Test addrNoImpSEI Summary: This test is a variant of the AddressBook test. Unlike the regular AddressBook test, the server side implementation (AddressBookNoImplSEISoapBindingImpl) does not implement the Service Endpoint Interface (SEI). The server side implementation does contain methods that correspond to the methods defined in the SEI. The purpose of this test is to simulate a server side EJB which will not implement the SEI, but will have methods that match the SEI. Step 1: An AddressBook.wsdl and AddressBookNoImplSEISoapBindingImpl.java files are provided. WSDL2Java is run on AddressBook.wsdl to create the client side artifacts and deployment data. Step 2: The generated AddressBookNoImplSEISoapBindingImpl.java is replaced with the provided one that does not implement the SEI. Step 3: These files are compiled to ensure that the generated artifacts and provided file are correct. In a normal scenario, we would run the test at this point. Step 4: We now have a setup that simulates the setup for an EJB scenario. Java2WSDL is run on the server implementation to make sure it is possible to generate a wsdl file describing this service. Step 5: Prior classes and java files are deleted. The only way to test the validity of the wsdl file produced in step 4 is to run WSDL2Java on it. Step 6: Replace the generated server side implementation with the provided one. Now we are ready to compile all the files and run the test.