LIBCURL= 0 # build axis2 with guththila parser ENABLE_GUTHTHILA = 0 # build tcp server in addition to http server WITH_TCP= 0 # libxml2 binary location ( axis2c is built with libxml2 ) LIBXML2_BIN_DIR = E:\libxml2-2.6.27.win32 # iconv binary location ICONV_BIN_DIR = E:\iconv-1.9.2.win32 # zlib binary location ZLIB_BIN_DIR=E:\zlib-1.2.3.win32 # apache binary location APACHE_BIN_DIR = "E:\Apache22" # apache 2 server family APACHE_VERSION_2_0_X = 0 # openssl binary location OPENSSL_BIN_DIR = E:\OpenSSL #libcurl binary location, only required if libcurl transport is enabled LIBCURL_BIN_DIR = E:\libcurl-7.15.1-msvc-win32-ssl-0.9.8a-zlib-1.2.3 #C runtime LIBRARY OPTION ( Use /MD or /MT ) CRUNTIME=/MD # Visual Studio version VC_VERSION_2005_OR_ABOVE=1 #debug symbols DEBUG=1 # To use apache 2.2 family , use APACHE_VERSION_IS_2_0_X = 0 # To build with debug symbols use DEBUG=1