Welcome to Apache Axis2/C

Axis2/C is an effort to implement Axis2 architecture, in C. Axis2/C can be used to provide and consume Web Services.

Background and Motivation

Axis 2 Java team released 1.0 recently. This implementation provides another language option to consume and provide Web Services. Performance being its forte, Axis2/C is looking at broadening its horizon by providing extensions to popular open source scripting languages and web browsers.

Latest Release

22nd December 2006 Axis2/C Version 0.96 Released

Download 0.96

Key Features

  1. AXIOM, an XML object model optimized for SOAP 1.1/1.2 Messages. This has complete XML infoset support
  2. Support for one-way messaging (In-Only) and request response messaging (In-Out)
  3. Description hierarchy (configuration, service groups, services, operations and messages)
  4. Directory based deployment model
  5. Archive based deployment model
  6. Context hierarchy (corresponding contexts to map to each level of description hierarchy)
  7. Raw XML message receiver
  8. Module architecture, mechanism to extend the SOAP processing model
  9. Module version support
  10. Transports supports: HTTP
  11. Service client and operation client APIs
  12. REST support (HTTP POST case)
  13. WS-Addressing, both the submission (2004/08) and final (2005/08) versions
  14. MTOM/XOP support
  15. Code generation tool for stub and skeleton generation for a given WSDL (based on Java tool)
  16. Security module with UsernameToken support
  17. REST support (HTTP GET case)
  18. Dynamic invocation support (based on XML schema and WSDL implementations)
  19. Guththila pull parser support
  20. WSDL2C code generation tool- with schema code generation (experimental)
  21. TCP Monitor - C implementation (experimental)
  22. Axis2/C Manual

Major Changes Since Last Release

  1. Major Memory leak fixes
  2. Many Bug Fixes
  3. Improvement to REST processing
  4. Improvement to SOAP-Fault processing
  5. Improvement to mod_axis2 library (plugged with apr pools)
  6. Visual Studio 7.0 project

TODOs Remaining for 1.0

  1. Complete API documentation and API improvements
  2. Fix further memory leaks
  3. Put in place a comprehensive functional test framework

Archived News

Details on Previous release can be found here.