<%@ page import="example.NotifRequestUtils "%> <% if(request.getParameter("page") == null) { %> Producer Resource Gui

Producer Resource Gui

This form will trigger a ResourcePropertyChangedNotification on a Producer Resource's Simple-Type Resource Property. Modify the Comment Message and click the button to trigger the event.

Notification Producer EPR URL (a file on a URL which contains the 2004/08 EPR XML):

Simple-Type Property to be Changed (Note: Must be in format usable from QName.valueOf(..) see example in textfield):

Value to be Changed:

<% } else { boolean bool = NotifRequestUtils.invokeSetResourceProperty(request.getParameter( "prop" ), request.getParameter("msg") ,request.getParameter( "serviceurl" )); %> Producer Resource Gui

Producer Resource Gui

<% if(!bool) { out.println("Invoke prop change failed!"); } else { out.println("Invoke prop change was successful!"); } %>

<% } %>