Writing Message Clients

Writing clients to access SOAP message-oriented services requires that you interact with a lower-level set of Apache SOAP APIs than you would otherwise have to if you were writing a SOAP RPC-based client. However, message-oriented services provide you with a finer grain of control over what is actually being transmitted over SOAP. (In fact, the RPC mechanism is built on type of this message-oriented layer.)

The basic steps for creating a client which interacts with a SOAP message-oriented service are as follows:

  1. Obtain the interface description of the SOAP service, so that you know what the format of the SOAP message should be (i.e. what headers it should have, what the body should look like, etc.) as well as the type of message exchange which will take place.
    You can either look at a WSDL file (or at some other interface definition format) for the service, or directly at its implementation. Unlike SOAP RPC, there is no predefined message exchange pattern defined, so a message-oriented service may return a SOAP envelope, may return another type of data, or may return nothing at all.

  2. Construct an org.apache.soap.Envelope which contains the information that the SOAP service requires.
    At the very least, you will need to add an org.apache.soap.Body object to the envelope. You can optionally add headers as well.
    Note: When the message is received on the server, it will be routed to the proper service by looking at the XML Namespace associated with the first child element in the body, and then to the correct method/function within that service via the name of the element itself.

  3. Create an org.apache.soap.messaging.Message object.
    If you need to add MIME attachments to your message, then you can use addBodyPart(...) method to do so. If you need to send your message over a transport other than HTTP, then you will need to invoke the setSOAPTransport(...) method.

  4. Invoke the send(...) method on the Message object, providing the URL of the endpoint which is providing the service (i.e. http://localhost/soap/servlet/messagerouter), the actionURI, and your envelope.

  5. If your service is returning data, and assuming that the transport supports two-way interaction, then you need to retrieve the SOAPTransport object from the Message object (assuming that you don't already have a handle to it) by using the getSOAPTransport() method. You can then invoke the receive() method on the SOAPTransport object to retrieve the returned data.
    If the service is returning a SOAP Envelope, then you can parse the XML and pass the root element to org.apache.soap.Envelope's unmarshall(..) method to allow it to reconstruct a SOAP Envelope object for you. If an error has occurred on the server during the processing of the request, the server will automatically send back a SOAP Envelope with a SOAP Fault in the body describing what went wrong.

Last updated 5/20/2001 by Bill Nagy <nagy@watson.ibm.com>.