Web Services Invocation Framework:
Invoking the MultiBinding Sample using WSIF's dynamic invocation interface

After you have set up the CLASSPATH in your environment, to invoke this sample using WSIF's DII, run the DynamicInvoker class. Specify as command line arguments the location of the WSDL file for the multibinding sample followed by the operation you wish to invoke, an optional preferred port in parentheses and the symbol for the company whose stockquote you are interested in. For example,
Invocation with no port preference: java clients.DynamicInvoker samples/multibinding/StockQuoteService.wsdl getQuote IBM
Invocation with SOAP port preference: java clients.DynamicInvoker samples/multibinding/StockQuoteService.wsdl getQuote(StockQuoteSOAPPort) IBM
Invocation with java port preference: java clients.DynamicInvoker samples/multibinding/StockQuoteService.wsdl getQuote(StockQuoteJavaPort) IBM

To see details of how the WSIF API is used to make invocations dynamically, take a look at the code for the DynamicInvoker class. Note the use of the portName parameter to make the invocation using the selected port.