# Translation instructions. # 1. Each message line is of the form key=value. # Translate the value, DO NOT translate the key. # 2. The messages may contain arguments that will be filled in # by the runtime. These are of the form: {0}, {1}, etc. # These must appear as is in the message, though the order # may be changed to support proper language syntax. # 3. If a single quote character is to appear in the resulting # message, it must appear in this file as two consecutive # single quote characters. # 4. Lines beginning with "#" (like this one) are comment lines # and may contain translation instructions. They need not be # translated unless your translated file, rather than this file, # will serve as a base for other translators. # ################## WSDL2Code ###################################### wsdl2code.arg1=Usage WSDL2Code -uri : WSDL file location wsdl2code.arg2=-o : output file location wsdl2code.arg3=-a : Generate async style code only. Default is off wsdl2code.arg4=-s : Generate sync style code only. Default is off. takes precedence over -a wsdl2code.arg5=-cn : Generate converting names according to the language. - Default is off wsdl2code.arg6=-l : valid language(s) are c. Default is c wsdl2code.arg7=-id : indent the generated code. currently available for c language wsdl2code.arg8=-ss : Generate server side code (i.e. skeletons). Default is off wsdl2code.arg9=-sd : Generate service descriptor (i.e. services.xml). Default is off. Valid with -ss wsdl2code.arg10=-d : valid databindings are adb, none. Default is none #currently following cases are not tested correctly wsdl2code.arg11=-g Generates all the classes. valid only with the -ss wsdl2code.arg12=-pn : name of port in the presence of multiple ports wsdl2code.arg13=-sn : name of service in the presence of multiple services #wsdl2code.arg14=-u : unpacks the databinding classes wsdl2code.arg15=-r : path of the repository against which code is generated wsdl2code.arg16=-ns2p :packages to replace the namespace wsdl2code.arg17=-ssi generate an interface for the serverside - off by default wsdl2code.arg18=-p : set custom package name wsdl2code.arg19=-t : Generate TestCase to test the generated code ################## Utilities ################################# utils.classloadFailed=Failed in loading the Class propfileload.frameworkMismatch=Number of frameworks and extension names do not match! propfileload.unknownFramework=Unknown framework specified for default! propfileload.emitterMissing=No emitters found! propfileload.unknownDefaultLang=Unknown Language specified for default! propfileload.generalException=Exception while loading the property file ################# template resolver ################################# reslover.templateNotFound={0} template not found! ################### Codegen engine ################################### engine.wsdlParsingException=Error parsing WSDL engine.invalidWsdlLocation=Invalid WSDL Location engine.noProperDatabindingException=No proper databinding has taken place engine.emitterMissing=Emitter class not found! engine.wrongEmitter=Non emitter class found! engine.extensionLoadProblem=Extension class loading problem engine.extensionInstantiationProblem=Extension class instantiation problem engine.illegalExtension=Illegal extension! engine.engine.noDefaultLang=No default langauge set engine.errorEmit=Error in Emitting the code ################### Codegen emitter ################################### emitter.errorParsingWSDL=Error in parsing WSDL emitter.errorLoadingServices=Error in loading Services writer.stubSourceFailed=Failed in generating Stub Source writer.stubHeaderFailed=Failed in generating Stub Header writer.skelSourceFailed=Failed in generating Skel Source writer.skelHeaderFailed=Failed in generating Skel Header writer.svcSkelFailed=Failed in generating Service Skeleton writer.svcXmlFailed=Failed in generating Service XML writer.templateLoadFailed=Failed in loading template ################## Schema Compiler #################################### schema.elementNull=Error: Null Element schema.anonymousExtension=Error: Anonymous Extension schema.simpletypeRestriction=Error: Simple Type Restriction schema.unknownContentError=Error: Unknown Content schema.unsupportedContentError=Error: Unsupported Content schema.unknowContentModelError=Error: Unknown Content Model schema.writerclassMissing=Error: Writer for Requested options is missing schema.notImplemented=Error: Not Implemented Feature is required schema2code.arg1=Argument1 - Source schema file name .Required. schema2code.arg2=Argument2 - Output folder name schema2code.arg3=Argument3 - Language for code generation