## make sure we have access to demo resources #if( !$demo ) #set( $demo = $text.demo ) #end ## look for a full demo in the params #set( $fullDemo = $params.fullDemo ) #if( !$fullDemo ) ## see if one was set in the parent template #if( $toolDemo ) #set( $fullDemo = $toolDemo ) #else ## ok, try looking for one in the resources #set( $fullDemo = $text.get("${toolname}.fullDemo") ) #if( !$fullDemo.exists ) ## give up and hide the full demo #set( $fullDemo = false ) #end #end #end #if( $fullDemo ) #set( $dims = $display.measure($fullDemo) )


## maintain params for all the other demos #foreach( $param in $params.all.keySet() ) #if( $param != 'fullDemo' ) #foreach( $value in $params.getStrings($param) ) #end #end #end
## evaluate and display results if they hit submit #if( $params.fullDemo ) $demo.mainResultsIntro: