Apache Muse - Create a Resource (Persistence)
You can create new instances of a resource type at design time by adding pre-determined endpoint references to the router's data store. This section describes the steps you must take to provide the EPRs for the resources you want to create at application startup.
The deployment descriptor overview covers the nature of the router and its persistence mechanism; Muse has a default implementation of router persistence based on the file system, and we will use that to explore design-time resource creation. In order to create resources at startup, we must first design their EPRs, then store them in files, and then modify muse.xml to notify the router of their existence. When the Muse application is started, it will create a new resource for each EPR we have specified before any SOAP requests are processed.
- Design the resource EPRs - We must decide what the EPRs of our resources are, and that
means selecting the name-value pairs that make up the WS-A reference parameters. The address of the
EPR is determined by the Muse engine, so we don't even have to provide that - we just need the reference
parameters. Let's assume that we want to create three instances of a resource with context path
application-server - the reference parameters might something like this:
<wsa:ReferenceParameters xmlns:wsa="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing">
<wsa:ReferenceParameters xmlns:wsa="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing">
<wsa:ReferenceParameters xmlns:wsa="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing">
- Store the EPRs in files - The reference parameters must be put in XML files. The
files should be named resource-instance-N.xml, where N is a monotonically
increasing integer. The file-based persistence mechanism relies on multiple files to store the
router table entries instead of one big file out of performance considerations.
NoteIt is not expected that the file-based system will be used to create and maintain large numbers of resources in IT systems; rather, it should be used to create resources whose existence is rather permanent and have a very static role. Examples of such resource types would be resource factories, service groups, or system monitors.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<wsa:ReferenceParameters xmlns:wsa="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing">
- Describe the persistence mechanism in muse.xml - In the muse.xml file,
under the router element, we'll need to create the following entry:
- Add the XML files to the proper location - The persistence location (a directory named
router-entries) must go in the Muse application directory. For Axis2 users, this is under
the following path: /WEB-INF/services/muse/router-entries. Once this directory is created,
create a sub-directory whose name is the context path of your resource type; in our example, this
would be /WEB-INF/services/muse/router-entries/application-server. Put the XML files in
this directory.
- Enable persistence for the resource type - Participation in the router's persistence
mechanism is voluntary. To enable persistence of a given resource type's EPRs, you must add the
use-router-persistence attribute to the <resource-type/> element and set it to
true (the default value is false).
- Start the application - The first time the SOAP engine receives a request for your
Muse-based application, it will start the Muse service, which will in turn process your pre-created
router entries. It will create and initialize as many resources as there are EPR files, and it will
assign EPRs with the given set of reference parameters. If your resource's capabilities have
initialization logic, it will be executed during Resource.initialize(). Only after all of
the pre-created resources are ready will the first SOAP request be processed.