Axis Architecture Guide: Proposals



Axis Subsystems
Message Flow Subsystem


This guide records rationale, architecture, and design.

The aim is to give readers a reasonable understanding of the architecture before they read the code and yet to reflect closely the structure of the code.

This will necessitate changes to the code structure so that it supports the architecture explicitly.

Axis Subsystems

The Axis architecture guide describes a collection of subsystems using the diagram below. However, these subsystems are not as cleanly separated as the diagram might imply. The remainder of the document proposes ways of improving this.

Message Flow Subsystem

This subsystem simply handles the flowing of message contexts through a series of Handlers. The series of Handlers is determined partly statically and partly dynamically in that a message context starts flowing through a pre-determined series of Handlers which determine the remaining set of Handlers that are required to process the message context.

The proposal is to introduce some interfaces and abstract classes which will help to decouple the subsystem from others. It may be the cases that very little concrete implementation is required in the subsystem as this tends quickly to drag in dependencies on other subsystems.


Currently, an Axis engine may be dynamically reconfigured. This leads to various races in a multi-threaded environment and so a difficulty in describing what Handlers can rely upon in terms of whether onFault can be driven without a corresponding invoke. It would be possible to solve these problems "head on", but the result would be unnecessarily complex.

The alternative presented here is to regard an engine configuration to be immutable, i.e. unchanging after construction. The way to change the engine configuration in a running server is to construct a fresh engine with the desired configuration and then "switch it in".

This change is especially important as it properly separates configuration interfaces from the Handler interface and makes these subsystems better decoupled.


Currently, there is a notion of a pivot Handler as the Handler which effectively takes a request and returns a response. There are some problems with the notion of a pivot Handler:
  1. The notion doesn't seem to serve much purpose. The one explicit use is to be able to get either the request or response message out of the message context, depending upon whether the pivot point has been passed or not, without being aware of which is being returned. This serves little purpose.
  2. Pivots seem to preclude the possibility of constructing partial response messages prior to completing processing of the request message.
  3. Pivots make no sense for message exchange patterns that do not involve a response or for which the response takes a different route to the request.
Pivot Handlers are optional in order to alleviate some of these problems.

This proposal avoids the notion of pivot Handlers.

Fault Handling

Currently, each Axis Handler has an onFault method which is driven when a fault occurs in the processing of a message context after the Handler has been invoked (but in the same engine/JVM). However, there are several problems with this approach:
  1. the majority of Handlers are not interested in subsequent faults, so onFault clutters up the Handler interface unnecessarily,
  2. Handlers that are interested in subsequent faults also tend to be interested in normal completion and so a cleanup method is needed, further complicating the interface.

The approach taken here is to factor out a separate FaultableHandler interface with onFault and cleanup methods. A Handler expresses its interest in faults by implementing the FaultableHandler interface.

FaultableHandler is omitted since Axis currently makes no use of onFault.

Message Context

The MessageContext interface provides access to request and response messages in terms of a Message marker interface.

The alternative of an abstract Marker class extending the javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage abstract class would limit Axis to SOAP messages and bias the flow subsystem towards the SAAJ interface style.

Note:The Axis Architecture Guide used to argue that if we were to factor out an abstract Message Context interface, we would then be then faced with a problem. Some Handlers, most likely in the global layer, would need to accept a Message Context with a particular concete type (e.g. for a HTTP transport) and produce a Message Context of a different concrete type (e.g. for a SOAP service) and so Handler.invoke would need a more complex signature. However, this argument seems flawed as it would clearly be possible to make the existing MessageContext class inherit a more abstract Message Context interface without the need to change the signature of invoke.