apache > ws.apache
Apache Muse

Apache Muse - The Abstract WSRF Capability

Spec name and port type: WS-ResourceFramework v1.2 (and any capability that depends on it)

Capability URI: Provided by concrete capability types.

Description: Muse defines an abstract base class that provides a simple feature in addition to those offered by the core Capability and AbstractCapability types. AbstractWsResourceCapability ensures that any resource class that is using the concrete capability is of type WsResource, and thus has a ResourcePropertyCollection. Based on this knowledge, the abstract class tries to discover and validate the resource properties defined by the concrete capability during its initialization.

Java interface: org.apache.muse.ws.resource.WsResourceCapability

JAR file: muse-wsrf-api.jar

Default Java implementation: org.apache.muse.ws.resource.impl.AbstractWsResourceCapability

JAR file: muse-wsrf-impl.jar

Action on initialize(): For each property name returned by the getPropertyNames() method, the class will determine if there is a appropriate getter (method of form getFoo()) and setter (method of form setFoo()). There must at least be a getter; setters are only needed if the property is writeable.

Assuming the appropriate getter and setter are available, the class then registers the capability with the resource's ResourcePropertyCollection; this action will result in the ResourcePropertyCollection delegating all WSRP operations for the capability's properties to the its get/set methods.

Action on initializeCompleted(): None.

Action on prepareShutdown(): None.

Action on shutdown(): None.

Non-Core Dependencies:

Behavior and Limitations: The getter and setter methods for the resource properties must be of the form get{LocalName} and set{LocalName}, where {LocalName} is the local name of the property's QName. Assuming each capability defines its properties in its own schema namespace, there should be no name clashes with other capabilities' properties and methods.

The {LocalName} portion of the method must be the exact local name, even if the property has a cardinality greater than zero; in other words, if a property can have multiple values, its getter and setter name cannot use the plural form of the name. For example, if a capability defines a property {http://ws.apache.org/muse/test/example}Foo, the getter and setter for the property must be named getFoo() and setFoo() even if the property is [0..n]. The names getFoos() or setFoos() will result in an initialization error.

Properties with a cardinality greater than one should be represented in their getters and setters with arrays. Users may use whatever they like to store the values internally (Java Collections Framework, persistent data store, etc.), but the values must come in and out as arrays.

When the class encounters a property that has a cardinality of [0..1] and is also nillable, the getProperty() method will return an empty Element (null value) to the ResourcePropertyCollection if the value of the property is null. This is not 100% correct because the property could have no value, so returning one value (null) would be wrong. In general, it is best to avoid this ambiguity when defining your property schemas. However, if you must have such ambiguity, and the default behavior is not what you want, you can change the behavior by overriding the getProperty() method and taking special action for the property in question; just remember to call super.getProperty() to deal with the other properties in the capability!

Initialization parameters: None.