Welcome to Velocity! As always, the if you have any questions : 1) Make sure you followed any directions :) (did you build everything?) 2) Review documentation included in this package, or online at http://jakarta.apache.org/velocity 3) Ask on the velocity-user list. This is a great source of support information. To join, read http://jakarta.apache.org/site/mail.html and then follow the link at the bottom to join the lists. servlet_example1 --------------- This is a simple example of how Velocity can be used with your favorite servlet engine. To use this, you should have a basic understanding how your servlet engine works, and how you deploy and access servlets to try this. While we cannot supply this, we know of a good one :) http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/ Unfamiliar with Servlets? ------------------------ This documentation should be found elswhere, but putting here just in case. Using Velocity on the web is best done using Java Servlets. While we don't want to give a tutorial here, the basic idea is straightforward. 1) Get a servlet engine. Tomcat, from the Jakarta project, is an excellent implementation. (In fact, it's the official reference implementation...) 2) Install said servlet engine. 3) Build this servlet example : build/build.sh examples 4) Setup a webapp under tomcat : - make a new 'webapp' : in tomcat's webapps directory, make a new directory structure as follows : velexample velexample/WEB-INF velexample/WEB-INF/lib velexample/WEB-INF/classes - put the velocity-1.0.1.jar (or newer) into the velexample/WEB-INF/lib directory - put the SampleServlet.class into the velexample/WEB-INF/classes directory - put the sample.vm template into the velexample directory. - at this point, you should be able to restart tomcat and access the servlet. - so bounce tomcat, go into your web brower and go to : http://:8080/velexample/servlet/SampleServlet - you should see the sample output. At this point, you are using Velocity!