Axis 1.1 Release Notes

This is the 1.1 release of the Axis SOAP library.

About this release

This release is primarily an upgrade to fix a number of bugs in the 1.0 release. Since it took longer than we expected, you'll also find a bunch of new features in there.

We still have a *lot* of open bugs on the books, so please realize that this is not a completely polished work yet. After 1.1 ships we hope / plan to do a lot of work cleaning things up and adding some much-needed functionality which is currently missing, in hopes of releasing a much better 1.2 release in the not-too-distant future.

We say this a lot, but it's worth repeating - you can help! If you've got coding skill, interest, and a little free time, we'd love to have you join the Axis community and help make the product better - see below.

Changes From 1.0 to 1.1

Click to read the 1.1 change log.


This release is intended to be 100% compliant with the JAX-RPC and SAAJ specifications from Sun. The Axis code has successfully passed the all of the JAX-RPC and SAAJ TCK (Technology Compatibility Kit) tests.

More Info

Please check out the included documentation and the FAQ for more information.

How You Can Help

Coding, testing, and helping to answer questions on axis-user are all greatly appreciated. We particularly encourage you to submit improvements to the documentation, however large or small and in any format, to Also, interoperability is always a concern, so please report all replicable bugs.

Thanks for your interest in Axis!

-- The Axis Development Team