#* @test test.vm This template is used for Velocity regression testing. If you alter this template make sure you change the corresponding comparison file so that the regression test doesn't fail incorrectly. *# $name #if ($customer) $customer.Name #end ## this is a comment. #if ($customer) this is the first line #end ## This is the test bed. this is testing for wild loose commas , , $100 #set($foo = "bar") This is the $foo way. #if ($foo) This is $bar. #elseif ($bar) This is the first elseif! #elseif ($foo) This is the second elseif! #else This is the else #end #if ($foo) This is the if. #else This is the else. #end \#set \$foo = "bar" \$foo => $foo \$foo; => $foo; \$foo. => $foo. \$foo.. => $foo.. \$foo/ => $foo/ \$foo" => $foo" \$foo\ => $foo\ \$foo< => $foo< \$foo- => $foo- \$fooo+ => $fooo+ \$foo-x => $foo-x \$foo$ => $foo$ #set($iam_cool = "jon") $iam_cool $!nada nothing here function preload(imgObj,imgSrc) { if (document.images) { eval(imgObj+' = new Image()') eval(imgObj+'.src = "'+imgSrc+'"') } } function changeImage(layer,imgName,imgObj) { if (document.images) { if (document.layers && layer!=null) eval('document.'+layer+'.document.images["'+imgName+'"].src = '+imgObj+'.src') else document.images[imgName].src = eval(imgObj+".src") } } #if ($javascript) function changeImage(layer,imgName,imgObj) { if (document.images) { if (document.layers && layer!=null) eval('document.'+layer+'.document.images["'+imgName+'"].src = '+imgObj+'.src') else document.images[imgName].src = eval(imgObj+".src") } } #end $provider2.Title #set($a = "x") $a #set($b = $a) $b #set($c = $provider.Title) $c #set($d = $provider.getTitle()) $d #set($provider.Title = "crocodile hunter!") $provider.Title #set($provider.Title = $d) $provider.Title #set($provider.Title = $provider.Name) $provider.Title #set($provider.Title = $provider.getName()) $provider.Title #set($a = true) #set($b = false) #set($provider.State = true) #set($provider.State = false) #if ($provider.StateTrue) This is a property that returns a boolean value of true. #end #if (true) This expression is always (true). #end Foreach with a variable. #foreach ($element in $list) This is $element. #end Foreach with an array. #foreach ($element in $provider.Array) #end
This is $element
#foreach ($element in $provider.Vector) This is the $element. #end Foreach with a method. #foreach ($element in $provider.getCustomers()) This is $element. #end $10.00 "this is great" (this is also great) This is the \#stuff and this is the way \#to \#go. this = that I am a $provider.getTitle(). #if ($provider.theAPLRules()) Yes the APL rules! #else It still rules! #end