# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # This file is used by build.xml and testcases.xml # # Global defaults name= Velocity project= velocity version= 1.6.2 final.name= ${project}-${version} # compile switches debug= on optimize= on deprecation= off # Needs to be configured with system location of javacc for parser task javacc.home= *unset* velocity.build.dir= build build.dir= ${velocity.dir}/bin # The source tree runs through a filter copy task to # allow substitution of version, date etc. and will # end up in build.src build.src= ${build.dir}/src build.lib= ${build.dir}/lib build.test.src= ${build.dir}/test-src build.test.lib= ${build.dir}/test-lib build.dest= ${build.dir}/classes build.deps= ${build.dir}/deps build.test.dest= ${build.dir}/test-classes build.javadoc= ${build.dir}/apidocs build.test= ${build.dir}/test build.test.reports= ${build.dir}/test-reports build.docs= ${build.dir}/docs # Various local pathes in the distribution src.java.dir= ${velocity.dir}/src/java src.parser.dir = ${velocity.dir}/src/parser test.java.dir= ${velocity.dir}/src/test test.dir= ${velocity.dir}/test example.dir= ${velocity.dir}/examples xdocs.dir= ${velocity.dir}/xdocs # @TODO Move parser build out of the tree. build.parser= ${src.java.dir}/org/apache/velocity/runtime/parser # Running the tests test.haltonerror= true test.haltonfailure= true # Needs to be configured with system location of findbugs for findbugs task findbugs.home=*unset* # Needs to be configured with system location of PMD for pmd task pmd.home=*unset* # Building the distribution dist.root= ${build.dir}/dist dist.dir= ${dist.root}/${final.name} # distribution properties publish.server=people.apache.org publish.dir=~/public_html/velocity/engine/${version} # required Java version for building the distribution (with "ant release") # should be major distribution (e.g. 1.4) will match property ${ant.java.version} dist.required.java.version = 1.4 # Set to "project.xml" for distribution and "project-website.xml" # when building docs for web site docs.project= project.xml # Set to Sun Javadocs javadocs.ref.jsdk= http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/ # ####################################################################### # # Downloading jars from ibiblio repository # # ####################################################################### # The default behaviour is to download dependency jars only when # they are not already present. # Set skip.jar.loading to true to never download any dependency jar, # or force.jar.loading to true to always download all dependency jars. skip.jar.loading= false force.jar.loading= false # # Settings for the proxy to use for download. Change this if you must # use a proxy from your host. If the proxy.host property is unset, no # proxy is used. proxy.host= proxy.port= 80 # # We download directly from the ibiblio maven repository repo.m1.url= http://www.ibiblio.org/maven repo.m2.url=http://www.ibiblio.org/maven2 # # Jars to be downloaded jar.antlr.version= 2.7.5 jar.avalon-logkit.version= 2.1 jar.commons-collections.version= 3.2.1 jar.commons-lang.version= 2.4 jar.commons-logging.version= 1.1 jar.jdom.version= 1.0 jar.log4j.version= 1.2.12 jar.oro.version= 2.0.8 jar.servletapi.version= 2.3 jar.werken-xpath.version= 0.9.4 jar.hsqldb.version= 1.7.1 jar.junit.version= 3.8.1 jar.maven.ant.version=2.0.9 ######################################################################## # Maven settings maven.pom=${velocity.dir}/pom.xml maven.build.dir= ${build.dir}/maven wagon-ssh.version=1.0-beta-2 # POM distributionManagement is used if this is not set #maven.remote.repository= ######################################################################## # Gump wants to override these names, so make # it configurable... # jar.oro.name= oro jar.commons-collections.name= commons-collections jar.commons-lang.name = commons-lang jar.oro.dir= ${build.lib} jar.commons-collections.dir= ${build.lib} jar.commons-lang.dir= ${build.lib} # ######################################################################## javac.target=1.4 javac.source=1.4