$authmech) { if($authmech['affiliationid'] == $user['affiliationid']) { $authtype = $key; break; } } if(empty($authtype)) { print "No authentication mechanism found for passed in X-User"; dbDisconnect(); exit; } if($authMechs[$authtype]['type'] == 'ldap') { $auth = $authMechs[$authtype]; $ds = ldap_connect("ldaps://{$auth['server']}/"); if(! $ds) { printXMLRPCerror(5); # failed to connect to auth server dbDisconnect(); exit; } ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0); if($auth['lookupuserbeforeauth']) { # in this case, we have to look up what part of the tree the user is in # before we can actually look up the user if(array_key_exists('masterlogin', $auth) && strlen($auth['masterlogin'])) $res = ldap_bind($ds, $auth['masterlogin'], $auth['masterpwd']); else $res = ldap_bind($ds); if(! $res) { addLoginLog($user['unityid'], $authtype, $user['affiliationid'], 0); printXMLRPCerror(5); # failed to connect to auth server dbDisconnect(); exit; } $search = ldap_search($ds, $auth['binddn'], "{$auth['lookupuserfield']}={$user['unityid']}", array('dn'), 0, 3, 15); if($search) { $tmpdata = ldap_get_entries($ds, $search); if(! $tmpdata['count'] || ! array_key_exists('dn', $tmpdata[0])) { addLoginLog($user['unityid'], $authtype, $user['affiliationid'], 0); printXMLRPCerror(3); # access denied dbDisconnect(); exit; } $ldapuser = $tmpdata[0]['dn']; } else { addLoginLog($user['unityid'], $authtype, $user['affiliationid'], 0); printXMLRPCerror(3); # access denied dbDisconnect(); exit; } } else $ldapuser = sprintf($auth['userid'], $user['unityid']); $res = ldap_bind($ds, $ldapuser, $xmlpass); if(! $res) { addLoginLog($user['unityid'], $authtype, $user['affiliationid'], 0); printXMLRPCerror(3); # access denied dbDisconnect(); exit; } addLoginLog($user['unityid'], $authtype, $user['affiliationid'], 1); } elseif($ENABLE_ITECSAUTH && $authMechs[$authtype]['affiliationid'] == getAffiliationID('ITECS')) { $rc = ITECSAUTH_validateUser($itecsauthkey, $user['unityid'], $xmlpass); if(empty($rc) || $rc['passfail'] == 'fail') { printXMLRPCerror(3); # access denied dbDisconnect(); exit; } } elseif($authMechs[$authtype]['type'] == 'local') { if(! validateLocalAccount($user['unityid'], $xmlpass)) { printXMLRPCerror(3); # access denied dbDisconnect(); exit; } } elseif($authMechs[$authtype]['type'] == 'redirect'){ $affilid = $authMechs[$authtype]['affiliationid']; if(!(isset($apiValidateFunc) && is_array($apiValidateFunc) && array_key_exists($affilid, $apiValidateFunc) && $apiValidateFunc[$affilid]($xmluser, $xmlpass))){ printXMLRPCerror(3); # access denied dbDisconnect(); exit; } } else { printXMLRPCerror(6); # unable to auth passed in X-User dbDisconnect(); exit; } } else { printXMLRPCerror(7); # unknown API version dbDisconnect(); exit; } } elseif($mode == 'xmlrpcaffiliations') { // double check for SSL, not really required for this mode, but it keeps things consistant if(! isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != "on") { printXMLRPCerror(4); # must have SSL enabled dbDisconnect(); exit; } $apiver = processInputData($_SERVER['HTTP_X_APIVERSION'], ARG_NUMERIC, 1); if($apiver == 1) { printXMLRPCerror(8); # unsupported API version dbDisconnect(); exit; } elseif($apiver != 2) { printXMLRPCerror(7); # unknown API version dbDisconnect(); exit; } } elseif(! empty($mode)) { if(! in_array($mode, $actions['entry']) && ! $inContinuation) { $mode = "main"; $actionFunction = "main"; return; } else { if(! $inContinuation) { # check that user has access to this area switch($mode) { case 'viewRequests': $requests = getUserRequests("all", $user["id"]); if(! in_array("imageCheckOut", $user["privileges"]) && ! in_array("imageAdmin", $user["privileges"]) && ! count($requests)) { $mode = ""; $actionFunction = "main"; return; } break; case 'viewGroups': if(! in_array("groupAdmin", $user["privileges"])) { $mode = ""; $actionFunction = "main"; return; } break; case 'selectImageOption': if(! in_array("imageAdmin", $user["privileges"])) { $mode = ""; $actionFunction = "main"; return; } break; case 'viewSchedules': if(! in_array("scheduleAdmin", $user["privileges"])) { $mode = ""; $actionFunction = "main"; return; } break; case 'selectComputers': if(! in_array("computerAdmin", $user["privileges"])) { $mode = ""; $actionFunction = "main"; return; } break; case 'selectMgmtnodeOption': if(! in_array("mgmtNodeAdmin", $user["privileges"])) { $mode = ""; $actionFunction = "main"; return; } break; case 'serverProfiles': if(! in_array("serverProfileAdmin", $user["privileges"]) && ! in_array("serverCheckOut", $user["privileges"])) { $mode = ""; $actionFunction = "main"; return; } break; case 'pickTimeTable': $computermetadata = getUserComputerMetaData(); if(! count($computermetadata["platforms"]) || ! count($computermetadata["schedules"])) { $mode = ""; $actionFunction = "main"; return; } break; case 'viewNodes': if(! in_array("userGrant", $user["privileges"]) && ! in_array("resourceGrant", $user["privileges"]) && ! in_array("nodeAdmin", $user["privileges"])) { $mode = ""; $actionFunction = "main"; return; } break; case 'userLookup': if(! checkUserHasPerm('User Lookup (global)') && ! checkUserHasPerm('User Lookup (affiliation only)')) { $mode = ""; $actionFunction = "main"; return; } break; case 'editVMInfo': if(! in_array("computerAdmin", $user["privileges"])) { $mode = ""; $actionFunction = "main"; return; } break; case 'siteMaintenance': if(! checkUserHasPerm('Schedule Site Maintenance')) { $mode = ""; $actionFunction = "main"; return; } break; case 'dashboard': if(! checkUserHasPerm('View Dashboard (global)') && ! checkUserHasPerm('View Dashboard (affiliation only)')) { $mode = ""; $actionFunction = "main"; return; } break; } } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn maintenanceCheck() /// /// \brief checks for site being in maintenance; if so, read user message from /// current maintenance file; print site header, maintenance message, and site /// foother; then exit; also removes any old maintenance files /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function maintenanceCheck() { global $authed, $mode, $user; $now = time(); $reg = "|" . SCRIPT . "$|"; $search = preg_replace($reg, '', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); $search .= "/.ht-inc/maintenance/"; $files = glob("{$search}[0-9]*"); if(! is_array($files)) return; if(empty($files)) { dbConnect(); $query = "SELECT id " . "FROM sitemaintenance " . "WHERE start <= NOW() AND " . "end > NOW()"; $qh = doQuery($query); $ids = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) $ids[] = $row['id']; if(empty($ids)) { dbDisconnect(); return; } $allids = implode(',', $ids); $query = "UPDATE sitemaintenance " . "SET end = NOW() " . "WHERE id IN ($allids)"; doQuery($query, 101, 'vcl', 1); dbDisconnect(); return; } $inmaintenance = 0; foreach($files as $file) { if(! preg_match("|^$search([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$|", $file, $matches)) continue; #YYYYMMDDHHMM $tmp = "{$matches[1]}-{$matches[2]}-{$matches[3]} {$matches[4]}:{$matches[5]}:00"; $start = datetimeToUnix($tmp); if($start < $now) { # check to see if end time has been reached $fh = fopen($file, 'r'); $msg = ''; while($line = fgetss($fh)) { if(preg_match("/^END=([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$/", $line, $matches)) { $tmp = "{$matches[1]}-{$matches[2]}-{$matches[3]} {$matches[4]}:{$matches[5]}:00"; $end = datetimeToUnix($tmp); if($end < $now) { fclose($fh); unlink($file); $_SESSION['usersessiondata'] = array(); return; } else $inmaintenance = 1; } else $msg .= $line; } fclose($fh); if($inmaintenance) break; } } if($inmaintenance) { $authed = 0; $mode = 'inmaintenance'; $user = array(); if(array_key_exists('VCLSKIN', $_COOKIE)) $skin = strtolower($_COOKIE['VCLSKIN']); else $skin = DEFAULTTHEME; setVCLLocale(); require_once("themes/$skin/page.php"); printHTMLHeader(); print _("

Site Currently Under Maintenance

\n"); if(! empty($msg)) { $msg = htmlentities($msg); $msg = preg_replace("/\n/", "
\n", $msg); print "$msg
\n"; } else print _("This site is currently in maintenance.
\n"); $niceend = strftime('%A, %x, %l:%M %P', $end); print _("The maintenance is scheduled to end ") . "$niceend" . _(".

\n"); printHTMLFooter(); exit; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn maintenanceNotice() /// /// \brief checks informhoursahead for upcoming maintenance items and prints /// message about upcoming maintenance if currently within warning window /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function maintenanceNotice() { $items = getMaintItems(); foreach($items as $item) { $start = datetimeToUnix($item['start']); $file = date('YmdHi', $start); $secahead = $item['informhoursahead'] * 3600; if($start - $secahead < time()) { $reg = "|" . SCRIPT . "$|"; $search = preg_replace($reg, '', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); $search .= "/.ht-inc/maintenance/$file"; $files = glob("$search"); if(empty($files)) { $_SESSION['usersessiondata'] = array(); return; } $nicestart = strftime('%A, %x, %l:%M %P', $start); $niceend = strftime('%A, %x, %l:%M %P', datetimeToUnix($item['end'])); print "
\n"; print _("NOTICE: This site will be down for maintenance during "); print _("the following times:

\n"); print _("Start") . ": $nicestart
\n"; print _("End") . ": $niceend.

\n"; if($item['allowreservations']) { print _("You will be able to access your reserved machines during "); print _("this maintenance. However, you will not be able to access "); print _("information on how to connect to them.
\n"); } else { print _("You will not be able to access any of your reservations "); print _("during this maintenance.
\n"); } print "
\n"; return; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn clearPrivCache() /// /// \brief sets userresources, nodeprivileges, cascadenodeprivileges, and /// userhaspriv keys of $_SESSION array to empty arrays /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function clearPrivCache() { $_SESSION['userresources'] = array(); $_SESSION['nodeprivileges'] = array(); $_SESSION['cascadenodeprivileges'] = array(); $_SESSION['userhaspriv'] = array(); $_SESSION['compstateflow'] = array(); $_SESSION['usersessiondata'] = array(); unset($_SESSION['user']); unset($_SESSION['locales']); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn AJclearPermCache() /// /// \brief ajax wrapper for clearPrivCache /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function AJclearPermCache() { clearPrivCache(); print "alert('Permission cache cleared');"; dbDisconnect(); exit; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn setupSession() /// /// \brief starts php session and initializes useful variables /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function setupSession() { global $mode; if($mode == 'xmlrpccall') $_SESSION = array(); else session_start(); if(! array_key_exists('cachetimestamp', $_SESSION)) $_SESSION['cachetimestamp'] = time(); else { if(($_SESSION['cachetimestamp'] + (PRIV_CACHE_TIMEOUT * 60)) < time()) { clearPrivCache(); $_SESSION['cachetimestamp'] = time(); return; } } if(! array_key_exists('userresources', $_SESSION)) $_SESSION['userresources'] = array(); if(! array_key_exists('nodeprivileges', $_SESSION)) $_SESSION['nodeprivileges'] = array(); if(! array_key_exists('cascadenodeprivileges', $_SESSION)) $_SESSION['cascadenodeprivileges'] = array(); if(! array_key_exists('userhaspriv', $_SESSION)) $_SESSION['userhaspriv'] = array(); if(! array_key_exists('compstateflow', $_SESSION)) $_SESSION['compstateflow'] = array(); if(! array_key_exists('usersessiondata', $_SESSION)) $_SESSION['usersessiondata'] = array(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn stopSession() /// /// \brief ends the user's session and prints info to notify the user /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function stopSession() { $_SESSION = array(); if(isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) setcookie(session_name(), "", time()-42000, '/'); session_destroy(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn main() /// /// \brief prints a welcome screen /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function main() { global $user, $authed, $mode; print _("

Welcome to the Virtual Computing Lab

\n"); if($authed) { if(! empty($user['lastname']) && ! empty($user['preferredname'])) print _("Hello ") . "{$user["preferredname"]} {$user['lastname']}

\n"; elseif(! empty($user['lastname']) && ! empty($user['firstname'])) print _("Hello ") . "{$user["firstname"]} {$user['lastname']}

\n"; $tmp = array_values($user['groups']); if(count($tmp) == 1 && $tmp[0] == 'nodemo') { print "Your account is a demo account that has expired. "; print "You cannot make any more reservations. Please contact " . HELPEMAIL . " if you need "; print "further access to VCL.
\n"; return; } $requests = getUserRequests("all", $user["id"]); if($num = count($requests)) { if($num == 1) { print _("You currently have ") . "$num" . _(" reservation.
\n"); } else { print _("You currently have ") . "$num" . _(" reservations.
\n"); } } else { print _("You do not have any current reservations.
\n"); } print _("Please make a selection from the menu to continue.
\n"); } else { print "Click the Log in to VCL button at the top right part of "; print "the page to start using the VCL system
\n"; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn abort($errcode, $query) /// /// \param $errcode - error code /// \param $query - a myql query /// /// \brief prints out error message(s), closes db connection, prints footer /// and exits /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function abort($errcode, $query="") { global $mysql_link_vcl, $mysql_link_acct, $ERRORS, $user, $mode; global $ENABLE_ITECSAUTH, $requestInfo; if($mode == 'xmlrpccall') xmlRPCabort($errcode, $query); if(ONLINEDEBUG && checkUserHasPerm('View Debug Information')) { if($errcode >= 100 && $errcode < 400) { print "" . mysql_error($mysql_link_vcl) . "
\n"; if($ENABLE_ITECSAUTH) print "" . mysql_error($mysql_link_acct) . "
\n"; print "$query
\n"; } print "ERROR($errcode): " . $ERRORS["$errcode"] . "
\n"; print "
		print getBacktraceString(FALSE);
		print "
\n"; } else { $message = ""; if($errcode >= 100 && $errcode < 400) { $message .= mysql_error($mysql_link_vcl) . "\n"; $message .= mysql_error($mysql_link_acct) . "\n"; $message .= $query . "\n"; } $message .= "ERROR($errcode): " . $ERRORS["$errcode"] . "\n"; if(is_array($user) && array_key_exists('unityid', $user)) $message .= "Logged in user was " . $user["unityid"] . "\n"; $message .= "Mode was $mode\n\n"; if($errcode == 20) { $urlArray = explode('?', $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]); $message .= "HTTP_REFERER URL - " . $urlArray[0] . "\n"; $message .= "correct URL - " . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "\n"; } if($errcode == 40) { $message .= "One of the following computers didn't get a mgmt node:\n"; foreach($requestInfo["images"] as $key => $imageid) { $message .= "imageid: $imageid\n"; $message .= "compid: {$requestInfo['computers'][$key]}\n"; } } $message .= getBacktraceString(FALSE); $mailParams = "-f" . ENVELOPESENDER; mail(ERROREMAIL, "Error with VCL pages ($errcode)", $message, '', $mailParams); print _("An error has occurred. If this problem persists, please email "); print ""; print HELPEMAIL . " " . _("for further assistance. Please include the "); print _("steps you took that led up to this problem in your email message."); } dbDisconnect(); printHTMLFooter(); // release semaphore lock semUnlock(); exit; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn errorrpt() /// /// \brief takes input from ajax call and emails error to ERROREMAIL /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function errorrpt() { $mailParams = "-f" . ENVELOPESENDER; mail(ERROREMAIL, "Error with VCL pages (ajax sent html wrappers)", $_POST['data'], '', $mailParams); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn validateUserid($loginid) /// /// \param $loginid - a submitted loginid /// /// \return 0 if the loginid is not found in one of the authentications /// systems, 1 if it is /// /// \brief checks to see if $loginid is found in one of the authentication /// systems /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function validateUserid($loginid) { global $affilValFuncArgs, $affilValFunc; if(empty($loginid)) return 0; $rc = getAffilidAndLogin($loginid, $affilid); if($rc == -1) return 0; if(empty($affilid)) return 0; $escloginid = mysql_real_escape_string($loginid); $query = "SELECT id " . "FROM user " . "WHERE unityid = '$escloginid' AND " . "affiliationid = $affilid"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if(mysql_num_rows($qh)) return 1; $valfunc = $affilValFunc[$affilid]; if(array_key_exists($affilid, $affilValFuncArgs)) return $valfunc($affilValFuncArgs[$affilid], $loginid); else return $valfunc($loginid); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn AJvalidateUserid() /// /// \brief checks to see if submitted userid is valid /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function AJvalidateUserid() { $user = processInputVar('user', ARG_STRING); if(validateUserid($user)) sendJSON(array('status' => 'valid')); else sendJSON(array('status' => 'invalid')); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getAffilidAndLogin(&$login, &$affilid) /// /// \param $login - login for user, may include \@affiliation /// \param $affilid - variable in which to stick the affiliation id /// /// \return 1 if $affilid set by a registered function, 0 if set to default, /// -1 if @affiliation was part of $login but did not contain a known /// affiliation /// /// \brief tries registered affiliation lookup functions to determine the /// affiliation id of the user; if it finds it, sticks the affiliationid in /// $affilid and sets $login to not include \@affiliation if it did /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getAffilidAndLogin(&$login, &$affilid) { global $findAffilFuncs; foreach($findAffilFuncs as $func) { $rc = $func($login, $affilid); if($rc) return $rc; } $affilid = DEFAULT_AFFILID; return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn mysql_connect_plus($host, $user, $pwd) /// /// \param $host - mysql host /// \param $user - userid to use for connection /// \param $pwd - password to use for connection /// /// \return mysql resource identifier, 0 if failure to connect /// /// \brief opens a socket connection to $host, if it is not established in 5 /// seconds, returns an error, otherwise, opens a connection to the database /// and returns the identifier /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function mysql_connect_plus($host, $user, $pwd) { $timeout = 5; /* timeout in seconds */ if($fp = @fsockopen($host, 3306, $errno, $errstr, $timeout)) { fclose($fp); return $link = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pwd); } else { #print "ERROR: socket timeout
\n"; return 0; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn dbConnect() /// /// \brief opens connections to database, the resource identifiers are\n /// \b $mysql_link_vcl - for vcl database\n /// \b $mysql_link_acct - for accounts database\n /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function dbConnect() { global $vclhost, $vcldb, $vclusername, $vclpassword, $mysql_link_vcl; global $accthost, $acctusername, $acctpassword, $mysql_link_acct; global $ENABLE_ITECSAUTH; if($ENABLE_ITECSAUTH) { // open a connection to mysql server for accounts if($mysql_link_acct = mysql_connect_plus($accthost, $acctusername, $acctpassword)) mysql_select_db("accounts", $mysql_link_acct); else $ENABLE_ITECSAUTH = 0; } // open a connection to mysql server for vcl if(! $mysql_link_vcl = mysql_connect_plus($vclhost, $vclusername, $vclpassword)) { die("Error connecting to $vclhost.
\n"); } // select the vcl database mysql_select_db($vcldb, $mysql_link_vcl) or abort(104); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn dbDisconnect() /// /// \brief closes connections to the database /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function dbDisconnect() { global $mysql_link_vcl, $mysql_link_acct, $ENABLE_ITECSAUTH; mysql_close($mysql_link_vcl); if($ENABLE_ITECSAUTH) mysql_close($mysql_link_acct); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn doQuery($query, $errcode, $db, $nolog) /// /// \param $query - SQL statement /// \param $errcode - error code /// \param $db - (optional, defaul=vcl), database to query against /// \param $nolog - (optional, defaul=0), don't log to queryLog table /// /// \return $qh - query handle /// /// \brief performs the query and returns $qh or aborts on error /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function doQuery($query, $errcode=101, $db="vcl", $nolog=0) { global $mysql_link_vcl, $mysql_link_acct, $user, $mode, $ENABLE_ITECSAUTH; global $totalQueries, $queryTimes; $totalQueries++; if($db == "vcl") { if((! $nolog) && preg_match('/^(UPDATE|INSERT|DELETE)/', $query)) { $logquery = str_replace("'", "\'", $query); $logquery = str_replace('"', '\"', $logquery); if(isset($user['id'])) $id = $user['id']; else $id = 0; $q = "INSERT INTO querylog " . "(userid, " . "timestamp, " . "mode, " . "query) " . "VALUES " . "($id, " . "NOW(), " . "'$mode', " . "'$logquery')"; mysql_query($q, $mysql_link_vcl); } $qh = mysql_query($query, $mysql_link_vcl) or abort($errcode, $query); } elseif($db == "accounts") { if($ENABLE_ITECSAUTH) $qh = mysql_query($query, $mysql_link_acct) or abort($errcode, $query); else $qh = NULL; } return $qh; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn dbLastInsertID() /// /// \return last insert id for $mysql_link_vcl /// /// \brief calls mysql_insert_id for $mysql_link_vcl /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function dbLastInsertID() { global $mysql_link_vcl; return mysql_insert_id($mysql_link_vcl); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getOSList() /// /// \return $oslist - array of OSs /// /// \brief builds an array of OSs /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getOSList() { $qh = doQuery("SELECT id, name, prettyname, type FROM OS", "115"); $oslist = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) $oslist[$row['id']] = $row; return $oslist; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getImages($includedeleted=0, $imageid=0) /// /// \param $includedeleted = (optional) 1 to show deleted images, 0 not to /// \param $imageid = (optional) only get data for this image, defaults /// to getting data for all images /// /// \return $imagelist - array of images with the following elements:\n /// \b name - name of image\n /// \b prettyname - pretty name of image\n /// \b ownerid - userid of owner\n /// \b owner - unity id of owner\n /// \b platformid - platformid for the platform the image if for\n /// \b platform - platform the image is for\n /// \b osid - osid for the os on the image\n /// \b os - os the image contains\n /// \b installtype - method used to install image\n /// \b minram - minimum amount of RAM needed for image\n /// \b minprocnumber - minimum number of processors needed for image\n /// \b minprocspeed - minimum speed of processor(s) needed for image\n /// \b minnetwork - minimum speed of network needed for image\n /// \b maxconcurrent - maximum concurrent usage of this iamge\n /// \b reloadtime - time in minutes for image to be loaded\n /// \b deleted - 'yes' or 'no'; whether or not this image has been deleted\n /// \b test - 0 or 1; whether or not there is a test version of this image\n /// \b resourceid - image's resource id from the resource table\n /// \b lastupdate - datetime image was last updated\n /// \b forcheckout - 0 or 1; whether or not the image is allowed to be directly /// checked out\n /// \b maxinitialtime - maximum time (in minutes) to be shown when requesting /// a reservation that the image can reserved for\n /// \b imagemetaid - NULL or corresponding id from imagemeta table and the /// following additional information:\n /// \b checkuser - whether or not vcld should check for a logged in user\n /// \b sysprep - whether or not to use sysprep on creation of the image\n /// \b connectmethods - array of enabled connect methods\n /// \b subimages - an array of subimages to be loaded along with selected /// image\n /// \b imagerevision - an array of revision info about the image, it has these /// keys: id, revision, userid, user, datecreated, prettydate, production, /// imagename /// /// \brief generates an array of images /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getImages($includedeleted=0, $imageid=0) { # key in $imagelist is for $includedeleted static $imagelist = array(0 => array(), 1 => array()); if(! empty($imagelist[$includedeleted])) { if($imageid == 0) return $imagelist[$includedeleted]; else return array($imageid => $imagelist[$includedeleted][$imageid]); } # get all image meta data $allmetadata = array(); $query = "SELECT checkuser, " . "rootaccess, " . "subimages, " . "sysprep, " . "id " . "FROM imagemeta"; $qh = doQuery($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) $allmetadata[$row['id']] = $row; # get all image revision data $allrevisiondata = array(); $query = "SELECT i.id, " . "i.imageid, " . "i.revision, " . "i.userid, " . "CONCAT(u.unityid, '@', a.name) AS user, " . "i.datecreated, " . "DATE_FORMAT(i.datecreated, '%c/%d/%y %l:%i %p') AS prettydate, " . "i.production, " . "i.imagename " . "FROM imagerevision i, " . "affiliation a, " . "user u " . "WHERE i.deleted = 0 AND " . "i.userid = u.id AND " . "u.affiliationid = a.id"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $id = $row['imageid']; unset($row['imageid']); if(! array_key_exists($id, $allrevisiondata)) $allrevisiondata[$id] = array(); $allrevisiondata[$id][$row['id']] = $row; } $query = "SELECT i.id AS id," . "i.name AS name, " . "i.prettyname AS prettyname, " . "i.ownerid AS ownerid, " . "CONCAT(u.unityid, '@', a.name) AS owner, " . "i.platformid AS platformid, " . "p.name AS platform, " . "i.OSid AS osid, " . "o.name AS os, " . "o.installtype, " . "i.minram AS minram, " . "i.minprocnumber AS minprocnumber, " . "i.minprocspeed AS minprocspeed, " . "i.minnetwork AS minnetwork, " . "i.maxconcurrent AS maxconcurrent, " . "i.reloadtime AS reloadtime, " . "i.deleted AS deleted, " . "i.test AS test, " . "r.id AS resourceid, " . "i.lastupdate, " . "i.forcheckout, " . "i.maxinitialtime, " . "i.imagemetaid " . "FROM image i, " . "platform p, " . "OS o, " . "resource r, " . "resourcetype t, " . "user u, " . "affiliation a " . "WHERE i.platformid = p.id AND " . "r.resourcetypeid = t.id AND " . "t.name = 'image' AND " . "r.subid = i.id AND " . "i.OSid = o.id AND " . "i.ownerid = u.id AND " . "u.affiliationid = a.id "; if(! $includedeleted) $query .= "AND i.deleted = 0 "; $query .= "ORDER BY i.prettyname"; $qh = doQuery($query, 120); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $imagelist[$includedeleted][$row["id"]] = $row; if($row["imagemetaid"] != NULL) { if(array_key_exists($row['imagemetaid'], $allmetadata)) { $metaid = $row['imagemetaid']; $imagelist[$includedeleted][$row['id']]['checkuser'] = $allmetadata[$metaid]['checkuser']; $imagelist[$includedeleted][$row['id']]['rootaccess'] = $allmetadata[$metaid]['rootaccess']; $imagelist[$includedeleted][$row['id']]['sysprep'] = $allmetadata[$metaid]['sysprep']; $imagelist[$includedeleted][$row["id"]]["subimages"] = array(); if($allmetadata[$metaid]["subimages"]) { $query2 = "SELECT imageid " . "FROM subimages " . "WHERE imagemetaid = $metaid"; $qh2 = doQuery($query2, 101); while($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh2)) $imagelist[$includedeleted][$row["id"]]["subimages"][] = $row2["imageid"]; } } else $row["imagemetaid"] = NULL; } if(array_key_exists($row['id'], $allrevisiondata)) $imagelist[$includedeleted][$row['id']]['imagerevision'] = $allrevisiondata[$row['id']]; $imagelist[$includedeleted][$row['id']]['connectmethods'] = getImageConnectMethods($row['id']); } if($imageid != 0) return array($imageid => $imagelist[$includedeleted][$imageid]); return $imagelist[$includedeleted]; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getImageRevisions($imageid, $incdeleted) /// /// \param $imageid - id of an image /// \param $incdeleted - (optional, defaults to 0) 1 to include deleted images /// /// \return an array where each key is the id of the image revision and each /// element has these values:\n /// \b id - id of revision\n /// \b revision - revision number\n /// \b creatorid - user id of person that created the revision\n /// \b creator - user@affiliation\n /// \b datecreated - datetime of when revision was created\n /// \b deleted - 1 if deleted, 0 if not\n /// \b production - 1 if production revision, 0 if not\n /// \b comments - comments about the revision\n /// \b imagename - name for files related to revision /// /// \brief gets image revision data related to $imageid /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getImageRevisions($imageid, $incdeleted=0) { $query = "SELECT i.id, " . "i.revision, " . "i.userid AS creatorid, " . "CONCAT(u.unityid, '@', a.name) AS creator, " . "i.datecreated, " . "i.deleted, " . "i.production, " . "i.comments, " . "i.imagename " . "FROM imagerevision i, " . "user u, " . "affiliation a " . "WHERE i.userid = u.id " . "AND u.affiliationid = a.id " . "AND i.imageid = $imageid"; if(! $incdeleted) $query .= " AND i.deleted = 0"; $query .= " ORDER BY revision"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); $return = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) $return[$row['id']] = $row; return $return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getImageNotes($imageid) /// /// \param $imageid - id of an image /// \param $revisionid - image revision id /// /// \return an array with these keys:\n /// \b description - description of image\n /// \b usage - notes on using the image /// /// \brief gets data from the imageinfo table for $imageid and $revisionid /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getImageNotes($imageid) { if(empty($imageid)) $imageid = 0; $query = "SELECT description, " . "`usage` " . "FROM image " . "WHERE id = $imageid"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) return $row; else return array('description' => '', 'usage' => ''); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getImageConnectMethods($imageid, $revisionid) /// /// \param $imageid - id of an image /// \param $revisionid - (optional, default=0) revision id of image /// /// \return an array of connect methods enabled for specified image where the /// key is the id of the connect method and the value is the description /// /// \brief builds an array of connect methods enabled for the image /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getImageConnectMethods($imageid, $revisionid=0) { $key = getKey(array('getImageConnectMethods', $imageid, $revisionid)); if(array_key_exists($key, $_SESSION['usersessiondata'])) return $_SESSION['usersessiondata'][$key]; if($revisionid == 0) $revisionid = getProductionRevisionid($imageid); if($revisionid == '') { $_SESSION['usersessiondata'][$key] = array(); return array(); } static $allmethods = array(); if(empty($allmethods)) { $query = "SELECT DISTINCT c.id, " . "c.description, " . "cm.disabled, " . "i.id AS imageid, " . "cm.imagerevisionid AS cmimagerevisionid, " . "ir.id AS imagerevisionid, " . "ir.imagename " . "FROM image i " . "LEFT JOIN OS o ON (o.id = i.OSid) " . "LEFT JOIN OStype ot ON (ot.name = o.type) " . "LEFT JOIN imagerevision ir ON (ir.imageid = i.id) " . "LEFT JOIN connectmethodmap cm ON (cm.OStypeid = ot.id OR " . "cm.OSid = o.id OR " . "cm.imagerevisionid = ir.id) " . "LEFT JOIN connectmethod c ON (cm.connectmethodid = c.id) " . "WHERE cm.autoprovisioned IS NULL " . "ORDER BY i.id, " . "cm.disabled, " . "c.description"; $qh = doQuery($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $_imageid = $row['imageid']; $_revid = $row['imagerevisionid']; unset($row['imageid']); unset($row['imagerevisionid']); if(! array_key_exists($_imageid, $allmethods)) $allmethods[$_imageid] = array(); if(! array_key_exists($_revid, $allmethods[$_imageid])) $allmethods[$_imageid][$_revid] = array(); $allmethods[$_imageid][$_revid][] = $row; } } if(! array_key_exists($imageid, $allmethods) || ! array_key_exists($revisionid, $allmethods[$imageid])) { $_SESSION['usersessiondata'][$key] = array(); return array(); } $methods = array(); foreach($allmethods[$imageid][$revisionid] as $data) { if($data['disabled']) { if(array_key_exists($data['id'], $methods)) unset($methods[$data['id']]); } else $methods[$data['id']] = $data['description']; } $_SESSION['usersessiondata'][$key] = $methods; return $methods; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getImageConnectMethodTexts($imageid, $revisionid) /// /// \param $imageid - id of an image /// \param $revisionid - (optional, default=0) revision id of image /// /// \return an array of connect method texts enabled for specified image where /// the key is the id of the connect method and the value is the connecttext /// /// \brief builds an array of connect methods enabled for the image /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getImageConnectMethodTexts($imageid, $revisionid=0) { global $locale; $descfield = 'description'; $textfield = 'connecttext'; if(! preg_match('/^en/', $locale)) { $query = "DESC connectmethod"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { if($row['Field'] == "description_$locale") $descfield = "description_$locale"; if($row['Field'] == "connecttext_$locale") $textfield = "connecttext_$locale"; } } if($revisionid == 0) $revisionid = getProductionRevisionid($imageid); $query = "SELECT c.id, " . "c.`$descfield` AS description, " . "c.`$textfield` AS connecttext, " . "cm.disabled " . "FROM connectmethod c, " . "connectmethodmap cm, " . "image i " . "LEFT JOIN OS o ON (o.id = i.OSid) " . "LEFT JOIN OStype ot ON (ot.name = o.type) " . "WHERE i.id = $imageid AND " . "cm.connectmethodid = c.id AND " . "cm.autoprovisioned IS NULL AND " . "(cm.OStypeid = ot.id OR " . "cm.OSid = o.id OR " . "cm.imagerevisionid = $revisionid) " . "ORDER BY cm.disabled, " . "c.`$descfield`"; $methods = array(); $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { if($row['disabled']) { if(array_key_exists($row['id'], $methods)) unset($methods[$row['id']]); } else $methods[$row['id']] = array('description' => $row['description'], 'connecttext' => $row['connecttext']); } return $methods; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getImageTypes() /// /// \return array of image types where each key is the id and each value is the /// name /// /// \brief builds an array of image types from the imagetype table /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getImageTypes() { $query = "SELECT id, name FROM imagetype ORDER BY name"; $qh = doQuery($query); $data = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) $data[$row['id']] = $row['name']; return $data; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn checkClearImageMeta($imagemetaid, $imageid, $ignorefield) /// /// \param $imagemetaid - id from imagemeta table /// \param $imageid - id from image table /// \param $ignorefield - (optional, default='') field to ignore being different /// from default /// /// \return 0 if imagemeta entry was not deleted, 1 if it was /// /// \brief checks to see if all values of the imagemeta table are defaults, and /// if so, deletes the entry and sets imagemetaid to NULL in image table /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function checkClearImageMeta($imagemetaid, $imageid, $ignorefield='') { # get defaults for imagemeta table $query = "DESC imagemeta"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); $defaults = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) $defaults[$row['Field']] = $row['Default']; # get imagemeta data $query = "SELECT * FROM imagemeta WHERE id = $imagemetaid"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh); $alldefaults = 1; foreach($row as $field => $val) { if($field == 'id' || $field == $ignorefield) continue; if($defaults[$field] != $val) { $alldefaults = 0; break; } } // if all default values, delete imagemeta entry if($alldefaults) { $query = "DELETE FROM imagemeta WHERE id = $imagemetaid"; doQuery($query, 101); $query = "UPDATE image SET imagemetaid = NULL WHERE id = $imageid"; doQuery($query, 101); return 1; } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getProductionRevisionid($imageid) /// /// \param $imageid /// /// \return the production revision id for $imageid /// /// \brief gets the production revision id for $imageid from the imagerevision /// table /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getProductionRevisionid($imageid) { static $alldata = array(); if(! empty($alldata)) if(array_key_exists($imageid, $alldata)) return $alldata[$imageid]; else return ''; $query = "SELECT id, " . "imageid " . "FROM imagerevision " . "WHERE production = 1"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) $alldata[$row['imageid']] = $row['id']; return $alldata[$imageid]; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn removeNoCheckout($images) /// /// \param $images - an array of images /// /// \return an array of images with the images that have forcheckout == 0 /// removed /// /// \brief removes any images in $images that have forcheckout == 0 /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function removeNoCheckout($images) { $allimages = getImages(); foreach(array_keys($images) as $id) { if(array_key_exists($id, $allimages) && ! $allimages[$id]["forcheckout"]) unset($images[$id]); } return $images; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getUserResources($userprivs, $resourceprivs, $onlygroups, /// $includedeleted, $userid) /// /// \param $userprivs - array of privileges to look for (such as /// imageAdmin, imageCheckOut, etc) - this is an OR list; don't include 'block' or 'cascade' /// \param $resourceprivs - array of privileges to look for (such as /// available, administer, manageGroup) - this is an OR list; don't include 'block' or 'cascade' /// \param $onlygroups - (optional) if 1, return the resource groups instead /// of the resources /// \param $includedeleted - (optional) included deleted resources if 1, /// don't if 0 /// \param $userid - (optional) id from the user table, if not given, use the /// id of the currently logged in user /// /// \return an array of 2 arrays where the first indexes are resource types /// and each one's arrays are a list of resources available to the user where /// the index of each item is the id and the value is the name of the /// resource\n /// if $onlygroups == 1:\n /// {[computer] => {[groupid] => "groupname",\n /// [groupid] => "groupname"},\n /// [image] => {[groupid] => "groupname",\n /// [groupid] => "groupname"},\n /// ...}\n /// if $onlygroups == 0:\n /// {[computer] => {[compid] => "hostname",\n /// [compid] => "hosename"},\n /// [image] => {[imageid] => "prettyname",\n /// [imageid] => "prettyname"},\n /// ...} /// /// \brief builds a list of resources a user has access to and returns it /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getUserResources($userprivs, $resourceprivs=array("available"), $onlygroups=0, $includedeleted=0, $userid=0) { global $user; $key = getKey(array($userprivs, $resourceprivs, $onlygroups, $includedeleted, $userid)); if(array_key_exists($key, $_SESSION['userresources'])) return $_SESSION['userresources'][$key]; #FIXME this whole function could be much more efficient if(! $userid) $userid = $user["id"]; $return = array(); $nodeprivs = array(); $startnodes = array(); # build a list of nodes where user is granted $userprivs $inlist = "'" . implode("','", $userprivs) . "'"; $query = "SELECT u.privnodeid " . "FROM userpriv u, " . "userprivtype t " . "WHERE u.userprivtypeid = t.id AND " . "t.name IN ($inlist) AND " . "(u.userid = $userid OR " . "u.usergroupid IN (SELECT usergroupid " . "FROM usergroupmembers " . "WHERE userid = $userid))"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { array_push($startnodes, $row["privnodeid"]); } # build data array from userprivtype and userpriv tables to reduce queries # in addNodeUserResourcePrivs $privdataset = array('user' => array(), 'usergroup' => array()); $query = "SELECT t.name, " . "u.privnodeid " . "FROM userprivtype t, " . "userpriv u " . "WHERE u.userprivtypeid = t.id AND " . "u.userid IS NOT NULL AND " . "u.userid = $userid AND " . "t.name IN ('block','cascade',$inlist)"; $qh = doQuery($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { if(! array_key_exists($row['privnodeid'], $privdataset['user'])) $privdataset['user'][$row['privnodeid']] = array(); $privdataset['user'][$row['privnodeid']][] = $row['name']; } $query = "SELECT t.name, " . "u.usergroupid, " . "u.privnodeid " . "FROM userprivtype t, " . "userpriv u " . "WHERE u.userprivtypeid = t.id AND " . "u.usergroupid IS NOT NULL AND " . "u.usergroupid IN (SELECT usergroupid " . "FROM usergroupmembers " . "WHERE userid = $userid) AND " . "t.name IN ('block','cascade',$inlist) " . "ORDER BY u.privnodeid, " . "u.usergroupid"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { if(! array_key_exists($row['privnodeid'], $privdataset['usergroup'])) $privdataset['usergroup'][$row['privnodeid']] = array(); $privdataset['usergroup'][$row['privnodeid']][] = array('name' => $row['name'], 'groupid' => $row['usergroupid']); } # travel up tree looking at privileges granted at parent nodes foreach($startnodes as $nodeid) { getUserResourcesUp($nodeprivs, $nodeid, $userid, $userprivs, $privdataset); } # travel down tree looking at privileges granted at child nodes if cascade privs at this node foreach($startnodes as $nodeid) { getUserResourcesDown($nodeprivs, $nodeid, $userid, $userprivs, $privdataset); } $nodeprivs = simplifyNodePrivs($nodeprivs, $userprivs); // call this before calling addUserResources addUserResources($nodeprivs, $userid); # build a list of resource groups user has access to $resourcegroups = array(); $types = getTypes("resources"); foreach($types["resources"] as $type) { $resourcegroups[$type] = array(); } foreach(array_keys($nodeprivs) as $nodeid) { // if user doesn't have privs at this node, no need to look // at any resource groups here $haspriv = 0; foreach($userprivs as $priv) { if($nodeprivs[$nodeid][$priv]) $haspriv = 1; } if(! $haspriv) continue; # check to see if resource groups has any of $resourceprivs at this node foreach(array_keys($nodeprivs[$nodeid]["resources"]) as $resourceid) { foreach($resourceprivs as $priv) { if(in_array($priv, $nodeprivs[$nodeid]["resources"][$resourceid])) { list($type, $name, $id) = explode('/', $resourceid); if(! array_key_exists($type, $resourcegroups)) $resourcegroups[$type] = array(); if(! in_array($name, $resourcegroups[$type])) $resourcegroups[$type][$id] = $name; } } } # check to see if resource groups has any of $resourceprivs cascaded to this node foreach(array_keys($nodeprivs[$nodeid]["cascaderesources"]) as $resourceid) { foreach($resourceprivs as $priv) { if(in_array($priv, $nodeprivs[$nodeid]["cascaderesources"][$resourceid]) && ! (array_key_exists($resourceid, $nodeprivs[$nodeid]["resources"]) && in_array("block", $nodeprivs[$nodeid]["resources"][$resourceid]))) { list($type, $name, $id) = explode('/', $resourceid); if(! array_key_exists($type, $resourcegroups)) $resourcegroups[$type] = array(); if(! in_array($name, $resourcegroups[$type])) $resourcegroups[$type][$id] = $name; } } } } addOwnedResourceGroups($resourcegroups, $userid); if($onlygroups) { foreach(array_keys($resourcegroups) as $type) uasort($resourcegroups[$type], "sortKeepIndex"); $_SESSION['userresources'][$key] = $resourcegroups; return $resourcegroups; } $resources = array(); foreach(array_keys($resourcegroups) as $type) { $resources[$type] = getResourcesFromGroups($resourcegroups[$type], $type, $includedeleted); } addOwnedResources($resources, $includedeleted, $userid); $_SESSION['userresources'][$key] = $resources; return $resources; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getUserResourcesUp(&$nodeprivs, $nodeid, $userid, /// $resourceprivs) /// /// \param $nodeprivs - node privilege array used in getUserResources /// \param $nodeid - an id from the nodepriv table /// \param $userid - an id from the user table /// \param $resourceprivs - array of privileges to look for (such as /// imageAdmin, imageCheckOut, etc); don't include 'block' or 'cascade' /// /// \return modifies $nodeprivs, but doesn't return anything /// /// \brief adds resource privileges to $nodeprivs for the parents of $nodeid /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getUserResourcesUp(&$nodeprivs, $nodeid, $userid, $resourceprivs, $privdataset) { # build list of parent nodes # starting at top, get images available at that node and user privs there and # walk down to $nodeid $nodelist = getParentNodes($nodeid); array_unshift($nodelist, $nodeid); $lastid = 0; while(count($nodelist)) { $id = array_pop($nodelist); if(array_key_exists($id, $nodeprivs)) continue; addNodeUserResourcePrivs($nodeprivs, $id, $lastid, $userid, $resourceprivs, $privdataset); $lastid = $id; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getUserResourcesDown(&$nodeprivs, $nodeid, $userid, /// $resourceprivs) /// /// \param $nodeprivs - node privilege array used in getUserResources /// \param $nodeid - an id from the nodepriv table /// \param $userid - an id from the user table /// \param $resourceprivs - array of privileges to look for (such as /// imageAdmin, imageCheckOut, etc); don't include 'block' or 'cascade' /// /// \return modifies $nodeprivs, but doesn't return anything /// /// \brief recursively adds resource privileges to $nodeprivs for any children /// of $nodeid /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getUserResourcesDown(&$nodeprivs, $nodeid, $userid, $resourceprivs, $privdataset) { # FIXME can we check for cascading and if not there, don't descend? $children = getChildNodes($nodeid); foreach(array_keys($children) as $id) { addNodeUserResourcePrivs($nodeprivs, $id, $nodeid, $userid, $resourceprivs, $privdataset); getUserResourcesDown($nodeprivs, $id, $userid, $resourceprivs, $privdataset); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn addNodeUserResourcePrivs(&$nodeprivs, $id, $lastid, $userid, /// $resourceprivs) /// /// \param $nodeprivs - node privilege array used in getUserResources /// \param $id - an id from the nodepriv table /// \param $lastid - $id's parent, 0 if at the root /// \param $userid - an id from the user table /// \param $resourceprivs - array of privileges to look for (such as /// imageAdmin, imageCheckOut, etc); don't include 'block' or 'cascade' /// /// \return modifies $nodeprivs, but doesn't return anything /// /// \brief for $id, gets privileges and cascaded privileges the user and any /// groups the user is and adds them to $nodeprivs /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function addNodeUserResourcePrivs(&$nodeprivs, $id, $lastid, $userid, $resourceprivs, $privdataset) { $nodeprivs[$id]["user"] = array("cascade" => 0); foreach($resourceprivs as $priv) { $nodeprivs[$id]["user"][$priv] = 0; } # add permissions for user $block = 0; if(array_key_exists($id, $privdataset['user'])) { foreach($privdataset['user'][$id] as $name) { if($name != 'block') $nodeprivs[$id]['user'][$name] = 1; else $block = 1; } } // if don't have anything in $resourceprivs, set cascade = 0 if($nodeprivs[$id]["user"]["cascade"]) { $noprivs = 1; foreach($resourceprivs as $priv) { if($nodeprivs[$id]["user"][$priv]) $noprivs = 0; } if($noprivs) $nodeprivs[$id]["user"]["cascade"] = 0; } // if not blocking at this node, and previous node had cascade if($lastid && ! $block && $nodeprivs[$lastid]["user"]["cascade"]) { # set cascade = 1 $nodeprivs[$id]["user"]["cascade"] = 1; # set each priv in $resourceprivs = 1 foreach($resourceprivs as $priv) { if($nodeprivs[$lastid]["user"][$priv]) $nodeprivs[$id]["user"][$priv] = 1; } } # add permissions for user's groups $basearray = array("cascade" => 0, "block" => 0); foreach($resourceprivs as $priv) $basearray[$priv] = 0; if(array_key_exists($id, $privdataset['usergroup'])) { foreach($privdataset['usergroup'][$id] as $data) { if(! array_key_exists($data["groupid"], $nodeprivs[$id])) $nodeprivs[$id][$data["groupid"]] = $basearray; $nodeprivs[$id][$data["groupid"]][$data["name"]] = 1; } } # add groups from $lastid if it is not 0 $groupkeys = array_keys($nodeprivs[$id]); if($lastid) { foreach(array_keys($nodeprivs[$lastid]) as $groupid) { if(in_array($groupid, $groupkeys)) continue; $nodeprivs[$id][$groupid] = $basearray; } } foreach(array_keys($nodeprivs[$id]) as $groupid) { if(! is_numeric($groupid)) continue; // if don't have anything in $resourceprivs, set cascade = 0 if($nodeprivs[$id][$groupid]["cascade"]) { $noprivs = 1; foreach($resourceprivs as $priv) { if($nodeprivs[$id][$groupid][$priv]) $noprivs = 0; } if($noprivs) $nodeprivs[$id][$groupid]["cascade"] = 0; } // if group not blocking at this node, and group had cascade at previous # node if($lastid && ! $nodeprivs[$id][$groupid]["block"] && array_key_exists($groupid, $nodeprivs[$lastid]) && $nodeprivs[$lastid][$groupid]["cascade"]) { # set cascade = 1 $nodeprivs[$id][$groupid]["cascade"] = 1; # set each priv in $resourceprivs = 1 foreach($resourceprivs as $priv) { if($nodeprivs[$lastid][$groupid][$priv]) $nodeprivs[$id][$groupid][$priv] = 1; } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn simplifyNodePrivs($nodeprivs, $resourceprivs) /// /// \param $nodeprivs - node privilege array used in getUserResources /// \param $resourceprivs - array of privileges to look for (such as /// imageAdmin, imageCheckOut, etc); don't include 'block' or 'cascade' /// /// \return a simplified version of $nodeprivs /// /// \brief checks the user and group privileges for each node in $nodeprivs and /// creates a new privilege array that just shows if the user has that /// permission (either directly or from a group) /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function simplifyNodePrivs($nodeprivs, $resourceprivs) { $return = array(); $basearray = array(); foreach($resourceprivs as $priv) { $basearray[$priv] = 0; } foreach(array_keys($nodeprivs) as $nodeid) { $return[$nodeid] = $basearray; foreach(array_keys($nodeprivs[$nodeid]) as $key) { foreach($resourceprivs as $priv) { if($nodeprivs[$nodeid][$key][$priv]) $return[$nodeid][$priv] = 1; } } } return $return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn addUserResources(&$nodeprivs, $userid) /// /// \param $nodeprivs - node privilege array used in getUserResources /// \param $userid - an id from the user table /// /// \return modifies $nodeprivs, but doesn't return anything /// /// \brief for each node in $nodeprivs, adds any resources that are available /// to $nodeprivs /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function addUserResources(&$nodeprivs, $userid) { require_once(".ht-inc/privileges.php"); foreach(array_keys($nodeprivs) as $nodeid) { $privs = getNodePrivileges($nodeid, "resources"); $nodeprivs[$nodeid]["resources"] = $privs["resources"]; $privs = getNodeCascadePrivileges($nodeid, "resources"); $nodeprivs[$nodeid]["cascaderesources"] = $privs["resources"]; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn addOwnedResources(&$resources, $includedeleted, $userid) /// /// \param $resources - array of resources from getUserResources /// \param $includedeleted - 1 to include deleted resources, 0 not to /// \param $userid - id from user table /// /// \return modifies $resources, but doesn't return anything /// /// \brief adds resources that the user owns /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function addOwnedResources(&$resources, $includedeleted, $userid) { foreach(array_keys($resources) as $type) { if($type == "image") $field = "prettyname"; elseif($type == "computer") $field = "hostname"; elseif($type == "schedule") $field = "name"; elseif($type == "managementnode") $field = "hostname"; elseif($type == "serverprofile") $field = "name"; else continue; $query = "SELECT id, " . "$field " . "FROM $type " . "WHERE ownerid = $userid"; if(! $includedeleted && ($type == "image" || $type == "computer")) $query .= " AND deleted = 0"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { if(! array_key_exists($row["id"], $resources[$type])) $resources[$type][$row["id"]] = $row[$field]; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn addOwnedResourceGroups(&$resourcegroups, $userid) /// /// \param $resourcegroups - array of resources from getUserResources /// \param $userid - id from user table /// /// \return modifies $resources, but doesn't return anything /// /// \brief adds resources that the user owns /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function addOwnedResourceGroups(&$resourcegroups, $userid) { if(! $user = getUserInfo($userid, 1, 1)) return; $userid = $user["id"]; $groupids = implode(',', array_keys($user["groups"])); if(empty($groupids)) $groupids = "''"; $query = "SELECT g.id AS id, " . "g.name AS name, " . "t.name AS type " . "FROM resourcegroup g, " . "resourcetype t " . "WHERE g.resourcetypeid = t.id AND " . "g.ownerusergroupid IN ($groupids)"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { if(! array_key_exists($row["id"], $resourcegroups[$row["type"]])) $resourcegroups[$row["type"]][$row["id"]] = $row["name"]; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getResourcesFromGroups($groups, $type, $includedeleted) /// /// \param $groups - an array of group names /// \param $type - the type of the groups (from resourcetype table) /// \param $includedeleted - 1 to include deleted resources, 0 not to /// /// \return an array of resources where the index is the id of the resource and /// the value is the name of the resource /// /// \brief builds an array of resources from $groups /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getResourcesFromGroups($groups, $type, $includedeleted) { $return = array(); if($type == "image") $field = "prettyname"; elseif($type == "computer") $field = "hostname"; elseif($type == "schedule") $field = "name"; elseif($type == "managementnode") $field = "hostname"; elseif($type == "serverprofile") $field = "name"; else return array(); $groups = implode("','", $groups); $inlist = "'$groups'"; $query = "SELECT DISTINCT(r.subid) AS id, " . "t.$field AS name " . "FROM $type t, " . "resource r, " . "resourcegroupmembers m, " . "resourcegroup g, " . "resourcetype rt " . "WHERE r.subid = t.id AND " . "r.id = m.resourceid AND " . "m.resourcegroupid = g.id AND " . "g.name IN ($inlist) AND " . "g.resourcetypeid = rt.id AND " . "rt.name = '$type'"; if(! $includedeleted && ($type == "image" || $type == "computer")) { $query .= "AND deleted = 0 "; } /*if($type == "image") $query .= "AND test = 0 ";*/ $query .= "ORDER BY t.$field"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $return[$row["id"]] = $row["name"]; } return $return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn updateUserOrGroupPrivs($name, $node, $adds, $removes, $mode) /// /// \param $name - loginid, user id, or user group id /// \param $node - id of the node /// \param $adds - array of privs (the name, not the id) to add /// \param $removes - array of privs (the name, not the id) to remove /// \param $mode - "user" or "group" /// /// \brief adds/removes $adds/$removes privs for $unityid to/from $node /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function updateUserOrGroupPrivs($name, $node, $adds, $removes, $mode) { if(! (count($adds) || count($removes))) { return; } if($mode == "user") { $field = "userid"; if(is_numeric($name)) $id = $name; else { $id = getUserlistID($name); if(! $id) $id = addUser($name); } } else { $field = "usergroupid"; $id = $name; } foreach($adds as $type) { $typeid = getUserPrivTypeID($type); $query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO userpriv (" . "$field, " . "privnodeid, " . "userprivtypeid) " . "VALUES (" . "$id, " . "$node, " . "$typeid)"; doQuery($query, 375); } foreach($removes as $type) { $typeid = getUserPrivTypeID($type); $query = "DELETE FROM userpriv " . "WHERE $field = $id AND " . "privnodeid = $node AND " . "userprivtypeid = $typeid"; doQuery($query, 376); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn updateResourcePrivs($group, $node, $adds, $removes) /// /// \param $group - id from resourcegroup table, or group name of the form /// type/name /// \param $node - id of the node /// \param $adds - array of privs (the name, not the id) to add /// \param $removes - array of privs (the name, not the id) to remove /// /// \brief adds/removes $adds/$removes privs for $name to/from $node /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function updateResourcePrivs($group, $node, $adds, $removes) { if(! (count($adds) || count($removes))) { return; } if(is_numeric($group)) $groupid = $group; else $groupid = getResourceGroupID($group); foreach($adds as $type) { $query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO resourcepriv (" . "resourcegroupid, " . "privnodeid, " . "type) " . "VALUES (" . "$groupid, " . "$node, " . "'$type')"; doQuery($query, 377); } foreach($removes as $type) { $query = "DELETE FROM resourcepriv " . "WHERE resourcegroupid = $groupid AND " . "privnodeid = $node AND " . "type = '$type'"; doQuery($query, 378); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getKey($data) /// /// \param $data - an array /// /// \return an md5 string that is unique for $data /// /// \brief generates an md5sum for $data /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getKey($data) { $newdata = array(); foreach($data as $arr) if(is_array($arr)) $newdata = array_merge_recursive($newdata, $arr); else array_push($newdata, $arr); $rc = ''; foreach($newdata as $key => $val) $rc = md5("$rc$key$val"); return $rc; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn encryptData($data) /// /// \param $data - a string /// /// \return an encrypted form of the string that has been base64 encoded /// /// \brief encrypts $data with blowfish and base64 encodes it /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function encryptData($data) { global $cryptkey; if(! $data) return false; $aes = new Crypt_AES(); $aes->setKey($cryptkey); $cryptdata = $aes->encrypt($data); return trim(base64_encode($cryptdata)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn decryptData($data) /// /// \param $data - a string /// /// \return decrypted form of $data /// /// \brief base64 decodes $data and decrypts it /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function decryptData($data) { global $cryptkey; if(! $data) return false; $aes = new Crypt_AES(); $aes->setKey($cryptkey); $cryptdata = base64_decode($data); $decryptdata = $aes->decrypt($cryptdata); return trim($decryptdata); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // \fn encryptDataAsymmetric($data, $public_key) // // \param $data - a string // // \param $public_key - either a filename for a public key or the public key itself // // \return hex-encoded, encrypted form of $data // // \brief generate public key encrypted data // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function encryptDataAsymmetric($data, $public_key){ if(file_exists($public_key)){ $key = openssl_pkey_get_public(file_get_contents($public_key)); } else { $key = openssl_pkey_get_public($public_key); } openssl_public_encrypt($data, $encrypted, $key, OPENSSL_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING); openssl_free_key($key); $hexformatted = unpack("H*hex", $encrypted); return $hexformatted['hex']; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getParentNodes($node) /// /// \param $node - a privnode id /// /// \return an array of parents of $node /// /// \brief build array of node's parents with 0th index being immediate parent /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getParentNodes($node) { global $nodeparents; if(array_key_exists($node, $nodeparents)) return $nodeparents[$node]; $nodelist = array(); while($node != 1) { $nodeinfo = getNodeInfo($node); $node = $nodeinfo["parent"]; if($node == NULL) break; array_push($nodelist, $node); } $nodeparents[$node] = $nodelist; return $nodelist; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getChildNodes($parent) /// /// \param parent - (optional) the parent of all the children; defaults to 2 /// (the root node) /// /// \return an array of nodes /// /// \brief gets all children for $parent /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getChildNodes($parent=DEFAULT_PRIVNODE) { global $cache; if(! array_key_exists('nodes', $cache)) # call getNodeInfo to populate $cache['nodes'] getNodeInfo($parent); static $allnodes = array(); if(empty($allnodes)) { foreach($cache['nodes'] as $id => $node) { unset($node['id']); if(! array_key_exists($node['parent'], $allnodes)) $allnodes[$node['parent']] = array(); $allnodes[$node['parent']][$id] = $node; } } if(array_key_exists($parent, $allnodes)) return $allnodes[$parent]; else return array(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getUserGroups($groupType, $affiliationid) /// /// \param $groupType - (optional, default = 0) 0 for all groups, 1 for custom /// groups, 2 for courseroll groups /// \param $affiliationid - (optional, default = 0) 0 for groups of any /// affiliation, or the id of an affiliation for only groups with that /// affiliation /// /// \return an array where each index is an id from usergroup and the values /// are arrays with the indexes:\n /// name\n /// groupaffiliation\n /// groupaffiliationid\n /// ownerid\n /// owner\n /// affiliation\n /// editgroupid\n /// editgroup\n /// editgroupaffiliationid\n /// editgroupaffiliation\n /// custom\n /// courseroll\n /// initialmaxtime\n /// totalmaxtime\n /// maxextendtime\n /// overlapResCount /// /// \brief builds list of user groups\n /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getUserGroups($groupType=0, $affiliationid=0) { global $user; $key = getKey(array($groupType, $affiliationid, $user['showallgroups'])); if(array_key_exists($key, $_SESSION['usersessiondata'])) return $_SESSION['usersessiondata'][$key]; $return = array(); $query = "SELECT ug.id, " . "ug.name, " . "ga.name AS groupaffiliation, " . "ug.affiliationid AS groupaffiliationid, " . "ug.ownerid, " . "u.unityid AS owner, " . "a.name AS affiliation, " . "ug.editusergroupid AS editgroupid, " . "eug.name AS editgroup, " . "eug.affiliationid AS editgroupaffiliationid, " . "euga.name AS editgroupaffiliation, " . "ug.custom, " . "ug.courseroll, " . "ug.initialmaxtime, " . "ug.totalmaxtime, " . "ug.maxextendtime, " . "ug.overlapResCount " . "FROM usergroup ug " . "LEFT JOIN user u ON (ug.ownerid = u.id) " . "LEFT JOIN usergroup eug ON (ug.editusergroupid = eug.id) " . "LEFT JOIN affiliation a ON (u.affiliationid = a.id) " . "LEFT JOIN affiliation ga ON (ug.affiliationid = ga.id) " . "LEFT JOIN affiliation euga ON (eug.affiliationid = euga.id) " . "WHERE 1 "; if($groupType == 1) $query .= "AND ug.custom = 1 "; elseif($groupType == 2) $query .= "AND ug.courseroll = 1 "; if(! $user['showallgroups'] && $affiliationid) $query .= "AND ug.affiliationid = $affiliationid "; $query .= "ORDER BY name"; $qh = doQuery($query, 280); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { if(! empty($row["owner"]) && ! empty($row['affiliation'])) $row['owner'] = "{$row['owner']}@{$row['affiliation']}"; if($user['showallgroups'] || $affiliationid == 0) $row['name'] = "{$row['name']}@{$row['groupaffiliation']}"; $return[$row["id"]] = $row; } $_SESSION['usersessiondata'][$key] = $return; return $return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getUserEditGroups($id) /// /// \param $id - user id (string or numeric) /// /// \return an array of groups where each key is the group id /// /// \brief builds an array of groups for which $id can edit the membership /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getUserEditGroups($id) { global $user; if(! is_numeric($id)) $id = getUserlistID($id); if($user['showallgroups']) { $query = "SELECT DISTINCT(u.id), " . "CONCAT(u.name, '@', a.name) AS name " . "FROM `usergroup` u, " . "`usergroupmembers` m, " . "affiliation a " . "WHERE u.editusergroupid = m.usergroupid AND " . "u.affiliationid = a.id AND " . "(u.ownerid = $id OR m.userid = $id) " . "ORDER BY name"; } else { $query = "SELECT DISTINCT(u.id), " . "u.name " . "FROM `usergroup` u, " . "`usergroupmembers` m " . "WHERE u.editusergroupid = m.usergroupid AND " . "(u.ownerid = $id OR m.userid = $id) AND " . "u.affiliationid = {$user['affiliationid']} " . "ORDER BY name"; } $qh = doQuery($query, 101); $groups = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $groups[$row['id']] = $row['name']; } return $groups; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getUserGroupPrivs($groupid='') /// /// \param $groupid (optional, default='') - if specified, only get permissions /// granted to this user group; if not specified, get information about /// all groups /// /// \return array of data about user group permissions where each element is an /// array with these keys:\n /// \b usergroup - name of user group\n /// \b usergroupid - id of user group\n /// \b permission - permission granted to user group\n /// \b permid - id of permission granted to user group /// /// \brief builds an array of data about permissions granted to user groups /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getUserGroupPrivs($groupid='') { $data = array(); $query = "SELECT ug.name AS usergroup, " . "ugp.usergroupid, " . "ugpt.name AS permission, " . "ugp.userprivtypeid AS permid " . "FROM usergroup ug, " . "usergrouppriv ugp, " . "usergroupprivtype ugpt " . "WHERE ugp.usergroupid = ug.id AND " . "ugp.userprivtypeid = ugpt.id "; if(! empty($groupid)) $query .= "AND ugp.usergroupid = $groupid "; $query .= "ORDER BY ug.name, " . "ugpt.name"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) $data[] = $row; return $data; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getUserGroupPrivTypes() /// /// \return array of information about user group permissions where each index /// is the id of the permission and each element has these keys:\n /// \b id - id of permission\n /// \b name - name of permission\n /// \b help - additional information about permission /// /// \brief builds an array of information about the user group permissions /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getUserGroupPrivTypes() { $data = array(); $query = "SELECT id, name, help FROM usergroupprivtype ORDER BY name"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) $data[$row['id']] = $row; return $data; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getResourceGroups($type) /// /// \param $type - (optional) a name from the resourcetype table, defaults to /// be empty /// /// \return an array of resource group names whose index values are the ids; /// the names are the resource type and group name combined as 'type/name' /// /// \brief builds list of resource groups /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getResourceGroups($type="") { $return = array(); $query = "SELECT g.id AS id, " . "g.name AS name, " . "t.name AS type, " . "g.ownerusergroupid AS ownerid, " . "CONCAT(u.name, '@', a.name) AS owner " . "FROM resourcegroup g, " . "resourcetype t, " . "usergroup u, " . "affiliation a " . "WHERE g.resourcetypeid = t.id AND " . "g.ownerusergroupid = u.id AND " . "u.affiliationid = a.id "; if(! empty($type)) $query .= "AND t.name = '$type' "; $query .= "ORDER BY t.name, g.name"; $qh = doQuery($query, 281); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { if(empty($type)) $return[$row["id"]]["name"] = $row["type"] . "/" . $row["name"]; else $return[$row["id"]]["name"] = $row["name"]; $return[$row["id"]]["ownerid"] = $row["ownerid"]; $return[$row["id"]]["owner"] = $row["owner"]; } return $return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getResourceGroupMemberships($type) /// /// \param $type - (optional) a name from the resourcetype table, defaults to /// "all" /// /// \return an array where each index is a resource type and the values are /// arrays where each index is a resource id and its values are an array of /// resource group ids that it is a member of /// /// \brief builds an array of group memberships for resources /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getResourceGroupMemberships($type="all") { $return = array(); if($type == "all") $types = getTypes("resources"); else $types = array("resources" => array($type)); foreach($types["resources"] as $type) { $return[$type] = array(); $query = "SELECT r.subid AS id, " . "gm.resourcegroupid AS groupid " . "FROM resource r, " . "resourcegroupmembers gm, " . "resourcetype t " . "where t.name = '$type' AND " . "gm.resourceid = r.id AND " . "r.resourcetypeid = t.id"; $qh = doQuery($query, 282); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { if(array_key_exists($row["id"], $return[$type])) { array_push($return[$type][$row["id"]], $row["groupid"]); } else { $return[$type][$row["id"]] = array($row["groupid"]); } } } return $return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getResourceGroupMembers($type) /// /// \param $type - (optional) a name from the resourcetype table, defaults to /// "all" /// /// \return an array where each index is a resource type and the values are /// arrays where each index is a resourcegroup id and its values are an array of /// resource ids that are each an array, resulting in this:\n /// Array {\n /// [resourcetype] => Array {\n /// [resourcegroupid] => Array {\n /// [resourceid] => Array {\n /// [subid] => resource sub id\n /// [name] => name of resource\n /// }\n /// }\n /// }\n /// } /// /// \brief builds an array of resource group members that don't have the deleted /// flag set /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getResourceGroupMembers($type="all") { $key = getKey(array('getResourceGroupMembers', $type)); if(array_key_exists($key, $_SESSION['userresources'])) return $_SESSION['userresources'][$key]; $return = array(); if($type == "computer") { $names = "c.hostname AS computer, c.deleted "; $joins = "LEFT JOIN computer c ON (r.subid = c.id AND r.resourcetypeid = 12) "; $orders = "c.hostname"; $types = "'computer'"; } elseif($type == "image") { $names = "i.prettyname AS image, i.deleted "; $joins = "LEFT JOIN image i ON (r.subid = i.id AND r.resourcetypeid = 13) "; $orders = "i.prettyname"; $types = "'image'"; } elseif($type == "schedule") { $names = "s.name AS schedule "; $joins = "LEFT JOIN schedule s ON (r.subid = s.id AND r.resourcetypeid = 15) "; $orders = "s.name"; $types = "'schedule'"; } elseif($type == "managementnode") { $names = "m.hostname AS managementnode "; $joins = "LEFT JOIN managementnode m ON (r.subid = m.id AND r.resourcetypeid = 16) "; $orders = "m.hostname"; $types = "'managementnode'"; } else { $names = "c.hostname AS computer, " . "c.deleted, " . "i.prettyname AS image, " . "i.deleted AS deleted2, " . "s.name AS schedule, " . "m.hostname AS managementnode "; $joins = "LEFT JOIN computer c ON (r.subid = c.id AND r.resourcetypeid = 12) " . "LEFT JOIN image i ON (r.subid = i.id AND r.resourcetypeid = 13) " . "LEFT JOIN schedule s ON (r.subid = s.id AND r.resourcetypeid = 15) " . "LEFT JOIN managementnode m ON (r.subid = m.id AND r.resourcetypeid = 16) "; $orders = "c.hostname, " . "i.prettyname, " . "s.name, " . "m.hostname"; $types = "'computer','image','schedule','managementnode'"; } $query = "SELECT rgm.resourcegroupid, " . "rgm.resourceid, " . "rt.name AS resourcetype, " . "r.subid, " . $names . "FROM resourcegroupmembers rgm, " . "resourcetype rt, " . "resource r " . $joins . "WHERE rgm.resourceid = r.id AND " . "r.resourcetypeid = rt.id AND " . "rt.name in ($types) " . "ORDER BY rt.name, " . "rgm.resourcegroupid, " . $orders; $qh = doQuery($query, 282); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { if(array_key_exists('deleted', $row) && $row['deleted'] == 1) continue; if(array_key_exists('deleted2', $row) && $row['deleted2'] == 1) continue; if(! array_key_exists($row['resourcetype'], $return)) $return[$row['resourcetype']] = array(); if(! array_key_exists($row['resourcegroupid'], $return[$row['resourcetype']])) $return[$row['resourcetype']][$row['resourcegroupid']] = array(); $return[$row['resourcetype']][$row['resourcegroupid']][$row['resourceid']] = array('subid' => $row['subid'], 'name' => $row[$row['resourcetype']]); } $_SESSION['userresources'][$key] = $return; return $return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getUserGroupMembers($groupid) /// /// \param $groupid - a usergroup id /// /// \return an array of unityids where the index is the userid /// /// \brief builds an array of user group memberships /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getUserGroupMembers($groupid) { $return = array(); $query = "SELECT m.userid AS id, " . "CONCAT(u.unityid, '@', a.name) AS user " . "FROM usergroupmembers m, " . "affiliation a, " . "user u " . "WHERE m.usergroupid = $groupid AND " . "m.userid = u.id AND " . "u.affiliationid = a.id " . "ORDER BY u.unityid"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $return[$row["id"]] = $row['user']; } return $return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn addUserGroupMember($loginid, $groupid) /// /// \param $loginid - a user's loginid /// \param $groupid - a usergroup id /// /// \brief adds an entry to usergroupmembers for $unityid and $groupid /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function addUserGroupMember($loginid, $groupid) { $userid = getUserlistID($loginid); $groups = getUsersGroups($userid); if(in_array($groupid, array_keys($groups))) return; $query = "INSERT INTO usergroupmembers " . "(userid, " . "usergroupid) " . "VALUES " . "($userid, " . "$groupid)"; doQuery($query, 101); checkUpdateServerRequestGroups($groupid); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn deleteUserGroupMember($userid, $groupid) /// /// \param $userid - a userid /// \param $groupid - a usergroup id /// /// \brief deletes an entry from usergroupmembers for $userid and $groupid /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function deleteUserGroupMember($userid, $groupid) { $query = "DELETE FROM usergroupmembers " . "WHERE userid = $userid AND " . "usergroupid = $groupid"; doQuery($query, 101); checkUpdateServerRequestGroups($groupid); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getUserlistID($loginid, $noadd) /// /// \param $loginid - login ID /// \param $noadd - (optional, default=0) 0 to try to add user to database if /// not there, 1 to only return the id if it already exists in the database /// /// \return id from userlist table for the user /// /// \brief gets id field from userlist table for $loginid; if it does not exist, /// calls addUser to add it to the table /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getUserlistID($loginid, $noadd=0) { $_loginid = $loginid; getAffilidAndLogin($loginid, $affilid); if(empty($affilid)) abort(12); $query = "SELECT id " . "FROM user " . "WHERE unityid = '$loginid' AND " . "affiliationid = $affilid"; $qh = doQuery($query, 140); if(mysql_num_rows($qh)) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($qh); return $row[0]; } if($noadd) return NULL; return addUser($_loginid); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getUsersLastImage($userid) /// /// \param $userid - a numeric user id /// /// \return id of user's last used image or NULL if user has no entries in the /// log table /// /// \brief gets the user's last used image from the log table /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getUsersLastImage($userid) { $query = "SELECT imageid " . "FROM log " . "WHERE userid = $userid " . "ORDER BY id DESC " . "LIMIT 1"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) return $row['imageid']; return NULL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getAffiliations() /// /// \return an array of affiliations where each index is the id of the /// affiliation /// /// \brief gets a list of all affiliations /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getAffiliations() { $query = "SELECT id, name FROM affiliation ORDER BY name"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); $return = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) $return[$row['id']] = $row['name']; return $return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getUserUnityID($userid) /// /// \param $userid - an id from the user table /// /// \return unityid for $userid or NULL if $userid not found /// /// \brief gets the unityid for $userid /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getUserUnityID($userid) { global $cache; if(! array_key_exists('unityids', $cache)) $cache['unityids'] = array(); if(array_key_exists($userid, $cache['unityids'])) return $cache['unityids'][$userid]; $query = "SELECT unityid FROM user WHERE id = $userid"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if(mysql_num_rows($qh)) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($qh); $cache['unityids'][$userid] = $row[0]; return $row[0]; } return NULL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getAffiliationID($affil) /// /// \param $affil - name of an affiliation /// /// \return id from affiliation table /// /// \brief gets id field from affiliation table for $affil /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getAffiliationID($affil) { $affil = mysql_real_escape_string($affil); $query = "SELECT id FROM affiliation WHERE name = '$affil'"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if(mysql_num_rows($qh)) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($qh); return $row[0]; } return NULL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getAffiliationName($affilid) /// /// \param $affilid - id of an affiliation /// /// \return name from affiliation table /// /// \brief gets name field from affiliation table for $affilid /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getAffiliationName($affilid) { $query = "SELECT name FROM affiliation WHERE id = $affilid"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if(mysql_num_rows($qh)) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($qh); return $row[0]; } return NULL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getAffiliationDataUpdateText($affilid) /// /// \param $affilid - (optional) specify an affiliation id to get only the text /// for that id /// /// \return an array of the html text to display for updating user information /// that is displayed on the User Preferences page /// /// \brief gets dataUpdateText from affiliation table /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getAffiliationDataUpdateText($affilid=0) { $query = "SELECT id, dataUpdateText FROM affiliation"; if($affilid) $query .= " WHERE id = $affilid"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) $return[$row['id']] = $row['dataUpdateText']; return $return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getAffiliationTheme($affilid) /// /// \param $affilid - id of an affiliation /// /// \return name of the affiliations's theme /// /// \brief gets affiliation.theme for the specified affiliation /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getAffiliationTheme($affilid) { $query = "SELECT theme FROM affiliation WHERE id = $affilid"; $qh = doQuery($query); if(($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) && ! empty($row['theme'])) return $row['theme']; else return 'default'; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn processInputVar($vartag, $type, $defaultvalue, $stripwhitespace) /// /// \param $vartag - name of GET or POST variable /// \param $type - tag type:\n /// \b ARG_NUMERIC - numeric\n /// \b ARG_STRING - string\n /// \b ARG_MULTINUMERIC - an array of numbers /// \param $defaultvalue - default value for the variable (NULL if not passed in) /// \param $stripwhitespace - (optional, default=0) - set to 1 to strip /// whitespace from the beginning and end of the value /// /// \return safe value for the GET or POST variable /// /// \brief checks for $vartag in the $_POST array, then the $_GET array; then /// sanitizes the variable to make sure it doesn't contain anything malicious /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function processInputVar($vartag, $type, $defaultvalue=NULL, $stripwhitespace=0) { if((array_key_exists($vartag, $_POST) && strncmp("$_POST[$vartag]", "0", 1) == 0 && $type == ARG_NUMERIC && strncmp("$_POST[$vartag]", "0x0", 3) != 0) || (array_key_exists($vartag, $_GET) && strncmp("$_GET[$vartag]", "0", 1) == 0 && $type == ARG_NUMERIC && strncmp("$_GET[$vartag]", "0x0", 3) != 0)) { $_POST[$vartag] = "zero"; } if(!empty($_POST[$vartag])) { $return = $_POST[$vartag]; } elseif(!empty($_GET[$vartag])) { $return = $_GET[$vartag]; } else { if($type == ARG_MULTINUMERIC || $type == ARG_MULTISTRING) { $return = array(); } else { $return = $defaultvalue; } } if($return == "zero") { $return = "0"; } if($type == ARG_MULTINUMERIC) { foreach($return as $index => $value) { $return[$index] = strip_tags($value); if($stripwhitespace) $return[$index] = trim($return[$index]); if($return[$index] == 'zero') $return[$index] = '0'; } } elseif($type == ARG_MULTISTRING) { foreach($return as $index => $value) { $return[$index] = strip_tags($value); if($stripwhitespace) $return[$index] = trim($return[$index]); } } else { $return = strip_tags($return); if($stripwhitespace) $return = trim($return); } if(! empty($return) && $type == ARG_NUMERIC) { if(! is_numeric($return)) { return preg_replace('([^\d])', '', $return); } } elseif(! empty($return) && $type == ARG_STRING) { if(! is_string($return)) { print "ERROR (code:3)
\n"; printHTMLFooter(); semUnlock(); exit(); } #print "before - $return
\n"; #$return = addslashes($return); #$return = str_replace("\'", "", $return); #$return = str_replace("\"", "", $return); #print "after - $return
\n"; } elseif(! empty($return) && $type == ARG_MULTINUMERIC) { foreach($return as $index => $value) { if(! is_numeric($value)) { $return[$index] = preg_replace('([^\d])', '', $value); } } return $return; } elseif(! empty($return) && $type == ARG_MULTISTRING) { foreach($return as $index => $value) { if(! is_string($value)) { print "ERROR (code:3)
\n"; printHTMLFooter(); semUnlock(); exit(); } } return $return; } if(is_string($return)) { if(strlen($return) == 0) { $return = $defaultvalue; } } return $return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getContinuationVar($name, $defaultval) /// /// \param $name (optional, default=NULL)- key of value to return from /// $contdata or omit to get all of $contdata /// \param $defaultval (optional, default=NULL) - default value in case $name /// does not exist in $contdata /// /// \return if $name is passed, $contdata[$name] or $defaultval; if $name is /// omitted, $contdata /// /// \brief returns the requested value from $contdata or a default value if /// $name does not exist in $contdata; if both args are omitted, just return all /// of $contdata /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getContinuationVar($name=NULL, $defaultval=NULL) { global $contdata, $inContinuation; if($name === NULL) { return $contdata; } if(! $inContinuation) return $defaultval; if(array_key_exists($name, $contdata)) { if($contdata[$name] == 'zero') return 0; return $contdata[$name]; } return $defaultval; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn processInputData($data, $type, $addslashes, $defaultvalue) /// /// \param $data - data to sanitize /// \param $type - tag type:\n /// \b ARG_NUMERIC - numeric\n /// \b ARG_STRING - string\n /// \b ARG_MULTINUMERIC - an array of numbers /// \param $addslashes - (optional, defaults to 0) set to 1 if values should /// have addslashes called to escape things /// \param $defaultvalue - (optional, defaults to NULL) default value for the /// variable /// /// \return a sanitized version of $data /// /// \brief sanitizes $data to keep bad stuff from being passed in /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function processInputData($data, $type, $addslashes=0, $defaultvalue=NULL) { if(strncmp("$data", "0", 1) == 0 && $type == ARG_NUMERIC && strncmp("$data", "0x0", 3) != 0) { $data = "zero"; } if(!empty($data)) $return = $data; else { if($type == ARG_MULTINUMERIC || $type == ARG_MULTISTRING) $return = array(); else $return = $defaultvalue; } if($return == "zero") $return = "0"; if($type == ARG_MULTINUMERIC) { foreach($return as $index => $value) { $return[$index] = strip_tags($value); if($return[$index] == 'zero') $return[$index] = '0'; } } elseif($type == ARG_MULTISTRING) { foreach($return as $index => $value) { $return[$index] = strip_tags($value); } } else $return = strip_tags($return); if(! empty($return) && $type == ARG_NUMERIC) { if(! is_numeric($return)) { return preg_replace('([^\d])', '', $return); } } elseif(! empty($return) && $type == ARG_STRING) { if(! is_string($return)) $return = $defaultvalue; } elseif(! empty($return) && $type == ARG_MULTINUMERIC) { foreach($return as $index => $value) { if(! is_numeric($value)) { $return[$index] = preg_replace('([^\d])', '', $value); } } return $return; } elseif(! empty($return) && $type == ARG_MULTISTRING) { foreach($return as $index => $value) { if(! is_string($value)) $return[$index] = $defaultvalue; elseif($addslashes) $return[$index] = addslashes($value); } return $return; } if(is_string($return)) { if(strlen($return) == 0) $return = $defaultvalue; elseif($addslashes) $return = addslashes($return); } return $return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getUserInfo($id, $noupdate, $numeric) /// /// \param $id - unity ID for the user or user's id from database /// \param $noupdate - (optional, default=0) specify 1 to skip updating user's /// data if lastupdated timestamp is expired /// \param $numeric - (optional, default=0) 1 specifies $id corresponds to the /// id field from the user table; 0 otherwise /// /// \return 0 if fail to fetch data or $user - an array with these elements:\n /// \b unityid - unity ID for the user\n /// \b affiliationid - affiliation id of user\n /// \b affiliation - affiliation of user\n /// \b login - login ID for the user (unity ID or part before \@sign)\n /// \b firstname - user's first name\n /// \b lastname - user's last name\n /// \b preferredname - user's preferred name\n /// \b email - user's preferred email address\n /// \b emailnotices - bool for sending email notices to user\n /// \b IMtype - user's preferred IM protocol\n /// \b IMid - user's IM id\n /// \b id - user's id from database\n /// \b width - pixel width for rdp files\n /// \b height - pixel height for rdp files\n /// \b bpp - color depth for rdp files\n /// \b audiomode - 'none' or 'local' - audio mode for rdp files\n /// \b mapdrives - 0 or 1 - map drives for rdp files; 1 means to map\n /// \b mapprinters - 0 or 1 - map printers for rdp files; 1 means to map\n /// \b mapserial - 0 or 1 - map serial ports for rdp files; 1 means to map\n /// \b showallgroups - 0 or 1 - show only user groups matching user's /// affiliation or show all user groups\n /// \b lastupdated - datetime the information was last updated\n /// \b groups - array of groups user is a member of where the index is the id /// of the group and the value is the name of the group\n /// \b privileges - array of privileges that the user has /// /// \brief gets the user's information from the db and puts it into an array; /// if the user is not in the db, query ldap and add them; if the user changed /// their name and unity id; fix information in db based on numeric unity id; /// returns NULL if could not get information about the user /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getUserInfo($id, $noupdate=0, $numeric=0) { $affilid = DEFAULT_AFFILID; if(! $numeric) { $rc = getAffilidAndLogin($id, $affilid); if($rc == -1) return NULL; } $user = array(); $query = "SELECT u.unityid AS unityid, " . "u.affiliationid, " . "af.name AS affiliation, " . "u.firstname AS firstname, " . "u.lastname AS lastname, " . "u.preferredname AS preferredname, " . "u.email AS email, " . "u.emailnotices, " . "i.name AS IMtype, " . "u.IMid AS IMid, " . "u.id AS id, " . "u.width AS width, " . "u.height AS height, " . "u.bpp AS bpp, " . "u.audiomode AS audiomode, " . "u.mapdrives AS mapdrives, " . "u.mapprinters AS mapprinters, " . "u.mapserial AS mapserial, " . "u.showallgroups, " . "u.lastupdated AS lastupdated, " . "af.shibonly " . "FROM user u, " . "IMtype i, " . "affiliation af " . "WHERE u.IMtypeid = i.id AND " . "u.affiliationid = af.id AND "; if($numeric) $query .= "u.id = $id"; else $query .= "u.unityid = '$id' AND af.id = $affilid"; $qh = doQuery($query, "105"); if($user = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { if((datetimeToUnix($user["lastupdated"]) > time() - SECINDAY) || $user['unityid'] == 'vclreload' || $user['affiliation'] == 'Local' || $user['shibonly'] || $noupdate) { # get user's groups $user["groups"] = getUsersGroups($user["id"], 1); $user["groupperms"] = getUsersGroupPerms(array_keys($user['groups'])); checkExpiredDemoUser($user['id'], $user['groups']); # get user's privileges $user["privileges"] = getOverallUserPrivs($user["id"]); if(preg_match('/@/', $user['unityid'])) { $tmparr = explode('@', $user['unityid']); $user['login'] = $tmparr[0]; } else $user['login'] = $user['unityid']; $blockids = getBlockAllocationIDs($user); $user['memberCurrentBlock'] = count($blockids); return $user; } } if($numeric) $user = updateUserData($id, "numeric"); else $user = updateUserData($id, "loginid", $affilid); if(! is_null($user)) { $blockids = getBlockAllocationIDs($user); $user['memberCurrentBlock'] = count($blockids); } return $user; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getUsersGroups($userid, $includeowned, $includeaffil) /// /// \param $userid - an id from the user table /// \param $includeowned - (optional, default=0) include groups the user owns /// but is not in /// \param $includeaffil - (optional, default=0) include @affiliation in name /// of group /// /// \return an array of the user's groups where the index is the id of the /// group /// /// \brief builds a array of the groups the user is member of /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getUsersGroups($userid, $includeowned=0, $includeaffil=0) { if($includeaffil) { $query = "SELECT m.usergroupid, " . "CONCAT(g.name, '@', a.name) AS name " . "FROM usergroupmembers m, " . "usergroup g, " . "affiliation a " . "WHERE m.userid = $userid AND " . "m.usergroupid = g.id AND " . "g.affiliationid = a.id"; } else { $query = "SELECT m.usergroupid, " . "g.name " . "FROM usergroupmembers m, " . "usergroup g " . "WHERE m.userid = $userid AND " . "m.usergroupid = g.id"; } $qh = doQuery($query, "101"); $groups = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $groups[$row["usergroupid"]] = $row["name"]; } if($includeowned) { if($includeaffil) { $query = "SELECT g.id AS usergroupid, " . "CONCAT(g.name, '@', a.name) AS name " . "FROM usergroup g, " . "affiliation a " . "WHERE g.ownerid = $userid AND " . "g.affiliationid = a.id"; } else { $query = "SELECT id AS usergroupid, " . "name " . "FROM usergroup " . "WHERE ownerid = $userid"; } $qh = doQuery($query, "101"); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $groups[$row["usergroupid"]] = $row["name"]; } } uasort($groups, "sortKeepIndex"); return $groups; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getUsersGroupPerms($usergroupids) /// /// \param $usergroupids - array of user group ids /// /// \return array of permissions where each index is the permission id and each /// element is the name of the permission /// /// \brief builds an array of all permissions granted to a user via that user's /// user groups /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getUsersGroupPerms($usergroupids) { if(empty($usergroupids)) return array(); $inlist = implode(',', $usergroupids); if($inlist == '') return array(); $query = "SELECT DISTINCT t.id, " . "t.name " . "FROM usergroupprivtype t, " . "usergrouppriv u " . "WHERE u.usergroupid IN ($inlist) AND " . "u.userprivtypeid = t.id " . "ORDER BY t.name"; $perms = array(); $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) $perms[$row['id']] = $row['name']; return $perms; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn checkUserHasPerm($perm, $userid=0) /// /// \param $perm - name of a user group permission /// \param $userid (optional, default=0) - if specified, check for $userid /// having $perm; otherwise, check logged in user /// /// \return 1 if user has $perm, 0 otherwise /// /// \brief checks to see if a user has been granted a permission through that /// user's group memberships /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function checkUserHasPerm($perm, $userid=0) { global $user; if($userid == 0) { if(is_array($user) && array_key_exists('groupperms', $user)) $perms = $user['groupperms']; else return 0; } else { $usersgroups = getUsersGroups($userid, 1); $perms = getUsersGroupPerms(array_keys($usersgroups)); } if(is_array($perms) && in_array($perm, $perms)) return 1; return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn updateUserData($id, $type, $affilid) /// /// \param $id - user's unity id or id from user table /// \param $type - (optional, default=loginid) - numericid or loginid /// numericid is the user's numeric id; loginid is the other form (ie a unity /// id) /// \param $affilid - (optional, default=DEFAULT_AFFILID) - affiliation id /// /// \return 0 if fail to update data or an array with these elements:\n /// \b id - user's numeric unity id\n /// \b unityid - unity ID for the user\n /// \b affiliation - user's affiliation\n /// \b affiliationid - user's affiliation id\n /// \b firstname - user's first name\n /// \b lastname - user's last name\n /// \b email - user's preferred email address\n /// \b IMtype - user's preferred IM protocol\n /// \b IMid - user's IM id\n /// \b lastupdated - datetime the information was last updated /// /// \brief looks up the logged in user's info in ldap and updates it in the db /// or adds it to the db /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function updateUserData($id, $type="loginid", $affilid=DEFAULT_AFFILID) { global $updateUserFunc, $updateUserFuncArgs; if($type == 'numeric') { $query = "SELECT unityid, " . "affiliationid " . "FROM user " . "WHERE id = $id"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $id = $row['unityid']; $type = 'loginid'; $affilid = $row['affiliationid']; } else abort(1); } $updateFunc = $updateUserFunc[$affilid]; if(array_key_exists($affilid, $updateUserFuncArgs)) return $updateFunc($updateUserFuncArgs[$affilid], $id); else return $updateFunc($id); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn addUser($loginid) /// /// \param $loginid - a login id /// /// \return id from user table for the user, NULL if userid not in table /// /// \brief looks up the user via LDAP and adds to DB /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function addUser($loginid) { global $addUserFuncArgs, $addUserFunc; getAffilidAndLogin($loginid, $affilid); if(empty($affilid)) abort(11); $addfunc = $addUserFunc[$affilid]; if(array_key_exists($affilid, $addUserFuncArgs)) return $addfunc($addUserFuncArgs[$affilid], $loginid); else return $addfunc($loginid); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn updateUserPrefs($userid, $preferredname, $width, $height, $bpp, $audio, /// $mapdrives, $mapprinters, $mapserial) /// /// \param $userid - id from user table /// \param $preferredname - user's preferred name /// \param $width - pixel width for rdp files /// \param $height - pixel height for rdp files /// \param $bpp - color depth for rdp files /// \param $audio - 'none' or 'local' - audio preference for rdp files /// \param $mapdrives - 0 or 1 - 1 to map local drives in rdp files /// \param $mapprinters - 0 or 1 - 1 to map printers in rdp files /// \param $mapserial - 0 or 1 - 1 to map serial ports in rdp files /// /// \return number of rows affected by update (\b NOTE: this may be 0 if none /// of the values were actually changes /// /// \brief updates the preferences for the user /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function updateUserPrefs($userid, $preferredname, $width, $height, $bpp, $audio, $mapdrives, $mapprinters, $mapserial) { global $mysql_link_vcl; $preferredname = mysql_real_escape_string($preferredname); $audio = mysql_real_escape_string($audio); $query = "UPDATE user SET " . "preferredname = '$preferredname', " . "width = '$width', " . "height = '$height', " . "bpp = $bpp, " . "audiomode = '$audio', " . "mapdrives = $mapdrives, " . "mapprinters = $mapprinters, " . "mapserial = $mapserial " . "WHERE id = $userid"; doQuery($query, 270); return mysql_affected_rows($mysql_link_vcl); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getOverallUserPrivs($userid) /// /// \param $userid - an id from the user table /// /// \return an array of privileges types that the user has somewhere in the /// privilege tree /// /// \brief get the privilege types that the user has somewhere in the /// privilege tree /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getOverallUserPrivs($userid) { $query = "SELECT DISTINCT t.name " . "FROM userprivtype t, " . "userpriv u " . "WHERE u.userprivtypeid = t.id AND " . "(u.userid = $userid OR " . "u.usergroupid IN (SELECT usergroupid " . "FROM usergroupmembers " . "WHERE userid = $userid) OR " . "u.usergroupid IN (SELECT id " . "FROM usergroup " . "WHERE ownerid = $userid))"; $qh = doQuery($query, 107); $privileges = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) { array_push($privileges, $row[0]); } return $privileges; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getBlockAllocationIDs($user) /// /// \param $user - array of user data /// /// \return array of block allocation ids that are currently active for $user /// /// \brief checks to see if $user is a member of an active block allocation /// (active also includes allocations starting within 15 minutes) /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getBlockAllocationIDs($user) { $groupids = array_keys($user['groups']); if(empty($groupids)) return array(); $inids = implode(',', $groupids); $query = "SELECT r.id " . "FROM blockRequest r, " . "blockTimes t " . "WHERE t.blockRequestid = r.id AND " . "r.status = 'accepted' AND " . "t.start <= DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 15 MINUTE) AND " . "t.end > NOW() AND " . "t.skip = 0 AND " . "r.groupid IN ($inids)"; $ids = array(); $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) $ids[] = $row['id']; return $ids; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn isAvailable($images, $imageid, $imagerevisionid, $start, $end, /// $requestid, $userid, $ignoreprivileges, $forimaging, $ip, /// $mac, $skipconcurrentcheck) /// /// \param $images - array as returned from getImages /// \param $imageid - imageid from the image table /// \param $imagerevisionid - id of revision of image from imagerevision table /// \param $start - unix timestamp for start of reservation /// \param $end - unix timestamp for end of reservation /// \param $requestid - (optional) a requestid; if checking for an available /// timeslot to update a request, pass the request id that will be updated; /// otherwise, don't pass this argument /// \param $userid - (optional) id from user table /// \param $ignoreprivileges (optional, default=0) - 0 (false) or 1 (true) - set /// to 1 to look for computers from any that are mapped to be able to run the /// image; set to 0 to only look for computers from ones that are both mapped /// and that $userid has been granted access to through the privilege tree /// \param $forimaging - (optional, default=0) - 0 if normal reservation, 1 if /// an imaging reservation /// \param $ip - (optional, default='') ip address to be assigned; assumed to /// be a server profile reservation if defined /// \param $mac - (optional, default='') mac address to be assigned; assumed to /// be a server profile reservation if defined /// \param $skipconcurrentcheck (optional, default=0) - set to 1 to skip check /// for concurrent use of image; useful for setting up reload reservations /// /// \return -3 if unavailable due to an ip/mac conflict /// -2 if specified time period is during a maintenance window /// -1 if $imageid is limited in the number of concurrent reservations /// available, and the limit has been reached /// 0 if combination is not available\n /// an integer >0 if it is available /// /// \brief checks that the passed in arguments constitute an available request /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function isAvailable($images, $imageid, $imagerevisionid, $start, $end, $requestid=0, $userid=0, $ignoreprivileges=0, $forimaging=0, $ip='', $mac='', $skipconcurrentcheck=0) { global $requestInfo; $requestInfo["start"] = $start; $requestInfo["end"] = $end; $requestInfo["imageid"] = $imageid; $allocatedcompids = array(0); if(schCheckMaintenance($start, $end)) return -2; if($requestInfo["start"] <= time()) { $now = 1; $nowfuture = 'now'; } else { $now = 0; $nowfuture = 'future'; } $scheduleids = getAvailableSchedules($start, $end); $requestInfo["computers"] = array(); $requestInfo["computers"][0] = 0; $requestInfo["images"][0] = $imageid; # loop to check for available computers for all needed images if(! $forimaging && $images[$imageid]["imagemetaid"] != NULL) { $count = 1; foreach($images[$imageid]["subimages"] as $imgid) { $requestInfo['computers'][$count] = 0; $requestInfo['images'][$count] = $imgid; $count++; } } // get semaphore lock if(! semLock()) abort(3); $startstamp = unixToDatetime($start); $endstamp = unixToDatetime($end + 900); # check for overlapping use of mac or ip if(! empty($mac) || ! empty($ip)) { $query = "SELECT rq.id " . "FROM reservation rs, " . "request rq, " . "serverrequest sr " . "WHERE '$startstamp' < (rq.end + INTERVAL 900 SECOND) AND " . "'$endstamp' > rq.start AND " . "sr.requestid = rq.id AND " . "rs.requestid = rq.id AND " . "(sr.fixedIP = '$ip' OR " . "sr.fixedMAC = '$mac') AND " . "rq.stateid NOT IN (1,5,11,12) "; if($requestid) $query .= "AND rq.id != $requestid "; $query .= "LIMIT 1"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if(mysql_num_rows($qh)) { semUnlock(); return -3; } } if($requestid) $requestData = getRequestInfo($requestid); $vmhostcheckdone = 0; $ignorestates = "'maintenance','vmhostinuse','hpc','failed'"; if($now) $ignorestates .= ",'reloading','reload','timeout','inuse'"; foreach($requestInfo["images"] as $key => $imageid) { # check for max concurrent usage of image if(! $skipconcurrentcheck && $images[$imageid]['maxconcurrent'] != NULL) { $decforedit = 0; $compids = array(); $reloadid = getUserlistID('vclreload@Local'); $query = "SELECT rs.computerid, " . "rq.id AS reqid " . "FROM reservation rs, " . "request rq " . "WHERE '$startstamp' < (rq.end + INTERVAL 900 SECOND) AND " . "'$endstamp' > rq.start AND " . "rs.requestid = rq.id AND " . "rs.imageid = $imageid AND " . "rq.stateid NOT IN (1,5,11,12,16,17) AND " . "rq.userid != $reloadid"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $compids[] = $row['computerid']; if($row['reqid'] == $requestid) $decforedit = 1; } $usagecnt = count($compids); $allids = implode("','", $compids); $query = "SELECT COUNT(bc.imageid) AS currentusage " . "FROM blockComputers bc, " . "blockRequest br, " . "blockTimes bt " . "WHERE bc.blockTimeid = bt.id AND " . "bt.blockRequestid = br.id AND " . "bc.imageid = $imageid AND " . "bc.computerid NOT IN ('$allids') AND " . "'$startstamp' < (bt.end + INTERVAL 900 SECOND) AND " . "'$endstamp' > bt.start AND " . "bt.skip != 1 AND " . "br.status != 'deleted'"; $qh = doQuery($query); if(! $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { semUnlock(); return 0; } if(($usagecnt + $row['currentusage'] - $decforedit) >= $images[$imageid]['maxconcurrent']) { semUnlock(); return -1; } } $platformid = getImagePlatform($imageid); if(is_null($platformid)) { semUnlock(); return 0; } # get computers $imageid maps to $tmp = getMappedResources($imageid, "image", "computer"); if(! count($tmp)) { semUnlock(); return 0; } $mappedcomputers = implode(',', $tmp); #get computers for available schedules and platforms $computerids = array(); $currentids = array(); $blockids = array(); $altRemoveBlockCheck = 0; // if we are modifying a request and it is after the start time, only allow // the scheduled computer(s) to be modified if($requestid && datetimeToUnix($requestData["start"]) <= time()) { $altRemoveBlockCheck = 1; foreach($requestData["reservations"] as $key2 => $res) { if($res["imageid"] == $imageid) { $compid = $res["computerid"]; unset($requestData['reservations'][$key2]); break; } } array_push($computerids, $compid); array_push($currentids, $compid); $query = "SELECT scheduleid " . "FROM computer " . "WHERE id = $compid"; $qh = doQuery($query, 128); $row = mysql_fetch_row($qh); if(! in_array($row[0], $scheduleids)) { semUnlock(); return 0; } // set $virtual to 0 so that it is defined later but skips the additional code $virtual = 0; } // otherwise, build a list of computers else { # determine if image is bare metal or virtual $query = "SELECT OS.installtype " . "FROM image i " . "LEFT JOIN OS ON (i.OSid = OS.id) " . "WHERE i.id = $imageid"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if(! ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh))) { semUnlock(); return 0; } if(preg_match('/(vmware)/', $row['installtype'])) $virtual = 1; else $virtual = 0; # get list of available computers if(! $ignoreprivileges) { $resources = getUserResources(array("imageAdmin", "imageCheckOut"), array("available"), 0, 0, $userid); $usercomputers = implode("','", array_keys($resources["computer"])); $usercomputers = "'$usercomputers'"; } $alloccompids = implode(",", $allocatedcompids); # get list of computers we can provision image to $schedules = implode(',', $scheduleids); #image.OSid->OS.installtype->OSinstalltype.id->provisioningOSinstalltype.provisioningid->computer.provisioningid $query = "SELECT DISTINCT c.id, " . "c.currentimageid, " . "c.imagerevisionid " . "FROM state s, " . "image i " . "LEFT JOIN OS o ON (o.id = i.OSid) " . "LEFT JOIN OSinstalltype oi ON (oi.name = o.installtype) " . "LEFT JOIN provisioningOSinstalltype poi ON (poi.OSinstalltypeid = oi.id) " . "LEFT JOIN computer c ON (poi.provisioningid = c.provisioningid) " . "WHERE i.id = $imageid AND " . "c.scheduleid IN ($schedules) AND " . "c.platformid = $platformid AND " . "c.stateid = s.id AND " . "s.name NOT IN ($ignorestates) AND " . "c.RAM >= i.minram AND " . "c.procnumber >= i.minprocnumber AND " . "c.procspeed >= i.minprocspeed AND " . "c.network >= i.minnetwork AND " . "c.deleted = 0 AND " . "(c.type != 'virtualmachine' OR c.vmhostid IS NOT NULL) AND "; if(! $ignoreprivileges) $query .= "c.id IN ($usercomputers) AND "; $query .= "c.id IN ($mappedcomputers) AND " . "c.id NOT IN ($alloccompids) " . "ORDER BY (c.procspeed * c.procnumber) DESC, " . "RAM DESC, " . "network DESC"; $qh = doQuery($query, 129); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { array_push($computerids, $row['id']); if($row['currentimageid'] == $imageid && $row['imagerevisionid'] == $imagerevisionid) { array_push($currentids, $row['id']); } } # get computer ids available from block allocations $blockdata = getAvailableBlockComputerids($imageid, $start, $end, $allocatedcompids); $blockids = $blockdata['compids']; } #remove computers from list that are already scheduled $usedComputerids = array(); $query = "SELECT DISTINCT rs.computerid " . "FROM reservation rs, " . "request rq " . "WHERE '$startstamp' < (rq.end + INTERVAL 900 SECOND) AND " . "'$endstamp' > rq.start AND " . "rq.id != $requestid AND " . "rs.requestid = rq.id AND " . "rq.stateid NOT IN (1, 5, 12)"; # deleted, failed, complete $qh = doQuery($query, 130); while($row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) { array_push($usedComputerids, $row[0]); } $computerids = array_diff($computerids, $usedComputerids); $currentids = array_diff($currentids, $usedComputerids); $blockids = array_diff($blockids, $usedComputerids); // if modifying a reservation and $computerids is now empty, return 0 if($requestid && empty($computerids)) { semUnlock(); return 0; } # remove computers from list that are allocated to block allocations if($altRemoveBlockCheck) { if(editRequestBlockCheck($computerids[0], $imageid, $start, $end)) { semUnlock(); return 0; } } elseif(! count($blockids)) { # && ! $altRemoveBlockCheck $usedBlockCompids = getUsedBlockComputerids($start, $end); $computerids = array_diff($computerids, $usedBlockCompids); $currentids = array_diff($currentids, $usedBlockCompids); } if($virtual && empty($currentids) && ! empty($computerids)) { # find computers whose hosts can handle the required RAM - we don't # need to do this if there are VMs with the requested image already # available because they would already fit within the host's available # RAM if(! $vmhostcheckdone) { $vmhostcheckdone = 1; $query = "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS VMhostCheck"; doQuery($query, 101); $query = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE VMhostCheck ( " . "RAM mediumint unsigned NOT NULL, " . "allocRAM mediumint unsigned NOT NULL, " . "vmhostid smallint unsigned NOT NULL " . ") ENGINE=MEMORY"; doQuery($query, 101); $query = "INSERT INTO VMhostCheck " . "SELECT c.RAM, " . "SUM(i.minram), " . "v.id " . "FROM vmhost v " . "LEFT JOIN computer c ON (v.computerid = c.id) " . "LEFT JOIN computer c2 ON (v.id = c2.vmhostid) " . "LEFT JOIN image i ON (c2.currentimageid = i.id) " . "WHERE c.stateid = 20 " . "GROUP BY c.id"; doQuery($query, 101); } $inids = implode(',', $computerids); // if want overbooking, modify the last part of the WHERE clause $query = "SELECT c.id " . "FROM VMhostCheck v " . "LEFT JOIN computer c ON (v.vmhostid = c.vmhostid) " . "LEFT JOIN image i ON (c.currentimageid = i.id) " . "WHERE c.id IN ($inids) AND " . "(v.allocRAM - i.minram + {$images[$imageid]['minram']}) < v.RAM " . "ORDER BY (c.procspeed * c.procnumber) DESC, " . "c.RAM DESC, " . "c.network DESC"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); $newcompids = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) $newcompids[] = $row['id']; $computerids = $newcompids; } # remove any recently reserved computers that could have been an # undetected failure $failedids = getPossibleRecentFailures($userid, $imageid); $shortened = 0; if(! empty($failedids)) { $origcomputerids = $computerids; $origcurrentids = $currentids; $origblockids = $blockids; if(! empty($computerids)) { $testids = array_diff($computerids, $failedids); if(! empty($testids)) { $shortened = 1; $computerids = $testids; $currentids = array_diff($currentids, $failedids); } } if(! empty($blockids)) { $testids = array_diff($blockids, $failedids); if(! empty($testids)) { $shortened = 1; $blockids = $testids; } } } # allocate a computer $comparr = allocComputer($blockids, $currentids, $computerids, $startstamp, $nowfuture); if(empty($comparr) && $shortened) $comparr = allocComputer($origblockids, $origcurrentids, $origcomputerids, $startstamp, $nowfuture); if(empty($comparr)) { semUnlock(); return 0; } $requestInfo["computers"][$key] = $comparr['compid']; $requestInfo["mgmtnodes"][$key] = $comparr['mgmtid']; $requestInfo["loaded"][$key] = $comparr['loaded']; $requestInfo['fromblock'][$key] = $comparr['fromblock']; if($comparr['fromblock']) $requestInfo['blockdata'][$key] = $blockdata[$comparr['compid']]; array_push($allocatedcompids, $comparr['compid']); } return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getAvailableSchedules($start, $end) /// /// \param $start - start time in unix timestamp form /// \param $end - end time in unix timestamp form /// /// \return array of schedule ids /// /// \brief gets schedules available for given start and end time /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getAvailableSchedules($start, $end) { # get list of schedules $starttime = minuteOfWeek($start); $endtime = minuteOfWeek($end); # request is within a single week if(weekOfYear($start) == weekOfYear($end)) { $query = "SELECT scheduleid " . "FROM scheduletimes " . "WHERE start <= $starttime AND " . "end >= $endtime"; } # request covers at least a week's worth of time elseif($end - $start >= SECINDAY * 7) { $query = "SELECT scheduleid " . "FROM scheduletimes " . "WHERE start = 0 AND " . "end = 10080"; } # request starts in one week and ends in the following week else { $query = "SELECT s1.scheduleid " . "FROM scheduletimes s1, " . "scheduletimes s2 " . "WHERE s1.scheduleid = s2.scheduleid AND " . "s1.start <= $starttime AND " . "s1.end = 10080 AND " . "s2.start = 0 AND " . "s2.end >= $endtime"; } $scheduleids = array(); $qh = doQuery($query, 127); while($row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) { array_push($scheduleids, $row[0]); } return $scheduleids; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getImagePlatform($imageid) /// /// \param $imageid - id of an image /// /// \return id of image's platform /// /// \brief gets the platformid for $imageid /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getImagePlatform($imageid) { $query = "SELECT platformid FROM image WHERE id = $imageid"; $qh = doQuery($query, 125); if(! $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) return NULL; return $row['platformid']; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn schCheckMaintenance($start, $end) /// /// \param $start - unix timestamp for start of reservation /// \param $end - unix timestamp for end of reservation /// /// \return true if time window conflicts with maintenance window; false if not /// /// \brief checks to see if the specified window conflicts with a maintenance /// window /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function schCheckMaintenance($start, $end) { $startdt = unixToDatetime($start); $enddt = unixToDatetime($end); $query = "SELECT id " . "FROM sitemaintenance " . "WHERE ((allowreservations = 0 AND " . "(('$enddt' > start) AND ('$startdt' < end))) OR " . "(('$startdt' > (start - INTERVAL 30 MINUTE)) AND ('$startdt' < end))) AND " . "end > NOW()"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if($row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) return true; return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn allocComputer($blockids, $currentids, $computerids, $start, /// $nowfuture) /// /// \param $blockids - array of computer ids /// \param $currentids - array of computer ids /// \param $computerids - array of computer ids /// \param $start - start time in datetime format /// \param $nowfuture - "now" or "future" /// /// \return empty array if failed to allocate a computer; array with these keys /// on success:\n /// \b compid - id of computer\n /// \b mgmtid - id of management node for computer\n /// \b loaded - 0 or 1 - whether or not computer is loaded with desired image /// /// \brief determines a computer to use from $blockids, $currentids, /// and $computerids, looking at the arrays in that order and /// tries to allocate a management node for it /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function allocComputer($blockids, $currentids, $computerids, $start, $nowfuture) { $ret = array(); if(SCHEDULER_ALLOCATE_RANDOM_COMPUTER) { shuffle($blockids); shuffle($currentids); shuffle($computerids); } foreach($blockids as $compid) { $mgmtnodeid = findManagementNode($compid, $start, $nowfuture); if($mgmtnodeid == 0) continue; $ret['compid'] = $compid; $ret['mgmtid'] = $mgmtnodeid; $ret['loaded'] = 1; $ret['fromblock'] = 1; return $ret; } foreach($currentids as $compid) { $mgmtnodeid = findManagementNode($compid, $start, $nowfuture); if($mgmtnodeid == 0) continue; $ret['compid'] = $compid; $ret['mgmtid'] = $mgmtnodeid; $ret['loaded'] = 1; $ret['fromblock'] = 0; return $ret; } foreach($computerids as $compid) { $mgmtnodeid = findManagementNode($compid, $start, $nowfuture); if($mgmtnodeid == 0) continue; $ret['compid'] = $compid; $ret['mgmtid'] = $mgmtnodeid; $ret['loaded'] = 0; $ret['fromblock'] = 0; return $ret; } return $ret; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getPossibleRecentFailures($userid, $imageid) /// /// \param $userid - check log data for this user; if $userid = 0, check for /// currently logged in user /// \param $imageid - check log data for this image /// /// \return array of computerids that may have recently given the user a problem /// /// \brief checks for recent reservations by the user that were very short and /// within a recent time frame in case there was a computer that gave a problem /// that the backend did not pick up /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getPossibleRecentFailures($userid, $imageid) { if($userid == 0) { global $user; $userid = $user['id']; } $comps = array(); $query = "SELECT s.computerid " . "FROM log l " . "LEFT JOIN sublog s ON (s.logid = l.id) " . "WHERE l.start > (NOW() - INTERVAL 90 MINUTE) AND " . "l.finalend < NOW() AND " . "l.userid = $userid AND " . "l.imageid = $imageid AND " . "l.wasavailable = 1 AND " . "l.ending != 'failed'"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) $comps[] = $row['computerid']; return $comps; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getMappedResources($resourcesubid, $resourcetype1, /// $resourcetype2) /// /// \param $resourcesubid - id of a resource from its table (ie an imageid) /// \param $resourcetype1 - type of $resourcesubid (name or id) /// \param $resourcetype2 - type of resource $resourcesubid maps to /// /// \return an array of resource ids of type $resourcetype2 /// /// \brief gets a list of resources of type $resourcetype2 that $resourcesubid /// of type $resourcetype1 maps to based on the resourcemap table /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getMappedResources($resourcesubid, $resourcetype1, $resourcetype2) { if(! is_numeric($resourcetype1)) $resourcetype1 = getResourceTypeID($resourcetype1); if(! is_numeric($resourcetype2)) $resourcetype2 = getResourceTypeID($resourcetype2); # get $resourcesubid's resource id $query = "SELECT id " . "FROM resource " . "WHERE subid = $resourcesubid AND " . "resourcetypeid = $resourcetype1"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); $row = mysql_fetch_row($qh); $resourceid = $row[0]; # get groups $resourceid is in $resourcegroupids = array(); $query = "SELECT resourcegroupid " . "FROM resourcegroupmembers " . "WHERE resourceid = $resourceid"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) { array_push($resourcegroupids, $row[0]); } # get $resourcetype2 groups that $resourcegroupids map to if(! count($resourcegroupids)) return array(); $inlist = implode(',', $resourcegroupids); $type2groupids = array(); # get all mappings from resourcemap table where $resourcetype1 == # resourcemap.resourcetypeid1 $query = "SELECT resourcegroupid2 " . "FROM resourcemap " . "WHERE resourcegroupid1 IN ($inlist) AND " . "resourcetypeid1 = $resourcetype1 AND " . "resourcetypeid2 = $resourcetype2"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) { array_push($type2groupids, $row[0]); } # get all mappings from resourcemap table where $resourcetype1 == # resourcemap.resourcetypeid2 $query = "SELECT resourcegroupid1 " . "FROM resourcemap " . "WHERE resourcegroupid2 IN ($inlist) AND " . "resourcetypeid2 = $resourcetype1 AND " . "resourcetypeid1 = $resourcetype2"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) { array_push($type2groupids, $row[0]); } # get $resourcetype2 items in $type2groupids groups if(! count($type2groupids)) return array(); $inlist = implode(',', $type2groupids); $mappedresources = array(); $query = "SELECT r.subid " . "FROM resource r, " . "resourcegroupmembers m " . "WHERE m.resourcegroupid IN ($inlist) AND " . "m.resourceid = r.id"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) { array_push($mappedresources, $row[0]); } return $mappedresources; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn checkOverlap($start, $end, $max, $requestid) /// /// \param $start - unix timestamp for start of reservation /// \param $end - unix timestamp for end of reservation /// \param $max - max allowed overlapping reservations /// \param $requestid - (optional) a requestid to ignore when checking for an /// overlap; use this when changing an existing request /// /// \return 0 if user doesn't have a reservation overlapping the time period /// between $start and $end; 1 if the user does /// /// \brief checks for a user having an overlapping reservation with the /// specified time period /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function checkOverlap($start, $end, $max, $requestid=0) { global $user; $requests = getUserRequests("all"); $count = 0; if($max > 0) $max--; foreach(array_keys($requests) as $id) { if(! (($requests[$id]["currstateid"] == 12 || $requests[$id]["currstateid"] == 14) && $requests[$id]["laststateid"] == 11) && $requests[$id]["currstateid"] != 5 && $requests[$id]["id"] != $requestid && ($start < datetimeToUnix($requests[$id]["end"]) && $end > datetimeToUnix($requests[$id]["start"])) && $requests[$id]['serverowner'] == 1) { $count++; if($count > $max) return 1; } } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn editRequestBlockCheck($compid, $imageid, $start, $end) /// /// \param $compid - id of computer to check /// \param $imageid - id of image being checked /// \param $start - start of time period in unix timestamp format /// \param $end - end of time period in unix timestamp format /// /// \return 1 if time period overlaps with a block allocation unavailable to the /// logged in user; 0 if not /// /// \brief checks to see if $compid is part of a block allocation that the /// current user is not part of or is set for a different image than what the /// user is currently using on the computer /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function editRequestBlockCheck($compid, $imageid, $start, $end) { global $user; $groupids = implode(',', array_keys($user['groups'])); if(! count($user['groups'])) $groupids = "''"; $startdt = unixToDatetime($start); $enddt = unixToDatetime($end); $query = "SELECT bc.computerid " . "FROM blockComputers bc, " . "blockTimes bt, " . "blockRequest r " . "WHERE bc.blockTimeid = bt.id AND " . "bt.blockRequestid = r.id AND " . "bc.computerid = $compid AND " . "(bt.start - INTERVAL 15 MINUTE) < '$enddt' AND " . "bt.end > '$startdt' AND " . "(r.groupid NOT IN ($groupids) OR " . "r.imageid != $imageid) AND " . "r.status = 'accepted'"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); return(mysql_num_rows($qh)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getReloadStartTime() /// /// \return unix timestamp /// /// \brief determines the nearest 15 minute increment of an hour that is less /// than the current time /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getReloadStartTime() { $nowArr = getdate(); if($nowArr["minutes"] == 0) $subtract = 0; elseif($nowArr["minutes"] < 15) $subtract = $nowArr["minutes"] * 60; elseif($nowArr["minutes"] < 30) $subtract = ($nowArr["minutes"] - 15) * 60; elseif($nowArr["minutes"] < 45) $subtract = ($nowArr["minutes"] - 30) * 60; elseif($nowArr["minutes"] < 60) $subtract = ($nowArr["minutes"] - 45) * 60; $start = time() - $subtract; $start -= $start % 60; return $start; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getMaxOverlap($userid) /// /// \param $userid - id from user table /// /// \return max number of allowed overlapping reservations for user /// /// \brief determines how many overlapping reservations $user can have based on /// the groups $user is a member of /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getMaxOverlap($userid) { $query = "SELECT u.overlapResCount " . "FROM usergroup u, " . "usergroupmembers m " . "WHERE m.usergroupid = u.id AND " . "m.userid = $userid " . "ORDER BY u.overlapResCount DESC " . "LIMIT 1"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) return $row['overlapResCount']; else return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn addRequest($forimaging, $revisionid) /// /// \param $forimaging - (optional) 0 if a normal request, 1 if a request for /// creating a new image /// \param $revisionid - (optional) desired revision id of the image /// /// \return id from request table that corresponds to the added entry /// /// \brief adds an entry to the request and reservation tables /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function addRequest($forimaging=0, $revisionid=array()) { global $requestInfo, $user; $startstamp = unixToDatetime($requestInfo["start"]); $endstamp = unixToDatetime($requestInfo["end"]); $now = time(); if($requestInfo["start"] <= $now) { $start = unixToDatetime($now); $nowfuture = "now"; } else { $start = $startstamp; $nowfuture = "future"; } addLogEntry($nowfuture, $start, $endstamp, 1, $requestInfo["imageid"]); $qh = doQuery("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() FROM log", 131); if(! $row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) { abort(132); } $logid = $row[0]; $query = "INSERT INTO changelog " . "(logid, " . "start, " . "end, " . "timestamp) " . "VALUES " . "($logid, " . "'$start', " . "'$endstamp', " . "NOW())"; doQuery($query, 136); # add single entry to request table $query = "INSERT INTO request " . "(stateid, " . "userid, " . "laststateid, " . "logid, " . "forimaging, " . "start, " . "end, " . "daterequested) " . "VALUES " . "(13, " . "{$user['id']}, " . "13, " . "$logid, " . "$forimaging, " . "'$startstamp', " . "'$endstamp', " . "NOW())"; $qh = doQuery($query, 136); $qh = doQuery("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() FROM request", 134); if(! $row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) { abort(135); } $requestid = $row[0]; # add requestid to log entry $query = "UPDATE log " . "SET requestid = $requestid " . "WHERE id = $logid"; doQuery($query, 101); # add an entry to the reservation table for each image # NOTE: make sure parent image is the first entry we add # so that it has the lowest reservationid foreach($requestInfo["images"] as $key => $imageid) { if(array_key_exists($imageid, $revisionid) && ! empty($revisionid[$imageid])) $imagerevisionid = array_shift($revisionid[$imageid]); else $imagerevisionid = getProductionRevisionid($imageid); $computerid = $requestInfo["computers"][$key]; $mgmtnodeid = $requestInfo['mgmtnodes'][$key]; $fromblock = $requestInfo['fromblock'][$key]; if($fromblock) $blockdata = $requestInfo['blockdata'][$key]; else $blockdata = array(); $query = "INSERT INTO reservation " . "(requestid, " . "computerid, " . "imageid, " . "imagerevisionid, " . "managementnodeid) " . "VALUES " . "($requestid, " . "$computerid, " . "$imageid, " . "$imagerevisionid, " . "$mgmtnodeid)"; doQuery($query, 133); addSublogEntry($logid, $imageid, $imagerevisionid, $computerid, $mgmtnodeid, $fromblock, $blockdata); } // release semaphore lock semUnlock(); return $requestid; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn simpleAddRequest($compid, $imageid, $revisionid, $start, $end, /// $stateid, $userid) { /// /// \param $compid - a computer id /// \param $imageid - an iamge id /// \param $revisionid - revisionid for $imageid /// \param $start - starting time in datetime format /// \param $end - ending time in datetime format /// \param $stateid - state for request /// \param $userid - userid for request /// /// \return id for the request or 0 on failure /// /// \brief adds an entry to the request and reservation tables /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function simpleAddRequest($compid, $imageid, $revisionid, $start, $end, $stateid, $userid) { $mgmtnodeid = findManagementNode($compid, $start, 'now'); if($mgmtnodeid == 0) return 0; $query = "INSERT INTO request " . "(stateid, " . "userid, " . "laststateid, " . "start, " . "end, " . "daterequested) " . "VALUES " . "($stateid, " . "$userid, " . "$stateid, " . "'$start', " . "'$end', " . "NOW())"; doQuery($query, 101); $requestid = dbLastInsertID(); if($requestid == 0) abort(135); # add an entry to the reservation table for each image $query = "INSERT INTO reservation " . "(requestid, " . "computerid, " . "imageid, " . "imagerevisionid, " . "managementnodeid) " . "VALUES " . "($requestid, " . "$compid, " . "$imageid, " . "$revisionid, " . "$mgmtnodeid)"; doQuery($query, 101); $testid = dbLastInsertID(); if($testid == 0) abort(135); return $requestid; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn findManagementNode($compid, $start, $nowfuture) /// /// \param $compid - a computer id /// \param $start - start time for the reservation (datetime format) /// \param $nowfuture - type of reservation - "now" or "future" /// /// \return a management node id /// /// \brief finds a management node that can handle $compid, if none found, /// returns 0 /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function findManagementNode($compid, $start, $nowfuture) { global $HTMLheader; $allmgmtnodes = array_keys(getManagementNodes($nowfuture)); $mapped = getMappedResources($compid, "computer", "managementnode"); $usablemgmtnodes = array_intersect($allmgmtnodes, $mapped); $mgmtnodecnt = array(); foreach($usablemgmtnodes as $id) { $mgmtnodecnt[$id] = 0; } if(! count($usablemgmtnodes)) return 0; $inlist = implode(',', $usablemgmtnodes); $mystart = datetimeToUnix($start); $start = unixToDatetime($mystart - 1800); $end = unixToDatetime($mystart + 1800); $query = "SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(rs.managementnodeid) AS count, " . "rs.managementnodeid AS mnid " . "FROM reservation rs, " . "request rq " . "WHERE rs.managementnodeid IN ($inlist) AND " . "rs.requestid = rq.id AND " . "rq.start > '$start' AND " . "rq.start < '$end' " . "GROUP BY rs.managementnodeid " . "ORDER BY count"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $mgmtnodecnt[$row["mnid"]] = $row["count"]; } uasort($mgmtnodecnt, "sortKeepIndex"); $keys = array_keys($mgmtnodecnt); return array_shift($keys); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getRequestInfo($id, $returnNULL) /// /// \param $id - id of request /// \param $returnNULL - (optional, default=0) return NULL if reservation no /// longer exists /// /// \return an array containing the following elements:\n /// \b stateid - stateid of the request\n /// \b laststateid - laststateid of the request\n /// \b userid - id from the db of the user\n /// \b start - start of request\n /// \b end - end of request\n /// \b daterequested - date request was made\n /// \b datemodified - date request was last modified\n /// \b id - id of this request\n /// \b logid - id from log table\n /// \b test - test flag\n /// \b forimaging - 0 if request is normal, 1 if it is for imaging\n /// \b serverrequest - 0 if request is normal, 1 if it is a server request\n /// \b servername - name of server if server request\n /// \b admingroupid - id of admin user group if server request\n /// \b logingroupid - id of login user group if server request\n /// \b fixedIP - possible fixed IP address if server request\n /// \b fixedMAC - possible fixed MAC address if server request\n\n /// an array of reservations associated with the request whose key is /// 'reservations', each with the following items:\n /// \b imageid - id of the image\n /// \b imagerevisionid - id of the image revision\n /// \b production - image revision production flag (0 or 1)\n /// \b image - name of the image\n /// \b prettyimage - pretty name of the image\n /// \b OS - name of the os\n /// \b OStype - type of the os\n /// \b computerid - id of the computer\n /// \b reservationid - id of the corresponding reservation\n /// \b reservedIP - ip address of reserved computer\n /// \b hostname - hostname of reserved computer\n /// \b forcheckout - whether or not the image is intended for checkout\n /// \b password - password for this computer\n /// \b connectIP - IP to which user will connect\n /// \b connectport - port to which user will connect\n /// \b remoteIP - IP of remote user\n\n /// an array of arrays of passwords whose key is 'passwds', with the next key /// being the reservationid and the elements being the userid as a key and that /// user's password as the value /// /// \brief creates an array with info about request $id /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getRequestInfo($id, $returnNULL=0) { global $printedHTMLheader, $HTMLheader; if(empty($id)) abort(9); $query = "SELECT stateid, " . "laststateid, " . "userid, " . "start, " . "end, " . "daterequested, " . "datemodified, " . "logid, " . "test, " . "forimaging " . "FROM request " . "WHERE id = $id"; $qh = doQuery($query, 165); if(! ($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh))) { if($returnNULL) return NULL; # FIXME handle XMLRPC cases if(! $printedHTMLheader) print $HTMLheader; print _("

OOPS! - Reservation Has Expired

\n"); print _("The selected reservation is no longer available. Go to "); print ""; print _("New Reservations
to request a new reservation or to "); print ""; print _("Current Reservations to select
another one that is available."); printHTMLFooter(); dbDisconnect(); exit; } $data["id"] = $id; $query = "SELECT rs.imageid, " . "rs.imagerevisionid, " . "rs.managementnodeid, " . "ir.production, " . "i.name AS image, " . "i.prettyname AS prettyimage, " . "o.prettyname AS OS, " . "o.type AS OStype, " . "rs.computerid, " . "rs.id AS reservationid, " . "c.IPaddress AS reservedIP, " . "c.hostname, " . "i.forcheckout, " . "rs.pw AS password, " . "rs.connectIP, " . "rs.connectport, " . "rs.remoteIP " . "FROM reservation rs, " . "image i, " . "imagerevision ir, " . "OS o, " . "computer c " . "WHERE rs.requestid = $id AND " . "rs.imageid = i.id AND " . "rs.imagerevisionid = ir.id AND " . "i.OSid = o.id AND " . "rs.computerid = c.id " . "ORDER BY rs.id"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); $data["reservations"] = array(); $data['passwds'] = array(); $resids = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { array_push($data["reservations"], $row); $resids[] = $row['reservationid']; $data['passwds'][$row['reservationid']][$data['userid']] = $row['password']; } $query = "SELECT id, " . "name, " . "admingroupid, " . "logingroupid, " . "fixedIP, " . "fixedMAC " . "FROM serverrequest " . "WHERE requestid = $id"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $data['serverrequest'] = 1; $data['servername'] = $row['name']; $data['admingroupid'] = $row['admingroupid']; $data['logingroupid'] = $row['logingroupid']; $data['fixedIP'] = $row['fixedIP']; $data['fixedMAC'] = $row['fixedMAC']; $inids = implode(',', $resids); $query = "SELECT reservationid, " . "userid, " . "password " . "FROM reservationaccounts " . "WHERE reservationid IN ($inids)"; $qh = doQuery($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) $data['passwds'][$row['reservationid']][$row['userid']] = $row['password']; } else $data['serverrequest'] = 0; return $data; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn updateRequest($requestid) /// /// \param $requestid - the id of the request to be updated /// /// \brief updates an entry to the request and reservation tables /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function updateRequest($requestid) { global $requestInfo; $startstamp = unixToDatetime($requestInfo["start"]); $endstamp = unixToDatetime($requestInfo["end"]); if($requestInfo["start"] <= time()) $nowfuture = "now"; else $nowfuture = "future"; $query = "SELECT logid FROM request WHERE id = $requestid"; $qh = doQuery($query, 146); if(! $row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) { abort(148); } $logid = $row[0]; $query = "UPDATE request " . "SET start = '$startstamp', " . "end = '$endstamp', " . "datemodified = NOW() " . "WHERE id = $requestid"; doQuery($query, 101); if($nowfuture == 'now') { addChangeLogEntry($logid, NULL, $endstamp, $startstamp, NULL, NULL, 1); return; } $requestData = getRequestInfo($requestid); foreach($requestInfo["images"] as $key => $imgid) { foreach($requestData["reservations"] as $key2 => $res) { if($res["imageid"] == $imgid) { $oldCompid = $res["computerid"]; unset($requestData['reservations'][$key2]); break; } } $computerid = $requestInfo["computers"][$key]; $mgmtnodeid = $requestInfo['mgmtnodes'][$key]; $query = "UPDATE reservation " . "SET computerid = $computerid, " . "managementnodeid = $mgmtnodeid " . "WHERE requestid = $requestid AND " . "imageid = $imgid AND " . "computerid = $oldCompid"; doQuery($query, 147); addChangeLogEntry($logid, NULL, $endstamp, $startstamp, $computerid, NULL, 1); $query = "UPDATE sublog " . "SET computerid = $computerid " . "WHERE logid = $logid AND " . "imageid = $imgid AND " . "computerid = $oldCompid"; doQuery($query, 101); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn deleteRequest($request) /// /// \param $request - an array from getRequestInfo /// /// \brief removes a request from the request and reservation tables /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function deleteRequest($request) { # new - 13 # deleted - 1 # complete - 12 # reserved - 3 # inuse - 8 # pending - 14 # timeout - 11 $now = time(); if(datetimeToUnix($request["start"]) < $now) { # current: new, last: none OR # current: pending, last: new if($request["stateid"] == 13 || ($request["stateid"] == 14 && $request["laststateid"] == 13)) { $query = "UPDATE request " . "SET stateid = 1, " . "laststateid = 3 " . "WHERE id = {$request['id']}"; } # current: reserved, last: new OR # current: pending, last: reserved elseif(($request["stateid"] == 3 && $request["laststateid"] == 13) || ($request["stateid"] == 14 && $request["laststateid"] == 3)) { $query = "UPDATE request " . "SET stateid = 1, " . "laststateid = 3 " . "WHERE id = {$request['id']}"; } # current: inuse, last: reserved OR # current: pending, last: inuse elseif(($request["stateid"] == 8 && $request["laststateid"] == 3) || ($request["stateid"] == 14 && $request["laststateid"] == 8)) { $query = "UPDATE request " . "SET stateid = 1, " . "laststateid = 8 " . "WHERE id = {$request['id']}"; } # shouldn't happen, but if current: pending, set to deleted or // if not current: pending, set laststate to current state and # current state to deleted else { if($request["stateid"] == 14) { $query = "UPDATE request " . "SET stateid = 1 " . "WHERE id = {$request['id']}"; } else { # somehow a user submitted a deleteRequest where the current # stateid was empty if(! is_numeric($request["stateid"]) || $request["stateid"] < 0) $request["stateid"] = 1; $query = "UPDATE request " . "SET stateid = 1, " . "laststateid = {$request['stateid']} " . "WHERE id = {$request['id']}"; } } $qh = doQuery($query, 150); addChangeLogEntry($request["logid"], NULL, unixToDatetime($now), NULL, NULL, "released"); return; } if($request['serverrequest']) { $query = "DELETE FROM serverrequest WHERE requestid = {$request['id']}"; $qh = doQuery($query, 152); } $query = "DELETE FROM request WHERE id = {$request['id']}"; $qh = doQuery($query, 153); $query = "DELETE FROM reservation WHERE requestid = {$request['id']}"; doQuery($query, 154); addChangeLogEntry($request["logid"], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "deleted"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn moveReservationsOffComputer($compid, $count) /// /// \param $compid - (optional) id of computer from which to move reservations /// \param $count - (optional) number of reservations to move, defaults to /// all of them /// /// \return 0 if failed to move reservations, 1 if succeeded, -1 if no /// reservations were found on $compid /// /// \brief attempts to move reservations off of a $compid - if $compid is not /// given, removes all reservations from the computer with the least number /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function moveReservationsOffComputer($compid=0, $count=0) { global $requestInfo, $user; $resInfo = array(); $checkstart = unixToDatetime(time() + 180); if($compid == 0) { $resources = getUserResources(array("imageAdmin", "imageCheckOut"), array("available"), 0, 0); $computers = implode("','", array_keys($resources["computer"])); $computers = "'$computers'"; $query = "SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(rs.id) AS reservations, " . "rs.computerid " . "FROM reservation rs, " . "request rq " . "WHERE rq.start > '$checkstart' AND " . "rs.computerid IN ($computers) " . "GROUP BY computerid " . "ORDER BY reservations " . "LIMIT 1"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) $compid = $row["computerid"]; else return -1; } # get all reservation info for $compid $query = "SELECT rs.id, " . "rs.requestid, " . "rs.imageid, " . "rs.imagerevisionid, " . "rq.logid, " . "rq.userid, " . "rq.start, " . "rq.end " . "FROM reservation rs, " . "request rq " . "WHERE rs.computerid = $compid AND " . "rs.requestid = rq.id AND " . "rq.start > '$checkstart' AND " . "rq.stateid NOT IN (1, 5, 11, 12) " . "ORDER BY rq.start"; if($count) $query .= " LIMIT $count"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $resInfo[$row["id"]] = $row; } if(! count($resInfo)) return -1; $images = getImages(); $allmovable = 1; foreach($resInfo as $res) { $rc = isAvailable($images, $res["imageid"], $res['imagerevisionid'], datetimeToUnix($res["start"]), datetimeToUnix($res["end"]), 0, $res["userid"]); if($rc < 1) { $allmovable = 0; break; } } if(! $allmovable) return 0; foreach($resInfo as $res) { $rc = isAvailable($images, $res["imageid"], $res['imagerevisionid'], datetimeToUnix($res["start"]), datetimeToUnix($res["end"]), 0, $res["userid"]); if($rc > 0) { $newcompid = array_shift($requestInfo["computers"]); # get mgmt node for computer $mgmtnodeid = findManagementNode($newcompid, $res['start'], 'future'); # update mgmt node and computer in reservation table $query = "UPDATE reservation " . "SET computerid = $newcompid, " . "managementnodeid = $mgmtnodeid " . "WHERE id = {$res['id']}"; doQuery($query, 101); # add changelog entry addChangeLogEntry($res['logid'], NULL, NULL, NULL, $newcompid); # update sublog entry $query = "UPDATE sublog " . "SET computerid = $newcompid " . "WHERE logid = {$res['logid']} AND " . "computerid = $compid"; doQuery($query, 101); } else return 0; } return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getCompFinalReservationTime($compid) /// /// \param $compid - a computer id /// /// \return unix timestamp of last end time of any reservations for $compid /// /// \brief determines the final end time of all reservations on a computer /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getCompFinalReservationTime($compid) { $end = 0; $query = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(rq.end) as end " . "FROM request rq, " . "reservation rs " . "WHERE rs.requestid = rq.id AND " . "rs.computerid = $compid AND " . "rq.stateid NOT IN (1,5,12) " . "ORDER BY rq.end DESC " . "LIMIT 1"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) $end = $row['end']; $query = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(t.end) as end " . "FROM blockComputers c, " . "blockTimes t " . "WHERE c.computerid = $compid AND " . "c.blockTimeid = t.id AND " . "t.end > NOW() " . "ORDER BY t.end DESC " . "LIMIT 1"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) if($row['end'] > $end) $end = $row['end']; return $end; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getUserRequests($type, $id) /// /// \param $type - "normal", "forimaging", or "all" /// \param $id - (optional) user's id from userlist table /// /// \return an array of user's requests; the array has the following elements /// for each entry where forcheckout == 1 for the image:\n /// \b id - id of the request\n /// \b userid - id of user owning request\n /// \b imageid - id of requested image\n /// \b imagerevisionid - revision id of requested image\n /// \b image - name of requested image\n /// \b prettyimage - pretty name of requested image\n /// \b OS - name of the requested os\n /// \b OSinstalltype - installtype for OS\n /// \b start - start time of request\n /// \b end - end time of request\n /// \b daterequested - date request was made\n /// \b currstateid - current stateid of request\n /// \b laststateid - last stateid of request\n /// \b forimaging - 0 if an normal request, 1 if imaging request\n /// \b forcheckout - 1 if image is available for reservations, 0 if not\n /// \b test - test flag - 0 or 1\n /// \b longterm - 1 if request length is > 24 hours\n /// \b server - 1 if corresponding entry in serverprofiles\n /// \b serverowner - 1 user owns the reservation, 0 if not\n /// \b resid - id of primary reservation\n /// \b compimageid - currentimageid for primary computer\n /// \b computerstateid - current stateid of primary computer\n /// \b computerid - id of primary computer\n /// \b IPaddress - IP address of primary computer\n /// \b comptype - type of primary computer\n /// \b vmhostid - if VM, id of host's entry in vmhost table, NULL otherwise\n /// the following additional items if a server request (values will be NULL /// if not a server request), some values can be NULL:\n /// \b servername - name of server request\n /// \b serverrequestid - from server request table\n /// \b fixedIP - if specified for request\n /// \b fixedMAC - if specified for request\n /// \b serveradmingroupid - id of admin user group\n /// \b serveradmingroup - name of admin user group\n /// \b serverlogingroupid - id of login user group\n /// \b serverlogingroup - name of login user group\n /// \b monitored - whether or not request is to be monitored (0 or 1)\n /// \b useraccountready - whether or not all accounts for this user have been /// created on the reserved machine(s)\n /// and an array of subimages named reservations with the following elements /// for each subimage:\n /// \b resid - id of reservation\n /// \b imageid - id of requested image\n /// \b imagerevisionid - revision id of requested image\n /// \b image - name of requested image\n /// \b prettyname - pretty name of requested image\n /// \b OS - name of the requested os\n /// \b compimageid - currentimageid for computer\n /// \b computerstateid - current stateid of computer\n /// \b computerid - id of reserved computer\n /// \b IPaddress - IP address of reserved computer\n /// \b type - type of computer\n /// \b resacctuserid - empty if user account has not been created on this machine /// yet, the user's numeric id if it has\n /// \b password - password for this user on the machine; if it is empty but /// resacctuserid is not empty, the user should use a federated password /// /// \brief builds an array of current requests made by the user /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getUserRequests($type, $id=0) { global $user; if($id == 0) $id = $user["id"]; if(empty($user['groups'])) $ingroupids = "''"; else $ingroupids = implode(',', array_keys($user['groups'])); $query = "SELECT i.name AS image, " . "i.prettyname AS prettyimage, " . "i.id AS imageid, " . "rq.userid, " . "rq.start, " . "rq.end, " . "rq.daterequested, " . "rq.id, " . "o.prettyname AS OS, " . "o.installtype AS OSinstalltype, " . "rq.stateid AS currstateid, " . "rq.laststateid, " . "rs.computerid, " . "rs.id AS resid, " . "c.currentimageid AS compimageid, " . "c.stateid AS computerstateid, " . "c.IPaddress, " . "c.type AS comptype, " . "c.vmhostid, " . "rq.forimaging, " . "i.forcheckout, " . "rs.managementnodeid, " . "rs.imagerevisionid, " . "rq.test," . "sp.name AS servername, " . "sp.requestid AS serverrequestid, " . "sp.fixedIP, " . "sp.fixedMAC, " . "sp.admingroupid AS serveradmingroupid, " . "uga.name AS serveradmingroup, " . "sp.logingroupid AS serverlogingroupid, " . "ugl.name AS serverlogingroup, " . "sp.monitored, " . "ra.password, " . "ra.userid AS resacctuserid, " . "rs.pw " . "FROM image i, " . "OS o, " . "computer c, " . "request rq " . "LEFT JOIN serverrequest sp ON (sp.requestid = rq.id) " . "LEFT JOIN usergroup uga ON (uga.id = sp.admingroupid) " . "LEFT JOIN usergroup ugl ON (ugl.id = sp.logingroupid) " . "LEFT JOIN reservation rs ON (rs.requestid = rq.id) " . "LEFT JOIN reservationaccounts ra ON (ra.reservationid = rs.id AND ra.userid = $id) " . "WHERE (rq.userid = $id OR " . "sp.admingroupid IN ($ingroupids) OR " . "sp.logingroupid IN ($ingroupids)) AND " . "rs.imageid = i.id AND " . "rq.end > NOW() AND " . "i.OSid = o.id AND " . "c.id = rs.computerid AND " . "rq.stateid NOT IN (1, 10, 16, 17) AND " # deleted, maintenance, complete, image, makeproduction . "rq.laststateid NOT IN (1, 10, 16, 17) "; # deleted, maintenance, complete, image, makeproduction if($type == "normal") $query .= "AND rq.forimaging = 0 " . "AND i.forcheckout = 1 " . "AND sp.requestid IS NULL "; if($type == "forimaging") $query .= "AND rq.forimaging = 1 " . "AND sp.requestid IS NULL "; if($type == "server") $query .= "AND sp.requestid IS NOT NULL "; $query .= "ORDER BY rq.start, " . "rs.id"; $qh = doQuery($query, 160); $count = -1; $data = array(); $foundids = array(); $lastreqid = 0; while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { if($row['id'] != $lastreqid) { $lastreqid = $row['id']; $count++; $data[$count] = $row; $data[$count]['useraccountready'] = 1; $data[$count]['reservations'] = array(); } if(array_key_exists($row['id'], $foundids)) { $data[$count]['reservations'][] = array( 'resid' => $row['resid'], 'image' => $row['image'], 'prettyname' => $row['prettyimage'], 'imageid' => $row['imageid'], 'imagerevisionid' => $row['imagerevisionid'], 'OS' => $row['OS'], 'computerid' => $row['computerid'], 'compimageid' => $row['compimageid'], 'computerstateid' => $row['computerstateid'], 'IPaddress' => $row['IPaddress'], 'comptype' => $row['comptype'], 'password' => $row['password'], 'resacctuserid' => $row['resacctuserid'] ); if($row['userid'] != $id && empty($row['resacctuserid'])) $data[$count]['useraccountready'] = 0; continue; } $foundids[$row['id']] = 1; if(! is_null($row['serverrequestid'])) { $data[$count]['server'] = 1; $data[$count]['longterm'] = 0; if($row['userid'] == $user['id']) { $data[$count]['serverowner'] = 1; $data[$count]['serveradmin'] = 1; } else { $data[$count]['serverowner'] = 0; if(! empty($row['serveradmingroupid']) && array_key_exists($row['serveradmingroupid'], $user['groups'])) $data[$count]['serveradmin'] = 1; else $data[$count]['serveradmin'] = 0; } } elseif((datetimeToUnix($row['end']) - datetimeToUnix($row['start'])) > SECINDAY) { $data[$count]['server'] = 0; $data[$count]['longterm'] = 1; $data[$count]['serverowner'] = 1; $data[$count]['serveradmin'] = 1; } else { $data[$count]['server'] = 0; $data[$count]['longterm'] = 0; $data[$count]['serverowner'] = 1; $data[$count]['serveradmin'] = 1; } if($row['userid'] != $id && empty($row['resacctuserid'])) $data[$count]['useraccountready'] = 0; } return $data; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn isComputerLoading($request, $computers) /// /// \param $request - an element from the array returned from getUserRequests /// \param $computers - array from getComputers /// /// \return 1 if a computer is loading, 0 if not /// /// \brief checks all computers associated with the request to see if they /// are loading /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function isComputerLoading($request, $computers) { if($computers[$request["computerid"]]["stateid"] == 6 || ($computers[$request["computerid"]]["stateid"] == 2 && $computers[$request["computerid"]]["imagerevisionid"] != $request["imagerevisionid"])) return 1; foreach($request["reservations"] as $res) { if($computers[$res["computerid"]]["stateid"] == 6 || ($computers[$res["computerid"]]["stateid"] == 2 && $computers[$res["computerid"]]["imagerevisionid"] != $res["imagerevisionid"])) return 1; } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getMaxReloadTime($request, $images) /// /// \param $request - an element from the array returned from getUserRequests /// \param $images - array returned from getImages /// /// \return the max reload time for all images associated with $request /// /// \brief looks at all the reload times for images associated with $request /// and returns the longest one /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getMaxReloadTime($request, $images) { $reloadtime = $images[$request["imageid"]]["reloadtime"]; foreach($request["reservations"] as $res) { if($images[$res["imageid"]]["reloadtime"] > $reloadtime) $reloadtime = $images[$res["imageid"]]["reloadtime"]; } return $reloadtime; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn datetimeToUnix($datetime) /// /// \param $datetime - a mysql datetime /// /// \return timestamp - a unix timestamp /// /// \brief converts a mysql datetime to a unix timestamp /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function datetimeToUnix($datetime) { $tmp = explode(' ', $datetime); list($year, $month, $day) = explode('-', $tmp[0]); list($hour, $min, $sec) = explode(':', $tmp[1]); return mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year, -1); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn unixToDatetime($timestamp) /// /// \param $timestamp - a unix timestamp /// /// \return datetime - a mysql datetime /// /// \brief converts a unix timestamp to a mysql datetime /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function unixToDatetime($timestamp) { return date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $timestamp); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn numdatetimeToDatetime($numtime) /// /// \param $numtime - date and time in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format /// /// \return a mysql datetime formatted string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) /// /// \brief converts numeric date and time into datetime format /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function numdatetimeToDatetime($numtime) { $year = substr($numtime, 0, 4); $month = substr($numtime, 4, 2); $day = substr($numtime, 6, 2); $hour = substr($numtime, 8, 2); $min = substr($numtime, 10, 2); $sec = substr($numtime, 12, 2); return "$year-$month-$day $hour:$min:$sec"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn minuteOfDay($hour, $min) /// /// \param $hour - hour of the day (0 - 23) /// \param $min - minute into the hour (0 - 59) /// /// \return minutes into the day (0 - 1439) /// /// \brief converts hour:min to minutes since midnight /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function minuteOfDay($hour, $min) { return ($hour * 60) + $min; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn minuteOfDay2($time) /// /// \param $time - in format 'HH:MM (am|pm)' /// /// \return minutes into the day (0 - 1439) /// /// \brief converts 'HH:MM (am|pm)' to minutes since midnight /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function minuteOfDay2($time) { $timeArr = explode(':', $time); $hour = $timeArr[0]; $timeArr = explode(' ', $timeArr[1]); $min = $timeArr[0]; $meridian = $timeArr[1]; if($meridian == "am" && $hour == 12) { return $min; } elseif($meridian == "pm" && $hour < 12) { $hour += 12; } return ($hour * 60) + $min; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn minuteOfWeek($ts) /// /// \param $ts - a unix timestamp /// /// \return minute of the week /// /// \brief takes a unix timestamp and returns how many minutes into the week it /// is with the week starting on Sunday at midnight /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function minuteOfWeek($ts) { # ((day of week (0-6)) * 1440) + ((hour in day) * 60) + (min in hour) return (date('w', $ts) * 1440) + (date('G', $ts) * 60) + date('i', $ts); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn minuteToTime($minutes) /// /// \param $minutes - minutes since midnight /// /// \return time string in the form (H)H:MM (am/pm) /// /// \brief converts "minutes since midnight" to time of day /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function minuteToTime($minutes) { $hour = sprintf("%d", $minutes / 60); $min = sprintf("%02d", $minutes % 60); $meridian = "am"; if($hour == 0) { $hour = 12; } elseif($hour == 12) { $meridian = "pm"; } elseif($hour > 12) { $hour -= 12; $meridian = "pm"; } return "$hour:$min $meridian"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn hour12to24($hour, $meridian) /// /// \param $hour - 1 to 12 /// \param $meridian - am or pm /// /// \return 24 hour equivilent of $hour $meridian /// /// \brief converts 12 hour format to 24 hour format /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function hour12to24($hour, $meridian) { if($meridian == 'pm' && $hour < 12) return $hour + 12; elseif($meridian == 'am' && $hour == 12) return 0; return $hour; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn hour24to12($hour) { /// /// \param $hour - hour of day in 24 hour format /// /// \return array with two elements where the first item is the hour and the // second item is either 'am' or 'pm' /// /// \brief converts 24 hour to 12 hour + am/pm /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function hour24to12($hour) { $m = 'am'; if($hour == 0) $hour = 12; elseif($hour == 12) $m = 'pm'; elseif($hour > 12) { $m = 'pm'; $hour -= 12; } return array($hour, $m); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getDepartmentName($id) /// /// \param $id - id for a department in the department table /// /// \return if found, department name; if not, 0 /// /// \brief looks up the name field corresponding to $id in the department table /// and returns it /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getDepartmentName($id) { $query = "SELECT name FROM department WHERE id = '$id'"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if($row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) { return $row[0]; } else { return 0; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getImageId($image) /// /// \param $image - name of an image (must match name (not prettyname) in the /// image table) /// /// \return the id of matching $image in the image table or 0 if lookup fails /// /// \brief looks up the id for $image and returns it /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getImageId($image) { $qh = doQuery("SELECT id FROM image WHERE name = '$image'", 170); if($row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) { return $row[0]; } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getOSId($os) /// /// \param $os - name of an os (must match name in the os table /// /// \return the id of matching $os in the os table or 0 if lookup fails /// /// \brief looks up the id for $os and returns it /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getOSId($os) { $qh = doQuery("SELECT id FROM OS WHERE name = '$os'", 175); if($row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) { return $row[0]; } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getStates() /// /// \return array of states where the index are the id from the state table /// /// \brief gets names for states in state table /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getStates() { $qh = doQuery("SELECT id, name FROM state", 176); $states = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) { $states[$row[0]] = $row[1]; } return $states; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getPlatforms() /// /// \return array of platforms where the index are the id from the platform table /// /// \brief gets names for platforms in platform table /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getPlatforms() { $qh = doQuery("SELECT id, name FROM platform", 178); $platforms = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) { $platforms[$row[0]] = $row[1]; } return $platforms; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getProvisioning() /// /// \return array of provisioning engines where each index is the id and the /// value is an array with these keys: name, prettyname, moduleid, modulename /// /// \brief gets data from provisioning table /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getProvisioning() { $query = "SELECT p.id, " . "p.name, " . "p.prettyname, " . "p.moduleid, " . "m.prettyname AS modulename " . "FROM provisioning p, " . "module m " . "WHERE p.moduleid = m.id " . "ORDER BY p.prettyname"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); $provisioning = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) $provisioning[$row['id']] = $row; return $provisioning; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getSchedules() /// /// \return array of schedules where the index are the id from the schedule table, /// each index has the following elements:\n /// \b name - name of schedule\n /// \b ownerid - user id of owner\n /// \b owner - unity id of owner\n /// \b times - array of start and end times for the schedule /// /// \brief gets information for schedules in schedule table /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getSchedules() { $query = "SELECT s.id, " . "s.name, " . "s.ownerid, " . "CONCAT(u.unityid, '@', a.name) AS owner, " . "r.id AS resourceid " . "FROM schedule s, " . "resource r, " . "resourcetype t, " . "user u, " . "affiliation a " . "WHERE r.subid = s.id AND " . "r.resourcetypeid = t.id AND " . "t.name = 'schedule' AND " . "s.ownerid = u.id AND " . "u.affiliationid = a.id " . "ORDER BY s.name"; $qh = doQuery($query, 179); $schedules = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $schedules[$row["id"]] = $row; $schedules[$row["id"]]["times"] = array(); } $query = "SELECT scheduleid, " . "start, " . "end " . "FROM scheduletimes " . "ORDER BY scheduleid, " . "start"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { array_push($schedules[$row["scheduleid"]]["times"], array("start" => $row["start"], "end" => $row["end"])); } return $schedules; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn formatMinOfWeek($min) /// /// \param $min - minute of the week /// /// \return a string with the day of week and time /// /// \brief formats $min into something useful for printing /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function formatMinOfWeek($min) { $time = minuteToTime($min % 1440); if($min / 1440 == 0) { return "Sunday, $time"; } elseif((int)($min / 1440) == 1) { return "Monday, $time"; } elseif((int)($min / 1440) == 2) { return "Tuesday, $time"; } elseif((int)($min / 1440) == 3) { return "Wednesday, $time"; } elseif((int)($min / 1440) == 4) { return "Thursday, $time"; } elseif((int)($min / 1440) == 5) { return "Friday, $time"; } elseif((int)($min / 1440) == 6) { return "Saturday, $time"; } elseif((int)($min / 1440) > 6) { return "Sunday, $time"; } else { return "$time"; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getManagementNodes($alive) /// /// \param $alive - (optional) if given, only return "alive" nodes, can be /// either "now" or "future" so we know how recently it must /// have checked in /// /// \return an array of management nodes where eash index is the id from the /// managementnode table and each element is an array of data about the node /// /// \brief builds an array of data about the management nodes\n /// if $alive = now, must have checked in within 5 minutes\n /// if $alive = future, must have checked in within 1 hour /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getManagementNodes($alive="neither") { if($alive == "now") $lastcheckin = unixToDatetime(time() - 300); elseif($alive == "future") $lastcheckin = unixToDatetime(time() - 3600); $query = "SELECT m.id, " . "m.IPaddress, " . "m.hostname, " . "m.ownerid, " . "CONCAT(u.unityid, '@', a.name) as owner, " . "m.stateid, " . "s.name as state, " . "m.lastcheckin, " . "m.checkininterval, " . "m.installpath, " . "m.imagelibenable, " . "m.imagelibgroupid, " . "rg.name AS imagelibgroup, " . "m.imagelibuser, " . "m.imagelibkey, " . "m.keys, " . "m.sshport, " . "m.publicIPconfiguration AS publicIPconfig, " . "m.publicSubnetMask AS publicnetmask, " . "m.publicDefaultGateway AS publicgateway, " . "m.publicDNSserver AS publicdnsserver, " . "m.sysadminEmailAddress AS sysadminemail, " . "m.sharedMailBox AS sharedmailbox, " . "r.id as resourceid, " . "m.predictivemoduleid, " . "mo.prettyname AS predictivemodule " . "FROM user u, " . "state s, " . "resource r, " . "resourcetype rt, " . "affiliation a, " . "module mo, " . "managementnode m " . "LEFT JOIN resourcegroup rg ON (m.imagelibgroupid = rg.id) " . "WHERE m.ownerid = u.id AND " . "m.stateid = s.id AND " . "m.id = r.subid AND " . "r.resourcetypeid = rt.id AND " . "rt.name = 'managementnode' AND " . "u.affiliationid = a.id AND " . "m.predictivemoduleid = mo.id"; if($alive == "now" || $alive == "future") { $query .= " AND m.lastcheckin > '$lastcheckin'" . " AND s.name != 'maintenance'"; } $qh = doQuery($query, 101); $return = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $return[$row["id"]] = $row; } return $return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getPredictiveModules() /// /// \return an array of predictive loading modules where the index is the module /// id and the value is a row of data from the module table /// /// \brief gets all the predictive loading modules from the module table /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getPredictiveModules() { $query = "SELECT id, " . "name, " . "prettyname, " . "description, " . "perlpackage " . "FROM module " . "WHERE perlpackage LIKE 'VCL::Module::Predictive::%'"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); $modules = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) $modules[$row['id']] = $row; return $modules; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getTimeSlots($end, $start) /// /// \param $end - (optional) end time as unix timestamp /// \param $start - (optional) start time as unix timestamp /// /// \return array of free/used timeslotes /// /// \brief generates an array of availability for computers where index is a /// computerid with a value that is an array whose indexes are unix timestamps /// that increment by 15 minutes with a value that is an array with 2 indexes: /// 'scheduleclosed' and 'available' that tell if the computer's schedule is /// closed at that moment and if the computer is available at that moment\n /// Array {\n /// [computerid0] => Array {\n /// [timeslot0] => Array {\n /// [scheduleclosed] => (0/1)\n /// [available] => (0/1)\n /// }\n /// ...\n /// [timeslotN] => Array {...}\n /// }\n /// ...\n /// [computeridN] => Array {...}\n /// } /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getTimeSlots($compids, $end=0, $start=0) { if(empty($compids)) return array(); $requestid = processInputVar("requestid", ARG_NUMERIC, 0); $platsel = getContinuationVar("platforms"); if(empty($platsel)) $platsel = processInputVar("platforms", ARG_MULTINUMERIC); $schsel = getContinuationVar("schedules"); if(empty($schsel)) $schsel = processInputVar("schedules", ARG_MULTINUMERIC); # all computations done with unix timestamps if($end != 0) { $enddate = unixToDatetime($end); } if($start != 0) { $startdate = unixToDatetime($start); } $computerids = array(); $reservedComputerids = array(); $schedules = getSchedules(); $times = array(); $scheduleids = array(); $compinlist = implode(",", $compids); $query = "SELECT id, scheduleid " . "FROM computer " . "WHERE scheduleid IS NOT NULL AND " . "scheduleid != 0 AND " . "id IN ($compinlist) "; if(! empty($schsel) && ! empty($platsel)) { $schinlist = implode(',', $schsel); $platinlist = implode(',', $platsel); $query .= "AND scheduleid IN ($schinlist) " . "AND platformid IN ($platinlist)"; } $qh = doQuery($query, 155); while($row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) { array_push($computerids, $row[0]); $times[$row[0]] = array(); $scheduleids[$row[0]] = $row[1]; } if($start != 0 && $end != 0) { $query = "SELECT rs.computerid, " . "rq.start, " . "rq.end + INTERVAL 900 SECOND AS end, " . "rq.id, " . "u.unityid, " . "i.prettyname " . "FROM reservation rs, " . "request rq, " . "user u, " . "image i " . "WHERE (rq.start < '$enddate' AND " . "rq.end > '$startdate') AND " . "rq.id = rs.requestid AND " . "u.id = rq.userid AND " . "i.id = rs.imageid AND " . "rq.stateid NOT IN (1,5,12) " . "ORDER BY rs.computerid, " . "rq.start"; } else { $query = "SELECT rs.computerid, " . "rq.start, " . "rq.end + INTERVAL 900 SECOND AS end, " . "rq.id, " . "u.unityid, " . "i.prettyname " . "FROM reservation rs, " . "request rq, " . "user u, " . "image i " . "WHERE rq.end > NOW() AND " . "rq.id = rs.requestid AND " . "u.id = rq.userid AND " . "i.id = rs.imageid AND " . "rq.stateid NOT IN (1,5,12) " . "ORDER BY rs.computerid, " . "rq.start"; } $qh = doQuery($query, 156); $id = ""; while($row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) { if($row[3] == $requestid) { continue; } if($id != $row[0]) { $count = 0; $id = $row[0]; array_push($reservedComputerids, $id); } $times[$id][$count] = array(); $times[$id][$count]["start"] = datetimeToUnix($row[1]); $times[$id][$count]["end"] = datetimeToUnix($row[2]); $times[$id][$count]["requestid"] = $row[3]; $times[$id][$count]["unityid"] = $row[4]; $times[$id][$count++]["prettyimage"] = $row[5]; } # use floor function to get to a 15 min increment for start if($start != 0) { $start = unixFloor15($start); } else { $start = unixFloor15() + 900; } # last time to look at if($end != 0) { $endtime = $end; } else { $endtime = $start + (DAYSAHEAD * SECINDAY); } $blockData = getBlockTimeData($start, $endtime); $maintItems = getMaintItemsForTimeTable($start, $endtime); $reserveInfo = array(); // 0 = reserved, 1 = available foreach($computerids as $id) { $reserveInfo[$id] = array(); $first = 1; # loop from $start to $endtime by 15 minute increments for($current = $start, $count = 0, $max = count($times[$id]); $current < $endtime; $current += 900) { /*print "compid - $id
\n"; print "count - $count
\n"; print "current - " . unixToDatetime($current) . "
\n"; if(array_key_exists($count, $times[$id])) { print "start - " . unixToDatetime($times[$id][$count]["start"]) . "
\n"; print "end - " . unixToDatetime($times[$id][$count]["end"]) . "
\n"; } print "-----------------------------------------------------
\n";*/ $reserveInfo[$id][$current]['blockAllocation'] = 0; $reserveInfo[$id][$current]["inmaintenance"] = 0; if(scheduleClosed($id, $current, $schedules[$scheduleids[$id]])) { $reserveInfo[$id][$current]["available"] = 0; $reserveInfo[$id][$current]["scheduleclosed"] = 1; continue; } if(checkInMaintenanceForTimeTable($current, $current + 900, $maintItems)) { $reserveInfo[$id][$current]["available"] = 0; $reserveInfo[$id][$current]["inmaintenance"] = 1; continue; } if($blockid = isBlockAllocationTime($id, $current, $blockData)) { $reserveInfo[$id][$current]['blockAllocation'] = 1; $reserveInfo[$id][$current]['blockInfo']['groupid'] = $blockData[$blockid]['groupid']; $reserveInfo[$id][$current]['blockInfo']['imageid'] = $blockData[$blockid]['imageid']; $reserveInfo[$id][$current]['blockInfo']['name'] = $blockData[$blockid]['name']; $reserveInfo[$id][$current]['blockInfo']['image'] = $blockData[$blockid]['image']; } $reserveInfo[$id][$current]["scheduleclosed"] = 0; //if computer not in $reservedComputerids, it is free if(! in_array($id, $reservedComputerids)) { $reserveInfo[$id][$current]["available"] = 1; continue; } //if past an end if($count != $max && $current >= $times[$id][$count]["end"]) { $count++; } # past the end of all reservations if($count == $max) { $reserveInfo[$id][$current]["available"] = 1; continue; } //if before any start times if($count == 0 && $current < $times[$id][0]["start"]) { $reserveInfo[$id][$current]["available"] = 1; continue; } //if between a start and end time if($current >= $times[$id][$count]["start"] && $current < $times[$id][$count]["end"]) { if($first) { # set the previous 15 minute block to show as busy to allow for load time $first = 0; $reserveInfo[$id][$current - 900]['blockAllocation'] = 0; $reserveInfo[$id][$current - 900]["scheduleclosed"] = 0; $reserveInfo[$id][$current - 900]["available"] = 0; $reserveInfo[$id][$current - 900]["requestid"] = $times[$id][$count]["requestid"]; $reserveInfo[$id][$current - 900]["unityid"] = $times[$id][$count]["unityid"]; $reserveInfo[$id][$current - 900]["prettyimage"] = $times[$id][$count]["prettyimage"]; } $reserveInfo[$id][$current]["available"] = 0; $reserveInfo[$id][$current]["requestid"] = $times[$id][$count]["requestid"]; $reserveInfo[$id][$current]["unityid"] = $times[$id][$count]["unityid"]; $reserveInfo[$id][$current]["prettyimage"] = $times[$id][$count]["prettyimage"]; continue; } //if after previous end but before this start if($current >= $times[$id][$count - 1]["end"] && $current < $times[$id][$count]["start"]) { $reserveInfo[$id][$current]["available"] = 1; continue; } # shouldn't get here; print debug info if we do if(checkUserHasPerm('View Debug Information')) { print "******************************************************
\n"; print "current - " . unixToDatetime($current) . "
\n"; print "endtime - " . unixToDatetime($endtime) . "
\n"; print "count - $count
\n"; print "max - $max
\n"; print "start - " . unixToDatetime($times[$id][$count]["start"]) . "
\n"; print "end - " . unixToDatetime($times[$id][$count]["end"]) . "
\n"; print "------------------------------------------------------
\n"; } } } return $reserveInfo; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn unixFloor15($timestamp) /// /// \param $timestamp - (optional) unix timestamp, defaults to now /// /// \return floored timestamp /// /// \brief takes $timestamp and floors it to a 15 minute increment with 0 seconds /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function unixFloor15($timestamp=0) { if($timestamp == 0) { $timestamp = time(); } $timeval = getdate($timestamp); if($timeval["minutes"] < 15) { $timeval["minutes"] = 0; } elseif($timeval["minutes"] < 30) { $timeval["minutes"] = 15; } elseif($timeval["minutes"] < 45) { $timeval["minutes"] = 30; } elseif($timeval["minutes"] < 60) { $timeval["minutes"] = 45; } return mktime($timeval["hours"], $timeval["minutes"], 0, $timeval["mon"], $timeval["mday"], $timeval["year"], -1); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn pickTimeTable() /// /// \brief prints a form for selecting what elements to show in the timetable /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function pickTimeTable() { $data = getUserComputerMetaData(); print "

Time Table

\n"; print "Select the criteria for the computers you want to have in the timetable:\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print "
\n"; printSelectInput("platforms[]", $data["platforms"], -1, 0, 1); print " \n"; printSelectInput("schedules[]", $data["schedules"], -1, 0, 1); print "
\n"; $cont = addContinuationsEntry('showTimeTable'); print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn showTimeTable($links) /// /// \param $links - 1 to make free times links; 0 for no links /// /// \brief prints out a timetable of free/used timeslots /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function showTimeTable($links) { global $mode, $user; $imaging = getContinuationVar('imaging', 0); if($links == 1) { $imageid = getContinuationVar('imageid'); $length = getContinuationVar('length'); $requestid = getContinuationVar('requestid', 0); $showmessage = getContinuationVar('showmessage', 0); $platforms = array(); $schedules = array(); } else { $imageid = 0; $length = 0; $requestid = 0; $showmessage = 0; $platforms = getContinuationVar("platforms"); if(empty($platforms)) $platforms = processInputVar("platforms", ARG_MULTINUMERIC); $schedules = getContinuationVar("schedules"); if(empty($schedules)) $schedules = processInputVar("schedules", ARG_MULTINUMERIC); } $argstart = getContinuationVar("start"); $argend = getContinuationVar("end"); $resources = getUserResources(array("computerAdmin")); $userCompIDs = array_keys($resources["computer"]); $computerData = getComputers(); $imageData = getImages(); $now = time(); if($links) { $resources = getUserResources(array("imageAdmin", "imageCheckOut")); $usercomputerids = array_keys($resources["computer"]); # get list of computers' platformids $qh = doQuery("SELECT platformid FROM image WHERE id = $imageid", 110); $row = mysql_fetch_row($qh); $platformid = $row[0]; $computer_platformids = array(); $qh = doQuery("SELECT id, platformid FROM computer", 111); while($row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) { $computer_platformids[$row[0]] = $row[1]; } $mappedcomputers = getMappedResources($imageid, "image", "computer"); $compidlist = array_intersect($mappedcomputers, $usercomputerids); } else $compidlist = $userCompIDs; if(! empty($argstart) && ! empty($argend)) { $timeslots = getTimeSlots($compidlist, $argend, $argstart); $start = $argstart; $end = $argend; } else { $start = $now; $end = $start + (SECINDAY / 2); $timeslots = getTimeSlots($compidlist, $end); } print "
\n"; print _("

Time Table

\n"); print "
\n"; $computeridrow = ""; $displayedids = array(); $computers = array_keys($timeslots); if($links) { $computers = array_intersect($computers, $usercomputerids); } foreach($computers as $id) { if($links) { # don't show computers that don't meet hardware criteria, are not # in the available state, are the wrong platform, or wrong group, # or aren't mapped in resourcemap if($computer_platformids[$id] != $platformid || ($computerData[$id]["stateid"] != 2 && $computerData[$id]["stateid"] != 3 && $computerData[$id]["stateid"] != 6 && $computerData[$id]["stateid"] != 8) || $computerData[$id]["ram"] < $imageData[$imageid]["minram"] || $computerData[$id]["procnumber"] < $imageData[$imageid]["minprocnumber"] || $computerData[$id]["procspeed"] < $imageData[$imageid]["minprocspeed"] || $computerData[$id]["network"] < $imageData[$imageid]["minnetwork"] || ! in_array($id, $mappedcomputers)) { continue; } } elseif(! array_key_exists($id, $computerData) || ! in_array($computerData[$id]["platformid"], $platforms) || ! in_array($computerData[$id]["scheduleid"], $schedules) || ! in_array($id, $userCompIDs)) { continue; } $computeridrow .= " $id\n"; array_push($displayedids, $id); } if(empty($displayedids)) { if($links) { print _("There are currently no computers available that can run the application you selected.\n"); } else { print _("There are no computers that meet the specified criteria\n"); } return; } if($showmessage) { print _("The time you have requested to use the environment is not "); print _("available. You may select from the green blocks of time to "); print _("select an available time slot to make a reservation.
\n"); } print "\n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print "
"; # print Previous/Next links if(! empty($argstart) && ($argstart - (SECINDAY / 2) > $now - 600)) { $prevstart = $start - (SECINDAY / 2); $prevend = $end - (SECINDAY / 2); print "
\n"; $cdata = array('start' => $prevstart, 'end' => $prevend, 'imageid' => $imageid, 'requestid' => $requestid, 'length' => $length, 'platforms' => $platforms, 'schedules' => $schedules, 'imaging' => $imaging); $cont = addContinuationsEntry($mode, $cdata, SECINDAY); print "\n"; print _("\n"); print "
\n"; } print "
"; if($end + (SECINDAY / 2) < $now + DAYSAHEAD * SECINDAY) { $nextstart = $start + (SECINDAY / 2); $nextend = $end + (SECINDAY / 2); print "
\n"; $cdata = array('start' => $nextstart, 'end' => $nextend, 'imageid' => $imageid, 'requestid' => $requestid, 'length' => $length, 'platforms' => $platforms, 'schedules' => $schedules, 'imaging' => $imaging); $cont = addContinuationsEntry($mode, $cdata, SECINDAY); print "\n"; print _("\n"); print "
\n"; } print "
\n"; $tmpArr = array_keys($computers); $first = $computers[$tmpArr[0]]; print " \n"; if(! $links || checkUserHasPerm('View Debug Information')) { print " \n"; print " \n"; print $computeridrow; print " \n"; } $yesterday = ""; foreach(array_keys($timeslots[$first]) as $stamp) { if($stamp < $now) continue; print " \n"; $stampArr = getdate($stamp); $label = ""; if($stampArr["mday"] != $yesterday) { $label = date('n/d/Y+g:i+a', $stamp); $label = str_replace('+', ' ', $label); $yesterday = $stampArr["mday"]; } elseif($stampArr["minutes"] == 0) { $label = date('g:i a', $stamp); } print " \n"; $free = 0; # print the cells foreach($computers as $id) { if(! in_array($id, $displayedids)) { continue; } if($links && ($computer_platformids[$id] != $platformid || $computerData[$id]["stateid"] == 10 || $computerData[$id]["stateid"] == 5)) { continue; } # maintenance window if($timeslots[$id][$stamp]["inmaintenance"] == 1) { print " \n"; } # computer's schedule is currently closed elseif($timeslots[$id][$stamp]["scheduleclosed"] == 1) { print " \n"; } # computer is in maintenance state elseif($computerData[$id]["stateid"] == 10) { print " \n"; } # computer is reserved for a block allocation that doesn't match this elseif($timeslots[$id][$stamp]['blockAllocation'] && ($timeslots[$id][$stamp]['blockInfo']['imageid'] != $imageid || # this line threw an error at one point, but we couldn't recreate it later (! in_array($timeslots[$id][$stamp]['blockInfo']['groupid'], array_keys($user['groups'])))) && $timeslots[$id][$stamp]['available']) { if($links) { print " \n"; } else { print " \n"; } } # computer is free elseif($timeslots[$id][$stamp]["available"]) { if($links) { print " \n"; } else { print " \n"; } } # computer is used else { if($links) { print " \n"; } else { $title = _("User: ") . $timeslots[$id][$stamp]["unityid"] . _(" Image: ") . $timeslots[$id][$stamp]["prettyimage"]; $ttdata = array('start' => $argstart, 'end' => $argend, 'imageid' => $imageid, 'requestid' => $timeslots[$id][$stamp]["requestid"], 'length' => $length, 'platforms' => $platforms, 'schedules' => $schedules, 'imaging' => $imaging); $cdata = array('requestid' => $timeslots[$id][$stamp]["requestid"], 'ttdata' => $ttdata); $cont = addContinuationsEntry('viewRequestInfo', $cdata); print " \n"; } } } print " \n"; } print "
Computer ID:
\n"; print "
"; # print Previous/Next links if(! empty($argstart) && ($argstart - (SECINDAY / 2) > $now - 600)) { $prevstart = $start - (SECINDAY / 2); $prevend = $end - (SECINDAY / 2); print "
\n"; $cdata = array('start' => $prevstart, 'end' => $prevend, 'imageid' => $imageid, 'requestid' => $requestid, 'length' => $length, 'platforms' => $platforms, 'schedules' => $schedules, 'imaging' => $imaging); $cont = addContinuationsEntry($mode, $cdata, SECINDAY); print "\n"; print _("\n"); print "
\n"; } print "
"; if($end + (SECINDAY / 2) < $now + DAYSAHEAD * SECINDAY) { $nextstart = $start + (SECINDAY / 2); $nextend = $end + (SECINDAY / 2); print "
\n"; $cdata = array('start' => $nextstart, 'end' => $nextend, 'imageid' => $imageid, 'requestid' => $requestid, 'length' => $length, 'platforms' => $platforms, 'schedules' => $schedules, 'imaging' => $imaging); $cont = addContinuationsEntry($mode, $cdata, SECINDAY); print "\n"; print _("\n"); print "
\n"; } print "
\n"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn findAvailableTimes($start, $end, $imageid, $userid, $usedaysahead, // $reqid='', $extendonly=0, $ip='', $mac='') /// /// \param $start - desired start time (epoch time) /// \param $end - desired end time (epoch time) /// \param $imageid - desired image /// \param $userid - id of user to check for /// \param $usedaysahead - 1 to limit suggested start time based on DAYSAHEAD, /// 0 not to /// \param $reqid - (optional, default='') id of a request to ignore - use this /// when editing an existing reservation /// \param $extendonly - (optional, default=0) if set to 1, only check for how /// long this reservation can be extended; $reqid also be given a value and /// function will only search for extensions to existing reservation on same /// computer /// \param $ip - (optional, default='') desired IP address /// \param $mac - (optional, default='') desired MAC address /// /// \return an array where each key is a unix timestamp for the start time of /// the available slot and each element is an array with these items:\n /// \b start - start of slot in datetime format\n /// \b startts - start of slot in unix timestamp format\n /// \b duration - length of slot in minutes\n /// \b compid - id of computer for slot /// /// \brief builds an array of available time slots close to the submitted /// parameters /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function findAvailableTimes($start, $end, $imageid, $userid, $usedaysahead, $reqid='', $extendonly=0, $ip='', $mac='') { global $user; if($userid == $user['id']) $ingroups = implode(',', array_keys($user['groups'])); else { $userdata = getUserInfo($userid, 0, 1); $ingroups = implode(',', array_keys($userdata['groups'])); } # TODO make this work for cluster images if(! $extendonly) { $mappedcomputers = getMappedResources($imageid, 'image', 'computer'); $resources = getUserResources(array('imageAdmin', 'imageCheckOut'), array('available'), 0, 0, $userid); $compids = array_intersect($mappedcomputers, array_keys($resources['computer'])); if(! count($compids)) { return array(); } $incompids = implode(',', $compids); } else { $request = getRequestInfo($reqid); $incompids = $request['reservations'][0]['computerid']; } $scheduleids = getAvailableSchedules($start, $end); if(empty($scheduleids)) return array(); $schedules = implode(',', $scheduleids); $platformid = getImagePlatform($imageid); if(is_null($platformid)) return array(); $reqduration = $end - $start; $startdt = unixToDatetime($start); $end += 900; $enddt = unixToDatetime($end); $ignorestates = "'maintenance','vmhostinuse','hpc','failed'"; $nowignorestates = "$ignorestates,'timeout'"; if(! $extendonly) $nowignorestates .= ",'reloading','reload','inuse'"; $slots = array(); $removes = array(); $minstart = $start; $maxend = $start; $newcompids = array(); $daysahead = time() + (DAYSAHEAD * SECINDAY); # add computers that are available now with no future reservations # restricting duration; we do this so that they'll be in our arrays to check # for concurrent image use, block allocations, ip/mac overlap, and # maintenance window overlap $query = "SELECT c.id AS compid " . "FROM computer c, " . "image i, " . "state s " . "WHERE c.stateid = s.id AND " . "i.id = $imageid AND " . "s.name NOT IN ($nowignorestates) AND " . "c.platformid = $platformid AND " . "c.scheduleid IN ($schedules) AND " . "c.RAM >= i.minram AND " . "c.procnumber >= i.minprocnumber AND " . "c.procspeed >= i.minprocspeed AND " . "c.network >= i.minnetwork AND " . "c.id NOT IN (SELECT rs.computerid " . "FROM reservation rs, " . "request rq " . "WHERE rs.requestid = rq.id AND "; if($reqid != '') $query .= "rq.id != $reqid AND "; $query .= "DATE_ADD(rq.end, INTERVAL 15 MINUTE) >= '$startdt' AND " . "rs.computerid IN ($incompids)) AND " . "c.id IN ($incompids) " . "ORDER BY (c.procspeed * c.procnumber) DESC, " . "RAM DESC, " . "network DESC"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $row['duration'] = $reqduration; $row['startts'] = $start; $row['start'] = $startdt; $row['endts'] = $start + $reqduration; $slots[$row['compid']] = array(); $slots[$row['compid']][] = $row; $newcompids[] = $row['compid']; } if(! $extendonly) { # find available timeslots based on spacing between existing reservations $query = "SELECT rs1.computerid AS compid, " . "DATE_ADD(rq1.end, INTERVAL 15 MINUTE) AS start, " . "MIN(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(rq2.start) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(rq1.end) - 1800) AS duration " # 1800 is adding 15 min to end of rq1.end and end of requested reservation . "FROM request rq1, " . "request rq2, " . "reservation rs1, " . "reservation rs2, " . "image i, " . "state s, " . "computer c " . "WHERE rq1.id = rs1.requestid AND " . "rs2.requestid = rq2.id AND " . "rq1.id != rq2.id AND " . "rq1.start < rq2.start AND " . "DATE_ADD(rq1.end, INTERVAL 15 MINUTE) >= '$startdt' AND " . "rs1.computerid = rs2.computerid AND " . "rs1.computerid IN ($incompids) AND " . "i.id = $imageid AND " . "c.id = rs1.computerid AND " . "c.platformid = $platformid AND " . "c.scheduleid IN ($schedules) AND " . "c.RAM >= i.minram AND " . "c.procnumber >= i.minprocnumber AND " . "c.procspeed >= i.minprocspeed AND " . "c.network >= i.minnetwork AND " . "c.stateid = s.id AND " . "s.name NOT IN ($ignorestates) AND "; if($reqid != '') $query .= "rq1.id != $reqid AND " . "rq2.id != $reqid AND "; $query .= "(c.type != 'virtualmachine' OR c.vmhostid IS NOT NULL) " . "GROUP BY rq1.id "; $query .= "ORDER BY rs1.computerid, rq1.start, rq1.end"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $row['startts'] = datetimeToUnix($row['start']); if($row['startts'] % 900) { $row['startts'] = $row['startts'] - ($row['startts'] % 900) + 900; $row['start'] = unixToDatetime($row['startts']); $row['duration'] -= 900; } if($row['duration'] >= 1800) { if($usedaysahead && $row['startts'] > $daysahead) continue; if($row['duration'] > $reqduration) $row['duration'] = $reqduration; $row['endts'] = $row['startts'] + $row['duration']; if(! array_key_exists($row['compid'], $slots)) $slots[$row['compid']] = array(); $slots[$row['compid']][] = $row; if($row['startts'] < $minstart) $minstart = $row['startts']; if($row['endts'] > $maxend) $maxend = $row['endts']; $newcompids[] = $row['compid']; } } } # find slots that are available now $query = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(MIN(rq.start)) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP('$startdt') - 900 AS duration, " . "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(MIN(rq.start)) AS endts, " . "rs.computerid AS compid " . "FROM request rq, " . "reservation rs, " . "image i, " . "state s, " . "computer c " . "WHERE rs.requestid = rq.id AND " . "(rq.start > '$startdt' OR " . "(DATE_ADD(rq.end, INTERVAL 15 MINUTE) > '$startdt' AND rq.start <= '$startdt')) AND " . "rs.computerid IN ($incompids) AND " . "i.id = $imageid AND " . "c.id = rs.computerid AND " . "c.platformid = $platformid AND " . "c.scheduleid IN ($schedules) AND " . "c.RAM >= i.minram AND " . "c.procnumber >= i.minprocnumber AND " . "c.procspeed >= i.minprocspeed AND " . "c.network >= i.minnetwork AND " . "c.stateid = s.id AND " . "s.name NOT IN ($nowignorestates) AND "; if($reqid != '') $query .= "rq.id != $reqid AND "; $query .= "(c.type != 'virtualmachine' OR c.vmhostid IS NOT NULL) " . "GROUP BY rs.computerid"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { if($row['endts'] % 900) { $row['endts'] = $row['endts'] - ($row['endts'] % 900); $row['duration'] -= 900; } if($row['duration'] >= 1800) { if($row['duration'] > $reqduration) $row['duration'] = $reqduration; $row['start'] = $startdt; $row['startts'] = $start; if(! array_key_exists($row['compid'], $slots)) $slots[$row['compid']] = array(); $slots[$row['compid']][] = $row; if($row['endts'] > $maxend) $maxend = $row['endts']; $newcompids[] = $row['compid']; } } # find slots that are available after all reservations are over $query = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(MAX(rq.end)) + 900 AS startts, " . "DATE_ADD(MAX(rq.end), INTERVAL 15 MINUTE) AS start, " . "rs.computerid AS compid " . "FROM request rq, " . "reservation rs, " . "image i, " . "state s, " . "computer c " . "WHERE rs.requestid = rq.id AND " . "(rq.start > '$startdt' OR " . "(DATE_ADD(rq.end, INTERVAL 15 MINUTE) > '$startdt' AND rq.start <= '$startdt')) AND " . "rs.computerid IN ($incompids) AND " . "i.id = $imageid AND " . "c.id = rs.computerid AND " . "c.platformid = $platformid AND " . "c.scheduleid IN ($schedules) AND " . "c.RAM >= i.minram AND " . "c.procnumber >= i.minprocnumber AND " . "c.procspeed >= i.minprocspeed AND " . "c.network >= i.minnetwork AND " . "c.stateid = s.id AND " . "s.name NOT IN ($ignorestates) AND "; if($reqid != '') $query .= "rq.id != $reqid AND "; $query .= "(c.type != 'virtualmachine' OR c.vmhostid IS NOT NULL) " . "GROUP BY rs.computerid"; if($extendonly) $query .= " HAVING start = '$startdt'"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { if($usedaysahead && $row['startts'] > $daysahead) continue; if($row['startts'] % 900) { $row['startts'] = $row['startts'] - ($row['startts'] % 900) + 900; $row['start'] = unixToDatetime($row['startts']); } $row['endts'] = $row['startts'] + $reqduration; $row['duration'] = $reqduration; if(! array_key_exists($row['compid'], $slots)) $slots[$row['compid']] = array(); $slots[$row['compid']][] = $row; if($row['endts'] > $maxend) $maxend = $row['endts']; $newcompids[] = $row['compid']; } if(empty($newcompids)) return array(); # remove block computers $minstartdt = unixToDatetime($minstart); $maxenddt = unixToDatetime($maxend); $newincompids = implode(',', $newcompids); $query = "SELECT bc.computerid AS compid, " . "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(bt.start) AS start, " . "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(bt.end) AS end " . "FROM blockComputers bc, " . "blockTimes bt, " . "blockRequest br " . "WHERE bt.id = bc.blockTimeid AND " . "br.id = bt.blockRequestid AND " . "bt.skip = 0 AND " . "bt.start < '$maxenddt' AND " . "bt.end > '$minstartdt' AND "; if($ingroups != '') $query .= "(br.groupid NOT IN ($ingroups) OR " . "br.imageid != $imageid) AND "; $query .= "bc.computerid IN ($newincompids)"; $qh = doQuery($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { if(array_key_exists($row['compid'], $slots)) fATremoveOverlaps($slots, $row['compid'], $row['start'], $row['end'], 0); } # remove mac/ip overlaps $newcompids = array_keys($slots); $newincompids = implode(',', $newcompids); if(! empty($ip) || ! empty($mac)) { $query = "SELECT rs.computerid AS compid, " . "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(rq.start) AS start, " . "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(rq.end) AS end " . "FROM serverrequest s, " . "request rq, " . "reservation rs " . "WHERE s.requestid = rq.id AND " . "rs.requestid = rq.id AND " . "rq.start < '$maxenddt' AND " . "rq.end > '$minstartdt' AND " . "rs.computerid IN ($newincompids) AND "; if($reqid != '') $query .= "rq.id != $reqid AND "; if(! empty($ip) && ! empty($mac)) $query .= "(s.fixedIP = '$ip' OR s.fixedMAC = '$mac')"; elseif(! empty($ip)) $query .= "s.fixedIP = '$ip'"; elseif(! empty($mac)) $query .= "s.fixedIP = '$mac'"; $qh = doQuery($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { if(array_key_exists($row['compid'], $slots)) fATremoveOverlaps($slots, $row['compid'], $row['start'], $row['end'], 0); } } # remove slots overlapping with scheduled maintenance $query = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(start) AS start, " . "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(end) AS end, " . "allowreservations " . "FROM sitemaintenance " . "WHERE start < '$maxenddt' AND " . "end > '$minstartdt'"; $qh = doQuery($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { foreach(array_keys($slots) AS $compid) fATremoveOverlaps($slots, $compid, $row['start'], $row['end'], $row['allowreservations']); } $imgdata = getImages(0, $imageid); $options = array(); foreach($slots AS $comp) { foreach($comp AS $data) { $data['duration'] = $data['duration'] - ($data['duration'] % 900); if(! $extendonly) { if($data['duration'] > 3600 && $data['duration'] < 7200) $data['duration'] = 3600; elseif($data['duration'] > 7200 && $data['duration'] < (SECINDAY * 2)) $data['duration'] = $data['duration'] - ($data['duration'] % 7200); elseif($data['duration'] > (SECINDAY * 2)) $data['duration'] = $data['duration'] - ($data['duration'] % SECINDAY); } # skip computers that have no controlling management node if(! findManagementNode($data['compid'], $data['start'], 'future')) continue; # skip slots that would cause a concurrent use violation if($imgdata[$imageid]['maxconcurrent'] != NULL && fATconcurrentOverlap($data['startts'], $data['duration'], $imageid, $imgdata[$imageid]['maxconcurrent'], $ignorestates, $extendonly, $reqid)) continue; if(array_key_exists($data['startts'], $options)) { if($data['duration'] > $options[$data['startts']]['duration']) { $options[$data['startts']]['duration'] = $data['duration']; if(checkUserHasPerm('View Debug Information')) $options[$data['startts']]['compid'] = $data['compid']; } } else { $options[$data['startts']] = array('start' => $data['start'], 'startts' => $data['startts'], 'duration' => $data['duration']); if(checkUserHasPerm('View Debug Information')) $options[$data['startts']]['compid'] = $data['compid']; } } } uasort($options, "sortAvailableTimesByStart"); return $options; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn fATremoveOverlaps($array, $compid, $start, $end, $allowstart) /// /// \param $array - array of time slots - pass by reference /// \param $compid - id of computer to check /// \param $start - start of time period /// \param $end - end of time period /// \param $allowstart - whether or not $start can be within $array time slot /// /// \brief removes timeslots from $array that overlap with $start and $end /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function fATremoveOverlaps(&$array, $compid, $start, $end, $allowstart) { foreach($array[$compid] AS $key => $data) { if($data['startts'] < $end && $data['endts'] > $start) { # reservation within slot if($data['startts'] <= $start && $data['endts'] >= $end) { if($allowstart) continue; $test1 = $data['duration'] - ($data['endts'] - $start) - 900; $test2 = $data['duration'] - ($end - $data['startts']) - 900; if($test1 < 1800 && $test2 < 1800) unset($array[$compid][$key]); elseif($test1 >= 1800 && $test2 < 1800) $array[$compid][$key]['duration'] = $test1; elseif($test1 < 1800 && $test2 >= 1800) { $array[$compid][$key]['duration'] = $test2; $array[$compid][$key]['startts'] = $end + 900; $array[$compid][$key]['start'] = unixToDatetime($end + 900); } else { $array[$compid][$key]['duration'] = $test1; $new = array('duration' => $test2, 'endts' => $end + 900 + $test2, 'compid' => $compid, 'start' => unixToDatetime($end + 900), 'startts' => $end + 900); $array[$compid][] = $new; } } # start of reservation overlaps slot elseif($data['startts'] < $start && $data['endts'] > $start) { if($allowstart) continue; $test = $data['duration'] - ($data['endts'] - $start) - 900; if($test >= 1800) $array[$compid][$key]['duration'] = $test; else unset($array[$compid][$key]); } # end of reservation overlaps slot elseif($data['startts'] < $end && $data['endts'] > $end) { $test = $data['duration'] - ($end - $data['startts']) - 900; if($test >= 1800) { $array[$compid][$key]['duration'] = $test; $array[$compid][$key]['startts'] = $end + 900; $array[$compid][$key]['start'] = unixToDatetime($end + 900); } else unset($array[$compid][$key]); } # slot within reservation #if($data['startts'] >= $start && $data['endts'] <= $end) else unset($array[$compid][$key]); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn fATconcurrentOverlap($start, $length, $imageid, $maxoverlap, // $ignorestates, $extendonly, $reqid) /// /// \param $start - start time (epoch time) /// \param $length - desired duration in seconds /// \param $imageid - id of image /// \param $maxoverlap - max allowed overlapping reservations for image /// \param $ignorestates - computers with these states should be ignored /// \param $extendonly - 1 if this is an extension, 0 otherwise /// \param $reqid - id of request if $extendonly is 1 /// /// \return 1 if this would violate max concurrent use of the image, 0 if not /// /// \brief determines if a reservation during the specified time slot would /// violate the max concurrent reservations for $imageid /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function fATconcurrentOverlap($start, $length, $imageid, $maxoverlap, $ignorestates, $extendonly, $reqid) { $end = $start + $length; $query = "SELECT rq.start, " . "rq.end " . "FROM request rq, " . "reservation rs, " . "state s, " . "computer c " . "WHERE rs.requestid = rq.id AND " . "rs.computerid = c.id AND " . "rs.imageid = $imageid AND " . "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(rq.start) < $end AND " . "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(rq.end) > $start AND " . "c.stateid = s.id AND " . "s.name NOT IN ($ignorestates)"; if($extendonly) $query .= " AND rq.id != $reqid"; $qh = doQuery($query); if(mysql_num_rows($qh) >= $maxoverlap) return 1; return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn sortAvailableTimesByStart($a, $b) /// /// \param $a - first item /// \param $b - second item /// /// \return -1 if $a < $b, 0 if $a == $b, 1 if $a > $b /// /// \brief used to sort suggested times in findAvailableTimes /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function sortAvailableTimesByStart($a, $b) { $ats = datetimeToUnix($a['start']); $bts = datetimeToUnix($b['start']); if($ats < $bts) return -1; if($ats > $bts) return 1; return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getComputers($sort, $includedeleted, $compid) /// /// \param $sort - (optional) 1 to sort; 0 not to /// \param $includedeleted = (optional) 1 to show deleted images, 0 not to /// \param $compid - (optional) only get info for this computer id /// /// \return an array with info about the computers in the comptuer table; each /// element's index is the id from the table; each element has the following /// items\n /// \b state - current state of the computer\n /// \b stateid - id of current state\n /// \b owner - unity id of owner\n /// \b ownerid - user id of owner\n /// \b platform - computer's platform\n /// \b platformid - id of computer's platform\n /// \b schedule - computer's schedule\n /// \b scheduleid - id of computer's schedule\n /// \b currentimg - computer's current image\n /// \b currentimgid - id of computer's current image\n /// \b imagerevisionid - revision id of computer's current image\n /// \b nextimg - computer's next image\n /// \b nextimgid - id of computer's next image\n /// \b nextimg - computer's next image\n /// \b nextimgid - id of computer's next image\n /// \b ram - amount of RAM in computer in MB\n /// \b procnumber - number of processors in computer\n /// \b procspeed - speed of processor(s) in MHz\n /// \b network - speed of computer's NIC\n /// \b hostname - computer's hostname\n /// \b IPaddress - computer's IP address\n /// \b privateIPaddress - computer's private IP address\n /// \b eth0macaddress - computer's eth0 mac address\n /// \b eth1macaddress - computer's eth1 mac address\n /// \b type - either 'blade' or 'lab' - used to determine what backend utilities\n /// \b deleted - 0 or 1; whether or not this computer has been deleted\n /// \b resourceid - computer's resource id from the resource table\n /// \b location - computer's location\n /// \b provisioningid - id of provisioning engine\n /// \b provisioning - pretty name of provisioning engine\n /// \b vmprofileid - if vmhost, id of vmprofile /// need to be used to manage computer /// /// \brief builds an array of computers /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getComputers($sort=0, $includedeleted=0, $compid="") { $return = array(); $query = "SELECT c.id AS id, " . "st.name AS state, " . "c.stateid AS stateid, " . "CONCAT(u.unityid, '@', a.name) AS owner, " . "u.id AS ownerid, " . "p.name AS platform, " . "c.platformid AS platformid, " . "sc.name AS schedule, " . "c.scheduleid AS scheduleid, " . "cur.name AS currentimg, " . "c.currentimageid AS currentimgid, " . "c.imagerevisionid, " . "next.name AS nextimg, " . "c.nextimageid AS nextimgid, " . "c.RAM AS ram, " . "c.procnumber AS procnumber, " . "c.procspeed AS procspeed, " . "c.network AS network, " . "c.hostname AS hostname, " . "c.IPaddress AS IPaddress, " . "c.privateIPaddress, " . "c.eth0macaddress, " . "c.eth1macaddress, " . "c.type AS type, " . "c.deleted AS deleted, " . "r.id AS resourceid, " . "c.notes, " . "c.vmhostid, " . "c2.hostname AS vmhost, " . "c.location, " . "c.provisioningid, " . "pr.prettyname AS provisioning, " . "vh2.vmprofileid " . "FROM state st, " . "platform p, " . "schedule sc, " . "image cur, " . "resource r, " . "resourcetype t, " . "user u, " . "affiliation a, " . "computer c " . "LEFT JOIN vmhost vh ON (c.vmhostid = vh.id) " . "LEFT JOIN vmhost vh2 ON (c.id = vh2.computerid) " . "LEFT JOIN computer c2 ON (c2.id = vh.computerid) " . "LEFT JOIN image next ON (c.nextimageid = next.id) " . "LEFT JOIN provisioning pr ON (c.provisioningid = pr.id) " . "WHERE c.stateid = st.id AND " . "c.platformid = p.id AND " . "c.scheduleid = sc.id AND " . "c.currentimageid = cur.id AND " . "r.resourcetypeid = t.id AND " . "t.name = 'computer' AND " . "r.subid = c.id AND " . "c.ownerid = u.id AND " . "u.affiliationid = a.id "; if(! $includedeleted) $query .= "AND c.deleted = 0 "; if(! empty($compid)) $query .= "AND c.id = $compid "; $query .= "ORDER BY c.hostname"; $qh = doQuery($query, 180); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $return[$row['id']] = $row; } if($sort) { uasort($return, "sortComputers"); } return $return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getUserComputerMetaData() /// /// \return an array of 2 indices - platforms, schedules - where each /// index's value is an array of user's computer's data /// /// \brief builds an array of platforms and schedules for user's computers /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getUserComputerMetaData() { $key = getKey(array('getUserComputerMetaData')); if(array_key_exists($key, $_SESSION['usersessiondata'])) return $_SESSION['usersessiondata'][$key]; $computers = getComputers(); $resources = getUserResources(array("computerAdmin"), array("administer", "manageGroup"), 0, 1); $return = array("platforms" => array(), "schedules" => array()); foreach(array_keys($resources["computer"]) as $compid) { if(! array_key_exists($compid, $computers)) continue; if(! in_array($computers[$compid]["platform"], $return["platforms"])) $return["platforms"][$computers[$compid]["platformid"]] = $computers[$compid]["platform"]; if(! in_array($computers[$compid]["schedule"], $return["schedules"])) $return["schedules"][$computers[$compid]["scheduleid"]] = $computers[$compid]["schedule"]; } uasort($return["platforms"], "sortKeepIndex"); uasort($return["schedules"], "sortKeepIndex"); $_SESSION['usersessiondata'][$key] = $return; return $return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getCompStateFlow($compid) /// /// \param $compid - a computer id /// /// \return an array of data about the flow of states for $compid; the following /// keys and elements are returned:\n /// \b repeatid - id from computerloadstate for the repeat state\n /// \b stateids - array of computerloadstate ids for this flow in the order /// they occur\n /// \b nextstates - array where each key is a computerloadstate id and its value /// is that state's following state; the last state has a NULL value\n /// \b totaltime - estimated time (in seconds) it takes for all states to /// complete\n /// \b data - array where each key is is a computerloadstate id and each value /// is an array with these elements:\n /// \b stateid - same as key\n /// \b state - name of this state\n /// \b nextstateid - id of next state\n /// \b nextstate - name of next state\n /// \b statetime - estimated time it takes for this state to complete /// /// \brief gathers information about the flow of states for $compid /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getCompStateFlow($compid) { $key = getKey(array($compid)); if(array_key_exists($key, $_SESSION['compstateflow'])) return $_SESSION['compstateflow'][$key]; # get id for repeat state, useful because several of the calling functions # need this information $query = "SELECT id FROM computerloadstate WHERE loadstatename = 'repeat'"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if(! $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) return array(); $loadstates['repeatid'] = $row['id']; $query = "SELECT `type` FROM computer WHERE id = $compid"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if(! $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) return array(); $type = $row['type']; $query = "SELECT cf.computerloadstateid AS stateid, " . "cs1.prettyname AS state, " . "cs1.loadstatename AS statename, " . "cf.nextstateid, " . "cs2.prettyname AS nextstate, " . "cs1.est AS statetime " . "FROM computerloadstate cs1, " . "computerloadflow cf " . "LEFT JOIN computerloadstate cs2 ON (cf.nextstateid = cs2.id) " . "WHERE cf.computerloadstateid = cs1.id AND " . "cf.type = '$type' "; $query2 = $query . "AND cf.computerloadstateid NOT IN " . "(SELECT nextstateid FROM computerloadflow WHERE `type` = '$type' " . "AND nextstateid IS NOT NULL)"; $qh = doQuery($query2, 101); if(! $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) return array(); $loadstates['data'][$row['stateid']] = $row; $loadstates['stateids'] = array($row['stateid']); $loadstates['nextstates'] = array($row['stateid'] => $row['nextstateid']); $loadstates['totaltime'] = 0; for($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) { # don't want an endless loop $query2 = $query . "AND cf.computerloadstateid = {$row['nextstateid']} " . "AND `type` = '$type'"; $qh = doQuery($query2, 101); if(! $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $_SESSION['compstateflow'][$key] = $loadstates; return $loadstates; } else { array_push($loadstates['stateids'], $row['stateid']); $loadstates['nextstates'][$row['stateid']] = $row['nextstateid']; $loadstates['totaltime'] += $row['statetime']; $loadstates['data'][$row['stateid']] = $row; } if(empty($row['nextstateid'])) { $_SESSION['compstateflow'][$key] = $loadstates; return $loadstates; } } $_SESSION['compstateflow'][$key] = $loadstates; return $loadstates; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getCompLoadLog($resid) /// /// \param $resid - reservation id /// /// \return an array where each key is an id from the computerloadlog table and /// each element is an array with these items:\n /// \b computerid - id of computer\n /// \b loadstateid - load id of this state\n /// \b ts - unix timestamp when item entered in log\n /// \b time - actual time (in seconds) this state took /// /// \brief gets information from the computerloadlog table for $resid /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getCompLoadLog($resid) { $query = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(rq.start) AS start, " . "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(rq.daterequested) AS reqtime, " . "rs.computerid " . "FROM request rq, " . "reservation rs " . "WHERE rs.id = $resid AND " . "rs.requestid = rq.id " . "LIMIT 1"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if(! $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) abort(113); if($row['start'] < $row['reqtime']) { # now $reqtime = $row['reqtime']; $future = 0; } else $future = 1; $flow = getCompStateFlow($row['computerid']); $instates = implode(',', $flow['stateids']); $query = "SELECT id, " . "computerid, " . "loadstateid, " . "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp) AS ts " . "FROM computerloadlog " . "WHERE reservationid = $resid AND " . "(loadstateid IN ($instates) OR " . "loadstateid = {$flow['repeatid']}) " . "ORDER BY id"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); $last = array(); $data = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $data[$row['id']] = $row; if(empty($last)) { if($future) # just set to 10 sec for first state since we don't know when a preload started $data[$row['id']]['time'] = 10; else $data[$row['id']]['time'] = $row['ts'] - $reqtime; } else $data[$row['id']]['time'] = $row['ts'] - $last['ts']; $last = $row; } return $data; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getImageLoadEstimate($imageid) /// /// \param $imageid - id of an image /// /// \return estimated time in seconds that it takes to load $imageid /// /// \brief determines an estimated load time (in seconds) that it takes $imageid /// to load based on the last 12 months of log data /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getImageLoadEstimate($imageid) { $query = "SELECT AVG(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(loaded) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(start)) AS avgloadtime " . "FROM log " . "WHERE imageid = $imageid AND " . "wasavailable = 1 AND " . "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(loaded) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(start) > 120 AND " . "loaded > start AND " . "ending != 'failed' AND " . "nowfuture = 'now' AND " . "start > (NOW() - INTERVAL 12 MONTH) AND " . "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(loaded) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(start) < 1800"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { if(! empty($row['avgloadtime'])) return (int)$row['avgloadtime']; else return 0; } else return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getComputerCounts(&$computers) /// /// \param $computers - array returned from getComputers /// /// \brief adds a "counts" field for each computer in $computers that is the /// total number of reservations that computer has had /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getComputerCounts(&$computers) { foreach(array_keys($computers) as $compid) { $query = "SELECT COUNT(logid) " . "FROM sublog " . "WHERE computerid = $compid"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if($row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) $computers[$compid]["counts"] = $row[0]; else $computers[$compid]["counts"] = 0; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn sortComputers($a, $b) /// /// \param $a - first input passed in by uasort /// \param $b - second input passed in by uasort /// /// \return -1, 0, or 1 if $a < $b, $a == $b, $a > $b, respectively /// /// \brief determines if $a should go before or after $b /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function sortComputers($a, $b) { //if somehow there are empty strings passed in, push them to the end if(empty($a)) { return 1; } if(empty($b)) { return -1; } # get hostname and first part of domain name $tmp = explode('.', $a["hostname"]); $h1 = array_shift($tmp); $domain1 = array_shift($tmp); $letters1 = preg_replace('([^a-zA-Z])', '', $h1); $tmp = explode('.', $b["hostname"]); $h2 = array_shift($tmp); $domain2 = array_shift($tmp); $letters2 = preg_replace('([^a-zA-Z])', '', $h2); // if different domain names, return based on that $cmp = strcasecmp($domain1, $domain2); if($cmp) { return $cmp; } // if non-numeric part is different, return based on that $cmp = strcasecmp($letters1, $letters2); if($cmp) { return $cmp; } // at this point, the only difference is in the numbers $digits1 = preg_replace('([^\d-])', '', $h1); $digits1Arr = explode('-', $digits1); $digits2 = preg_replace('([^\d-])', '', $h2); $digits2Arr = explode('-', $digits2); $len1 = count($digits1Arr); $len2 = count($digits2Arr); for($i = 0; $i < $len1 && $i < $len2; $i++) { if($digits1Arr[$i] < $digits2Arr[$i]) { return -1; } elseif($digits1Arr[$i] > $digits2Arr[$i]) { return 1; } } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getAvailableBlockComputerids($imageid, $start, $end, $allocatedcompids) /// /// \param $imageid - id of an image /// \param $start - starting time in unix timestamp form /// \param $end - ending time in unix timestamp form /// \param $allocatedcompids - array of computer ids that have already been /// allocated while processing this reservation /// /// \return an array with the key 'compids' that is an array of available /// computerids; additional keys exist for each computerid that are arrays /// of block data for that computer with these keys:\n /// \b start - start of block time\n /// \b end - end of block time\n /// \b blockid - id of block request /// /// \brief gets all computer ids that are part of a block allocation the logged /// in user is a part of that are available between $start and $end /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getAvailableBlockComputerids($imageid, $start, $end, $allocatedcompids) { global $user; $data = array('compids' => array()); $groupids = implode(',', array_keys($user['groups'])); if(! count($user['groups'])) $groupids = "''"; $startdt = unixToDatetime($start); $enddt = unixToDatetime($end); $alloccompids = implode(",", $allocatedcompids); $query = "SELECT c.computerid, " . "t.start, " . "t.end, " . "r.id AS blockid " . "FROM blockComputers c, " . "blockRequest r, " . "blockTimes t, " . "state s, " . "computer c2 " . "WHERE r.groupid IN ($groupids) AND " . "r.status = 'accepted' AND " . "c.computerid = c2.id AND " . "c2.currentimageid = $imageid AND " . "r.expireTime > NOW() AND " . "t.blockRequestid = r.id AND " . "c.blockTimeid = t.id AND " . "t.start < '$enddt' AND " . "t.end > '$startdt' AND " . "c2.stateid = s.id AND " . "s.name != 'failed' AND " . "c2.id NOT IN ($alloccompids) " . "ORDER BY s.name"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $data['compids'][] = $row['computerid']; $data[$row['computerid']] = $row; } return $data; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getUsedBlockComputerids($start, $end) /// /// \param $start - starting time in unix timestamp form /// \param $end - ending time in unix timestamp form /// /// \return array of computer ids /// /// \brief gets a list of all computerids that are allocated to block /// allocations during the given times /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getUsedBlockComputerids($start, $end) { $compids = array(); $startdt = unixToDatetime($start); $enddt = unixToDatetime($end); $query = "SELECT c.computerid " . "FROM blockComputers c, " . "blockTimes t " . "WHERE t.end > '$startdt' AND " . "t.start < '$enddt' AND " . "c.blockTimeid = t.id"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { array_push($compids, $row['computerid']); } return $compids; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getBlockTimeData($start, $end) /// /// \param $start - (optional) start time of blockTimes to get in unix timestamp /// form /// \param $end - (optional) end time of blockTimes to get in unix timestamp /// form /// /// \return an array of block allocation data where each index in a blockTime id /// and the value is an array with these elements:\n /// \b blockid - id of block allocation\n /// \b name - name of block allocation\n /// \b imageid - id of selected image\n /// \b image - name of selected image\n /// \b numMachines - number of machines allocated\n /// \b groupid - user group associated with allocation\n /// \b repeating - weekly, monthly, or list\n /// \b ownerid - id from user table of the owner\n /// \b admingroupid - admin user group associated with allocation\n /// \b managementnodeid - id of management node handling allocation\n /// \b expireTime - time at which the allocation will be completely finished\n /// \b timeid - id of blockTimes entry\n /// \b start - dattime for starting time of block time\n /// \b end - dattime for ending time of block time\n /// \b unixstart - unix timestamp for starting time of block time\n /// \b unixend - unix timestamp for ending time of block time\n /// \b computerids - array of computer ids allocated for the block time /// /// \brief builds an array of block allocation data /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getBlockTimeData($start="", $end="") { $return = array(); $query = "SELECT r.id AS blockid, " . "r.name, " . "r.imageid, " . "i.prettyname AS image, " . "r.numMachines, " . "r.groupid, " . "r.repeating, " . "r.ownerid, " . "r.admingroupid, " . "r.managementnodeid, " . "r.expireTime, " . "t.id AS timeid, " . "t.start, " . "t.end " . "FROM blockRequest r, " . "blockTimes t, " . "image i " . "WHERE r.id = t.blockRequestid AND " . "r.status = 'accepted' AND " . "r.imageid = i.id"; if(! empty($start)) $query .= " AND t.start < '" . unixToDatetime($end) . "'"; if(! empty($end)) $query .= " AND t.end > '" . unixToDatetime($start) . "'"; $query .= " ORDER BY t.start, t.end"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $return[$row['timeid']] = $row; $return[$row['timeid']]['unixstart'] = datetimeToUnix($row['start']); $return[$row['timeid']]['unixend'] = datetimeToUnix($row['end']); $return[$row['timeid']]['computerids'] = array(); $query2 = "SELECT computerid " . "FROM blockComputers " . "WHERE blockTimeid = {$row['timeid']}"; $qh2 = doQuery($query2, 101); while($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh2)) array_push($return[$row['timeid']]['computerids'], $row2['computerid']); } return $return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn isBlockAllocationTime($compid, $ts, $blockData) /// /// \param $compid - a computer id /// \param $ts - a timestamp /// \param $blockData - an array as returned from getBlockTimeData /// /// \return the blockTimeid $ts falls in to if it does; 0 if it doesn't fall /// into any block times /// /// \brief determines if $ts falls into a block time $compid is part of /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function isBlockAllocationTime($compid, $ts, $blockData) { foreach(array_keys($blockData) as $timeid) { if(in_array($compid, $blockData[$timeid]['computerids']) && $ts >= $blockData[$timeid]['unixstart'] && $ts < $blockData[$timeid]['unixend']) return $timeid; } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn isImageBlockTimeActive($imageid) /// /// \param $imageid - id of an image /// /// \return 1 if a block time for a block allocation for $imageid has had the /// processed flag set and the end time has not been reached; 0 otherwise /// /// \brief checks to see if a block time for $imageid has been processed but not /// yet ended /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function isImageBlockTimeActive($imageid) { $now = time(); $nowdt = unixToDatetime($now); $query = "SELECT bt.id " . "FROM blockTimes bt, " . "blockRequest br " . "WHERE bt.blockRequestid = br.id AND " . "bt.processed = 1 AND " . "bt.end > '$nowdt' AND " . "br.imageid = $imageid"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) return 1; return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn printSelectInput($name, $dataArr, $selectedid, $skip, $multiple, $domid, /// $extra) /// /// \param $name - name of input element /// \param $dataArr - array containing options /// \param $selectedid - (optional) index of $dataArr to be initially selected; /// use -1 for nothing to be selected /// \param $skip - (optional) this is used if the array from getImages is passed /// as $dataArr so we know to skip index 4 since it is the noimage element /// \param $multiple - (optional) use this to print select input with the /// multiple tag set /// \param $domid - (optional) use this to pass in the javascript id to be used /// for the select object /// \param $extra - (optional) any extra attributes that need to be set /// /// \brief prints out a select input part of a form\n /// it is assumed that if $selectedid is left off, we assume $dataArr has no /// index '-1'\n /// each OPTION's value is the index of that element of the array /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function printSelectInput($name, $dataArr, $selectedid=-1, $skip=0, $multiple=0, $domid="", $extra="") { if(! empty($domid)) $domid = "id=\"$domid\""; if($multiple) $multiple = "multiple"; else $multiple = ""; if($name != '') print " \n"; foreach(array_keys($dataArr) as $id) { if(($skip && $id == 4) || ($dataArr[$id] != 0 && empty($dataArr[$id]))) continue; if($id == $selectedid) print " \n"; elseif(is_array($dataArr[$id]) && array_key_exists("name", $dataArr[$id])) print $dataArr[$id]["name"] . "\n"; else print $dataArr[$id] . "\n"; } print " \n"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn printHiddenInputs($data) /// /// \param $data - an array with index/value pairs that match the name/value /// pairs that will be used in the form /// /// \brief prints INPUT forms that are type hidden with the data from $data /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*function printHiddenInputs($data) { foreach(array_keys($data) as $key) { if(is_array($data[$key])) { foreach(($data[$key]) as $index => $value) { print " \n"; } } else { if($data[$key] != "") { print " \n"; } } } }*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn requestIsReady($request) /// /// \param $request - a request element from the array returned by /// getUserRequests /// /// \return 1 if request is ready for a user to connect, 0 if not /// /// \brief checks to see if a request is /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function requestIsReady($request) { foreach($request["reservations"] as $res) { if($res["computerstateid"] != 3 && $res["computerstateid"] != 8) return 0; } if(($request["currstateid"] == 14 && // request current state pending $request["laststateid"] == 3 && // and last state reserved and $request["computerstateid"] == 3) || // computer reserved ($request["currstateid"] == 8 && // request current state inuse $request["computerstateid"] == 8) || // and computer state inuse ($request["currstateid"] == 24 && // request current state checkpoint $request["computerstateid"] == 8) || // and computer state inuse ($request["currstateid"] == 29 && // request current state servermodified $request["computerstateid"] == 8) || // and computer state inuse ($request["currstateid"] == 29 && // request current state servermodified $request["computerstateid"] == 3) || // and computer state reserved ($request["currstateid"] == 14 && // request current state pending $request["laststateid"] == 8 && // and last state inuse and $request["computerstateid"] == 8) || // computer inuse ($request["currstateid"] == 14 && // request current state pending $request["laststateid"] == 8 && // and last state inuse $request["computerstateid"] == 3)) { // and computer reserved return 1; } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn printSubmitErr($errno, $index, $errorDiv) /// /// \param $errno - an error value, should correspond to an defined constant /// \param $index - (optional) if $submitErrMsg will be an array, the index /// of the element to print /// \param $errorDiv - (optional, default=0), set to 1 to wrap the error in a /// div with class of errormsg /// /// \brief if the error is set, prints the corresponding error message /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function printSubmitErr($errno, $index=0, $errorDiv=0) { global $submitErr, $submitErrMsg; if($submitErr & $errno) { if($errorDiv) print "

"; if(is_array($submitErrMsg[$errno])) print "{$submitErrMsg[$errno][$index]}"; else print "{$submitErrMsg[$errno]}"; if($errorDiv) print "

"; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn printArray($array) /// /// \param $array - an array to print /// /// \brief prints out an array in HTML friendly format /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function printArray($array) { print "
	print "
\n"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn prettyDatetime($stamp, $showyear=0) /// /// \param $stamp - a timestamp in unix or mysql datetime format /// \param $showyear (optional, default=0) - set to 1 to include year /// /// \return date/time in html format of [Day of week], [month] [day of month], /// [HH:MM] [am/pm] /// /// \brief reformats the datetime to look better /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function prettyDatetime($stamp, $showyear=0) { global $locale; if(! preg_match('/^[\d]+$/', $stamp)) $stamp = datetimeToUnix($stamp); if($showyear) $return = strftime('%A, %b %-d, %Y, %l:%M %P', $stamp); else $return = strftime('%A, %b %-d, %l:%M %P', $stamp); return $return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn minToHourMin($min) /// /// \param $min - minutes /// /// \return a string value /// /// \brief um, I don't know how to describe this, just look at the code /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function minToHourMin($min) { if($min < 60) return $min . _(" minutes"); elseif($min == 60) return _("1 hour"); elseif($min % 60 == 0) return sprintf("%d " . _("hours"), $min / 60); elseif($min % 30 == 0) return sprintf("%.1f " . _("hours"), $min / 60); else return sprintf("%.2f " . _("hours"), $min / 60); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn secToMinSec($sec) /// /// \param $sec - seconds /// /// \return a string value /// /// \brief takes seconds and converts to min:sec /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function secToMinSec($sec) { if($sec < 60) return sprintf("0:%02d", $sec); elseif($sec == 60) return "1:00"; elseif($sec % 60 == 0) return sprintf("%d:00", $sec / 60); else return sprintf("%d:%02d", $sec / 60, $sec % 60); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn prettyLength($minutes) /// /// \param $minutes - a value in minutes /// /// \return a string in the form of [length] [units] /// /// \brief converts from $minutes to either "[minutes] minutes" or /// "[hours] hour(s) /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function prettyLength($minutes) { if($minutes < 60) return (int)$minutes . _(" minutes"); elseif($minutes == 60) return _("1 hour"); elseif($minutes % 60 == 0) return $minutes / 60 . _(" hours"); else { $hours = (int)($minutes / 60); $min = (int)($minutes % 60); if($hours == 1) return "$hours " . _("hour") . ", $min " . _("minutes"); else return "$hours " . _("hours") . ", $min " . _("minutes"); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn addLoadTime($imageid, $start, $loadtime) /// /// \param $imageid - id of loaded image /// \param $start - start time in unix timestamp format /// \param $loadtime - time it took to load image in seconds /// /// \brief adds an entry to the imageloadtimes table /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function addLoadTime($imageid, $start, $loadtime) { $query = "INSERT INTO imageloadtimes " . "(imageid, " . "starttime, " . "loadtimeseconds) " . "VALUES " . "($imageid, " . "$start, " . "$loadtime)"; doQuery($query, 245); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn scheduleClosed($computerid, $timestamp, $schedule) /// /// \param $computerid - id of a computer /// \param $timestamp - time to check /// \param $schedule - an element from the array returned from getSchedules /// /// \return 1 if schedule is closed at $timestamp, 0 if it is open /// /// \brief checks to see if the computer's schedule is open or closed at /// $timestamp /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function scheduleClosed($computerid, $timestamp, $schedule) { $time = minuteOfWeek($timestamp); foreach($schedule["times"] as $schtime) { if($schtime["start"] <= $time && $time < $schtime["end"]) return 0; } return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn checkInMaintenanceForTimeTable($start, $end, $items) /// /// \param $start - start time in unix timestamp format /// \param $end - end time in unix timestamp format /// \param $items - list of maintenance items as returned by /// getMaintItemsForTimeTable /// /// \return 1 if specified time period falls in an maintenance window, 0 if not /// /// \brief checks if the specified time period overlaps with a scheduled /// maintenance window /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function checkInMaintenanceForTimeTable($start, $end, $items) { foreach($items as $item) { if($item['start'] < $end && $item['end'] > $start) return 1; } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn updateGroups($newusergroups, $userid) /// /// \param $newusergroups - array of $userid's current set of user groups /// \param $userid - id of user from user table /// /// \brief updates user's groups and adds any new ones to the group /// table /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function updateGroups($newusergroups, $userid) { $query = "SELECT m.usergroupid " . "FROM usergroupmembers m, " . "usergroup u " . "WHERE m.userid = $userid AND " . "m.usergroupid = u.id AND " . "u.custom = 0 AND " . "u.courseroll = 0"; $qh = doQuery($query, 305); $oldusergroups = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) { array_push($oldusergroups, $row[0]); } if(count(array_diff($oldusergroups, $newusergroups)) || count(array_diff($newusergroups, $oldusergroups))) { $query = "DELETE m " . "FROM usergroupmembers m, " . "usergroup u " . "WHERE m.userid = $userid AND " . "m.usergroupid = u.id AND " . "u.custom = 0 AND " . "u.courseroll = 0"; doQuery($query, 306); foreach($newusergroups as $id) { $query = "INSERT INTO usergroupmembers " . "(userid, usergroupid) " . "VALUES ($userid, $id) " . "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE " . "userid = $userid, usergroupid = $id"; doQuery($query, 307); checkUpdateServerRequestGroups($id); } } return $newusergroups; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getUserGroupID($name, $affilid) /// /// \param $name - a group name /// \param $affilid - (optional, defaults to DEFAULT_AFFILID) affiliation id /// for $name /// /// \return id for $name from group table /// /// \brief looks up the id for $name in the group table; if the name is /// not currently in the table, adds it and returns the new id /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getUserGroupID($name, $affilid=DEFAULT_AFFILID) { $query = "SELECT id " . "FROM usergroup " . "WHERE name = '$name' AND " . "affiliationid = $affilid"; $qh = doQuery($query, 300); if($row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) { return $row[0]; } $query = "INSERT INTO usergroup " . "(name, " . "affiliationid, " . "custom, " . "courseroll) " . "VALUES " . "('$name', " . "$affilid, " . "0, " . "0)"; doQuery($query, 301); $qh = doQuery("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() FROM usergroup", 302); if(! $row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) { abort(303); } return $row[0]; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getUserGroupName($id, $incAffil) /// /// \param $id - id of a user group /// \param $incAffil - 0 or 1 (optional, defaults to 0); include @ and /// affiliation at the end /// /// \return name for $id from usergroup table or 0 if name not found /// /// \brief looks up the name for $id in the group table /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getUserGroupName($id, $incAffil=0) { if($incAffil) { $query = "SELECT CONCAT(u.name, '@', a.name) as name " . "FROM usergroup u, " . "affiliation a " . "WHERE u.id = $id AND " . "u.affiliationid = a.id"; } else { $query = "SELECT name " . "FROM usergroup " . "WHERE id = $id"; } $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if($row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) return $row[0]; return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn checkUpdateServerRequestGroups($groupid) /// /// \param $groupid = id of a user group /// /// \brief checks for any server requests with an admin or login group of /// $groupid; if any exist, set request stateid to servermodified /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function checkUpdateServerRequestGroups($groupid) { $query = "UPDATE request " . "SET stateid = 29 " . "WHERE stateid IN (3, 7, 8, 14, 16, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28) AND " . "id IN " . "(SELECT requestid " . "FROM serverrequest " . "WHERE admingroupid = $groupid OR " . "logingroupid = $groupid)"; doQuery($query, 101); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getMaintItems($id) /// /// \param $id (optional) - if specified, id of maintenance item to get info /// about /// /// \return array of maintenance items where each id is a maintenance id and /// each element is an array with these keys:\n /// \b id - id of maintenance item\n /// \b start - start of maintenance item (datetime)\n /// \b end - end of maintenance item (datetime)\n /// \b ownerid - id from user table of owner of this maintenance item\n /// \b owner - unityid@affiliation of owner\n /// \b created - date/time entry was created (or last modified)\n /// \b reason - reason viewable by sysadmins for maintenance item\n /// \b usermessage - message viewable by all users for maintenance item\n /// \b informhoursahead - number of hours before start that a message will be /// displayed to all site users about the upcoming maintenance\n /// \b allowreservations - whether or not reservations can extend into this /// maintenance window (0 or 1) /// /// \brief builds a list of current maintenance items and returns them /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getMaintItems($id=0) { $key = getKey(array('getMaintItems', $id)); if(isset($_SESSION) && array_key_exists($key, $_SESSION['usersessiondata'])) return $_SESSION['usersessiondata'][$key]; $query = "SELECT m.id, " . "m.start, " . "m.end, " . "m.ownerid, " . "CONCAT(u.unityid, '@', a.name) AS owner, " . "m.created, " . "m.reason, " . "m.usermessage, " . "m.informhoursahead, " . "m.allowreservations " . "FROM sitemaintenance m, " . "user u, " . "affiliation a " . "WHERE m.ownerid = u.id AND " . "u.affiliationid = a.id AND " . "m.end > NOW() "; if($id) $query .= "AND m.id = $id "; $query .= "ORDER BY m.start"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); $data = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) $data[$row['id']] = $row; $_SESSION['usersessiondata'][$key] = $data; return $data; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getMaintItemsForTimeTable($start, $end) /// /// \param $start - start time in unix timestamp format /// \param $end - end time in unix timestamp format /// /// \return array of maintenance items that overlap with $start and $end where /// each item has 2 keys:\n /// \b start - start time in unix timestamp format\n /// \b end - end time in unix timestamp format /// /// \brief builds a simple list of maintenance items and returns them /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getMaintItemsForTimeTable($start, $end) { $key = getKey(array('getMaintItemsForTimeTable', $start, $end)); if(array_key_exists($key, $_SESSION['usersessiondata'])) return $_SESSION['usersessiondata'][$key]; $startdt = unixToDatetime($start); $enddt = unixToDatetime($end); $query = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(start - INTERVAL 30 MINUTE) AS start, " . "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(end) AS end " . "FROM sitemaintenance " . "WHERE end > '$startdt' AND " . "start < '$enddt' " . "ORDER BY start"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); $data = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) $data[] = $row; $_SESSION['usersessiondata'][$key] = $data; return $data; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn unset_by_val($needle, &$haystack) /// /// \param $needle - value to remove from array /// \param $haystack - array /// /// \brief removes all entries from an array having $needle as their value /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function unset_by_val($needle, &$haystack) { while(($gotcha = array_search($needle,$haystack)) > -1) { unset($haystack[$gotcha]); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn sendRDPfile() /// /// \brief generates and uploads a rdp file to the user /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function sendRDPfile() { global $user; # for more info on this file, see # http://dev.remotenetworktechnology.com/ts/rdpfile.htm $requestid = getContinuationVar("requestid"); $resid = getContinuationVar("resid"); $request = getRequestInfo("$requestid"); if($request['stateid'] == 11 || $request['stateid'] == 12 || ($request['stateid'] == 14 && ($request['laststateid'] == 11 || $request['laststateid'] == 12))) { $cont = addContinuationsEntry('viewRequests'); header("Location: " . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "?continuation=$cont"); return; } foreach($request["reservations"] as $res) { if($res['reservationid'] == $resid) { $ipaddress = $res["reservedIP"]; break; } } if(empty($ipaddress)) return; $passwd = $request['passwds'][$resid][$user['id']]; $width = $user["width"]; $height = $user["height"]; if($width == 0) { $screenmode = 2; $width = 1024; $height = 768; } else $screenmode = 1; $bpp = $user["bpp"]; if($user["audiomode"] == "none") $audiomode = 2; else $audiomode = 0; $redirectdrives = $user["mapdrives"]; $redirectprinters = $user["mapprinters"]; $redirectcomports = $user["mapserial"]; header("Content-type: application/rdp"); header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"{$res['prettyimage']}.rdp\""); print "screen mode id:i:$screenmode\r\n"; print "desktopwidth:i:$width\r\n"; print "desktopheight:i:$height\r\n"; print "session bpp:i:$bpp\r\n"; print "winposstr:s:0,1,382,71,1182,671\r\n"; print "full address:s:$ipaddress\r\n"; print "compression:i:1\r\n"; print "keyboardhook:i:2\r\n"; print "audiomode:i:$audiomode\r\n"; print "redirectdrives:i:$redirectdrives\r\n"; print "redirectprinters:i:$redirectprinters\r\n"; print "redirectcomports:i:$redirectcomports\r\n"; print "redirectsmartcards:i:1\r\n"; print "displayconnectionbar:i:1\r\n"; print "autoreconnection enabled:i:1\r\n"; if($request["forimaging"]) print "username:s:Administrator\r\n"; else { if(preg_match('/(.*)@(.*)/', $user['unityid'], $matches)) print "username:s:" . $matches[1] . "\r\n"; else print "username:s:" . $user["unityid"] . "\r\n"; } print "clear password:s:$passwd\r\n"; print "domain:s:\r\n"; print "alternate shell:s:\r\n"; print "shell working directory:s:\r\n"; print "disable wallpaper:i:1\r\n"; print "disable full window drag:i:1\r\n"; print "disable menu anims:i:1\r\n"; print "disable themes:i:0\r\n"; print "disable cursor setting:i:0\r\n"; print "bitmapcachepersistenable:i:1\r\n"; //print "connect to console:i:1\r\n"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn addLogEntry($nowfuture, $start, $end, $wasavailable, $imageid) /// /// \param $nowfuture - 'now' or 'future' /// \param $start - mysql datetime for starting time /// \param $end - mysql datetime for initialend and finalend /// \param $wasavailable - 0 or 1, whether or not the request was available /// when requested /// \param $imageid - id of requested image /// /// \brief adds an entry to the log table /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function addLogEntry($nowfuture, $start, $end, $wasavailable, $imageid) { global $user; $query = "INSERT INTO log " . "(userid, " . "nowfuture, " . "start, " . "initialend, " . "finalend, " . "wasavailable, " . "ending, " . "imageid) " . "VALUES " . "({$user['id']}, " . "'$nowfuture', " . "'$start', " . "'$end', " . "'$end', " . "$wasavailable, " . "'none', " . "$imageid)"; $qh = doQuery($query, 260); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn addChangeLogEntry($logid, $remoteIP, $end, $start, $computerid, /// $ending, $wasavailable) /// /// \param $logid - id matching entry in log table /// \param $remoteIP - ip of remote computer (pass NULL if this isn't being /// updated) /// \param $end - (optional) ending time of request (mysql datetime) /// \param $start - (optional) starting time of request (mysql datetime) /// \param $computerid - (optional) id from computer table /// \param $ending - (optional) 'deleted' or 'released' - how reservation ended /// \param $wasavailable - (optional) 0 or 1 - if a newly requested time was /// available; \b NOTE: pass -1 instead of NULL if you don't want this field /// to be updated /// /// \brief adds an entry to the changelog table and updates information in /// the log table /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function addChangeLogEntry($logid, $remoteIP, $end=NULL, $start=NULL, $computerid=NULL, $ending=NULL, $wasavailable=-1) { if($logid == 0) { return; } $query = "SELECT computerid, " . "start, " . "initialend, " . "remoteIP, " . "wasavailable, " . "ending " . "FROM log " . "WHERE id = $logid"; $qh = doQuery($query, 265); if(! $log = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { abort(30); } $log["computerid"] = array(); $query = "SELECT computerid FROM sublog WHERE logid = $logid"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { array_push($log["computerid"], $row["computerid"]); } $changed = 0; $query1 = "INSERT INTO changelog " . "(logid, " . "start, " . "end, " . "computerid, " . "remoteIP, " . "wasavailable, " . "timestamp) " . "VALUES " . "($logid, "; $query2Arr = array(); # start if($start != NULL && $start != $log["start"]) { $query1 .= "'$start', "; # only update start time in log table if it is in the future if(datetimeToUnix($log['start']) > time()) array_push($query2Arr, "start = '$start'"); $changed = 1; } else { $query1 .= "NULL, "; } # end if($end != NULL && $end != $log["initialend"]) { $query1 .= "'$end', "; if(datetimeToUnix($log["start"]) > time()) { array_push($query2Arr, "initialend = '$end'"); } array_push($query2Arr, "finalend = '$end'"); $changed = 1; } else { $query1 .= "NULL, "; } # computerid if($computerid != NULL && ! in_array($computerid, $log["computerid"])) { $query1 .= "$computerid, "; $changed = 1; } else { $query1 .= "NULL, "; } # remoteIP if($remoteIP != NULL && $remoteIP != $log["remoteIP"]) { $query1 .= "'$remoteIP', "; array_push($query2Arr, "remoteIP = '$remoteIP'"); $changed = 1; } else { $query1 .= "NULL, "; } # wasavailable if($wasavailable != -1 && $wasavailable != $log["wasavailable"]) { $query1 .= "$wasavailable, "; array_push($query2Arr, "wasavailable = $wasavailable"); $changed = 1; } else { $query1 .= "NULL, "; } # ending if($ending != NULL && $ending != $log["ending"]) { array_push($query2Arr, "ending = '$ending'"); $changed = 1; } $query1 .= "NOW())"; if($changed) { doQuery($query1, 266); if(! empty($query2Arr)) { $query2 = "UPDATE log SET " . implode(', ', $query2Arr) . " WHERE id = $logid"; doQuery($query2, 267); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn addChangeLogEntryOther($logid, $data) /// /// \param $logid - id matching entry in log table /// \param $data - data to be inserted in the other field /// /// \brief adds an entry to the other field in the changelog table /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function addChangeLogEntryOther($logid, $data) { $data = mysql_real_escape_string($data); $query = "INSERT INTO changelog " . "(logid, " . "timestamp, " . "other) " . "VALUES " . "($logid, " . "NOW(), " . "'$data')"; doQuery($query); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn addSublogEntry($logid, $imageid, $imagerevisionid, $computerid, /// $mgmtnodeid, $fromblock, $blockdata) /// /// \param $logid - id of parent log entry /// \param $imageid - id of requested image /// \param $imagerevisionid - revision id of requested image /// \param $computerid - assigned computer id /// \param $mgmtnodeid - id of management node handling this reservation /// \param $fromblock - boolean telling if this computer is from a block /// allocation /// \param $blockdata - if $fromblock is 1, this contains data about the block /// allocation /// /// \brief adds an entry to the log table /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function addSublogEntry($logid, $imageid, $imagerevisionid, $computerid, $mgmtnodeid, $fromblock, $blockdata) { $query = "SELECT predictivemoduleid " . "FROM managementnode " . "WHERE id = $mgmtnodeid"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh); $predictiveid = $row['predictivemoduleid']; $query = "SELECT c.type, " . "v.computerid AS hostid " . "FROM computer c " . "LEFT JOIN vmhost v ON (c.vmhostid = v.id) " . "WHERE c.id = $computerid"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh); if($row['type'] == 'virtualmachine') $hostcomputerid = $row['hostid']; else $hostcomputerid = 'NULL'; $query = "INSERT INTO sublog " . "(logid, " . "imageid, " . "imagerevisionid, " . "computerid, " . "managementnodeid, " . "predictivemoduleid, "; if($fromblock) { $query .= "blockRequestid, " . "blockStart, " . "blockEnd, "; } $query .= "hostcomputerid) " . "VALUES " . "($logid, " . "$imageid, " . "$imagerevisionid, " . "$computerid, " . "$mgmtnodeid, " . "$predictiveid, "; if($fromblock) { $query .= "{$blockdata['blockid']}, " . "'{$blockdata['start']}', " . "'{$blockdata['end']}', "; } $query .= "$hostcomputerid)"; doQuery($query, 101); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getTypes($subtype) /// /// \param $subtype - (optional) "users", "resources", or "both" /// /// \return an array with 2 indexes: users and resources, each of which is an /// array of those types /// /// \brief returns an array of arrays of types /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getTypes($subtype="both") { $types = array("users" => array(), "resources" => array()); if($subtype == "users" || $subtype == "both") { $query = "SELECT id, name FROM userprivtype"; $qh = doQuery($query, 365); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { if($row["name"] == "block" || $row["name"] == "cascade") continue; $types["users"][$row["id"]] = $row["name"]; } } if($subtype == "resources" || $subtype == "both") { $query = "SELECT id, name FROM resourcetype"; $qh = doQuery($query, 366); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { if($row["name"] == "block" || $row["name"] == "cascade") continue; $types["resources"][$row["id"]] = $row["name"]; } } return $types; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getUserPrivTypeID($type) /// /// \param $type - type name /// /// \return id of $type /// /// \brief looks up the id for $type in the userprivtype table /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getUserPrivTypeID($type) { $query = "SELECT id FROM userprivtype WHERE name = '$type'"; $qh = doQuery($query, 370); if($row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) return $row[0]; else return NULL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getUserMaxTimes($uid) /// /// \param $uid - (optional) user's unityid or user table id /// /// \return max time in minutes that the user can checkout a reservation /// /// \brief looks through all of the user's groups to find the max checkout time /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getUserMaxTimes($uid=0) { global $user; $return = array("initial" => 0, "total" => 0, "extend" => 0); if($uid == 0) $groupids = array_keys($user["groups"]); else { $groupids = array_keys(getUsersGroups($uid, 1)); } if(! count($groupids)) array_push($groupids, getUserGroupID(DEFAULTGROUP)); $allgroups = getUserGroups(); foreach($groupids as $id) { if($return["initial"] < $allgroups[$id]["initialmaxtime"]) $return["initial"] = $allgroups[$id]["initialmaxtime"]; if($return["total"] < $allgroups[$id]["totalmaxtime"]) $return["total"] = $allgroups[$id]["totalmaxtime"]; if($return["extend"] < $allgroups[$id]["maxextendtime"]) $return["extend"] = $allgroups[$id]["maxextendtime"]; } return $return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getReservationLengths($max) /// /// \param $max - max allowed length in seconds /// /// \return array of lengths up to $max starting with 30 minutes, 1 hour, /// 2 hours, then increasing by 2 hours up to 47 hours, then 2 days, then /// increasing by 1 day; indexes are the duration in minutes /// /// \brief generates an array of reservation lengths /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getReservationLengths($max) { $lengths = array(); if($max >= 30) $lengths["30"] = "30 " . _("minutes"); if($max >= 45) $lengths["45"] = "45 " . _("minutes"); if($max >= 60) $lengths["60"] = _("1 hour"); for($i = 120; $i <= $max && $i < 2880; $i += 120) $lengths[$i] = $i / 60 . _(" hours"); for($i = 2880; $i <= $max; $i += 1440) $lengths[$i] = $i / 1440 . _(" days"); return $lengths; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getReservationLength($length) /// /// \param $length - reservation length to convert (in minutes) /// /// \return human readable reservation length /// /// \brief converts minutes to "## minutes", "## hours", or "## days" /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getReservationLength($length) { if($length < 60) return ($length % 60) - ($length % 60 % 15) . " minutes"; if($length < 120) return _("1 hour"); if($length < 2880) return intval($length / 60) . _(" hours"); return intval($length / 1440) . _(" days"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getReservationExtenstion($length) /// /// \param $length - reservation extension length to convert (in minutes) /// /// \return human readable reservation extension length /// /// \brief converts minutes to "## minutes", "## hours", or "## days" /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getReservationExtenstion($length) { if($length < 60) return ($length % 60) - ($length % 60 % 15) . _(" minutes"); if($length < 75) return _("1 hour"); if($length < 120) { $min = ($length % 60) - ($length % 60 % 15); return sprintf('%d:%02d ' . _('hours'), intval($length / 60), $min); } if($length < 2880) return intval($length / 60) . _(" hours"); return intval($length / 1440) . _(" days"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getReservationLengthCeiling($length) /// /// \param $length - a length in minutes /// /// \return a length in minutes /// /// \brief gets nearest, higher length that would be in array returned by /// getReservationLengths /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getReservationLengthCeiling($length) { if($length < 30) return 30; if($length < 45) return 45; if($length < 60) return 60; if($length < 2880) { for($i = 120; $i < 2880; $i += 120) { if($length < $i) return $i; } } for($i = 2880; $i <= 64800; $i += 1440) { if($length < $i) return $i; } return 64800; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getResourceGroupID($groupname) /// /// \param $groupname - resource group name of the form type/name /// /// \return id of the group /// /// \brief gets the id from the resourcegroup table for $groupname /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getResourceGroupID($groupdname) { list($type, $name) = explode('/', $groupdname); $query = "SELECT g.id " . "FROM resourcegroup g, " . "resourcetype t " . "WHERE g.name = '$name' AND " . "t.name = '$type' AND " . "g.resourcetypeid = t.id"; $qh = doQuery($query, 371); if($row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) return $row[0]; else return NULL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getResourceTypeID($name) /// /// \param $name - name of resource type /// /// \return id of the resource type /// /// \brief gets the id from the resourcetype table for $name /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getResourceTypeID($name) { $query = "SELECT id " . "FROM resourcetype " . "WHERE name = '$name'"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if($row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) return $row[0]; else return NULL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getResourcePrivs() /// /// \return an array of resource privileges /// /// \brief gets the availabe resource privileges as defined in the resourcepriv /// table /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getResourcePrivs() { $query = "show columns from resourcepriv where field = 'type'"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh); preg_match("/^enum\(([a-zA-Z0-9,']+)\)$/", $row['Type'], $matches); $tmp = str_replace("'", '', $matches[1]); return explode(',', $tmp); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getNodeInfo($nodeid) /// /// \param $nodeid - an id from the privnode table /// /// \return an array of the node's name and parent or NULL if node not found /// /// \brief gets $nodeid's name and parent and sticks it in an array /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getNodeInfo($nodeid) { global $cache; if(! array_key_exists('nodes', $cache)) $cache['nodes'] = array(); if(array_key_exists($nodeid, $cache['nodes'])) return $cache['nodes'][$nodeid]; $qh = doQuery("SELECT id, parent, name FROM privnode", 330); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) $cache['nodes'][$row['id']] = $row; if(array_key_exists($nodeid, $cache['nodes'])) return $cache['nodes'][$nodeid]; else return NULL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn sortKeepIndex($a, $b) /// /// \param $a - first item /// \param $b - second item /// /// \return -1 if $a < $b, 0 if $a == $b, 1 if $a > $b /// /// \brief this is just a normal sort, but it is for calling with uasort so /// we don't lose our indices /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function sortKeepIndex($a, $b) { if(is_array($a)) { if(array_key_exists("prettyname", $a)) { if(preg_match('/[0-9]-[0-9]/', $a['prettyname']) || preg_match('/\.edu$|\.com$|\.net$|\.org$/', $a['prettyname']) || preg_match('/[0-9]-[0-9]/', $b['prettyname']) || preg_match('/\.edu$|\.com$|\.net$|\.org$/', $b['prettyname'])) return compareDashedNumbers($a["prettyname"], $b["prettyname"]); return strcasecmp($a["prettyname"], $b["prettyname"]); } elseif(array_key_exists("name", $a)) { if(preg_match('/[0-9]-[0-9]/', $a['name']) || preg_match('/\.edu$|\.com$|\.net$|\.org$/', $a['name']) || preg_match('/[0-9]-[0-9]/', $b['name']) || preg_match('/\.edu$|\.com$|\.net$|\.org$/', $b['name'])) return compareDashedNumbers($a["name"], $b["name"]); return strcasecmp($a["name"], $b["name"]); } else return 0; } elseif(preg_match('/[0-9]-[0-9]/', $a) || preg_match('/\.edu$|\.com$|\.net$|\.org$/', $a) || preg_match('/[0-9]-[0-9]/', $b) || preg_match('/\.edu$|\.com$|\.net$|\.org$/', $b)) return compareDashedNumbers($a, $b); return strcasecmp($a, $b); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn compareDashedNumbers($a, $b) /// /// \param $a - a string /// \param $b - a string /// /// \return -1, 0, 1 if numerical parts of $a <, =, or > $b /// /// \brief compares $a and $b to determine which one should be ordered first; /// has some understand of numerical order in strings /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function compareDashedNumbers($a, $b) { # get hostname and first part of domain name $tmp = explode('.', $a); $h1 = array_shift($tmp); $domain1 = implode('.', $tmp); $letters1 = preg_replace('([^a-zA-Z])', '', $h1); $tmp = explode('.', $b); $h2 = array_shift($tmp); $domain2 = implode('.', $tmp); $letters2 = preg_replace('([^a-zA-Z])', '', $h2); // if different domain names, return based on that $cmp = strcasecmp($domain1, $domain2); if($cmp) { return $cmp; } // if non-numeric part is different, return based on that $cmp = strcasecmp($letters1, $letters2); if($cmp) { return $cmp; } // at this point, the only difference is in the numbers $digits1 = preg_replace('([^\d-])', '', $h1); $digits1Arr = explode('-', $digits1); $digits2 = preg_replace('([^\d-])', '', $h2); $digits2Arr = explode('-', $digits2); $len1 = count($digits1Arr); $len2 = count($digits2Arr); for($i = 0; $i < $len1 && $i < $len2; $i++) { if($digits1Arr[$i] < $digits2Arr[$i]) { return -1; } elseif($digits1Arr[$i] > $digits2Arr[$i]) { return 1; } } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getResourceMapping($resourcetype1, $resourcetype2, /// $resource1inlist, $resource2inlist) /// /// \param $resourcetype1 - get mapping between this type and $resourcetype2 /// \param $resourcetype2 - get mapping between this type and $resourcetype1 /// \param $resource1inlist - (optional) comma delimited list of resource groups /// to limit query to /// \param $resource2inlist - (optional) comma delimited list of resource groups /// to limit query to /// /// \return an array of $resourcetype1 group to $resourcetype2 group mappings /// where each index is a group id from $resourcetype1 and each value is an /// array of $resourcetype2 group ids /// /// \brief builds an array of $resourcetype2 group ids for each $resourcetype1 /// group id /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getResourceMapping($resourcetype1, $resourcetype2, $resource1inlist="", $resource2inlist="") { if(! is_numeric($resourcetype1)) $resourcetype1 = getResourceTypeID($resourcetype1); if(! is_numeric($resourcetype2)) $resourcetype2 = getResourceTypeID($resourcetype2); $return = array(); $query = "SELECT resourcegroupid1, " . "resourcetypeid1, " . "resourcegroupid2, " . "resourcetypeid2 " . "FROM resourcemap " . "WHERE ((resourcetypeid1 = $resourcetype1 AND " . "resourcetypeid2 = $resourcetype2) OR " . "(resourcetypeid1 = $resourcetype2 AND " . "resourcetypeid2 = $resourcetype1)) "; if(! empty($resource1inlist)) $query .= "AND resourcegroupid1 IN ($resource1inlist) "; if(! empty($resource2inlist)) $query .= "AND resourcegroupid2 IN ($resource2inlist) "; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { if($resourcetype1 == $row['resourcetypeid1']) { if(array_key_exists($row["resourcegroupid1"], $return)) array_push($return[$row["resourcegroupid1"]], $row["resourcegroupid2"]); else $return[$row["resourcegroupid1"]] = array($row["resourcegroupid2"]); } else { if(array_key_exists($row["resourcegroupid2"], $return)) array_push($return[$row["resourcegroupid2"]], $row["resourcegroupid1"]); else $return[$row["resourcegroupid2"]] = array($row["resourcegroupid1"]); } } return $return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getConnectMethods($imageid) /// /// \param $imageid - id of image for which to get available methods /// /// \return an array of connect methods where the key is the id and the value is /// an array with these items:\n /// \b description - description of method\n /// \b autoprovisioned - 0 or 1, whether or not the method can be automatically /// provisioned by the backend /// /// \brief get the available connection methods for a specific image /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getConnectMethods($imageid) { $key = getKey(array('getConnectMethods', $imageid)); if(array_key_exists($key, $_SESSION['usersessiondata'])) return $_SESSION['usersessiondata'][$key]; $query = "SELECT DISTINCT c.id, " . "c.description, " . "cm.autoprovisioned " . "FROM connectmethod c, " . "connectmethodmap cm, " . "image i " . "LEFT JOIN OS o ON (o.id = i.OSid) " . "LEFT JOIN OStype ot ON (ot.name = o.type) " . "WHERE i.id = $imageid AND " . "cm.connectmethodid = c.id AND " . "cm.autoprovisioned IS NOT NULL AND " . "(cm.OStypeid = ot.id OR " . "cm.OSid = o.id) " . "ORDER BY c.description"; $methods = array(); $qh = doQuery($query, 101); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) $methods[$row['id']] = $row; $_SESSION['usersessiondata'][$key] = $methods; return $methods; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn timeToNextReservation($request) /// /// \param $request - either a request id or an array returned from /// getRequestInfo /// /// \return minutes from the end of $request until the start of the next /// reservation on the same computer, if there are no reservations following /// this one, -1 is returned /// /// \brief determines the number of minutes between the end of $request and /// the beginning of the next request on the same computer /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function timeToNextReservation($request) { if(! is_array($request)) $request = getRequestInfo($request); $res = array_shift($request["reservations"]); $query = "SELECT rq.start " . "FROM reservation rs, " . "request rq " . "WHERE rs.computerid = {$res['computerid']} AND " . "rq.start >= '{$request['end']}' AND " . "rs.requestid = rq.id " . "ORDER BY start " . "LIMIT 1"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $end = datetimeToUnix($request["end"]); $start = datetimeToUnix($row["start"]); return ($start - $end) / 60; } else return -1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getImageText($text) /// /// \param $text - text to be in the image /// /// \return a text string /// /// \brief creates an image src line that calls textimage.php to print an /// image with $text in it /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getImageText($text) { return "\"$text\""; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn weekOfYear($ts) /// /// \param $ts - unix timestamp /// /// \return week number in the year that $ts falls in /// /// \brief determines the week of the year $ts is in where week 0 is the week /// containing Jan 1st /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function weekOfYear($ts) { $year = date('Y', time()); for($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { $time = mktime(1, 0, 0, 1, $i + 1, $year); if(date('l', $time) == "Sunday") { if($i) $add = 7 - $i; else $add = 0; break; } } return (int)((date('z', $ts) + $add) / 7); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn semLock(); /// /// \return TRUE or FALSE /// /// \brief tries to acquire a semaphore lock, and sets a global to know we /// have acquired it /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function semLock() { global $semid, $semislocked; if($semislocked) return TRUE; if(sem_acquire($semid)) { $semislocked = 1; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn semUnlock() /// /// \return TRUE or FALSE /// /// \brief unlocks the semaphore and sets a global to know we have released it /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function semUnlock() { global $semid, $semislocked; if($semislocked) { if(sem_release($semid)) { $semislocked = 0; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } return TRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn setAttribute($objid, $attrib, $data) /// /// \param $objid - a dom id /// \param $attrib - attribute of dom object to set /// \param $data - what to set $attrib to /// /// \return dojo code to set $attrib to $data for $objid /// /// \brief dojo code to set $attrib to $data for $objid /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function setAttribute($objid, $attrib, $data) { return "if(dojo.byId('$objid')) {dojo.byId('$objid').$attrib = '$data';}; "; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn generateString($length) /// /// \param $length - (optional) length of the string, defaults to 8 /// /// \return a random string of upper and lower case letters and numbers /// /// \brief generates a random string /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function generateString($length=8) { global $passwdArray; $tmp = array_flip($passwdArray); $tmp = array_rand($tmp, $length); return implode('', $tmp); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getVMProfiles(id) /// /// \param $id (optional) - a profile id; if specified, only data about this /// profile will be returned /// /// \return an array of profiles where each key is the profile id and each /// element is an array with these keys:\n /// \b profilename - name of profile\n /// \b name - name of profile (so array can be passed to printSelectInput)\n /// \b image - name of image used for this profile\n /// \b imageid - id of image used for this profile\n /// \b repositorypath - share exported by nas to the vmhost\n /// \b datastorepath - path to where vm data files are stored\n /// \b vmpath - path to where vm configuration files are stored\n /// \b virtualswitch0 - name of first virtual switch\n /// \b virtualswitch1 - name of second virtual switch\n /// \b vmdisk - "localdisk" or "networkdisk" - whether or not vm files are /// stored on local disk or network attached storage\n /// \b username - username associated with this profile\n /// \b password - password associated with this profile\n /// \b eth0generated - boolean telling if the MAC address for eth0 should be /// autogenerated\n /// \b eth1generated - boolean telling if the MAC address for eth1 should be /// autogenerated /// /// \brief gets information about vm profiles and returns it as an array /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getVMProfiles($id="") { $query = "SELECT vp.id, " . "vp.profilename, " . "vp.profilename AS name, " . "i.prettyname AS image, " . "vp.imageid, " . "vp.resourcepath, " . "vp.repositorypath, " . "vp.repositoryimagetypeid, " . "t1.name AS repositoryimagetype, " . "vp.datastorepath, " . "vp.datastoreimagetypeid, " . "t2.name AS datastoreimagetype, " . "vp.vmpath, " . "vp.virtualswitch0, " . "vp.virtualswitch1, " . "vp.virtualswitch2, " . "vp.virtualswitch3, " . "vp.vmdisk, " . "vp.username, " . "vp.password, " . "vp.rsakey, " . "vp.rsapub, " . "vp.eth0generated, " . "vp.eth1generated " . "FROM vmprofile vp " . "LEFT JOIN image i ON (vp.imageid = i.id) " . "LEFT JOIN imagetype t1 ON (vp.repositoryimagetypeid = t1.id) " . "LEFT JOIN imagetype t2 ON (vp.datastoreimagetypeid = t2.id)"; if(! empty($id)) $query .= " AND vp.id = $id"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); $ret = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) $ret[$row['id']] = $row; return $ret; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getENUMvalues($table, $field) /// /// \param $table - name of a table from the database /// \param $field - field in $table /// /// \return array of valid values for $table.$field /// /// \brief gets valid values for $table.$field /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getENUMvalues($table, $field) { $query = "DESC $table"; $qh = doQuery($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { if($row['Field'] == "$field") { $data = preg_replace(array('/^enum\(/', "/'/", '/\)$/'), array('', '', ''), $row['Type']); $types = explode(',', $data); return $types; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn addContinuationsEntry($nextmode, $data, $duration, $deleteFromSelf, /// $multicall, $repeatProtect) /// /// \param $nextmode - next mode to go in to /// \param $data (optional, default=array())- array of data to make available /// in $nextmode /// \param $duration (optional, default=SECINWEEK)- how long this continuation /// should be available (in seconds) /// \param $deleteFromSelf (optional, default=1)- set the deletefromid to be /// the id of this continuation /// \param $multicall (optional, default=1) - boolean, if false, entry should be /// deleted after being called once /// \param $repeatProtect (optional, default=0) - boolean, if true, we add /// the current continuationid to $data; this keeps us from having a tree /// structure "loop" with the continuations; this situation occurs when we have /// a page that can lead off in 2 directions, one of which ends up causing us /// to come back to the page - then the continuation in the other direction /// ends up having conflicting parents /// /// \return an encrypted string that can be passed to the client as an /// identifier for where to continue execution /// /// \brief generates a continuation id based on $data and $nextmode; if the id /// already exists in continuations, updates that entry's expiretime; if not, /// adds an entry /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function addContinuationsEntry($nextmode, $data=array(), $duration=SECINWEEK, $deleteFromSelf=1, $multicall=1, $repeatProtect=0) { global $user, $mode, $inContinuation, $continuationid; if($repeatProtect) $data['______parent'] = $continuationid; $serdata = serialize($data); $contid = md5($mode . $nextmode . $serdata . $user['id']); $serdata = mysql_real_escape_string($serdata); $expiretime = unixToDatetime(time() + $duration); $query = "SELECT id, " . "parentid " . "FROM continuations " . "WHERE id = '$contid' AND " . "userid = {$user['id']}"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { # update expiretime $query = "UPDATE continuations " . "SET expiretime = '$expiretime' " . "WHERE id = '$contid' AND " . "userid = {$user['id']}"; doQuery($query, 101); } else { if(! $inContinuation) $parent = 'NULL'; else $parent = "'$continuationid'"; if($deleteFromSelf || ! $inContinuation) { $deletefromid = $contid; $parent = 'NULL'; } else { $query = "SELECT deletefromid " . "FROM continuations " . "WHERE id = '$continuationid' AND " . "userid = {$user['id']}"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if(! $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) abort(108); $deletefromid = $row['deletefromid']; } $query = "INSERT INTO continuations " . "(id, " . "userid, " . "expiretime, " . "frommode, " . "tomode, " . "data, " . "multicall, " . "parentid, " . "deletefromid) " . "VALUES " . "('$contid', " . "{$user['id']}, " . "'$expiretime', " . "'$mode', " . "'$nextmode', " . "'$serdata', " . "$multicall, " . "$parent, " . "'$deletefromid')"; doQuery($query, 101); } $salt = generateString(8); $now = time(); $data = "$salt:$contid:{$user['id']}:$now"; $edata = encryptData($data); $udata = urlencode($edata); return $udata; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getContinuationsData($data) /// /// \param $data - data as returned by addContinuationsEntry /// /// \return an array with these keys:\n /// \b frommode - current mode\n /// \b nextmode - mode to go to next\n /// \b userid - id from user table\n /// \b data - data saved in the db for this continuation /// /// \brief gets data saved in continuations table associated with $data /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getContinuationsData($data) { global $user, $continuationid, $noHTMLwrappers; if(array_key_exists('continuation', $_POST)) $edata = urldecode($data); else $edata = $data; if(! ($ddata = decryptData($edata))) return array('error' => 'invalid input'); $items = explode(':', $ddata); $now = time(); $continuationid = $items[1]; # validate input if((count($items) != 4) || (! preg_match('/^[0-9a-fA-F]+$/', $continuationid)) || (! is_numeric($items[2])) || /*($items[1] != $user['id']) ||*/ (! is_numeric($items[3])) || ($items[3] > $now)) { return array('error' => 'invalid input'); } # get continuation $query = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(expiretime) AS expiretime, " . "frommode, " . "tomode, " . "data, " . "multicall, " . "deletefromid " . "FROM continuations " . "WHERE id = '$continuationid' AND " . "userid = {$items[2]}"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); # return error if it is not there if(! ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh))) return array('error' => 'continuation does not exist'); # return error if it is expired if($row['expiretime'] < $now) { $query = "DELETE FROM continuations " . "WHERE id = '{$row['deletefromid']}' AND " . "userid = {$items[2]}"; doQuery($query, 101, 'vcl', 1); $rt = array('error' => 'expired'); if(in_array($row['tomode'], $noHTMLwrappers)) $rt['noHTMLwrappers'] = 1; else $rt['noHTMLwrappers'] = 0; return $rt; } # remove if multicall is 0 if($row['multicall'] == 0) { $query = "DELETE FROM continuations " . "WHERE id = '{$row['deletefromid']}' AND " . "userid = {$items[2]}"; doQuery($query, 101, 'vcl', 1); } return array('frommode' => $row['frommode'], 'nextmode' => $row['tomode'], 'userid' => $items[2], 'data' => unserialize($row['data'])); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn continuationsError() /// /// \brief prints an error page related to a continuations problem /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function continuationsError() { global $contdata, $printedHTMLheader, $HTMLheader; if(! array_key_exists('noHTMLwrappers', $contdata) || $contdata['noHTMLwrappers'] == 0) { if(empty($HTMLheader)) printHTMLHeader(); if(! $printedHTMLheader) { $printedHTMLheader = 1; print $HTMLheader; } } if(array_key_exists('error', $contdata)) { switch($contdata['error']) { case 'invalid input': print _("

Error: Invalid Input

\n"); print _("You submitted input invalid for this web site. If you have no "); print _("idea why this happened and the problem persists, please email "); print ""); print HELPEMAIL . " " . _("for further assistance. Please include the "); print _("steps you took that led up to this problem in your email message."); break; case 'continuation does not exist': case 'expired': print _("

Error: Invalid Input

\n"); print _("You submitted expired data to this web site. Please restart the "); print _("steps you were following without using your browser's "); print _("Back button."); break; default: print _("

Error: Invalid Input

\n"); print _("An error has occurred. If this problem persists, please email "); print ""); print HELPEMAIL . " " . _("for further assistance. Please include the "); print _("steps you took that led up to this problem in your email message."); } } if(! array_key_exists('noHTMLwrappers', $contdata) || $contdata['noHTMLwrappers'] == 0) printHTMLFooter(); dbDisconnect(); exit; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getShibauthData($id) /// /// \param $id - id for entry in shibauth table /// /// \return NULL if id not found in table or array of data with these keys:\n /// \b userid - id of user that data belongs to\n /// \b ts - datetime of when authdata was created\n /// \b sessid - shibboleth session id\n /// \b Shib-Application-ID - ??\n /// \b Shib-Identity-Provider - ??\n /// \b Shib-AuthnContext-Dec - ??\n /// \b Shib-logouturl - idp's logout url\n /// \b eppn - edu person principal name for user\n /// \b unscoped-affiliation - shibboleth unscoped affiliation\n /// \b affiliation - shibboleth scoped affiliation /// /// \brief gets entry from shibauth table /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getShibauthData($id) { $query = "SELECT id, " . "userid, " . "ts, " . "sessid, " . "data " . "FROM shibauth " . "WHERE id = $id"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $data = unserialize($row['data']); unset($row['data']); $data2 = array_merge($row, $data); return $data2; } return NULL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn xmlrpccall() /// /// \brief registers all functions available to xmlrpc, handles the current /// xmlrpc call /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function xmlrpccall() { global $xmlrpc_handle, $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA, $user; # create xmlrpc handle $xmlrpc_handle = xmlrpc_server_create(); # register functions available via rpc calls xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCtest", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCgetImages", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCaddRequest", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCaddRequestWithEnding", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCgetRequestStatus", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCgetRequestConnectData", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCextendRequest", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCsetRequestEnding", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCendRequest", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCgetRequestIds", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCblockAllocation", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCprocessBlockTime", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCaddUserGroup", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCgetUserGroupAttributes", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCdeleteUserGroup", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCeditUserGroup", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCgetUserGroupMembers", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCaddUsersToGroup", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCremoveUsersFromGroup", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCautoCapture", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCdeployServer", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCgetNodes", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCaddNode", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCremoveNode", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCnodeExists", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCaddResourceGroupPriv", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCremoveResourceGroupPriv", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCgetResourceGroupPrivs", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCaddUserGroupPriv", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCremoveUserGroupPriv", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCgetUserGroupPrivs", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCaddResourceGroup", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCgetResourceGroups", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCremoveResourceGroup", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCgetUserGroups", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCremoveUserGroup", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCaddImageToGroup", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCremoveImageFromGroup", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCgetGroupImages", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCaddImageGroupToComputerGroup", "xmlRPChandler"); xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCremoveImageGroupFromComputerGroup", "xmlRPChandler"); print xmlrpc_server_call_method($xmlrpc_handle, $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA, ''); xmlrpc_server_destroy($xmlrpc_handle); semUnlock(); dbDisconnect(); exit; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn xmlrpcgetaffiliations() /// /// \brief registers function to handle xmlrpcaffiliations and handles the call /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function xmlrpcgetaffiliations() { global $xmlrpc_handle, $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA; # create xmlrpc handle $xmlrpc_handle = xmlrpc_server_create(); # register functions available via rpc calls xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_handle, "XMLRPCaffiliations", "xmlRPChandler"); print xmlrpc_server_call_method($xmlrpc_handle, $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA, ''); xmlrpc_server_destroy($xmlrpc_handle); semUnlock(); dbDisconnect(); exit; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn xmlRPChandler($function, $args, $blah) /// /// \param $function - name of a function to call /// \param $args - array of arguments to pass when calling $function, use empty /// array if $function takes no args /// \param $blah - not used, but required by xmlrpc_server_call_method /// /// \return whatever $function returns /// /// \brief calls $function with $args (if non-empty array) and returns whatever /// $function returns /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function xmlRPChandler($function, $args, $blah) { global $user, $remoteIP; header("Content-type: text/xml"); $apiversion = processInputData($_SERVER['HTTP_X_APIVERSION'], ARG_NUMERIC); if($function == 'XMLRPCaffiliations') $keyid = 0; else $keyid = $user['id']; if(function_exists($function)) { $saveargs = mysql_real_escape_string(serialize($args)); $query = "INSERT INTO xmlrpcLog " . "(xmlrpcKeyid, " . "timestamp, " . "IPaddress, " . "method, " . "apiversion, " . "comments) " . "VALUES " . "($keyid, " . "NOW(), " . "'$remoteIP', " . "'$function', " . "$apiversion, " . "'$saveargs')"; doQuery($query, 101); } else { printXMLRPCerror(2); dbDisconnect(); semUnlock(); exit; } if(count($args)) return call_user_func_array($function, $args); else return $function(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn xmlRPCabort($errcode, $query) /// /// \param $errcode - an error code from $ERRORS /// \param $query - (optional, default="") a query /// /// \brief call this to handle errors for XML RPC connections /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function xmlRPCabort($errcode, $query='') { global $mysql_link_vcl, $mysql_link_acct, $ERRORS, $user, $mode; global $XMLRPCERRORS; if(ONLINEDEBUG && checkUserHasPerm('View Debug Information')) { $msg = ''; if($errcode >= 100 && $errcode < 400) { $msg .= mysql_error($mysql_link_vcl) . " $query "; } $msg .= $ERRORS["$errcode"]; $XMLRPCERRORS[100] = $msg; $faultcode = 100; } else { $message = ""; if($errcode >= 100 && $errcode < 400) { $message .= mysql_error($mysql_link_vcl) . "\n"; $message .= mysql_error($mysql_link_acct) . "\n"; $message .= $query . "\n"; } $message .= "ERROR($errcode): " . $ERRORS["$errcode"] . "\n"; $message .= "Logged in user was " . $user["unityid"] . "\n"; $message .= "Mode was $mode\n\n"; if($errcode == 20) { $urlArray = explode('?', $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]); $message .= "HTTP_REFERER URL - " . $urlArray[0] . "\n"; $message .= "correct URL - " . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "\n"; } $message .= getBacktraceString(FALSE); $mailParams = "-f" . ENVELOPESENDER; mail(ERROREMAIL, "Error with VCL XMLRPC call", $message, '', $mailParams); $faultcode = 1; } printXMLRPCerror($faultcode); dbDisconnect(); semUnlock(); exit; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn printXMLRPCerror($errcode) /// /// \param $errcode - an error code from $XMLRPCERRORS /// /// \brief prints the XML for an RPC error /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function printXMLRPCerror($errcode) { global $XMLRPCERRORS; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " faultString\n"; print " \n"; print " {$XMLRPCERRORS[$errcode]}\n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " faultCode\n"; print " \n"; print " $errcode\n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn validateAPIgroupInput($items, $exists) /// /// \param $items - array of data to validate; the following items can be /// validated, if 'custom' is included and is 0, owner and managingGroup are /// not validated:\n /// \b name - if specified, affiliation must also be specified\n /// \b affiliation - if specified, name must also be specified\n /// \b owner \n /// \b managingGroup \n /// \b initialMaxTime \n /// \b totalMaxTime \n /// \b maxExtendTime /// \param $exists - 1 to check if $name\@$affiliation exists, 0 to check that /// they it does not exist /// /// \return an array to be returned as an error status or $items with these /// extra keys:\n /// \b status - "success"\n /// \b managingGroupID - (if managingGroup in $items) id of managingGroup /// \b managingGroupName - (if managingGroup in $items) name of managingGroup /// \b managingGroupAffilid - (if managingGroup in $items) affiliation id of /// managingGroup /// \b affiliationid - (if affiliation in $items) affiliation id /// /// \brief validates data in $items /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function validateAPIgroupInput($items, $exists) { $custom = 1; if(array_key_exists('custom', $items)) $custom = $items['custom']; # initialMaxTime if(array_key_exists('initialMaxTime', $items)) { if(! is_numeric($items['initialMaxTime']) || $items['initialMaxTime'] < 1 || $items['initialMaxTime'] > 65535) { return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 21, 'errormsg' => 'submitted initialMaxTime is invalid'); } } # totalMaxTime if(array_key_exists('totalMaxTime', $items)) { if(! is_numeric($items['totalMaxTime']) || $items['totalMaxTime'] < 1 || $items['totalMaxTime'] > 65535) { return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 22, 'errormsg' => 'submitted totalMaxTime is invalid'); } } # maxExtendTime if(array_key_exists('maxExtendTime', $items)) { if(! is_numeric($items['maxExtendTime']) || $items['maxExtendTime'] < 1 || $items['maxExtendTime'] > 65535) { return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 23, 'errormsg' => 'submitted maxExtendTime is invalid'); } } # affiliation if(array_key_exists('affiliation', $items)) { $esc_affiliation = mysql_real_escape_string($items['affiliation']); $affilid = getAffiliationID($esc_affiliation); if(is_null($affilid)) { return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 17, 'errormsg' => 'unknown affiliation'); } $items['affiliationid'] = $affilid; } # name if(array_key_exists('name', $items)) { if(! preg_match('/^[-a-zA-Z0-9_\.: ]{3,30}$/', $items['name'])) { return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 19, 'errormsg' => 'Name must be between 3 and 30 characters ' . 'and can only contain letters, numbers, and ' . 'these characters: - _ . :'); } $esc_name = mysql_real_escape_string($items['name']); $doesexist = checkForGroupName($esc_name, 'user', '', $affilid); if($exists && ! $doesexist) { return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 18, 'errormsg' => 'user group with submitted name and affiliation does not exist'); } elseif(! $exists && $doesexist) { return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 27, 'errormsg' => 'existing user group with submitted name and affiliation'); } elseif($exists && $doesexist) { $items['id'] = getUserGroupID($esc_name, $affilid); } } # owner if($custom && array_key_exists('owner', $items)) { if(! validateUserid(mysql_real_escape_string($items['owner']))) { return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 20, 'errormsg' => 'submitted owner is invalid'); } } # managingGroup if($custom && array_key_exists('managingGroup', $items)) { $parts = explode('@', $items['managingGroup']); if(count($parts) != 2) { return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 24, 'errormsg' => 'submitted managingGroup is invalid'); } $esc_mgName = mysql_real_escape_string($parts[0]); $esc_mgAffil = mysql_real_escape_string($parts[1]); $mgaffilid = getAffiliationID($esc_mgAffil); if(! checkForGroupName($esc_mgName, 'user', '', $mgaffilid)) { return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 25, 'errormsg' => 'submitted managingGroup does not exist'); } $items['managingGroupID'] = getUserGroupID($esc_mgName, $mgaffilid); $items['managingGroupName'] = $parts[0]; $items['managingGroupAffilid'] = $mgaffilid; } $items['status'] = 'success'; return $items; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn json_encode() /// /// \brief json_encode was introduced in php 5.2, this function was taked from /// the comments of the help page for that function for php < 5.2 /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(! function_exists('json_encode')) { function json_encode($a=false) { if(is_null($a)) return 'null'; if($a === false) return 'false'; if($a === true) return 'true'; if(is_scalar($a)) { if (is_float($a)) { // Always use "." for floats. return floatval(str_replace(",", ".", strval($a))); } if (is_string($a)) { static $jsonReplaces = array(array("\\", "/", "\n", "\t", "\r", "\b", "\f", '"'), array('\\\\', '\\/', '\\n', '\\t', '\\r', '\\b', '\\f', '\"')); return '"' . str_replace($jsonReplaces[0], $jsonReplaces[1], $a) . '"'; } else return $a; } $isList = true; for ($i = 0, reset($a); $i < count($a); $i++, next($a)) { if (key($a) !== $i) { $isList = false; break; } } $result = array(); if ($isList) { foreach ($a as $v) $result[] = json_encode($v); return '[' . join(',', $result) . ']'; } else { foreach($a as $k => $v) $result[] = json_encode($k).':'.json_encode($v); return '{' . join(',', $result) . '}'; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn sendJSON($arr, $identifier='') /// /// \param $arr - an array of data /// \param $identifier - (optional, default='') set to non-empty string to have /// $identifier printed as the identifier for a dojo datastore /// /// \brief sets the content type and sends $arr in json format /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function sendJSON($arr, $identifier='') { header('Content-Type: text/json; charset=utf-8'); if(empty($identifier)) print '{} && {"items":' . json_encode($arr) . '}'; else print "{} && {identifier: '$identifier', 'items':" . json_encode($arr) . '}'; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn menulistLI($page) /// /// \param $page - name of a page /// /// \return a list item tag, with the class set to selected if this mode belogs /// to this page /// /// \brief determines if the current mode is part of $page and returns a list /// item tag with the class set if it is, or just a list item tag if it is not /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function menulistLI($page) { global $mode, $actions; $mymode = $mode; if(empty($mymode)) $mymode = "home"; if($actions['pages'][$mymode] == $page) return "
  • "; else return "
  • "; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn sendHeaders() /// /// \brief makes any needed header calls for the current mode /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function sendHeaders() { global $mode, $user, $authed, $oldmode, $actionFunction; global $shibauthed; if(! $authed && $mode == "auth") { header("Location: " . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "?mode=selectauth"); dbDisconnect(); exit; } switch($mode) { case 'logout': if($shibauthed) { $shibdata = getShibauthData($shibauthed); if(array_key_exists('Shib-logouturl', $shibdata) && ! empty($shibdata['Shib-logouturl'])) { dbDisconnect(); header("Location: {$shibdata['Shib-logouturl']}"); exit; } } case 'shiblogout': setcookie("ITECSAUTH", "", time() - 10, "/", COOKIEDOMAIN); setcookie("VCLAUTH", "", time() - 10, "/", COOKIEDOMAIN); if($shibauthed) { $msg = ''; $shibdata = getShibauthData($shibauthed); # find and clear shib cookies /*foreach(array_keys($_COOKIE) as $key) { if(preg_match('/^_shibsession[_0-9a-fA-F]+$/', $key)) setcookie($key, "", time() - 10, "/", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); elseif(preg_match('/^_shibstate_/', $key)) setcookie($key, "", time() - 10, "/", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); }*/ doQuery("DELETE FROM shibauth WHERE id = $shibauthed", 101); stopSession(); dbDisconnect(); if(array_key_exists('Shib-logouturl', $shibdata) && ! empty($shibdata['Shib-logouturl'])) { print "\n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " Done.   Return to VCL\n"; print " \n"; print "\n"; } else { print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "Logging out of VCL..."; print "\n"; if(array_key_exists('Shib-Identity-Provider', $shibdata) && ! empty($shibdata['Shib-Identity-Provider'])) { $tmp = explode('/', $shibdata['Shib-Identity-Provider']); $idp = "{$tmp[0]}//{$tmp[2]}"; print "\n"; } print "\n"; print "\n"; } exit; } header("Location: " . HOMEURL); stopSession(); dbDisconnect(); exit; } if($mode == "statgraphday" || $mode == "statgraphdayconcuruser" || $mode == "statgraphdayconcurblade" || $mode == "statgraphhour") { $actionFunction(); dbDisconnect(); exit; } if($mode == "viewNodes") { $openNodes = processInputVar("openNodes", ARG_STRING); $activeNode = processInputVar("activeNode", ARG_NUMERIC); if(! empty($openNodes)) { $expire = time() + 31536000; //expire in 1 year setcookie("VCLNODES", $openNodes, $expire, "/", COOKIEDOMAIN); } if(! empty($activeNode)) { $expire = time() + 31536000; //expire in 1 year setcookie("VCLACTIVENODE", $activeNode, $expire, "/", COOKIEDOMAIN); } return; } if($mode == "submitDeleteNode") { $activeNode = processInputVar("activeNode", ARG_NUMERIC); $nodeinfo = getNodeInfo($activeNode); $expire = time() + 31536000; //expire in 1 year setcookie("VCLACTIVENODE", $nodeinfo["parent"], $expire, "/", COOKIEDOMAIN); } if($mode == "sendRDPfile") { header("Cache-Control: max-age=5, must-revalidate"); header('Pragma: cache'); } else header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Expires: Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn printHTMLHeader() /// /// \brief prints the header part of the template /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function printHTMLHeader() { global $mode, $user, $authed, $oldmode, $HTMLheader, $contdata; global $printedHTMLheader, $docreaders, $noHTMLwrappers, $actions; if($printedHTMLheader) return; $refresh = 0; if($authed && $mode == "viewRequests") { $requests = getUserRequests("all", $user["id"]); if($count = count($requests)) { $now = time() + (15 * 60); for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if(datetimeToUnix($requests[$i]["start"]) < $now && ($requests[$i]["currstateid"] == 13 || ($requests[$i]["currstateid"] == 14 && $requests[$i]["laststateid"] == 13) || $requests[$i]["currstateid"] == 3 || ($requests[$i]["currstateid"] == 8 && ! $requests[$i]["useraccountready"]))) { $refresh = 1; } } } } if($mode != 'selectauth' && $mode != 'submitLogin') $HTMLheader .= getHeader($refresh); if(! in_array($mode, $noHTMLwrappers) && (! is_array($contdata) || ! array_key_exists('noHTMLwrappers', $contdata) || $contdata['noHTMLwrappers'] == 0)) { print $HTMLheader; if($mode != 'inmaintenance') print maintenanceNotice(); $printedHTMLheader = 1; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getNavMenu($inclogout, $inchome, $homeurl) /// /// \param $inclogout - bool flag for printing logout link /// \param $inchome - bool flag for printing home link /// \param $homeurl - (optional, defaults to HOMEURL) url for home link /// to point to /// /// \return string of html to display the navigation menu /// /// \brief build the html for the navigation menu /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getNavMenu($inclogout, $inchome, $homeurl=HOMEURL) { global $user, $docreaders, $authed; global $mode; if($authed && $mode != 'expiredemouser') { $computermetadata = getUserComputerMetaData(); $requests = getUserRequests("all", $user["id"]); } else $computermetadata = array("platforms" => array(), "schedules" => array()); $rt = ''; if($inchome) { $rt .= menulistLI('home'); $rt .= "" . _("HOME") . "
  • \n"; } $rt .= menulistLI('newReservations'); $rt .= ""; $rt .= _("New Reservation\n"); if(in_array("imageCheckOut", $user["privileges"]) || in_array("imageAdmin", $user["privileges"]) || count($requests)) { $rt .= menulistLI('currentReservations'); $rt .= ""; $rt .= _("Current Reservations\n"); } $rt .= menulistLI('blockAllocations'); $rt .= ""; $rt .= _("Block Allocations\n"); $rt .= menulistLI('userPreferences'); $rt .= ""; $rt .= _("User Preferences\n"); if(in_array("groupAdmin", $user["privileges"])) { $rt .= menulistLI('manageGroups'); $rt .= ""; $rt .= _("Manage Groups\n"); } if(in_array("imageAdmin", $user["privileges"])) { $rt .= menulistLI('manageImages'); $rt .= ""; $rt .= _("Manage Images\n"); } if(in_array("scheduleAdmin", $user["privileges"])) { $rt .= menulistLI('manageSchedules'); $rt .= ""; $rt .= _("Manage Schedules\n"); } if(in_array("computerAdmin", $user["privileges"])) { $rt .= menulistLI('manageComputers'); $rt .= ""; $rt .= _("Manage Computers\n"); } if(in_array("mgmtNodeAdmin", $user["privileges"])) { $rt .= menulistLI('managementNodes'); $rt .= "Management Nodes\n"); } if(in_array("serverProfileAdmin", $user["privileges"]) || in_array("serverCheckOut", $user["privileges"])) { $rt .= menulistLI('serverProfiles'); $rt .= "" . _("Server Profiles") . "\n"; } if(count($computermetadata["platforms"]) && count($computermetadata["schedules"])) { $rt .= menulistLI('timeTable'); $rt .= ""; $rt .= _("View Time Table\n"); } if(in_array("userGrant", $user["privileges"]) || in_array("resourceGrant", $user["privileges"]) || in_array("nodeAdmin", $user["privileges"])) { $rt .= menulistLI('privileges'); $rt .= ""; $rt .= _("Privileges\n"); } if(checkUserHasPerm('User Lookup (global)') || checkUserHasPerm('User Lookup (affiliation only)')) { $rt .= menulistLI('userLookup'); $rt .= ""; $rt .= _("User Lookup\n"); } if(in_array("computerAdmin", $user["privileges"])) { $rt .= menulistLI('vm'); $rt .= ""; $rt .= _("Virtual Hosts\n"); } if(checkUserHasPerm('Schedule Site Maintenance')) { $rt .= menulistLI('sitemaintenance'); $rt .= ""; $rt .= _("Site Maintenance\n"); } $rt .= menulistLI('statistics'); $rt .= ""; $rt .= _("Statistics\n"); if(checkUserHasPerm('View Dashboard (global)') || checkUserHasPerm('View Dashboard (affiliation only)')) { $rt .= menulistLI('dashboard'); $rt .= ""; $rt .= _("Dashboard") . "\n"; } $rt .= menulistLI('codeDocumentation'); $rt .= ""; $rt .= _("Documentation\n"); if($inclogout) { $rt .= menulistLI('authentication'); $rt .= ""; $rt .= _("Logout\n"); } return $rt; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getExtraCSS() /// /// \return an array of extra css files to include /// /// \brief this function is to be called from the theme page.php files to get /// a list of extra css files to be included based on the current mode /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getExtraCSS() { global $mode; switch($mode) { case 'viewNodes': case 'changeUserPrivs': case 'submitAddResourcePriv': case 'changeResourcePrivs': return array('privileges.css'); case 'viewdocs': return array('doxygen.css'); } return array(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getDojoHTML($refresh) /// /// \param $refresh - 1 to set page to refresh, 0 not to /// /// \brief builds the header html for dojo related stuff /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getDojoHTML($refresh) { global $mode, $actions, $skin, $locale, $VCLversion; $filename = ''; $dojoRequires = array(); # Below are START and END comments for parsing the content between the tags # to generate a dojo profile.js file for custom dojo layers for each section # of the site. The parser script is generateDojoProfile.js and can be found # in the vcl/sandbox/useful_scripts part of the ASF VCL subversion repo. # To run without the custom layer files, simply comment out the line after # the first switch statement below that sets $customfile to something other # than an empty string. # START DOJO PARSING switch($mode) { case 'viewNodes': case 'changeUserPrivs': case 'submitAddResourcePriv': case 'changeResourcePrivs': $filename = 'vclPrivs.js'; $dojoRequires = array('dojo.parser', 'dojo.data.ItemFileWriteStore', 'dijit.Tree', 'dijit.form.Button', 'dijit.form.CheckBox', 'dijit.form.TextBox', 'dijit.Tooltip', 'dijit.Dialog', 'dijit.layout.ContentPane', 'dijit.layout.TabContainer'); break; case 'newRequest': case 'submitRequest': case 'createSelectImage': case 'submitCreateImage': $filename = 'vclNewRequest.js'; $dojoRequires = array('dojo.parser', 'dijit.form.DateTextBox', 'dijit.form.TimeTextBox', 'dijit.Dialog', 'dijit.form.Button', 'dojox.string.sprintf', 'dijit.form.FilteringSelect'); break; case 'viewRequests': $filename = 'vclViewRequests.js'; $dojoRequires = array('dojo.parser', 'dijit.form.DateTextBox', 'dijit.form.TimeTextBox', 'dijit.form.Select', 'dojox.string.sprintf', 'dijit.Dialog', 'dijit.Menu', 'dijit.form.Button', 'dijit.form.DropDownButton', 'dijit.Tooltip', 'vcldojo.HoverTooltip', 'dojox.layout.FloatingPane', 'dijit.form.FilteringSelect'); break; case 'connectRequest': case 'viewRequestInfo': $filename = 'vclConnectRequest.js'; $dojoRequires = array('dojo.parser', 'dijit.form.Button', 'dijit.Dialog'); break; case 'blockAllocations': $filename = 'vclViewBlockAllocations.js'; $dojoRequires = array('dojo.parser', 'dijit.form.Button', 'dijit.form.ValidationTextBox', 'dijit.form.FilteringSelect', 'dijit.form.Textarea', 'dojox.grid.DataGrid', 'dijit.Dialog', 'dojox.string.sprintf', 'dojo.data.ItemFileWriteStore'); break; case 'requestBlockAllocation': case 'newBlockAllocation': case 'editBlockAllocation': $filename = 'vclEditBlockAllocation.js'; $dojoRequires = array('dojo.parser', 'dijit.layout.StackContainer', 'dijit.layout.ContentPane', 'dijit.form.DateTextBox', 'dijit.form.TimeTextBox', 'vcldojo.TimeTextBoxEnd', 'dijit.form.Textarea', 'dijit.form.FilteringSelect', 'dijit.form.NumberSpinner', 'dojox.grid.DataGrid', 'dojox.string.sprintf', 'dijit.Tooltip', 'dijit.Dialog', 'dojo.data.ItemFileWriteStore'); break; case 'viewBlockStatus': case 'selectauth': $filename = 'vclBasic.js'; $dojoRequires = array('dojo.parser'); break; case 'viewBlockAllocatedMachines': $filename = 'vclBlockMachines.js'; $dojoRequires = array('dojo.parser', 'dojox.string.sprintf', 'dijit.form.Button', 'dijit.form.DateTextBox', 'dijit.form.TimeTextBox', 'dojox.charting.widget.Chart2D', 'dojox.charting.action2d.Tooltip', 'dojox.charting.action2d.Magnify', 'dojox.charting.themes.ThreeD'); break; case 'editSchedule': case 'submitAddSchedule': $filename = 'vclSchedule.js'; $dojoRequires = array('dojo.parser', 'dijit.form.TimeTextBox', 'dojox.grid.DataGrid', 'dojox.string.sprintf', 'dijit.form.Button', 'dojo.data.ItemFileWriteStore'); break; case 'viewImageGrouping': case 'submitImageGroups': case 'viewImageMapping': case 'submitImageMapping': $filename = 'vclImageGroupingMapping.js'; $dojoRequires = array('dojo.parser', 'dijit.layout.LinkPane', 'dijit.layout.ContentPane', 'dijit.layout.TabContainer', 'dijit.form.Button'); break; case 'newImage': case 'submitImageButton': case 'confirmEditOrAddImage': case 'submitEditImageButtons': case 'submitAddSubimage': case 'updateExistingImageComments': case 'updateExistingImage': $filename = 'vclImageProfiles.js'; $dojoRequires = array('dojo.parser', 'dijit.InlineEditBox', 'dijit.form.Textarea', 'dijit.form.DropDownButton', 'dijit.form.FilteringSelect', 'dijit.form.Select', 'dijit.form.Button', 'dijit.Dialog', 'dijit.TitlePane', 'dojo.data.ItemFileWriteStore'); break; case 'startCheckpoint': $filename = 'vclCheckpoint.js'; $dojoRequires = array('dojo.parser', 'dijit.form.Textarea'); break; case 'selectComputers': case 'viewComputerGroups': case 'submitComputerGroups': $filename = 'vclComputerGroups.js'; $dojoRequires = array('dojo.parser', 'dijit.layout.LinkPane', 'dijit.layout.ContentPane', 'dijit.layout.TabContainer', 'dijit.form.Button'); break; case 'editComputer': case 'addComputer': case 'confirmEditComputer': case 'confirmAddComputer': case 'bulkAddComputer': case 'confirmAddBulkComputers': $filename = 'vclComputerProfiles.js'; $dojoRequires = array('dojo.parser', 'dijit.form.Select', 'dijit.form.Button', 'dijit.Dialog', 'dijit.form.NumberSpinner'); break; case 'computerUtilities': $filename = 'vclComputerUtilities.js'; $dojoRequires = array('dojo.parser', 'dijit.form.Button', 'dijit.form.Form', 'dijit.Dialog'); break; case 'viewGroups': case 'submitEditGroup': case 'submitAddGroup': case 'submitDeleteGroup': $filename = 'vclManageGroups.js'; $dojoRequires = array('dojo.parser', 'dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore', 'dojo.data.ItemFileWriteStore', 'dijit.form.Select', 'dijit.form.Button', 'dijit.form.CheckBox', 'dijit.form.TextBox', 'dojox.grid.DataGrid', 'dijit.TitlePane', 'dijit.Tooltip'); break; case 'editMgmtNode': case 'addMgmtNode': case 'confirmEditMgmtnode': case 'confirmAddMgmtnode': $filename = 'vclManagementNodes.js'; $dojoRequires = array('dojo.parser', 'dijit.Tooltip', 'dijit.form.NumberSpinner'); break; case 'serverProfiles': $filename = 'vclServerProfiles.js'; $dojoRequires = array('dojo.parser', 'dijit.Dialog', 'dijit.form.DateTextBox', 'dijit.form.TimeTextBox', 'dijit.form.Button', 'dijit.form.FilteringSelect', 'dijit.form.Select', 'dijit.layout.LinkPane', 'dijit.form.TextBox', 'dijit.form.ValidationTextBox', 'dijit.form.CheckBox', 'dijit.form.Textarea', 'dijit.layout.ContentPane', 'dijit.layout.TabContainer', 'dojox.string.sprintf', 'dojo.data.ItemFileWriteStore'); break; case 'editVMInfo': $filename = 'vclVirtualHosts.js'; $dojoRequires = array('dojo.parser', 'dijit.InlineEditBox', 'dijit.form.NumberSpinner', 'dijit.form.Button', 'dijit.form.TextBox', 'dijit.form.Textarea', 'dijit.form.FilteringSelect', 'dijit.form.Select', 'dijit.TitlePane', 'dijit.layout.ContentPane', 'dijit.layout.TabContainer', 'dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore', 'dijit.Tooltip', 'dijit.Dialog'); break; case 'siteMaintenance': $filename = 'vclMaintenance.js'; $dojoRequires = array('dojo.parser', 'dijit.form.Button', 'dijit.form.NumberSpinner', 'dijit.form.DateTextBox', 'dijit.form.TimeTextBox', 'dijit.form.TextBox', 'dijit.form.Select', 'dijit.form.Textarea', 'dojox.string.sprintf', 'dijit.Tooltip', 'dijit.Dialog'); break; case 'viewstats': $filename = 'vclStats.js'; $dojoRequires = array('dojo.parser', 'dojox.charting.Chart2D', 'dojox.charting.action2d.Tooltip', 'dojox.charting.action2d.Magnify', 'dojox.charting.themes.ThreeD'); break; case 'dashboard': $filename = 'vclDashboard.js'; $dojoRequires = array('dojo.parser', 'dijit.Tooltip', 'dojox.charting.widget.Chart2D', 'dojox.charting.action2d.Tooltip', 'dojox.charting.action2d.Magnify', 'dojox.charting.themes.ThreeD'); break; } # END DOJO PARSING if(empty($dojoRequires)) return ''; $customfile = ''; if(! empty($filename)) $customfile = sprintf("\n", $filename); $rt = ''; $jslocale = strtolower(str_replace('_', '-', $locale)); $v = $VCLversion; switch($mode) { case "connectRequest": $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= $customfile; $rt .= "\n"; return $rt; case "viewRequests": $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= $customfile; $rt .= "\n"; return $rt; case 'newRequest': case 'submitRequest': case 'createSelectImage': case 'submitCreateImage': case 'viewRequestInfo': $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= $customfile; $rt .= "\n"; return $rt; case 'requestBlockAllocation': case 'newBlockAllocation': case 'editBlockAllocation': case 'blockAllocations': $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= $customfile; $rt .= "\n"; return $rt; case "viewBlockStatus": $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= $customfile; $rt .= "\n"; return $rt; case 'viewBlockAllocatedMachines': $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= $customfile; $rt .= "\n"; return $rt; case "editSchedule": case "submitAddSchedule": $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= $customfile; $rt .= "\n"; return $rt; case "viewImageGrouping": case "submitImageGroups": case "viewImageMapping": case "submitImageMapping": $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= $customfile; $rt .= "\n"; return $rt; case 'newImage': case 'submitImageButton': case 'confirmEditOrAddImage': case 'submitEditImageButtons': case 'submitAddSubimage': case 'updateExistingImageComments': case 'updateExistingImage': $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= $customfile; $rt .= "\n"; return $rt; case 'viewGroups': case 'submitEditGroup': case 'submitAddGroup': case 'submitDeleteGroup': $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= $customfile; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; return $rt; case 'editMgmtNode': case 'addMgmtNode': case 'confirmEditMgmtnode': case 'confirmAddMgmtnode': $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= $customfile; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; return $rt; case "serverProfiles": $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= $customfile; $rt .= "\n"; return $rt; case "selectComputers": case "viewComputerGroups": case "submitComputerGroups": $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= $customfile; $rt .= "\n"; return $rt; case 'editComputer': case 'addComputer': case 'bulkAddComputer': case 'confirmEditComputer': case 'confirmAddComputer': case 'confirmAddBulkComputers': case 'computerUtilities': $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= $customfile; $rt .= "\n"; return $rt; case 'selectauth': $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= $customfile; $rt .= "\n"; return $rt; case "editVMInfo": $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= $customfile; $rt .= "\n"; return $rt; case "viewNodes": $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= $customfile; $rt .= "\n"; return $rt; case "siteMaintenance": $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= $customfile; $rt .= "\n"; return $rt; case "viewstats": $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= $customfile; $rt .= "\n"; return $rt; case "dashboard": $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= $customfile; $rt .= "\n"; return $rt; default: $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= $customfile; $rt .= "\n"; return $rt; } return ''; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn printHTMLFooter() /// /// \brief prints the footer part of the html template /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function printHTMLFooter() { global $mode, $noHTMLwrappers; if(in_array($mode, $noHTMLwrappers)) return; print getFooter(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn changeLocale() /// /// \brief sets a cookie for the locale and redirects back to the site /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function changeLocale() { global $locale; $newlocale = getContinuationVar('locale'); $oldmode = getContinuationVar('oldmode'); $authtype = getContinuationVar('authtype', ''); $locale = $newlocale; setcookie("VCLLOCALE", $locale, (time() + (86400 * 31)), "/", COOKIEDOMAIN); $extra = ''; if($oldmode == 'selectauth' && ! empty($authtype)) $extra = "&authtype=$authtype"; header("Location: " . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "?mode=$oldmode$extra"); dbDisconnect(); exit; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn setVCLLocale() /// /// \brief sets a cookie for the locale; configures php for the locale /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function setVCLLocale() { global $locale; # set a cookie for the locale if it has not been set already if(! array_key_exists('VCLLOCALE', $_COOKIE)) { setcookie("VCLLOCALE", 'en_US', (time() + (86400 * 31)), "/", COOKIEDOMAIN); $locale = DEFAULTLOCALE; } // if a cookie has already been set, just update the expiration time for it else { setcookie("VCLLOCALE", $_COOKIE['VCLLOCALE'], (time() + (86400 * 31)), "/", COOKIEDOMAIN); $locale = $_COOKIE['VCLLOCALE']; } #putenv('LC_ALL=' . $locale); # use UTF8 encoding for any locales other than English (we may just be able # to always use UTF8) if(preg_match('/^en/', $locale)) setlocale(LC_ALL, $locale); else setlocale(LC_ALL, $locale . '.UTF8'); bindtextdomain('vcl', './locale'); textdomain('vcl'); bind_textdomain_codeset('vcl', 'UTF-8'); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getSelectLanguagePulldown() /// /// \return HTML for a select drop down /// /// \brief generates HTML for a select drop down for changing the locale of /// the site /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getSelectLanguagePulldown() { global $locale, $user, $remoteIP, $mode, $authMechs; $tmp = explode('/', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); array_pop($tmp); array_push($tmp, 'locale'); $locales = getFSlocales(); if(count($locales) < 1) return ''; if(! is_array($user)) $user['id'] = 0; $rt = "
    \n"; $rt .= "\n"; $rt .= "
    \n"; return $rt; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \fn getFSlocales() /// /// \return an array of locales supported in the filesystem where the key is /// the locale and the value is the name of the locale/language /// /// \brief looks for supported locales in the filesystem and returns a list of /// them /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getFSlocales() { if(isset($_SESSION) && array_key_exists('locales', $_SESSION)) return $_SESSION['locales']; $tmp = explode('/', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); array_pop($tmp); $mainpath = implode('/', $tmp); array_push($tmp, 'locale'); $localedir = implode('/', $tmp); $dirs = glob("{$localedir}/*"); $locales = array('en_US' => 'English'); foreach($dirs as $dir) { if(! file_exists("{$dir}/LC_MESSAGES/vcl.mo")) continue; if(! file_exists("{$dir}/language")) continue; $fh = fopen("{$dir}/language", 'r'); while($line = fgetss($fh)) { if(preg_match('/(^#)|(^\s*$)/', $line)) { continue; } else break; } fclose($fh); if(! $line) continue; $lang = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(trim($line))); $tmp = explode('/', $dir); $dir = array_pop($tmp); if($dir == 'po_files') continue; if(! file_exists("{$mainpath}/js/nls/{$dir}/messages.js")) continue; $locales[$dir] = $lang; } $_SESSION['locales'] = $locales; return $locales; } ?>