Introduction ============ This guide will help you to start with Axis C++. I'll explain the minimum steps needed to build and run Axis C++, and warn you about the common pitfalls. What you need ============= RedHat 9(2.4.20-8) expat-1.95.7(source) xerces-c-src2_2_0(I build xerces from source) httpd-2.0.48(source) apache_1.3.27(source) Note: In my environment I have autoconf 2.57, automake 1.6.3, libtool 1.4.3, gcc 3.2.2 You can download the Axis C++ source or binary from one of the apache mirror sites You can get expat from the uri You can get xercesc from the uri You must define some environment variables in order to build. AXISCPP_HOME is where you checkout Axis C++ ------------------------------------------------------------ AXISCPP_HOME="/home/damitha/projects/axiscpp" AXIS_HOME="/home/damitha/Axis" EXPAT_HOME="/usr/local/expat1957" XERCESC_HOME="/usr/local/xerces-c" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$XERCESC_HOME/lib:$EXPAT_HOME/lib:$AXISCPP_HOME/bin:$AXIS_HOME/libs:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" export AXISCPP_HOME AXIS_HOME XERCESC_HOME EXPAT_HOME LD_LIBRARY_PATH ------------------------------------------------------------ A note about AXIS_HOME Copy $AXISCPP_HOME/deploy folder to a place of your choice and define AXIS_HOME pointing to it. cp -rf $AXISCPP_HOME/deploy /usr/local/ mv /usr/local/deploy /usr/local/Axis Give read write permissions to /usr/local/Axis EXPAT_HOME points to where you installed expat XERCESC_HOME points to where you installed xereces-c Axis C++ core is independant of the parser layer and transport layer. You can write your own transport or parser library according to the APIs provided. Currently Axis C++ provides API implementations for Xerces-c and Expat. It also provides it's own client side transport library implementation. In the server side deployment, Axis C++ provides two modules that can be loaded into apache1.3 and apache 2 as shared libraries. So this sums upto two posibilities. You can deploy Axis C++ server on Apache2 with xercesc parser or expat parser(Only one parser at a time) on Apache1.3 with xercesc parer or expat parser So if you use only Expat no need to define XERCESC_HOME vice versa. When you build Axis C++ you can give options 1) Build for Apache2 with Expat parser support only with Xerces paresr support only with both parser support 2) Build for Apache1.3 with Expat parser support only with Xerces parser support only with both parser support You can choose these selections on $AXISCPP_HOME/ ------------------------------------------------------------ #{apache2 block starts #if you use apache2 #if you need to build both axis_expat and axis_xerces libraries AC_OUTPUT(Makefile src/Makefile src/common/Makefile src/soap/Makefile src/wsdd/Makefile src/xml/Makefile src/transport/Makefile src/transport/axis/Makefile src/engine/Makefile src/engine/server/Makefile src/engine/client/Makefile src/server/Makefile src/server/apache2/Makefile src/server/simple_axis_server/Makefile src/server/adminservice/Makefile src/client/Makefile src/client/adminclient/Makefile src/xml/expat/Makefile src/xml/xerces/Makefile) #if you need to build only axis_expat #AC_OUTPUT(Makefile src/Makefile src/common/Makefile src/soap/Makefile src/wsdd/Makefile src/xml/Makefile src/transport/Makefile src/transport/axis/Makefile src/engine/Makefile src/engine/server/Makefile src/engine/client/Makefile src/server/Makefile src/server/apache2/Makefile src/server/simple_axis_server/Makefile src/server/adminservice/Makefile src/client/Makefile src/client/adminclient/Makefile src/xml/expat/Makefile) #if you need to build only axis_xerces #AC_OUTPUT(Makefile src/Makefile src/common/Makefile src/soap/Makefile src/wsdd/Makefile src/xml/Makefile src/transport/Makefile src/transport/axis/Makefile src/engine/Makefile src/engine/server/Makefile src/engine/client/Makefile src/server/Makefile src/server/apache2/Makefile src/server/simple_axis_server/Makefile src/server/adminservice/Makefile src/client/Makefile src/client/adminclient/Makefile src/xml/xerces/Makefile) #}apache2 block ends #{apache1.3 block starts #if you use apache1.3 #if you need to build both axis_expat and axis_xerces libraries #AC_OUTPUT(Makefile src/Makefile src/common/Makefile src/soap/Makefile src/wsdd/Makefile src/xml/Makefile src/transport/Makefile src/transport/axis/Makefile src/engine/Makefile src/engine/server/Makefile src/engine/client/Makefile src/server/Makefile src/server/apache/Makefile src/server/simple_axis_server/Makefile src/server/adminservice/Makefile src/client/Makefile src/client/adminclient/Makefile src/xml/expat/Makefile src/xml/xerces/Makefile) #if you need to build only axis_expat #AC_OUTPUT(Makefile src/Makefile src/common/Makefile src/soap/Makefile src/wsdd/Makefile src/xml/Makefile src/transport/Makefile src/transport/axis/Makefile src/engine/Makefile src/engine/server/Makefile src/engine/client/Makefile src/server/Makefile src/server/apache/Makefile src/server/simple_axis_server/Makefile src/server/adminservice/Makefile src/client/Makefile src/client/adminclient/Makefile src/xml/expat/Makefile) #if you need to build only axis_xerces #AC_OUTPUT(Makefile src/Makefile src/common/Makefile src/soap/Makefile src/wsdd/Makefile src/xml/Makefile src/transport/Makefile src/transport/axis/Makefile src/engine/Makefile src/engine/server/Makefile src/engine/client/Makefile src/server/Makefile src/server/apache/Makefile src/server/simple_axis_server/Makefile src/server/adminservice/Makefile src/client/Makefile src/client/adminclient/Makefile src/xml/xerces/Makefile) #}apache1.3 block ends ------------------------------------------------------------ You need also do a selection at $AXISCPP_HOME/src/xml/ ----------------------------------------------------------- SUBDIRS = expat xerces #Here I build both expat and xerces libraries #SUBDIRS = expat #SUBDIRS = xerces --------------------------------------------------------- And again in $AXISCPP_HOME/src/server/ --------------------------------------------------------- #if you use apache2 SUBDIRS = apache2 adminservice #Here I build for Apache2 #if you use apache1.3 #SUBDIRS = apache adminservice --------------------------------------------------------- Now you need to copy header files from apache and parser you use I have installed xercesc at /usr/local/xerces-c and expat at /usr/local/expat1957 and apache2 at /usr/local/apache2 and apache1.3 at /usr/local/apache I'm going to build Axis C++ for apache2 and for both xercesc and expat(But I'm going to use only one parser. But anyway I can give instructions to build both as you've seen earlier) cp -rf /usr/local/xerces-c/include/xercesc/* $AXISCPP_HOME/include/xercesc/ cp -f /usr/local/expat1957/include/expat.h $AXISCPP_HOME/include/expat/ cp -f /usr/local/apache2/include/* $AXISCPP_HOME/include/apache2_0/ Then I can build Axis C++ server, client,parser libraries, transport library and server/client samples by, cd $AXISCPP_HOME sh You can see the folder $AXISCPP_HOME/bin to see what are created is apache module which is loaded when apache loads is apache2 module which is loaded when apache2 loads is the Axis C++ server engine which is loaded by libaxis_mod(2).so module is Axis C++ client library is the Axis C++ client transport library is the expat parser library implementation for Axis C++ is the xercesc parser library implmentation for Axis C++ Also $AXISCPP_HOME/sampels/server samples are built and installed in $AXIS_HOME/web_services $AXISCPP_HOME/samples/client samples are built and executable are in $AXISCPP_HOME/samples/client parser and transport libraries both are loaded in to axis engine when it is loaded by apache. Now you need to add to $/conf/httpd.conf $ vi /conf/httpd.conf At the bottom of the file you have to include following lines and save it. ------------------------------------------------- LoadModule axis_module modules/ (in apache1.3 replace modules with libexec and with SetHandler axis --------------------------------------------------- Now you need the deployment descripter to deploy server samples you built cd $AXIS_HOME/conf mv server.wsdd_linux server.wsdd In $AXIS_HOME/axiscpp.conf file you can give paths to your log files, configuration files libraries etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The comment character is '#' #Available directives are as follows #(Some of these directives may not be implemented yet) # #WSDDFilePath:The path to the server wsdd #LogPath:The path to the axis log #ClientLogPath:The path to the axis client log #ClientWSDDFilePath:The path to the client wsdd #Transport_http:The HTTP transport library #Transport_smtp:The SMTP transport library #XMLParser:The xml parser library LogPath:/usr/local/Axis/logs/AxisLog WSDDFilePath:/usr/local/Axis/conf/server.wsdd ClientLogPath:/usr/local/Axis/logs/AxisClientLog XMLParser:/usr/local/Axis/libs/ Transport_http:/usr/local/Axis/libs/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now we need to copy neccessary libraries to the correct places and start apache. To do that you can find scripts written in $AXIS_HOME. cd $AXIS_HOME To deploy on apache2 sh To deploy on apache sh all the libraries are loaded. Note that in the line no. 12 of the script above we change the name to If we use xerces we need to change to If you have done installation successfully it will display the Axis C++ welcome page when you point to URI http://localhost/axis . Note: In the axis welcome page all the services in $AXIS_HOME/conf/server.wsdd are listed. This does not mean that the libraries corresponding to these services are deployed yet. It merely list whatever in the server.wsdd. To run interop samples cd $AXISCPP_HOME/samples/client sh By default this script assumes that apache is running in the localhost at port 80 if you want other sh eg: sh -u localhost -p 80