The following steps should be taken when cutting a release: PRE-STEPS --------- - SVN-update trunk/. - Make sure any junk under trunk/ is cleaned out (e.g. quick-test files, example/interop builds etc.). - Jalopy all code (make sure imports are optimized). - In file under src/webapp/WEB-INF/classes, change log level for project package (e.g. to INFO. - Update project version in project.xml, at top and in deps (e.g. update wsrf dep in pubscribe). - SVN-commit trunk/. BUILD ----- - Run "maven dist" from trunk/ (dist will automatically run "clean" first). - Verify dist structure is "clean" and run through the quick start guide as a sanity check. - WinSCP the project jar (under trunk/target/) to minotaur:/www/ - PGP-sign the dist zipfiles (bin and src)...the script sign-release.bat can be used for this, but you will need to update it with your name. - Using WinSCP, copy dist zipfiles and asc, md5, and KEYS files to minotaur:/www/ - To create a branch for the release, SVN-copy contents of trunk/ to branches/X.Y/ WEBSITE ------- - Add download links for the distributions to downloads page. - Add announcement in News section of project home page. - SVN-update site/. - SVN-delete contents of site/ (optional). - Copy contents of trunk/target/website/ to site/. - SVN-commit site/. - SSH to minotaur and cd into the /www/ dir and issue the command "svn up"; NOTE: It will take up to four hours for website updates to be propagated to the actual web server. POST-STEPS ---------- - Revert all log4j files back to debug. - Update projects' project.xml to devel version including SNAPSHOT (make sure to get deps in Pubscribe(wsrf) and muse(pubscribe, wsrf). - Build projects' jars with the new names. - Upload jars using winscp.