WSDL2WS_J2ME is a tool for generating stubs and appropriate wrappers for MIRAE.
Functionality of the tool
Tool generate Wrapper for custom types in following conditions
Generate the method signatures of the types (serialize(), desirealize()) so that developer can write serialize desirialize code in most efficient way.
Generate the complete wrapper for WSDL types like struts
Generate the complete wrappers for Array of any simple or WSDL types like struts
Types of classes generated by the tool
Style of the service
The tool currently supports RPC encoder and doc literal.
Supports for making simple custom types
Tool generate Wrapper for custom types in following conditions,
Supported Schema types
Architecture Diagram
The tool takes a top down approach. It starts with a wsdl document and generates all the classes necessary to deploy the web service.
Mediator WsContext
The WSDL file and the user options are processed by the WSDL2WS_J2ME. The WSDL create a class called wsContext(WebServiceContext) which is the runtime representation of the processed data. This wsContext passes to the generators. The generators extract the information form the wsContext create the files.The wsContext act as a mediator and create a loosely coupled system.
wsContext has following componets.
Generator generate a class depend on the options, It contains a class called SourceWriter and the concrete implementation of the SourceWriter decides what will Genarator generate. The SourceWriter factory create a correct type of generator depend on the options.
Flow of execution
WSDL file and user options are processed by the WSDL2WS_J2ME and WSContext object is created.
WebServiceGenaratorFactory will create WebServiceGenarator depend on the service style
then the WebServiceGenarator will create right set of Generators to create the set of files
Each generator will invoke SourceWriter capable of writing each type of file.