$name #if ($customer) $customer.Name #end ## this is a comment. #if ($customer) this is the first line #end ## This is the test bed. this is testing for wild loose commas , , $100 #set $foo = "bar" This is the $foo way. #if ($foo) This is $bar. #elseif ($bar) This is the first elseif! #elseif ($foo) This is the second elseif! #else This is the else #end #if ($foo) This is the if. #else This is the else. #end \#set \$foo = "bar" \$foo => $foo \$foo; => $foo; \$foo. => $foo. \$foo.. => $foo.. \$foo/ => $foo/ \$foo" => $foo" \$foo\ => $foo\ \$foo< => $foo< \$foo- => $foo- \$fooo+ => $fooo+ \$foo-x => $foo-x \$foo$ => $foo$ #set $iam-cool = "jon" $iam-cool $!nada nothing here function preload(imgObj,imgSrc) { if (document.images) { eval(imgObj+' = new Image()') eval(imgObj+'.src = "'+imgSrc+'"') } } function changeImage(layer,imgName,imgObj) { if (document.images) { if (document.layers && layer!=null) eval('document.'+layer+'.document.images["'+imgName+'"].src = '+imgObj+'.src') else document.images[imgName].src = eval(imgObj+".src") } } #if ($javascript) function changeImage(layer,imgName,imgObj) { if (document.images) { if (document.layers && layer!=null) eval('document.'+layer+'.document.images["'+imgName+'"].src = '+imgObj+'.src') else document.images[imgName].src = eval(imgObj+".src") } } #end $provider2.Title #set $a = "x" $a #set $b = $a $b #set $c = $provider.Title $c #set $d = $provider.getTitle() $d #set $provider.Title = "crocodile hunter!" $provider.Title #set $provider.Title = $d $provider.Title #set $provider.Title = $provider.Name $provider.Title #set $provider.Title = $provider.getName() $provider.Title #set $a = true #set $b = false #set $provider.State = true #set $provider.State = false #if ($provider.StateTrue) This is a property that returns a boolean value of true. #end #if (true) This expression is always (true). #end Foreach with a variable. #foreach $provider in $list This is $provider. #end Foreach with an array. #foreach $provider in $provider.Array #end
This is $provider
#foreach $provider in $provider.Vector This is the $provider. #end Foreach with a method. #foreach $provider in $provider.getCustomers() This is $provider. #end $10.00 "this is great" (this is also great) This is the \#stuff and this is the way \#to \#go. this = that I am a $provider.getTitle(). #if ($provider.theAPLRules()) Yes the APL rules! #else It still rules! #end