apache > ws.apache

Test the Service


In this final step of the tutorial, a SOAP client is used to send requests to the filesystem service deployed in Tomcat. The requests are located in INSTALL_DIR/examples/filesystem/requests. The client is used from an Ant script to send the requests. The scripts can be leveraged in order to test your own services as well. Detailed instructions for using the SOAP client is provided in the Developer Guide.

Sending SOAP Requests

To send a request to the filesystem service:

  1. From a command prompt, change directories to WORK_DIR.
  2. Run:
     ant -f soapclient.xml -Durl=http://localhost:8080/wsrf/services/filesystem -Dxml=INSTALL_DIR/examples/filesystem/requests/QueryResourceProperties_allProps.soap
    Replace INSTALL_DIR in the xml property.

You may also try other request messages in the requests directory.

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