## text.vm demo foo = bar hello.whoever = Hello {0}! world = World appname = Showcase ## Error.vm error.header = There has been an error! error.sorry = There has been an error! ## Default.vm css.name = CSS Layout css.issuesHeader = Known Issues css.issues = This layout fails in IE4.5/Mac. That browser has poor support for CSS absolute positioning, yet it recognizes and executes the CSS @import statement used to hide CSS from broken browsers. Currently, there is no known solution. css.niftyHeader = Nifty Layout Techniques css.nifty = All sorts of nifty layout can be accomplished using cascading style sheets (CSS). Check out bluerobot.com and the Layout Reservoir ## Print.vm print.name = Print Layout ## Simple.vm simple.name = Simple Layout ## Table.vm table.name = Table Layout ## index.vm index.greeting = Hi index.explanation = This is a demo application meant to showcase the abilities of \ the various tools provided by the VelocityTools library, as well \ as some best practices for using them with the VelocityView servlets. index.start = To begin, choose a tool from the menu. index.asterisk = With the exception of the way we abuse the RenderTool and \ Velocimacros. They've been stretched pretty far in order to allow the content \ to be very rapidly developed and more user-interactive than is usually needed. \ This has entailed the loss of some performance and much clarity. As such, the \ way we use these two facilities should probably not be considered a best practice. :) ## layoutmenu.vm layouts.header = Choose a layout layouts.css = CSS Layout layouts.simple = Simple Layout layouts.table = Table Layout layouts.print = Print Layout ## toolmenu.vm tools.header = Choose a tool tools.alternator = AlternatorTool tools.browser = BrowserTool tools.class = ClassTool tools.context = ContextTool tools.convert = ConversionTool tools.cookies = CookieTool tools.date = DateTool tools.display = DisplayTool tools.esc = EscapeTool tools.field = FieldTool tools.import = ImportTool tools.link = LinkTool tools.lists = ListTool tools.math = MathTool tools.loop = LoopTool tools.number = NumberTool tools.pager = PagerTool tools.params = ParameterTool tools.render = RenderTool tools.text = ResourceTool tools.search = SearchTool tools.sorter = SortTool ## demo common resources demo.function = Function demo.result = Demo Result demo.nullResult = null demo.clear = Clear All demo.description = Description demo.descriptionMissing = [TODO: add description] demo.try = Try it! demo.tryAgain = Try Again! demo.tryAnything = Try any code out here. demo.thisPage = This page demonstrates functions of the {0} demo.mainExampleHeader = Example Display demo.mainResultsIntro = Your code returned the following results demo.toString = Returns a customized string representation of the tool. # alternator.vm resources alternator.intro = The example at the bottom is a good \ demonstration of the difference between an automatic {0} and a manual one. alternator.getAutoAlternateDefault = Returns true if Alternators created by this tool will auto-alternate by default. alternator.make = Returns a new, default Alternator that alternates over the specified values. alternator.auto = Returns a new, automatically alternating Alternator that alternates over the specified values. alternator.manual = Returns a new, manually alternating Alternator that alternates over the specified values. alternator.custom = $alternator.make(['b','c','a']) # class.vm resources class.intro = By default, the ClassTool is set to inspect \ java.lang.Object, though you may set the "inspect" \ property in your ClassTool configuration to point to any class on the classpath. \ Also, a new ClassTool instance can be created for any class you wish \ by a call to one of the inspect() methods. \ By default, the safeMode property is set to true unless you \ configure it to be false. \ When true, safeMode will restrict ClassTool (or any instances it creates) to \ only inspecting classes, methods, fields and constructors that were declared public. class.getConstructors = Returns a list of ConstructorSubs for each constructor declared in the inspected class. class.getFields = Returns a list of FieldSubs for each field declared in the inspected class. class.getFullName = Returns the fully qualified name of the class being inspected. class.getMethods = Returns a list of MethodSubs for each method declared in the inspected class. class.getName = Returns the simple name of the class being inspected. class.getPackage = Returns the package name of the class being inspected. class.getType = Returns the actual Class being inspected. class.getTypes = Returns a Set of all Classes that are part of the signatures (i.e. parameters or return types) of the inspected Class's methods, constructors and fields. class.inspectSuper = Returns a new ClassTool instance that inspects the immediate superclass of the class being inspected. class.inspect_Class = Returns a new ClassTool instance that inspects the specified Class. class.inspect_Class.param1 = $class.class class.inspect_Object = Returns a new ClassTool instance that inspects the Class of the specified object. class.inspect_Object.param1 = $class class.inspect_String = Returns a new ClassTool instance that inspects the Class for the specified class name \ or null if no class can be found for the specified name. class.inspect_String.param1 = 'org.apache.velocity.tools.generic.ClassTool' class.isAbstract = Returns true if the class being inspected is abstract. class.isFinal = Returns true if the class being inspected is final. class.isInterface = Returns true if the class being inspected is an interface. class.isPrivate = Returns true if the class being inspected is private. class.isProtected = Returns true if the class being inspected is protected. class.isPublic = Returns true if the class being inspected is public. class.isStatic = Returns true if the class being inspected is static. class.isStrict = Returns true if the class being inspected is declared strict. class.supportsNewInstance = Returns true if a new instance of the class being inspected can be created via $class.type.newInstance(). class.toString = Returns the result of $class.type.toString(). # field.vm resources field.intro = This tool allows easy access to public static fields in classes, such as string constants. field.get_String = Returns the value of the field with the specified name, if found. field.get_String.param1 = 'java.lang.Boolean.FALSE' field.in_Class = Loads all public static fields in the specified class. field.in_Class.param1 = $date.class field.in_Object = Loads all public static fields in the Class of the specified object. field.in_Object.param1 = 1 field.in_String = Looks for a class with the specified name; if found, loads all public static fields. field.in_String.param1 = 'java.lang.Float' field.custom = $field.in($field).INCLUDE_KEY