RELEASE PLAN for Apache WSIF 2.0: * VERY IMPORTANT: _all_ pending tasks for final release and RCs must be in RELEASE_TASK.txt - anybody waorking on releease should put there what is happening (including bug fixes) (it is in CVS in doc/ subdirectory) * next IRC chat on Moday Jan 13th - we keep discussing about release on mailing list * RC1 on friday and necxt RC releases later final releease in mid-January shortly after Mon 13) * final RC is converted to final relelase in few weeks * TASK to keep discussing best build structure and how to make it easy - also tentatively Ant in next RC will move all jar files to one lib directory * keep updating list tof changes in doc (including new additions, bug fixes etc.)! * maybe aslo remove some of "high priority" tasks as nobody signed for them (or seems to be working on them ...) * release often after 2.0 (including bug fixes and doc changes) baseline would be 2.0.x then if we really have something significant change the 0 TASKS for RC release (high priority): * put HERE all remaining tasks, for example: remaining critical bugs including URLs such as: Bug 13646 WSIFOperation_ApacheAxis fails to set up Call's Parameter list * check current RC1 release (when it is out) and report problems ESPECIALLY: look on how build scripts work (including build.* and classpath.*) and on lib/subdires structure also consider how to structure jar dependencies (subdirectories or everything in one directory) * fix nightly builds * [ant] finish fixing problems in AXIS provider as described in bugzillas to be raised * regularly monitor bugzilla bugs and decide as appropriate if fix should be included in RCx or final * alek: check if we can distribute all jar files * alek: JAVAMAIL/JAF issue especially in context of and (that would greatly simplify WSIF installtion if activation.jar and mail.jar coul dbe included) (note, you shouldn't need these jars to run WSIF unless you really are using attachments now) * samples (we need to decide what does in and what is not to be in release -as nobody works on JCA or EJB samples AFAIK) * samples are crucial to show what WSIF can do and how to use it * we need sample for EJB * we need sample for JMS/SOAP * piotrp?: we need sample for JCA * documentation: we have most of it now but some reading/checking will only make it better * we need more people to check documentation * document each sample (Nirmal is doing great work here both writing and documenting samples) * alek: check initial readme/overview docs * alek: check sample documentation for simplesoap and run sample * alek: check sample documentation for complexsoap and run sample * check sample documentation for localjava and run sample * document WSIF code and give higher level docs than just Javadocs * if possible no code changes until we have this release finished unless it is bug fix ... * make sure that all dependencies are documented * [owen] investigate using Forrest for creating separate pages for WSIF outside Axis * DONE nirmal need sample for simple soap * DONE nirmal need sample for soap with comlex types * DONE nirmal documented simple soap sample * DONE nirmal documented complex soap samples * DONE Jeremy: Forrest proposal check in into proposals directory in CVS * DONE [alek] get out an intial (alpha) release today! * DONE [Jeremy Sat 11a GMT (6am EST)] fixing problem with text files marked by Eclipse as binary in CVS * DONE [alek] but will need mroe work [alek] split README.html into smaller pices and make it addressing two communities: WSIF users and WSIF developers; README.html right now is kind of mixed up * DONE [alek] simplify wsif.css * DONE [alek] check in JAR files that we know WSIF works OK with LICENSE and README(and can be checked in) * DONE [alek] test process to build binary and source distributions * [nirmal + alek] document how to run samples (step by step) * [nirmal + alek] document how to build (step by step) TASKS (medium priority): * [jeremy] automatic generation of javadoc API on website * write/test sample that uses xmethods WSDL (DynamicInvoker + stub) * document how to run tests (step by step) * get the link to the API javadoc off the home page working * work on developer guide that explains what different methods on WSIFOperation are doing with exampels (such as executeRequestResponseAsync ...) * check (and edit if necessary) Javadoc on the main WSIF API (org.apache.wsif) * check (and edit if necessary) Javadoc on util and base (WSIFUtils and org.apache.wsif.base) TASKS (lower priority) * check (and edit if necessary) Javadoc for AXIS provider * check (and edit if necessary) Javadoc for Apache SOAP provider * check (and edit if necessary) Javadoc for JMS/SOAP provider * check (and edit if necessary) Javadoc for JCA provider * writing documentation for JCA binding * improve Javadoc for Java provider * improve Javadoc for EJB provider * figure out how to make JMS sample to use as simple as possible maybe with some locally started JMS serivce ... * document how to run sample interacting using JMS * figure out how to make JCA sample to use as simple as possible maybe with some local JCA connetor... * document how to run samle interacting using JCA * document how to run samle interacting using EJB * sample showing customisation of WSIF: how to write simple code to pick your preferred port at runtime LATER * [nirmal, alek, Jeremy ???] for sampels it would be good to have something pernament for EJB/JMS using Open Source EJBs/JMS (such as JBoss), etc. can we do that? is that feasible? * [alek ...] LATER: modularisation * allow compiling with only AXIS jars on CLASSPATH (generate only Apapche Axis SOAP provider)