Installing Apache SOAP on iPlanet Application Server

Updated May 24, 2001

This document describes how to install Apache SOAP 2.2 on iPlanet Application Server 6.0 and how to exercise the Apache SOAP samples.

Installing Apache SOAP

Configuring the Client Environment

Registering and Exercising the Apache SOAP Samples

Next Steps

Changing Location of the Deployed Services Configuration File

Installing Apache SOAP

  1. Deploy the Apache SOAP Web Application
  2. Add Supporting Libraries to Server Classpath
  3. Test the Apache SOAP Installation

1.  Deploy the Apache SOAP Web Application

  1. Start the iPlanet Application Server Deployment Tool.
  2. Open the soap.war file from the expanded Apache SOAP distribution. This file is located under soapinstalldir/webapps/soap.war. When asked to add iPlanet deployment descriptor, click on OK. If informed that a number of class references cannot be resolved, ignore the warning as supporting libraries will be added to the server's classpath in the next section.
  3. Add the soap.jar file to the WEB-INF/lib/ area of the WAR file. Alternatively, you can add the soap.jar file to the start of the application server's classpath. See the next section on adding supporting libraries to the application server classpath.
  4. Save the modified soap.war file.
  5. Deploy the soap.war module to the application server.

Upon deployment, the SOAP web application is installed in the installdir/APPS/modules/soap/ directory of the application server. If you browse the WEB-INF/classes/ directory of the deployed web application, you'll note that the Java classes for Apache SOAP sample services are included in the web application.

3. Add Supporting Libraries to Server Classpath

Download a copy of a JAXP compatible, namespace-aware XML parser such as Xerces. Version 1.4 or later of the Xerces Java Parser has been shown to work properly with Apache SOAP 2.2.

To avoid conflicts with the XML parser bundled with the application server, you must ensure that the JAXP compatible parser library appears at the start of the application server's classpath.

If you plan on exercising the Apache SOAP samples that rely on server side scripting languages such as JavaScript, then download the Bean Scripting Framework and Rhino JavaScript libraries and add the bsf.jar and js.jar files to the front of the application server's classpath. Refer to the Apache SOAP installation instructions for pointers to these supporting JAR files.

Since mail.jar and activation.jar are already present in the server classpath, you do not need to perform any special setup to enable Apache SOAP to access these libraries.

Classpath Settings on Windows

On Windows the application server uses the CLASSPATH setting defined in the application server's registry. (Setting the Windows system environment variable CLASSPATH will not affect the setting used by the application server). To modify the registry:

  1. Execute kregedit, the application server's registry editor.
  2. Navigate to SOFTWARE\iPlanet\Application Server\6.0
  3. Select Java\ClassPath and the select Edit->Modify to change the value.
  4. Add the Rhino js.jar (optional), bsf.jar (optional) and Xerces JAR files to front of the classpath:


  5. Restart the application server to reload the registry settings.

Classpath Settings on UNIX (iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP2)

Modify the installdir/ias/bin/kjs script to include the supporting JAR files.  The kjs script starts the JVM that houses the application server's web and EJB containers.




Restart the application server to pick up the classpath changes.

Classpath Settings on UNIX (iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP3)

In iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP3 the classpath setting used by the kjs shell script is housed in a common environment setting shell script. Make changes to the kjs CLASSPATH variable in the


# Union of all CLASSPATHS
export CLASSPATH=$SOAP_CLASSES:${TOMCAT_DIR}/jasper.jar:...

Restart the application server to pick up the classpath changes.

4. Test the Apache SOAP Installation

Access the following URL to start the administrative interface:

http://<web server host>/NASApp/soap/admin/index.html

Access the RPC Router and Message Router Servlets by accessing the following URLs:

http://<web server host>/NASApp/soap/servlet/rpcrouter

http://<web server host>/NASApp/soap/servlet/messagerouter

If your Apache SOAP installation is correct, the browser will display:

SOAP (RPC|Message) Router
Sorry, I don't speak via HTTP GET- you have to use HTTP POST to talk to me.

Now that you've performed a basic test of the environment, you are ready to configure your client environment and exercise sample applications.

Since the application server's web container does not by default load index.html files, you must include the index.html file names in the URLs. Otherwise, you will encounter a GX Error in the browser when attempting to access a URL such as NASApp/soap/admin/.

Configuring the Client Environment

To register SOAP services and to run Java-based client applications, you must add several JAR files to your client's classpath:

JAR Description Location
mail.jar JavaMail API installdir/ias/classes/java/
activation.jar JavaBeans Activation Framework installdir/ias/classes/java/
soap.jar Apache SOAP infrastructure soapinstalldir/lib/soap.jar
xerces.jar (or equivalent) A JAXP compatible, namespace-aware XML parser such as Xerces. xercesinstalldir/xerces.jar

To register and run the Apache SOAP 2.2 samples, you also need to add the location of the samples directory to your client classpath.

On Windows, the client classpath setting might resemble the following:

set IAS_HOME=d:\iplanet\ias6\ias
set CLASSPATH=%IAS_HOME%\classes\java\mail.jar;%IAS_HOME%\classes\java\activation.jar;

On UNIX, the client classpath setting might resemble the following:

export IAS_HOME=/usr/iplanet/ias6/ias
export CLASSPATH=$IAS_HOME/classes/java/mail.jar:$IAS_HOME/classes/java/activation.jar:

Registering and Exercising the Apache SOAP Samples

Each sample bundled with Apache SOAP 2.2 includes a script to register and exercise the samples. Since the supporting Java classes for the Apache SOAP sample services have already been deployed as part of the SOAP web application, you do not need to move these classes to the application server. The sample scripts will only register the already deployed SOAP services with the Apache SOAP runtime.

1. Edit testit Scripts to Reflect RPC Router URL
2. Run testit Scripts
3. Troubleshooting

1. Edit testit Scripts to Reflect RPC Router URL

Go to the soapinstalldir/samples/addressbook/ directory and edit either the testit.cmd or script depending on your OS platform. You will need to perform a replace all on the URL of the rpcrouter servlet to match your application server deployment.

For example, throughout the testit script, the string:


will need to be changed to:


2. Run the testit Script

Doublecheck to ensure that your client's classpath is set appropriately. Then execute the testit script. For example, when running the addressbook sample, you should see the following output in the client window:

This test assumes a server URL of
Deploying the addressbook service...
     Verify that it's there
     Deployed Services:
     Getting info for "Mr Good"
123 Main Street
     Anytown, NY 12345
     (123) 456-7890
     Adding "John Doe"
     John Doe has been added.
     Query "Mr Doe" to make sure it was added
123 Main Street
     AnyTown, SS 12345
     (800) 555-1212
<Name>Mary Smith</Name>
Undeploy it now
Verify that it's gone
Deployed Services:

If you successfully ran the address sample, then proceed to the Next Steps.

3. Troubleshooting

If you encounter the following messages when running a sample, the most likely cause is not having the JAXP compatible parser library at the front of the server's classpath:

This test assumes a server URL of

Deploying the addressbook service...
Ouch, the call failed:
  Fault Code   = SOAP-ENV:Server.Exception:
  Fault String = java.lang.NoSuchMethodError

This error occurs because the XML parser bundled with the application server does not contain a class required by Apache SOAP. Once you place a JAXP compatible parser at the front of the server's classpath, you will solve this problem.

If you encounter errors when running the Calculator sample, ensure that you've added both the bsf.jar and js.jar libraries to the start of the application server's classpath.

Next Steps

Try the remaining samples. Review the readme file for each sample to understand the intent of the sample.

Experiment by modifying the testit scripts to leave services registered. Restart the application server to observe that registration of services is persistent across server restarts.

Access the Apache SOAP administrative interface to list the registered services:

http://<web server host>/NASApp/soap/admin/index.html

Select the List option to list the deployed services. Drill down into each service to see the detailed configuration of the service. Since the Calculator service is based on JavaScript, you will see the script code for this service as you list it in the administrative interface.

Changing the Location of the Deployed Services Configuration File

The Apache SOAP infrastructure relies on a file named DeployedServices.ds to retain the configuration of deployed SOAP services. This file enables the Apache SOAP infrastructure to reload service configuration data as the application server is restarted. When Apache SOAP is deployed to iPlanet Application Server, the default location for this file is:


You can override this default location by creating a soap.xml file containing the path and file name of a services configuration file. The Apache SOAP web application's deployment descriptor also needs to be modified to refer to the location of the soap.xml configuration file.

If you've already deployed SOAP services using the default services configuration file, copy the content of the DeployedServices.ds file to the new location of the services configuration file. (You may change the name of the file as desired).

To change the default location of the services configuration file, you must follow these steps:

1. Create a soap.xml file containing a pointer to the new location of the services configuration file.
2. Open soap.war in Deployment Tool
3. Add initialization parameters to the rpcrouter and messagrouter servlets. These parameters point to the location of a new soap.xml file.
4. Copy old DeployedServices.ds file to new location. (optional)
5. Redploy the soap.war module.
6. Restart the application server.

Creating the soap.xml File

By default, the soap.xml file does not exist in a simple installation of Apache SOAP. If you want to change the location of the services configuration file, you must create a soap.xml file that refers to the new services configuration file. (In the next section, you will modify the web application to point to the location of the soap.xml file).

For the purposes of specifying the location of a service configuration file, the soap.xml file takes the following form:

<configManager value="org.apache.soap.server.DefaultConfigManager" >
<option name="filename" value="d:\soap-2_2\DeployedServices.ds" />

Adding ConfigFile Servlet Initialization Parameter

In the web.xml file, the initialization parameters in the web application deployment descriptor takes the following form:

<display-name>Apache-SOAP Message Router</display-name>
</init-param> <init-param>


The new <init-param> must be added to the <servlet> section for both the messagerouter and rpcrouter servlets.

To make this change via the Deployment Tool, follow these steps:

  1. Start the Deployment Tool and open the soap.war file that you modified earlier.
  2. Click on the WAR module and click on Componenet View.
  3. Select the messagerouter servlet, right click, and select Edit Descriptor.
  4. Under the Init Param tab, add a new parameter matching the description above.
  5. Repeat for the rpcrouter servlet.
  6. Close the descriptor windows and save the WAR file.
  7. Redeploy the WAR file and restart the application server.

Now comment out the undeploy steps in several of the sample testit scripts for the sample applications. Then rerun these scripts. Restart the application server and use the Apache SOAP administrative interface to ensure that the service configuration was persisted to the new configuration file. Open the services configuration file in an editor to double check that the services are being registered in the new file.