apache > ws.apache
Apache Muse

Apache Muse - WSN Producer Sample Project

More details on this project are provided in the tutorial.

This sample project provides a simple WS-Notification producer that will send a message to each new subscriber on a regular interval. The interval between messages is determined by the MessageInterval resource property, which is mutable using the WSRP SetResourceProperties operation. This resource also adds in some of the simpler WSDM MUWS capabilities: Identity, Description, ManageabilityCharacteristics, and OperationalStatus.

The router-entries directory contains an EPR for one instance of the producer resource - it will also store all of the EPRs for subscriptions that are created as a result of calls to the wsnt:Subscribe operation. If the server is shutdown after a subscription is created, the subscription data will be stored and notifications will resume once the server has been restarted.