This document aims to provide the architectural overview of the Axis2 Databinding Framework (referred to as ADB from here onwards) and be a guide to anyone who wants to use and modify ADB. The information is presented under the following topics.
The objective of the Axis2 Databinding framework is to provide a lightweight and simple schema compiler/ Java bean generator for Axis2. By no means it's to be a fully functional schema compiler like XMLBeans. Note that ADB is written in a fashion that allows it to be used as a stand-alone schema compiler and also to be extended to generate code for other languages.
ADB is built on a modular architecture that allows it to utilize a pre configured writer depending on the configuration.The 'big block diagram' for the code generator architecture is depicted below
ADB utilizes the WS-commons XmlSchema library for reading the Schema. The object model for the schema comes in the form of an XmlSchema object. The schema compiler keeps an instance of the writer (in the default case it's the JavaBeanWriter) which actually writes the classes. The writers may use whatever technique they prefer, in the case of the JavaBeanWriter, it uses an XSLT template. The SchemaCompiler also uses a typemapper object that tells it what classnames to be used for the QNames that it encounters. This type mapper is also part of the configuration and the users can override the default type mapper by overriding the property setting.
As explained in the previous section, the schema compiler depends on the WS-Commons XmlSchema library. The XSLT transformations are dependent on the JVM's DOMimplementation (either crimson or xerces) which means that the underlying JVM should be 1.4 or higher. Apart from that ADB has no dependencies on any other special jar files. The code for the schema compiler is completely in the org.apache.axis2.schema.* package. This package resides in the codegen module of the Axis2 source tree.
Following are the important classes and files:
The easiest way to obtain the ADB binaries is to run the maven build for the Axis2 adb-codegen module. This will generate the axis2-adb-codegen-{$version}.jar inside the target folder which is directly usable when the ADB schema compiler is required.
The runtime dependancies for the ADB generated classes is in the Axis2 adb module and the kernal module. Hence to compile and work with the generated classes the axis2-adb-{$version}.jar and axis2-kernal-{$version}.jar needs to be in the classpath apart from other dependancies like the StAX, Axiom,Commons-logging and javax.activation.
ADB comes with a main class XSD2Java that allows the schemas to be compiled just by giving the schema file reference.This main class is pretty much primitive and does not provide much control over the code generation process. This is bound to improve in the near future.
Code generator accepts the following parameters
Since the main class has no validations built in, the compiler is likely to cough up an unexpected error message if these parameters are not supplied properly.
This is the only way to harness the full potential of the schema compiler. The current Axis2 integration of ADB happens through this API. The most important classes and methods of the Schema compiler are as follows.
The constructor of the schema compiler expects a CompilerOptions object. This compilerOptions object is more of a holder for the parameters that are passed to the SchemaCompiler. The only mandatory parameter in the CompilerOptions is the output directory
The compile method to call for a single schema. The expected object is a XMLSchema which is part of the XmlSchema library.
Similar to the previous method but accepts a list of schemas instead of one.
For a comprehensive code sample in invoking the schema compiler through the API, the following classes would be helpful. One would also need an understanding of the generation modes of the ADB schema compiler when using it through the API. Hence the following section includes a brief description of the generation modes .
ADB extension provides several generation modes for the data bound classes.
In this mode the classes are generated as inner classes of the stub, message receiver or the interface. The ADB framework refrains from writing the classes but provides a map of DOM document objects that contains the model for the databinding class. The implementers are free to use the models for their needs. The Axis2 codegen engine parses these documents within its own XSLT parser to create the necessary code.
Integrated mode is supposed to be used by the tool builders.
In the wrapped mode, the ADB databinder generates one class that contains all the databound classes. This is convenient when the number of classes need to be limited.
This is the usual mode where the codegenerator generates a class for each of the outer elements and the named complex types. The command line tool (XSD2Java) always generates code in the expanded mode.
The rules for generating code (described in the next section) applies regardless of the mode. Switching these modes can be done by passing the correct options via the CompilerOptions object. The following is table lists the options and the consequences of using them.
Field Name in Options | Description |
writeOutput | This determines whether to write the output or not. If the flag is on then the classes will be written by ADB. The default is off. |
wrapClasses | This determines whether to wrap the generated classes. If the flag is on then a single class (with adb added to the end of the specified package) will be generated. The default is off. |
mapperClassPackage | The package name for the mapper class. Please see the advanced section for details of the mapper class |
helperMode | The switch that determines whether to switch to helper mode or not. Please see the advanced section for details of the helper mode |
ns2PackageMap | A map that stores the namespace name against the package name These details are used to override the default packages |
When the schema compiler is invoked (one-way or another) it generates code depending on the following rules
Once the code is generated according to the rules it looks like the following. Consider the following piece of schema
<schema xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:tns="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" > <import namespace=""/> <complexType name="SOAPStruct"> <sequence> <element name="varString" type="xsd:string"/> <element name="varInt" type="xsd:int"/> <element name="varFloat" type="xsd:float"/> </sequence> </complexType> <element name="myElement" type="tns:SOAPStruct"/> </schema>
For comprehension let us consider the expanded mode for the code generator. Unless specifically mentioned, the rest of this document assumes that the expanded mode of the code generation is used. This particular schema generates the following two classes in the designated package, which in this case would be org.soapinterop.types. This package is derived from the target namespace of the schema.
As explained earlier, SOAPStruct refers to the complexType. MyElement is the class that refers to the element. Just as expected, the SOAPStruct bean has getters and setters for varString, varInt and varFloat which are String, int and float respectively. MyElement on the other hand has a single field representing the SOAPStruct object that it encapsulates.
The most important aspect of the generated code is that it encapsulates two methods for creation and serializing the beans. Note that to make this work, the generated beans implement the org.apache.axis2.databinding.ADBBean interface
The creator and serializer methods look like the following
public getPullParser(javax.xml.namespace.QName qName)
This method returns a pull parser that throws the right events for this particular object. However there is a subtle difference between element based classes and complexType based classes
public getOMElement( final javax.xml.namespace.QName parentQName, final factory){
This method returns an OMElement representing the ADB bean object.
public static [Object].Factory. parse( reader) throws java.lang.Exception
This method returns a populated instance of the class in question. Note that
[Object]will be replaced by the actual class that contains this method. Say for SOAPStruct the method looks like
public static SOAPStruct.Factory. parse( reader) throws java.lang.Exception
Also note that the above parse method is available in the Factory class generated into the relevant top level class.Hence one will have to get the static Factory instance before calling the parse methods
Consider the following XML fragment
<myElement xmlns=""> <varInt>5</varInt> <varString>Hello</varString> <varFloat>3.3</varFloat> </myElement>
Enthusiastic readers might already have figured out that this piece of XML complies to the Schema mentioned above. The following piece of code shows how to build a populated instance of MyElement with this fragment of XML
XMLStreamReader reader = XMLInputFactory.newInstance(). createXMLStreamReader( new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlString.getBytes())); MyElement elt = MyElement.Factory.parse(reader);
Optionally above xml fragment can be reproduced with the following code fragment
OMElement omElement = myElement.getOMElement (MyElement.MY_QNAME, OMAbstractFactory.getSOAP12Factory()); String xmlString = omElement.toStringWithConsume();
Although this example takes on the tedious effort of creating a reader out of the String, inside the Axis2 environment an XMLStreamReader can be direclty asked from the OMElement! Hence, the parse method becomes a huge advantage for hassle free object creation.
Similarly the reader obtained from the object can also be utilized as needed. The following code fragment shows how to utilize the getPullParser method to create an OMElement :
XMLStreamReader reader = elt.getPullParser(null); OMElement omElt = new StAXOMBuilder(reader).getDocumentElement();
That's all to it! If you are interested in learning more on ADB the following documents may also be helpful. However, be sure to check the limitations section that follows if you are planning to use ADB for something serious.
ADB is meant to be a 'Simple' databinding framework and was not meant to compile all types of schemas. The following limitations are the most highlighted.