Apache-SOAP Version 2.2: Installing the Server-Side Under BEA WebLogic Application Server 6.0

Installing SOAP with BEA WebLogic is very straight foreward.
The steps are:

Install the soap web app

Copy the /path-to-apache-soap/webapps/soap to your applications directory For example: To install into the "mydomain" plug the directory into:

Put the soap.jar into the web app's classpath

1. Make a directory c:/bea/wlserver6.0/mydomain/application/soap/WEB-INF/lib
2. Copy soap.jar to that lib directory

Access the soap web app

You should be able to deploy services by pointing a browser to


where hostname is the host on which WebLogic is running and port is the port. See the User's Guide for details on the administration tool. The SOAP end-point for invoking services on this server is:


Optionally switch out for a new xerces parser

WebLogic 6.0 bundles the xerces parser already. If you want to use your own xerces.jar you will have to edit your start script, and make sure that the CLASSPATH has xerces.jar at the beginnning, so those classes get loaded before the ones in the weblogic.jar.

Optionally configure the soap.xml

NOTE: For some reason I had to configure this, else I got an error writing to the .ds file

1. Configure the web application to point to a soap.xml config file.
Edit the web.xml file and add another initialization parameter. (e.g. c:\bea\wlserver6.0\config\mydomain\applications\soap\WEB-INF\web.xml)
2. Configure the soap.xml (e.g. c:\BEA\wlserver6.0\config\mydomain\applications\soap\soap.xml)
	<!-- Sample Apache SOAP Server Configuration File -->
	  <!-- This section defines the same thing you get if you don't -->
	  <!-- specify anything at all - aka the default                -->
	  <configManager value="org.apache.soap.server.DefaultConfigManager" >
		<option name="filename" value="c:\BEA\wlserver6.0\config\mydomain\applications\soap\DeployedServices.ds" />

Happy SOAP-ing!