Title: VCL 2.2.1 Database Installation {excerpt:hidden=true}How to install MySQL Server, create the VCL database, and import the VCL database schema{excerpt} # Install & Configure the Database 1. h2. Download & Extract the Apache VCL Source 1. # If you have not already done so, download and the Apache VCL source to the database server: {tip}wget {nolink:http://www.apache.org/dist/incubator/vcl/apache-VCL-2.2.1-incubating.tar.bz2}{tip} 1. # Extract the files: {tip}tar \-jxvf apache-VCL-2.2.1-incubating.tar.bz2{tip} 1. h2. Install MySQL Server 1. # Install MySQL Server 5.x: {tip}yum install mysql-server \-y{tip} 1. # Configure the MySQL daemon (mysqld) to start automatically: {tip}/sbin/chkconfig \--level 345 mysqld on{tip} 1. # Start the MySQL daemon: {tip}/sbin/service mysqld start{tip} 1. # Make sure the firewall on the database server is configured to allow traffic from the web server and management node servers to connect to the MySQL daemon TCP port: *3306*.  See the firewall documentation for more information. {info}man iptables{info} 1. h2. Create the VCL Database 1. # Run the MySQL command-line client: {tip}mysql{tip} 1. # Create a database: {tip}CREATE DATABASE vcl;{tip} 1. # Create a user with SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES privileges on the database you just created: {tip}GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON vcl.\* TO '*vcluser*'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '*vcluserpassword*';{tip} {note}Replace *vcluser* and *vcluserpassword* with that of the user you want to use to connect to the database{note} {info}The GRANT command will automatically create the user if it doesn't already exist{info} 1. # Exit the MySQL command-line client: {tip}exit{tip} 1. # Import the vcl.sql file into the database: {tip}mysql vcl < apache-VCL-2.2.1-incubating/mysql/vcl.sql{tip} {info}The *vcl.sql* file is included in the *mysql* directory within the Apache VCL source code{info} 1. h2. Install & Configure phpMyAdmin (Optional): {excerpt-include:VCL 2.2.1 phpMyAdmin Installation & Configuration|nopanel=true} To install phpMyAdmin, follow the instructions on: [VCL:VCL 2.2.1 phpMyAdmin Installation & Configuration](vcl:vcl-2.2.1-phpmyadmin-installation-&-configuration.html) ---- Next step: [VCL:VCL 2.2.1 Web Code Installation](vcl:vcl-2.2.1-web-code-installation.html)