S T A T U S =========== $Id$ Known Issues/Bugs: - see http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/VELTOOLS Documentation Wishlist: - Complete user guide. - Improve documention of any or all of the view tools and the commons-logging/LogSystem bridges (either xml/dvsl or javadoc) - Create a developer's guide (how to write tools, tips on extending VVS, etc.) Proposed Features/Upgrades: General: - finish/fix/improve Maven2 build support - add automated testing of tools VelocityView: - add a library of velocimacros for use with these tools - Improve standalone toolbox management support - Pluggable toolbox manager in VelocityViewServlet - Pluggable toolbox loading (i.e. from props or something instead of xml) - Support for reading toolbox from properties files - Tool pooling/cleanup support (use commons-pool probably) - look into supporting arbitrary layout depth (sort of a "tiles lite") for the VelocityLayoutServlet (cf. Niall's work with Simple) - support for JSP tags - adopt VelocityTag and add toolbox support - develop Tiles2 compatible TilesTool Generic tools: - add a library of general-use velocimacros - Template debugging tool(s)/support VelocityStruts: - add a library of velocimacros for use with struts tools (ideally these would be roughly parallel to struts tags to ease transition) - move dynamic javascript generation from java (ValidatorTool) to templates (this would probably work in concert with the velocimacro libraries) Example Ideas: - Struts 1.3 example(s). Take the existing Struts 1.3 examples and replace the view layer with Velocity. (show off Tiles, modules, Validator, etc.) - a FooShop-type demo app (i.e. something closer to real-world use)