This directory tests Java2WSDL generation with inheritance. Here are the steps executed in the WSDL test suite to perform the Java2WSDL inheritance test. 1. WSDL2Java is executed on the InheritanceTest.wsdl in this (the source) directory. This generates some Java files we will need in the build working directory. 2. is replaced with the version from this directory. The local version extends the StockQuoteProvider interface in, which is also copied over to the build working directory. 3. The Java files in the working directory are compiled so that Java2WSDL will have class files to use. 4. Java2WSDL is run against the InheritancePortType class. The --all switch is used to include inherited methods in the WSDL. The output is sent to InheritanceTest.wsdl in the build working directory. 5. The class directory created in step 3 is deleted, so we start with a clean slate. 6. WSDL2Java is run against the generated WSDL file, and the resulting Java file are treated 'as normal' in the WSDL test suite; i.e. any Impl and TestCase files are copied from the source tree, the service and client are compiled and the test invocation of the operations are executed. Here are the addtional steps performed to set up execution of the StopExclude test. This test verifies the behavior of the --stopClasses and --exclude options. 1. The test files, Parent, Child, Baby, Parent_bean, Child_bean, and Baby_bean are compiled to the build classes directory. 2. Java2WSDL is executed on the Baby class and the StopExclude.wsdl file is generated in the build working directory. 3. The test case testStopExclude in the InheritanceTestCase class manually verifies the XML in the types element of the WSDL and WSDL4J is used to verify the operation names in the portType of the WSDL. Tom Jordahl Febuary 5, 2002 Note: I did not create the first test, but I did create the second StopExclude test.