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Velocity Tools

Generic Tools

Tool Documentation

ToolLoader Reference Documentation

A view tool that allows template designers to load view tools from within the template. Any object with a public constructor without parameters can be loaded into the context. This tool is considered by the developers to be merely a development tool and inappropriate for use in a production setting.

 $toolLoader (this is the recommended name of the tool in the Velocity context)
Toolbox Configuration Example
 Gabriel Sidler
Method Overview
load() Loads an instance of a tool and returns it.

Loads an instance of a tool and returns it.

void load(String class)

The name of the class to instantiate.


#set( $math = $toolLoader.load("") )

Loads MathTool with name $math into the context. Then, its random() function is used to generate a random number between 1 and 1000.

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