Welcome to Velocity! This directory contains a few examples to help get you started. As always, the if you have any questions : 1) Make sure you followed any directions :) (did you build everything?) 2) Review documentation included in this package, or online at http://jakarta.apache.org/velocity 3) Ask on the velocity-user list. This is a great source of support information. To join, read http://jakarta.apache.org/site/mail.html and then follow the link at the bottom to join the lists. To build these examples easily, you can just use the build script provided in the distribution. In the build directory (contained in the root directory of the distribution) : Under unix : ./build-velocity.sh examples Under windows : build-velocity.bat examples Velocity Examples ================= app_example1 ------------ This simple example shows how to use the Velocity Template Engine in a standalone program. It should be pre-compiled for you. Run it using the example template provided (example.vm): ./example.sh app_example2 ------------ Another simple example showing how to use Velocity in a standalone program. This examples uses the org.apache.velocity.util.Velocity application utility class, which provides a few convenient methods for application programmers. It also should be precompiled for you. To run : ./example2.sh servlet_example1 --------------- This is a simple example of how Velocity can be used with your favorite servlet engine. To use this, you should have a basic understanding how your servlet engine works, and how you deploy and access servlets to try this. While we cannot supply this, we know of a good one :) http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat context_example -------------- This is a demonstration of 2 different context implementations : - a context implementation that uses a database as the storage. Use the DBContextTest program to test. See the DBContextTest.java file for the db table info. Unsupported demonstration code. You may need to futz with it to get it to work in your environment. To run, use the dbcontexttest.sh script. - a context implementation that uses a TreeMap for storage. Very simple. logger_example -------------- This is a toy program to show how any class can be used as a logging facility with Velocity. Thanks for using Velocity! - the Velocity team