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Apache Muse

Apache Muse - Build and Deployment of Sample Projects

Mini SOAP Engine (J2EE)

Each of the sample projects has an Ant build file (build.xml) that can be used to compile the sample code and create a deployable J2EE WAR. Simply run ant in the sample project's directory and it will create a WAR file with the latest code and artifacts. The WAR will leverage the Mini SOAP Engine and should be less than 2 MB.

Once you have deployed the WAR file on your application server, you can run the sample's test client using the run task in the build file. The run task requires you to specify the name of the test client class on the command line using the main attribute. Below is a sample command line that shows how you would run the test client for the WSN Consumer Sample Project:

ant run -Dmain=org.apache.muse.test.wsn.WsnTestClient

Eclipse Equinox (OSGi)

A skeleton Equinox environment is provided as part of the samples distribution. Each OSGi sample's build.xml creates a target OSGi deployment using this skeleton environment, and deploys the sample Bundles into it. Running ant will create the deployment. Running ant run will start the OSGi environment and activate the plugins. Running ant run_client will exercise the sample plugins by launching a client application.