Changes to Apache WSIF

Please keep changes in reverse chronological order. Each release should have a separate list of changes. Add only significant changes such as changing API, modifying implementation behavior, major bug fixes (hyperlink to Bugzilla), new functionality. Do not give too detailed descriptions as they belong to CVS commit logs. Each major release should have its separate list of changes, name of CVS tag used: create <a name="WSIF_2_0"></a> so it is easy to hyperlink to changes for particular release

In future:

first official 2.0 release (WSIF_2_0)

current estimate: January 2003 after completing list of tasks scheduled for this release.

Fixed Bugzilla bugs:

13646 WSIFOperation_ApacheAxis fails to set up Call's Parameter list
15134 AXIS provider requires mail.jar and acivation.jar even when not using attachements
15578 WSIF incorrectly handles returned attachment from service
15691 errors in docs
15780 WSIF stub invocation for doc style with unwrapped parts don't work
15837 Attachments fail if in the wrong order
16041 There is no way to override the default (de)serializers used by the WSIF AXIS provider
16196 WSIF AXIS provider performance unacceptable
16197 axis provider messaging with attachments don't work
16199 response soap headers not passed to WSIF client
16212 WSIF AXIS provider no longer supports jms:property parts in the input message
16256 WSIF AXIS Operation uses incorrect encoding style
16271 WSIFUtils method initializeProviders should be public
16334 WSIF NPE for a document style service which is not wrapped

Nirmal Mukhi, Aleksander Slominski
Last modified: $Id$