S T A T U S =========== $Id: STATUS,v 1.13 2003/11/06 23:39:18 nbubna Exp $ Known Issues/Bugs: - Nothing of note! :) Documentation: - Complete user guide. - Improve documention of RenderTool, ViewRenderTool, IteratorTool, AbstractSearchTool, TilesTool, CookieTool, ActionMessagesTool, MultiViewsTool, ValidatorTool, SecureLinkTool, ImportTool and the commons-logging/LogSystem bridges (either xml/dvsl or javadoc) - Create a developer's guide (how to write tools, tips on extending VVS, etc.) Proposed Features/Upgrades: General: - convert project to use Maven - stop keeping jars in CVS VelocityView: - add a library of velocimacros for use with these tools - Switch to non-singleton mode of Velocity to allow different instances/configurations of VVS in the same classloader/application/JVM - Pluggable toolbox manager in VelocityViewServlet - Tool pooling support (use commons-pool probably) - add ability to do custom, individual tool configurations from the toolbox config file (pooling support might help here) - add chooseCharacterEncoding(req) to VVS to make dynamic encoding selection easier - in VVS, fall back to response.getOutputStream() if getWriter() fails Generic tools: - add a library of general-use velocimacros - Template debugging tool(s)/support - number formatting tool VelocityStruts: - add a library of velocimacros for use with struts tools (ideally these would be roughly parallel to struts tags to ease transition) - move dynamic javascript generation from java (ValidatorTool) to templates (this would probably work in concert with the velocimacro libraries) Example Ideas: - a blank Velocity-Struts application as the starting point for development. - an application to demonstrate use of more obscure features like the AbstractSearchTool, MultiViewsTool, IteratorTool, and the like. - Struts 1.1 example(s). Take the existing Struts 1.1 examples and replace the view layer with Velocity. (show off Tiles, modules, Validator, etc.) - example app(s) to demonstrate the velocimacro libraries - self-documenting apps to explain and demonstrate key features - a FooShop-type demo app (i.e. something closer to real-world use)