# # wsif.test.properties is internal use only. It is used to control WSIF's junit # tests. # # wsif.path= wsif.path=/wsif # # wsif.async.replytoq value should match the wsiftestjmssetup and wsitestfmqsetup bat files # wsif.async.replytoq= wsif.async.replytoq=AsyncReplyTo wsif.async.replytoq2=AsyncReplyTo2 # # the nativejms properties should match the wsifjmssetup and wsifmqsetup bat files wsif.nativejms.requestq=NativeJmsRequestQueue wsif.nativejms.responseq=NativeJmsResponseQueue # # wsif.test.components switches off some areas of unit test so that you can run # whole suite without jms, ejb, remotewsdl (in WsdlLoadingTest) or jndi. By default, # all areas are on unless you explicitly turn them off. # wsif.test.components=[ejb=on|off,][jms=on|off,][remotewsdl=on|off,][jndi=on|off,][async=on|off][mime=on|off] wsif.test.components=ejb=on,jms=on,remotewsdl=on,jndi=on,fix=off,async=on,mime=on # # wsif.jms.output=terse|verbose Controls how much output you get from the # JMS2HTTPBridge when running the testcases. Default is terse. wsif.jms.output=terse # # wsif.displaytime is number of milliseconds that images are displayed for. # The default is 2000ms. wsif.displaytime=2000 # # The wsif.jms2httpbridge properties are used to start the JMS2HTTPBridge # when it is started automatically by the testcases. The # jndidestinationnamepattern is used to construct the jndiDestinationName # by replacing the % with Stockquote or AddressBook, etc. # The httpurl is the URL that the bridge will route requests on to. wsif.jms2httpbridge.initialcontextfactory=com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory wsif.jms2httpbridge.jndidestinationnamepattern=SoapJms%Queue wsif.jms2httpbridge.jndiproviderurl=file:///JNDI-Directory wsif.jms2httpbridge.jndiconnectionfactoryname=WSIFSampleQCF wsif.jms2httpbridge.httpurl=http://localhost:8080/soap/servlet/rpcrouter