Apache Muse - Add WSDM Metrics to Resource Properties
You can augment your custom resource properties by adding WSDM Metrics metadata to them; this metadata includes timestamps that tell you when and how frequently a property is updated. Follow the steps below to turn one of your resource properties into a WSDM metric.
- Add the muws2:CurrentTime property to your WSRP document. This is
the only property defined by the WSDM Metrics capability
and will alert the wsdl2java tool that your resource interface should include that capability. Below
is an XML fragment that you can plug into your WSRP document:
<xsd:element xmlns:muws2="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsdm/muws2-2.xsd" ref="muws2:CurrentTime"/>
- Create a WSRMD (metadata) file for your resource properties, if you haven't done so already.
Be sure to create a <wsrmd:Property/> element for each property in your WSRP document. The
WSRF sample project has an RMD file that you can use as a
starting point.
- For each property that you want to add metrics to, you must add the following XML under
its <wsrmd:Property/> element:
<wsrmd:Property name="myns:MyProperty" mutability="..." modifiability="...">
<muws2:TimeScope>Interval | PointInTime | SinceReset</muws2:TimeScope>
<muws2:GatheringTime>OnChange | OnDemand | Periodic | Unknown</muws2:GatheringTime>
<muws2:CalculationInterval>an xsd:duration value</muws2:CalculationInterval>
</wsrmd:Property> - Run wsdl2java and complete your project as normal. You do not have to write any
code to ensure that the metrics are added to your properties - this will be done
dynamically by the Metrics capability.
- Once your endpoint is deployed and running, you can use the
class to retrieve resource properties and metric values
as Java objects (that is, without using the DOM API to get the attribute values).
Below is some sample code that illustrates the use of MetricsClient to
read the LastUpdated time for the myns:MyProperty property:
URI address = URI.create("http://localhost/resources/services/metric-providing-resource");
EndpointReference epr = new EndpointReference(address);
MetricsClient client = new MetricsClient(epr);
Map metrics = new HashMap();
QName name = new QName("http://my/namespace", "MyProperty", "myns");
String[] values = (String[])client.getPropertyAsObjectAndMetrics(name, String.class, metrics);
System.out.println("The property values are: ");
for (int n = 0; n < values.length; ++n)
Date lastUpdated = (Date)metrics.get(MuwsConstants.LAST_UPDATED);
System.out.println("The property was last updated on: " + lastUpdated);