Apache Axis2/Java Version 1.1 Documentation Index


Apache Axis2, the third generation Web services engine is more efficient, more modular and more XML-oriented than its predecessor Apache Axis. It is carefully designed to support the easy addition of plug-in "modules" that extend its functionality for features such as security and reliability.

Apache Axis2 Version 1.1 comes to you with better Axis2 Databinding Framework (ADB) support, attachments API, Spring and complete support for SOAP with Attachments (SwA).

This page will take you through the list of documents we have in store for you.

Apache Axis2 User's Guide

You can get started with Axis2 with the assistance of the following documents. They will guide you through Axis2 download, installation both as a standalone Web services engine and as part of a J2EE compliant servlet container, not forgetting the instructions on how to write Web services and Web services client using Apache Axis2.

  • Introduction- Outlines the overall direction of the User's guide itself, with a high level introduction on Axis2
  • Download and Installation-Will list the different distribution packages offered by Axis2, and installation methods for standalone and as part of a J2EE servlet container.
  • Creating a new Web Service with Code Generation -Axis2 provides two ways to create new Web Services, using code generation and using XML based primary APIs. This section explains how to start from a WSDL, and create a new Service with code generation
  • Writing Web Services Using Axis2's Primary APIs -Explains how to create new Web Services using XML based primary API
  • Writing a Web Service Client with Code Generation -Axis2 also provides a more complex, yet powerful XML based client API which is intended for advanced users. However, if you are a new user we recommend using the code generation approach presented below
  • Writing Web Service Clients Using Axis2's Primary APIs- This section presents complex yet powerful XML based client API which is intended for advanced users to write Web services clients
  • Configuring Axis2-Axis2 configuration is based on a repository and standard archives formats. Here you will find details on how to configure Axis2. You will also find reference documents that lead to greater detail in this area.
  • POJO Web Services using Apache Axis2-This guide will show you how to create a Plain Old Java Object (POJO) to deploy using Apache Axis2 on Apache Tomcat. POJOs are fast to build and easy to maintain, meaning you'll save a lot of time building and debugging your code
  • Axis2 Quick Start Guide-The purpose of this guide is to get you started creating services and clients using Axis2 as quickly as possible. It demonstrates how to create Web services using a variety of different technologies.

Also see our FAQ page to answer those common questions in mind.

How Tos

This section of documents will deal with more advanced topics including Axis2 support features such as Transports, Attachments, Pluggable Data Binding, Security, REST Web services on a detailed manner.

Data Bindings:


Axis2 Tools:

Apache Axis2 Developers


Gives you a list of published articles, tutorials and Questions-Answers on Apache Axis2. Check them out! for that extra knowledge on the next generation Web services engine Apache Axis2. Be Informed and up to date!