apache > ws.apache

SOAP Client


Pubscribe includes a lightweight SOAP client that can be used to test your services. The client is invoked using an Ant script, which is located in INSTALL_DIR/template/soapclient.xml. Request and response messages are viewed in the Ant output. This section explains how to use the client and how to build request SOAP messages for the client.

SOAP Files

The client reads a .soap file which contains the SOAP envelope to be sent. Examples of SOAP files are located in INSTALL_DIR/examples/filesystem/requests/. Each file is named appropriately based on the operation it contains. Use these files as models when creating your own .soap files. Make sure you modify the resource identifier in the WS-Addressing header to match the entry that is in the JNDI configuration file and the resource id for the instance you would like to invoke. The id is used by the invocation framework to lookup a particular resource instance.

Running the Client

To invoke the script:

  1. Make sure your WS Resource is deployed.
  2. open a command prompt and change directories to INSTALL_DIR/template/soapclient.xml.
  3. Run:
    ant -f soapclient.xml sendRequest -Durl=http://localhost:8080/pubscribe/services/your_service -Dxml=./requests/Subscribe_updateMountPointProp.soap

    Where your_service represents your WS Resource endpoint name, and the script name should be the name (including the path) of your .soap file.

You can add an entry to build.properties for the url property, which alleviates the need to specify it on the command line.