RELEASE PLAN for Apache WSIF 2.0 : * alpha/baseline relelase (friday): do not use this verin unless you are willing to report to us what is missing :-) just make it to have a reference point: test the process * beta (next Friday) work on documentation and doing necessary changes to get samples to run document build process (maybe also tests) * RC1 on Dec 18th (or more RCs if necessary) that is converted to final relelase * release often after 2.0 (including bug fixes and doc changes) baseline would be 2.0.x then if we really have something significant change the 0 TASKS: * DONE [alek] get out an intial (alpha) release today! * [Jeremy Sat 11a GMT (6am EST)] fixing problem with text files marked by Eclipse as binary in CVS * [owen] investigate using Forrest for creating separate pages for WSIF outside Axis * [nirmal + alek] samples and modularization * DONE [alek] but will need mroe work [alek] split README.html into smaller pices and make it addressing two communities: WSIF users and WSIF developers; README.html right now is kind of mixed up * DONE [alek] simplify wsif.css * DONE [alek] check in JAR files that we know WSIF works OK with LICENSE and README(and can be checked in) * [jeremy] automatic generation of javadoc API * get the link to the API javadoc off the home page working * [ant] write/test sample that uses xmethods WSDL (DynamicInvoker + stub) * make sure that all dependencies are documented * test process to build binary and source distributions * document how to run samples (step by step) * document how to run tests (step by step) * document how to build (step by step) * work on developer guide that explains what different methods on WSIFOperation are doing with exampels (such as executeRequestResponseAsync ...) * check (and edit if necessary) Javadoc on the API (org.apache.wsif) * check (and edit if necessary) Javadoc on util and base (WSIFUtils and org.apache.wsif.base) TASKS (lower priority) * check (and edit if necessary) Javadoc for AXIS provider * check (and edit if necessary) Javadoc for Apache SOAP provider * check (and edit if necessary) Javadoc for JMS/SOAP provider * improve Javadoc for Java provider * improve Javadoc for EJB provider * figure out how to make JMS sample to use as simple as possible maybe with some locally started JMS serivce ... * document how to run sample interacting using JMS * figure out how to make JCA sample to use as simple as possible maybe with some local JCA connetor... * document how to run samle interacting using JCA * document how to run samle interacting using EJB * sample showing customisation of WSIF: how to write simple code to pick your preferred port at runtime LATER * [nirmal, alek, Jeremy ???] for sampels it would be good to have something pernament for EJB/JMS using Open Source EJBs/JMS (such as JBoss), etc. can we do that? is that feasible? * [alek ...] LATER: modularisation * allow compiling with only AXIS jars on CLASSPATH (generate only Apapche Axis SOAP provider)